Clouds as black as a dead
Display embrace the ash grey
Eternity of overhead
Evening heaven-space.
Thunders like legions of Harley-
Davidsons roaring through the
Nearby woods, making
Windows tremble like
Nervous alcoholics under the
Weight of their own empty
Bottles of loved ones' patience
And own dead pride.
The gods are angry tonight.
But so am I.
I open my mouth to the deluge.
I open my soul to the storm.
I get drunk on tsunamis. I fill
Up on snacks of tectonic plate
Movements; pass earthquakes,
Waving vulcano clouds away
From my face, then inhale.
My breath is atmosphere.
My pulse is symphony.
Earth is the rest of me.
I'm as shy as a god.
As humble as the devil.
Marillion tunes; seaside
Stones shaped by brainwaves
Form an absence of need.
All I want is change.
These are my thoughts.
Now show me my penny.