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Donall Dempsey Jan 2020

wake up at 3 of the clock
eat jam in my pyjamas from the jar
play marbles with an imaginary friend

he wins...again
this the grown up world
of a four year old

acting like a grown up
time mine to play with


And then there was the childhood declension of sandwiches.

1. "Raw bread" Just as it was bread on bread....squashed flat and not...even air in between. I love bread me.

2. Bread and butter...your basic staple sandwich.

3. Bread and butter and yer talking.

4. Bread and butter and banana...sprinkled with sugar.

5. And yer king of all sandwiches . the "Blood Sandwich!"
Bread, butter and Tomato Ketchup.

These were the sandwiches of my life. The kind even a child could make in the middle of the night when he wasn't supposed to be up and eating sandwiches.

"Marbles...pyjamas and jam!" I chanted to myself to announce the new me I have become.

I remember getting out of bed in my striped pyjamas and  going downstairs and eating the jam out with a spoon( forget the bread) and then having a game of marbles by myself...first taking one shot and then moving over and becoming my invisible opponent and taking his shot. My imaginary friend winning all the time.

This was at 3 in the morning and felt very scary and daring and so grown up because I was deciding what time and what to do for myself even if it was 3 O' ****** clock in the morning.

I had envied grown ups and their not having to go to bed by nine and be able to stay up and be themselves. I could hear them laughing downstairs...having I supposed....the time of their lives.

So now I sang myself into my four year old adulthood with "Marbles...pyjamas...and jam!"

Because that's the kind of kid I am.

Now the wind wails through the ruins of the house howling that "Home absence." My new mantra.  And outside the house (that isn't there no more)( invisible to everyone but me) I would have ghost girls jump to a skipping rope chanting my "Marbles...pyjamas and jam!" as a rhyme. Skipping in time.

"And this one's OUT!" they all shout and scatter away like little marbles being hit by a sacred scared twa.
Sharina Saad Oct 2013
I remember those pretty marbles
Cousin Ted gave me to keep
Off to Europe ... he went to travel...
Agreed.. thought I ‘d  do him good deed...

Counted each one just before I went to bed
Counted them again everytime I was out of bed
These precious marbles would remind me of Ted
He was gone... missed him...thought I’d rather be dead...

Ten colorful marbles in my pocket
In the left pocket of my pink purple polkadot skirt
Lost my balance I fell into a pool of dirt...
I went blind my glasses was covered with dirt
Ruined my shirt...  dirtied my newest skirt...
I’ve lost my marbles... Oh ****!
...... that was even hurt...