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Jun 2011 · 877
My bones.
I cant stand the taste. The taste that lingers in my mouth. From my tounge it sinks from my spit glands and into my blood stream and from my blood stream you flow into me and all around me. I can feel it, through every inch of me. This taste. This feeling. Its creeping through my veins. Youre under my skin and walking on my bones. This body is now yours, so time for take over. Take it over, please, because my skin is nothing without your touch and blood wont run without this fuel. As my blood and you race along every inch of me, you reach my brain and when you arrive, comfort surrounds my skull, almost as if it were a blanket surrounding my head. From my brains and into my back, i feel your hands glide from my ribs to my shoulder blades and scratch down my spine. From my back to my arms, i feel them stretch around you and flex, with muscles getting week and your touch getting stronger, i get slapped with realization and i then realize that my whole entire world is in my arms, how could i let it go. What if i have to let it go? Blood, you, rushing, sinking into my stomache, causing airplanes to crash into the walls of my body and the outline of my lungs, causing earthquakes to crack my surface and show every ounce of emotion or thought going through me. While you and my blood race into my legs, my knees get weak and disinigrate, theres no need for standing when airplanes are lifting you high enough. While i get lifted by millions of airplanes, flying all at once, i open my eyes to see yours and im blinded by them, fore they are the sun that burns the light in me. This is it, this is where i want to be. Stay here forever, dont ever set me free because a life with out airplanes or earthquakes or races, is life without you and thats just something i can no longer do.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
I am a writer. A writer that cannot find the words to write down this emotion. A writer out of many. I am not unique or special. I don't stand out. I'm just a writer with a head full of words and a soul full of feeling. I'm your everyday human.

Medically, i'm boring.
Socially, I'm entertaining.

I write while others sleep or fill their lungs with love.
I think while others talk.
I laugh while others cry.
I breathe while most stop.
I'm alive, weather it feels like it or not.

But, least importantly, i'm just a writer.
A writer with a head full of jumbled words and a soul filled with both love and hate. A body that feels numb and a heart for a home with a draft coming in due to little insulation. I'm a tad bit bitter, but aren't we all? I'm far from joyful, but most are now a days.

People change and so does this world.
People are at war with themselves.
People are disgusting.
But i'm a writer, not a person.
I'm a human, not a number.
But to most, i'm just there. Nearly the background music to their lives.

To me, I am a wall. No one gets in and no one can break it down. People have tried, but never succeeded.
I am damaged.
I am a writer.

To some, I am a friend.
To others, a stranger.
To very little, a lover.
To one, a hate.

But I am not any of those things.

I am flesh. Bare to the whole world.
Bare *****.
Take a peek inside, you'll see.

People say they're a lot of things. But realistically, in the end of it all, we're all dust intertwining in eachothers specks.
Holding hands as the ship goes under.
All claiming we're the captain.
Where'd the individuals go?

Well, i'm right here. Standing alone. Waiting for something that is actually nothing.
To me, I am an individual.
To others, I am everything else.
To the world, i'm almost non-existant.

I don't search for anything.

But for now, I walk this Earth like many others.
I am just your average person.
Just another writer.
I am just bones and flesh, covered by a sickening disguise.

People say beauty is everywhere, but that's only to the naked eye. Take a look around, you'll see.
Take a look around in me.
Beauty can't be seen by anything.
It's hidden beneathe the depths of the oceans and the heart of the world.
It's hidden within everything.
Beauty is out of reach.
The world is too covered to see it.
We made it this way.
We made this world ugly.

But what do I know?

I am just a writer.
Your average joe stranger.
I am your sleepless dream.
I am your weakness.
Your strength.
Your hate.
Your love.
Your entertainment.
But I am not yours.
I am not anybody.
I am me.

I am an individual and this is why I stand alone.
I am content.
I will manage.
The world will still spin round, once i'm gone.
Aswell as once we're all gone, because the world waits for no one.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 831
Some called her love, I called her lucifer.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Why take off your shoes if you can't stay forever?
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 874
There is no word that can describe our time.
No number that could describe the amount.
No chorus that could be sung loud enough.
No verse that could capture that moment.
No chored that could be played sweet enough.

There is nothing, my dear.
There is just you and I.
Just two strangers in a different world.

Two dreamers.
Two, now, distant lovers.
Two morners.
Two more broken hearts.
Just two.

Love was never good enough for the both of us. We were greedy, we asked for more.

They say there's no such thing as loving too much.

Now look.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 635
You left me to fend for myself, so here I go, swinging. Just me against the world with my back against the ocean. No reason for fear. Just a smirk. If I go out, i'm going out with a bang.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
She looks at me through the curtain of her hair, unsure of why she feels the need to.
She thinks about me when it's quiet, only leaving herself with wonders.
She dreams about me once she drifts away to dream world, waking up the next morning only to give her head a shake to get me out of it.
She kisses someone else and compares it to mine, wishing it wasnt a habit.
She lays in someone elses bed, starring at the ceiling, feeling uncomfortable without my arms wrapped around her.
She thinks about me without realizing she does, giving herself **** for it once she catches herself.
She walks a certain direction or way, just to get my attention.

