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Feb 2011 · 760
The Circles on the floor
Seb Garcia Feb 2011
The shot rings through the hall,
I gasp as I hear it through the thick wall.
I look at my father,
who has fear in his eyes
he tells me it will be O.K.
but I know hes feeding me lies.

The men break the door
My father pushes me to the floor
be quiet he says
what happened after
in my memory it will stay.

The shoes I see
run circles around me
they seem to not notice
as I hide in plain sight.
I remember their footprints
marking the carpet
the circles on the floor
mark my soul forever more.

They run around my father
screaming and dangerous
my father tries to calm them down
and then I heard
A shot that made my heart sore
as I watched my father
fall to the floor.
Brought to you VIA SEB NET 2k11
Jan 2011 · 713
My 8%
Seb Garcia Jan 2011
This cold and untouched heart,
has for many years laid apart,
now it is blunt and stark
no longer a weapon of my soul.

But recently I've gained
an electric feel
cause whenever I think of you
my spine start to reel.
It tingles up my back
and leave a mark
right in the center.
Right in the heart.

They say a human,
can only use 10%
of his entire mind,
well these days I am reduced
to a mere 2%.
I stand in class,
unable to answer
I stare at my page
clueless on what to write
and I play sports
without the fire of passion inside me,
because its only 2% of my mind.
One day a man asked me,
what has happened and do you regret it?
I stood and said
"no sir, no I do not"
Because that 8%  I gave to you,
to make me focus
on every little thing you do.
Sports will stop one day, may it be college, or after college or even retirement, it will end.
Studies will only last until you graduate, then you will get a job and loose you need to study hard.
If it's money, everyone will decline one day, we are all just waiting.
its is only love that will never leave us throughout our entire life.
Jan 2011 · 715
If only you knew
Seb Garcia Jan 2011
If only you knew,
How I bite myself
every time I speak with you.

If only you knew,
how much it bothers me
that its not yet "me and you".

If only you knew,
how much it takes
for me to be calm
whenever I hear your voice.

I really wish you knew
that I was
the only one for you.
Property of SEB-NET!!!! and... ?
Jan 2011 · 642
Seb Garcia Jan 2011
Can you hear the wings?
the wings that take the suffering
and lift them up to great heights
only to let them fall to the ground?
Can you hear the wings?
that have a devilish beat
a rhythm alluring and enchanting
one that you cant avoid
but you know destroys you?
Can you hear the wings?
that lift up those who work
for a better place in the world?
The wings that break
Your Holyland
so that you will no longer
have a place to stand.
Different from what I usually write, a bit more pessimistic and darker then the usual and not as story-ish. Anyway trying out new things. THANKS FOR READING :D
Via Seb-net! MK2011
Jan 2011 · 1.3k
At the top of the stairs.
Seb Garcia Jan 2011
At the top of the stairs
watching your hair
in the cold night breeze
as it moves through
the air with ease.

A step below you
with my hands behind me
feelings of every hue
and the fear
of you not being here.

Completly powerless
I surrender
If there was just one thing
I wish to say
please don't push me away.
Dec 2010 · 654
A Million Pieces
Seb Garcia Dec 2010
Finished and done,
you've had your fun
Now I'm alone,
empty to the bone.

Before my spirit was dead,
I always said,
I'd go the distance
but now my soul
has no resistance
to the chains of loneliness and regret.

You kept me around,
forever bound
by you plastic smile
you controlled me
for more then a short while.
To the point
that until now
that I'd follow your lead
even if you asked me to bleed.

After all this time
I bet you've forgotten
everything we did
everything I did
just for you
but I will never
and I wish you could remember
that even if
you crush my heart
into a million pieces
I'd rebuild it again
just so you could break it.
Via seb-net!
Hey everyone think you could give me a comment on the rhyming?? It seems a bit forced when I read it and I would really like your constructive opinions. Thanks!! :D
Dec 2010 · 657
The Hopeful Sunrise
Seb Garcia Dec 2010
Oh what a world we live in,
where tribulations and poverty roam
countless who wander infinitely
even more without a place called home.

