Little Georgie Boy
At the age of thirteen
Met a fair, young Sally
She was as sweet as a toffee
And as polite as can be
But Little Georgie Boy
Thought he could do better
So he left fair, young Sally
And was once more free
Little Georgie Boy
At the age of thirty three
Met a small, brave Grace
She was as graceful as a dove
And as pretty as she was naïve
But Little Georgie Boy
Thought he could do better
So he left small, brave Grace
And was once more free
Little Georgie Boy
At the age of fifty
Met a tall, thin Liz
She was as musical as a songbird
And was welcoming, never bleak
But Little Georgie Boy
Thought he could do better
So he left tall, thin Liz
And was once more free
Little Georgie Boy
At the age of eighty
Met a dark, creepy Death
She was as silent as shadow
And as stubborn as a worker bee
Little Georgie Boy
Tried to outrun her
But Death was a lover
That would not let Little Georgie Boy be