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Faith Barron
I'm not sure what to say if I don't really know who I am, where home is or where I'll be going. Time follows me …
Aubry Barron
19/F/Texas    I just want some fed back on some of my stuff.
Donna Barron
Texas    I have been writing basically for myself thinking that my poems were not that good, so I just kept them to myself. But now I …


I never quite have met a man

like Brother Barron Smith.

I never knew a happier man

than Brother Barron Smith.

Never have I seen a gait
quite as loving, quite as straight
with such passion to elate

as Brother Barron Smith.

No one bore the light of life

like Brother Barron Smith.

Not despairing, nor in strife

was Brother Barron Smith.

He showed me how to go my way:
A beacon glowing night and day.
And, in my heart will always stay

my brother, Barron Smith.

He left his mark and mem'ry here,

did Brother Barron Smith:

A mem'ry I will hold most dear

of Brother Barron Smith.

He lifted me, and did his part
to give my soul a running start!
I hold a chamber in my heart

for Brother Barron Smith.
The barron earth seems barron still,
The snow is gone but green lost still,
But on the Aspens, the catkins grow,
The male, the female, each in the wind,
The grow and grow and ask to be seen,
A sign of life in a barron land,
The males they dangle, the females *****,
A source of life, before the leaves,
Winter's gone and Spring has rose,
The Aspen Moon approaches full,
A few small leaves upon the ground,
A strawberry, a flower, some blades of grass,
As the Apsen Moon begins to wain,
Fast rushes Springtime just like the Bull,
The catkins promise, the leaves fulfill,
New life, new living, the Aspen Moon.