Is this all we amount to?
shattered hopes and dreams
with no other choice to do?
We must look to the horizon,
awaiting our next sun
only then will we know,
our darkest hour is done.
Its via seb-net!!
Dec 2010 · 791
Pint of Kerosene
Seb Garcia Dec 2010
Pour me a pint
of some delightful kerosene,
give me a match
or give me a lighter
cause without you
my future looks no brighter.
Via seb-net!
Dec 2010 · 515
My Soul
Seb Garcia Dec 2010
This ink,
describes my soul,
as it writes
on the paper.

The paper
keeps my soul
fermenting it
encapsulating it
so it may someday
be revived once again.

The mind
is my soul,
for without it
the ink would not be used,
the paper
would remain blank
and my soul's silence
would be as if
it never existed
in the first place.
Nov 2010 · 599
Hold me for a while
Seb Garcia Nov 2010
Hold me for a while,
just this second in time,
cause I know this won't last,
itll soon become,
just a second in the past.

So before we move on,
before we become torn,
give me one look,
show me that smile,
and hold me for a while.
Its via seb-net!
Nov 2010 · 667
Leaves too early
Seb Garcia Nov 2010
The falling leaves
the stress now relieve
from the tree of life,
you no longer stay
in the branches all day
you've now drifted
off into the sky
oh so high.

Will we ever meet again?
you who were a men of men
to see you blown away
without even a goodbye to say.

My dear friend
it just too early to end
you left your tree so tall
without it being near fall,
I will remember you forever
the beautiful leaves
now reeves.
Another poem for Patrick Del Rosario.
Nov 2010 · 698
Seb Garcia Nov 2010
There was a boy in my batch,
his name was Patrick.
I remember he was always fun
he always would spread the love.
And nothing could stop him,
when he wanted to give you a hug.
People say he was the best,
he literally was
better then all thees gone  rest.
Now hes gone,
he will never come back
and I wish I could hang out with him
just one more time.

I'll really miss the his laugh
lights up the room in an instant
I'll really miss the way his jokes
were the essence of anytime you were with him
he was in all aspects,

I cant really think straight
now that hes gone,
and thats why this poem
might just **** as hell
but its ok,
I just want people to know how he was.

He was always smiling
and trying to make people better
and better.
He might get physical
but it was all in good humor.
To know Patrick was to love Patrick.

I sit in now in public,
desperately trying to fight
the tears with all my might
but its not working,
I'l forever miss the way
he would befriend those he didnt know
in an instant.
To him it didnt matter who you were
nothing mattered.

I cant believe that now hes gone,
The tears in my eyes
are now the most important reminders of his life.
I sit now,
my emotions desolate
void of joy and happiness,
I wish I could have just one last talk,
but I cant.
So I'll hang onto what we would talk about
in hopes i can meet him again and
we could talk.
R.I.P. Patrick
Seb Garcia Nov 2010
I really wish we could stay
exactly the way
we were just yesterday.

When I was too dense
and your love I couldn't sense
and these stupid feelings of love
from my body I could cleanse.

I wanted to be just a friend,
I didn't want our friendship to bend,
cause when it does it won't go back,
it'll just abruptly come to an end.

I don't like you like in that way,
"I just want to be friends" I'd say
but I know it'll cause you too much dismay,
and I can't just let your heart stand at bay,
so just what the hell should I say?

If I close my heart,
our friendship will break apart.

If I accept you,
to myself I won't be true,
but is it better then losing a friend
just like you?

These caverns of the mind,
put me in a bind,
should I be kind?
Or should I look away
and hope someone
else you and I can find?

Just what the hell am I supposed to say?
Nov 2010 · 559
Crazy mans ramblings
Seb Garcia Nov 2010
I put my wish
upon a fish
so that it may swim the sea
and by your side
it may be.
Nov 2010 · 1.6k
Can you hear the singing?
Seb Garcia Nov 2010
Sally eats a burger,
7 days in a week.
Sally gets picked on,
7 days in a week.
Joe is nerdy and geeky,
for 7 days a week
Joe gets picked on,
7 days a week.
Alex is homosexual
7 days a week,
Alex is picked on,
7 days a week.

