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Brycical  Dec 2011
Brycical Dec 2011
200 miles away
connected by VNV Nation
we speak of stars
we speak of space
& I just want to be weightless
with you.

We wrap our words in time machine
blankets to worlds we’ve never been.
Man, they don’t even exist in this scene
but we’ve begun to vacation there to see
the stars in space stationed there where
we can just be weightless there
                               be weightless there
                                       be weightless there

I want to take you by the hand,
& float on into our sonic plans
to meet next week
& fly inside
each other’s stripes
while the entire world just wonders why
or how these psychedelic titans imbibe
so much inspiration from their color blind mind’s eye…
the echoes
                   of each other’s smile
reminds me of the stars
once in a while
because I just want to be weightless
                                  weightless with you.
Rhythm and feel influenced greatly from Pink Floyd's "Echoes."
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Your probably wondering why this poem is called J. It's because there aren't any Js
badwords Nov 2024
So many little things followed me
So many little things that bothered me
But I found my answer
From all the chaos that followed me
I have found my answer
I've told you before don't follow me
Because I am not your answer
I'm not alone, I'm not afraid, I'm not unhappy
These are the words I say to myself everyday
I am not alone, I'm not afraid, I'm not unhappy
Tell me what ritual I should have today
But I'm not alone
I've resolved so many things and set myself free
And I'm not alone, I'm not afraid, I'm not unhappy
The words I say to myself every day
I am not alone, I'm not afraid, I'm not unhappy
Such a stupid ritual to have to say to myself everyday
I'm not alone, but I found my answer and set myself free
I'm not, not, not unhappy
And I'm not alone and I'm not unhappy
I'm not alone and I'm not unhappy
And I'm not afraid, not unhappy
I'm not alone, I'm not afraid
I'm not alone, I'm not afraid
11.2, 11.2
I'm not alone, I'm not afraid
I'm not alone, I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid
I'm not alone, I'm not afraid, I'm not unhappy
These are the words I say to myself everyday
I am not alone, I'm not afraid, I'm not unhappy
I'm not afraid
And I'm not alone, I'm not afraid, I'm not unhappy
The words I say to myself everyday
I am not alone, I'm not afraid, I'm not unhappy
Such a stupid ritual to have to say to myself everyday
I'm not alone, but I found my answer and set myself free
I'm not, not, not unhappy
Fearless by VNV Nation