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northern california   


Remembering the game I couldn't tell you.
But the hot dog, peanuts, ******* jacks and soda was there.
I didn't understand the rules as I listened to the commentator.
The calming voice and discussions between each pitch.

Remembering the game I couldn't tell you.
But being able to go to Ozone Park to see my grandparents.
I didn't understand the rules as I listened to the commentator.
As I sat on the floor in their living room with grandmas chocolate pudding.

Remembering the game I couldn't tell you.
But being able to watch my friends play softball at Randal Park.
I didn't understand the rules and there was no commentator.
As I was nominated to be the catcher for  just a moment or two.

Remembering the game I couldn't tell you.
But as I once again can relax somewhat in my head laying in bed.
I didn't understand the rules as I listened to the commentator.
The calming voice on the other end was just as calming too.

You share your life, thoughts and feelings
But only in rhymes, riddles, poems and song
Should I ask or is it pulling teeth, causing friction or interrogation
Did someone hurt you so, as much as I  have been
Have we been hurt so much that fear won't let us in
Sometimes our hearts are held by one of feelings are not the same
So do we continue to keep trying, thinking or hoping
            ..... or just fly away.

There are times you need a mother's love.
And a time you need a mother's hug.
But, you know she'll never be back.
And you feel closed in, shut up and the hurt starts to attack.
It's always nice to know, that there is someone there to hold.