The poor souls that are four,
piled on by opinions and judgments,
suffering each day more and more.
They go through life,
without the color of peace,
and without some to put them at ease,
when the times get really hard.
The silent personalities,
that are so great
are being submerged
under the waters of judgment
and waters of close mindedness
to the point where
the slow flame inside them
is gone forever more.

So who are you to say
what is right and what is wrong?
just be quiet
and let them sing their own song
Something I wrote to connect to "Dont listen to the deaf blind and stupid.
Seb Garcia Nov 2010
Don't let yourself be silent
to all those people
in your life that push you
to yourself be true.

Imperfect is the perfect humanity,
no matter what society may say,
to other your true self,
you should convey.

Be free
of the chains of comparison
of the tight ropes of judgment
and listen not
to the screams of the blind and stupid!

Even though you say you can't,
it is just something
your mind is saying
don't let your mind
be the chain that envelopes
your heart to boundaries!

Why you should care about
what society think or says?
Do they dictate your life?
Are they the ones who made you?
Are they the ones that succeed
when you succeed?
Are they the ones who suffer?
when you suffer?

So don't listen
to the cry of the stupid,
and blind,
listen to your own heart,
don't let your true being fall apart,
follow the path you are on
follow until your dawn.

Because although you think
that this is your darkest hour,
just stand *****
and unstoppable
because only after
the darkest hour is done
from the east may come the sun.
For anyone lost, questioning, or just confused. Be true to yourself, if society finds it weird or strange, whose fault is it? Yours because you are the way you are? And unable to change that, or society, for deciding that you the way you are, is not fit, to take on the world like others.

Seb Garcia Nov 2010
Don't let yourself be silent
to all those people
in your life that push you
to yourself be true.

Imperfect is the perfect humanity,
no matter what society may say,
to other your true self,
you should convey.

Be free
of the chains of comparison
of the tight ropes of judgment
and listen not
to the screams of the blind and stupid!

Even though you say you can't,
it is just something
your mind is saying
don't let your mind
be the chain that envelopes
your heart to boundaries!

Why you should care about
what society think or says?
Do they dictate your life?
Are they the ones who made you?
Are they the ones that succeed
when you succeed?
Are they the ones who suffer?
when you suffer?

So don't listen
to the cry of the stupid,
and blind,
listen to your own heart,
don't let your true being fall apart,
follow the path you are on
follow until your dawn.

Because although you think
that this is your darkest hour,
just stand *****
and unstoppable
because only after
the darkest hour is done
from the east may come the sun.
For anyone lost, questioning, or just confused. Be true to yourself, if society finds it weird or strange, whose fault is it? Yours because you are the way you are? And unable to change that, or society, for deciding that you the way you are, is not fit, to take on the world like others.

Nov 2010 · 566
What are you smoking?
Seb Garcia Nov 2010
All the poets on this site
with creativity so so great
are so unbelievable that
I just know they gotta
be smoking something.
LOL I thought of it while reading Poet liberator
Oct 2010 · 580
Your notion of death is?
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
What happens when we die?
In that last moment,
where the darkness envelopes,
leaving our physical bodies,
for naught but a bag of flesh.
Do we remember who we are?
Or does the darkness,
take every aspect of our being?
Do we remember the pain?
Do we remember the triumphs?
Do we remember each,
and every emotion,
that has stemmed,
from our humanity,
and our souls?
Do we remember our sacrifices,
for ourselves?
for the ones we loved?
for the ones we did not even know?

What happens when we die?
The people around me,
say I should not think,
about the dark aftermath of death,
since I am too young,
but this dark cloud,
haunts my being,
haunts my consciousness.
These dark thoughts,
which haunt me like a plague,
eat away at my sanity,
at a tender age of 15.
And who do I owe this dear shadow?
To a God which has put us here,
only to live,
and not know we lived.
Every fiber,
of this Filipino boy,
shakes at the thought,
of the light of life,
and the spark of humanity,
to disappear in one moment.

