Technology in upheaval my beer is full.
*** fills my mind with pheromones while half my hand goes limp.
I can’t feel, and nobody can feel me.
This perplexing relationship is mute resting in a lull.
I go away soon. My brain sees the afternoon and never more sooner do I go lunar.
It’s a language fight, who has the right, I might, with delight I entice the ever bloated fat cat with money scats coming from three throngs of bludgeoning
It’s turning into a symphony you seeing me, me seeing me, you seeing you, you blowing who. ******* the dmca from the caves of *** filled futures of virus infected tri-elected future tumor leaders.
**** the breeders! Heaters is what I have, ******* for the slave pit to go desolate into it, feeling the kit in it my slit, that which you lick. I hit and quit with quite the light of resolution and destitution upon your innovations of new year munitions.
It’s a ******* mind game, stop asking and stop doing the same.You have it [answers] in your hearts.
Written mid-april 2013 on a drunken binge.