Maybe our life is in vain?
Maybe we go through this pain,
and get nothing in return?
We get naught,
but tears,
and suffering,
for every day we strive to be alive.
Every time we achieve,
it is only more to lose,
when you die.
For what is building,
the tallest tower,
if you,
and nobody else,
is able to witness it?
It is for naught,
naught but
the forgettable fact,
that you worked to the bone,
for such a joyous thing,
but in the end,
not even you,
could see its glory.

I mean not to take your pity,
I mean not to take you sympathy,
instead I would like the world to see,
what my and their thoughts of death would be,
and if anyone fears or has feared like me.
Been pretty troubled, can't sleep, can't solve math (lol couldn't before but now im really struggling) and basically having a hard time thinking, just needed to put it into poetry to get it out of my mind.
Oct 2010 · 548
Last days of Atlantis
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
The dark sky overhead,
fills each citizen with dread.
The waves on the shore,
draw closer and closer,
more and more.
The ground that shakes,
with fury and rage,
marks the ending of our age.

The people care no more,
the peace and humanity,
now they have abhorred.

Today is the day,
wherein our people lay,
their heads down one last time,
in regret of their crimes.

Atlantis has fallen,
into the darkness of the clouds,
and the steep and sharpness,
of the cold dark earth.

The joy and gold have diminished,
leaving nothing but,
sadness and pain,
in its place.

The people now,
struggle for their life,
fearing death like,
the tip of a knife.

They betray each other left and right,
for a chance of survival they fight.
Yet they know not,
the consequences of their actions,
for the moment they,
give up on their brotherly hold,
the moment they turn on each other,
that is the moment,
their humanity is sold.
Oct 2010 · 606
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
I enjoy this moment,
the moment in which,
the only thing I hear,
is the ticking of the keyboard.

The ticking of my heart,
being crystalized for others,
to read and to observe,
like an open book,
not for just one person,
but for the whole world to see.

The ticking of my mind,
as my creativity and boundaries,
are stretched to its peak,
and I paint a picture,
on the white canvas,
of my hellopoetry page,
with these colorful words.

The ticking of my soul,
because when I write,
I feel that is the moment,
when I am whole.
Oct 2010 · 1.3k
Poets are like
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
Poets are like prostitutes,
we work a lot,
we make people happy,
but we don't get paid enough,
and we are under appreciated.
Oct 2010 · 568
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
The ropes of love,
tug and tear at my exposed flesh,
they burn my skin,
and they leave a mark for the world to see.

The ropes of love,
bind and constrict me to stay put,
they trap me in a position
in which I am there only for you,
and you are there only for me,

The ropes of love,
they hurt every fiber of my body,
and I know when they are removed,
the burning will worsen,
when I try to remove it,
the redness will show,
and I know that once I remove it,
No longer will I be trapped,
in the dangerous art of love.


"Love is like *******, tight, constricting and only fun until the ropes
come off and the marks start to hurt and are seen by everyone"
not speaking from experience

Oct 2010 · 1.8k
The Guitar
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
I can feel the strings,
the string of a wooden guitar,
acoustic and beautiful,
I pluck the strings one by one,
and I listen to their hum,
it reminds me of us,
how we are alone,
how we were alone,
before we met each other,
but when we got together,
joy filled my every bone,
and just like the guitar,
the strings work together to produce something great.
Oct 2010 · 492
Quotalicious Quote (2)
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
1."Like a ticking clock, love moves completely in sync, minutes, hand and second all work together to move the greatest thing of all, time."

2."Love is a marathon, each step takes you closer and closer to a time wherein nothing will seem bad, to a time wherein nothing will bother you, it will move you closer to your holyland, but with each step your difficulty will grow."

3."Sometimes when people can't hear you shouting, you should try whispering."
Oct 2010 · 555
The time out on the lake
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
I can see the lake,
its clear blue surface,
is there for just our sake,
Your touch on my skin makes me nervous,
I stand at the feel of your hand
The boat we are in shakes,
as my body and heart all of a sudden stand.

You pretend not to notice,
my fragile interior,
Instead you look to the water,
watch the beautiful lotus.

It stands on the water,
alone and daunting,
like us before we met,
it is but one single plant,
alone, with nothing else around it,
but the cold and unnerving water.

I move closer to you,
my heart beating quickly,
I make my move,
these months I have spent in wait and preparation,
all this time working hard for one moment,
but its alright,
Because I would fight any fight,
if it was to remain in your heart's sight.
*one of my first poems i never really published so I apologize if it aint that good*
Oct 2010 · 885
Quotatious Quotes of Seb
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
"Friendship is like ******* on yourself, everyone can see it but only you get that warm feelings, and sometimes it stings when it hits wounds."

2."Love is like diarrhea, it comes out a lot at first, get less and less until it stops and you hurt inside"
Oct 2010 · 626
The Quiet World
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
In an effort to get people to look
into each others eyes more,
and also to appease the mutes,
the government has decided
to allot each person exactly one hundred
and sixty-seven words, per day.

When the phone rings, I put it to my ear
without saying hello. In the restaurant
I point at chicken noodle soup.
I am adjusting well to the new way.

Late at night, I call my long distance lover,
proudly say I only used fifty-nine today.
I saved the rest for you.

When she doesn't respond,
I know she's used up all her words,
so I slowly whisper I love you
thirty-two and a third times.
After that, we just sit on the line
and listen to each other breathe.
Written by Mr. Jeffrey McDaniel an american poet. THought it was a great poem and wanted to share it.
Oct 2010 · 471
Writers Block
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
I usually find it so easy,
to write what I feel,
I usually find it so easy,
for me to deal
these cards of my heart,
I usually am never,
in lack of words to describe and say,
that someone is great or beautiful,
in every possible way,
but nothing came before this,
when it was nothing my feelings would flow,
now they are silent and waiting,
they hide and lay low,
why is it now,
that I can't say what needs to be said?
When before when I was empty,
my plastic feelings would flow
like a river,

Why i ask myself over and over,
well I can only think of one answer,
you are one writer's block,
that I would never want to end,
even if it means,
to my lovely literature i can no longer tend.
SEB G. (sounds like a fail college rapper name)

if you guys dont like it its ok, just hadliterally a writers block for a while and needed to get this for people to see. Hope you like it though :D
Oct 2010 · 800
Seb Garcia Oct 2010
The cold kiss,
it brings me no such bliss,
This touch oh so cold,
it symbolizes my love,
now forever sold,
this sadness in me reigns from above,
almost an ironic gift,
that i can never lift,
a test that may be more like a curse,
Let me tell you,
for romance this being has a thirst,
that now may never be filled,
that now might just have been killed.
I walk the icy caverns of regret,
She might say i have no need to fret,
I am a Mr. right,
just not for her,
now I suffer in silence
helpless to the occurring blight...
Sep 2010 · 473
The Stars
Seb Garcia Sep 2010
The stars stand in the black night sky,
but two of them,
separated far and high,
they move closer,
though physics tells them it is wrong,
but they can't help it,
their gravity just too strong,
but for the two stars,
but destruction will come if this were to pass,
they cannot do that, if they want the planets to last
their closeness can never be,
and forever more they can never attain their glee.
Sep 2010 · 592
The Impossible
Seb Garcia Sep 2010
Brick by brick my tower grows,
workers have come workers have gone,
but brick by brick my tower grows,
It is built strong it is built high,
In pure hopes it can one day reach the sky.
Although I know it is bad to have impossible dreams,
but as long as I do not have that mentality,
impossible is nothing it seems.
Sep 2010 · 569
The Tracks
Seb Garcia Sep 2010
Two trains rush on path bound,
their two directions strictly found,
they grow closer and closer to the ending they see,
they approach each other closer and closer they be,
their entire time they use,
They create the perfect ruse,
For that one moment where they meet,
for even a second the two trains greet,
then they part,
two that will never meet again heart to heart.

— The End —