She is sweet.
She is kind.
She is beautiful.
She is funny.
She has a smile that could outshine the sun.
She is talented.
She is charming.
She is loving.
She is caring.
She is intelligent.
She is anything and everything.
She is a drug.
The worst kind.
Stay away.

She was once my heart.
She was once my home.
She was once a lot of things.
But most importantly, she was my once my beautiful girl,

Now, she is nothing but a stranger.
A stranger that happens to know everything about me.
She is now just another person in the world who learned how to protect others from the bad stuff.

I learned to never trust strangers.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010

Not my best, but it's something.
Jun 2011 · 534
Screaming with silence
My eyes; screaming at you, hoping you can hear them or understand them, hoping you wont ignor them while they call out for you, hoping you can hear them spill out everything my tounge kept locked away. But thats all they're doing now. Just hoping and pleading. Still begging for yours.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 1.4k
Small talk
Across from me is you. My eye's could never be so lucky. We sit here, with small talk on our tounges.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 6.2k
Earthquakes and Airplanes
Earthquakes and airplanes collide all at once and we go down to our knees in defeat. What a shame it is.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 700
For the pillows sake
The pillow sits there on the bed and awaits our company again.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 602
Walls and Windows
Don't talk to the wall's they can't talk back, atleast the window's whistle and creek.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 599
The shadow
I take a breath and look at this blank page. A page that isn't so blank after all. Fore the white piece of lonesome paper has so much emotion in it. I then realize that im not looking at a piece of paper at all, im just looking at my reflection. So I pick up this pen and I write. I write until the sky turns from blue to black and then to grey. When the sun peers through the clouds and into my window, I then realize that I wasn't writing at all. All I was doing was breathing and that's why im so out of breath. With this realization, I walk into my bedroom, I lay in my bed and throw the blankets over me, just like a little kid hiding from his own shadow. I feel safe. I then realize that the shadow i've been hiding from is under the blankets with me. I then realize that, that monster is only myself. The only thing left to run to is the person I once was, but you've tooken that. So I guess, at the end of it all. The last thought before the end just leads back to you. But where will I run to?
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 979
1920's projecture
We talk, but only in my dreams and when i awake in the morning i wonder if maybe you might of actually been there, but when i've blinked my way to the surface and realize that im laying there alone and have been since I first layed down alone, you were never really there and havn't been for what feels like centuries. Disappointment and a mixture of anger sink's and I rush out of this bed that once held you. When i've clawed my way out of the grave of nights filled with what now is a ghost, I look around the room and replays upon replays flow through and out into the open like a 1920's projecture. After being glued down to this floor by the sea of memories trying to take me down, I walk out the door and when I do, the oceans spray hits me like your hair did when we hit the bed and for a minute, I feel you, all over me, every inch, like grapevines on a forgotten building, take over what's left. But I rip through it all cause I don't like to be broken down. I head up the staires and fall because your voice keeps calling me, pulling me back, climbing up to my shoulders and pushing me down as if my legs are slowly disinigrating. As I lay there, in defeat, every inch of my body is tooken over by the feel of you, your voice, your touch, your smell, your taste, your ghost. And while I talk to you in my thoughts you louer me in, word by word, inch by inch. I'm sailing away, back into you, away from myself, in a sea of defeat. As I sail closer and closer to you, the wind picks up and steals everything. The voice, the touch, the smell, the taste, my sense of direction. It steals all from me and leaves me in the sea to fend for myself. As I float, the waves grow higher and higher and take me down under. As I get pushed down, farther and farther by the pressure of the unknown, I start to give up and realize there's really no need to fight because theres nothing I can do. Nothing I can say. Nothing. So, as this scene comes to an end and I hit the ocean floor, I then look up and see that everything's come to a rest and all is calm, I then look up and see the world. The world in which doesn't involve me. A world in which doesn't realize where i am nor does it care. A world in which was mine. A world in which is you.

(c)SeanaseaWallen 2010
The feeling of waking up.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 550
Home Sick
With a moment of silence we stand there, face to face. Our eyes wonder for our thoughts. As you look around, trying to avoid my eyes, I look past you, I realize that what's infront of me is suddenly my whole entire world. With this undescribable discovery I quickly look back to you, when I do, you've already been starring for seconds upon seconds, deep inside of me. As our eyes lock, our bodies do as well and then, in a sudden motion I have you there, in my arms. As you feel my arms around you, the feeling that had just hit me, goes from me to you and in that second, that second of your first time ever feeling, you realize how hard it's going to be to let this go, let me go. With this hitting you all at once, you want to feel more of it, for this feeling was something that could and would only occur between you and I. You hold me tighter cause you know the end is coming to a closing. You dont want this to let it pass you by. So you lock it in, you lock it in with all your might and for what seemed to be a life time I felt comfortable, I felt like I was home. Cause I was. You pull away to see just how far away you can get before you break through the ice and never come back, but you slightly slip and hold on as tight as you possibly can to me. When I hold you this time, you feel security, feel life as we never knew it. You felt at home.You were home. I wouldn't of changed a thing about it.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 729
"Try again" it said.
When there is no hope! When all contact with you has been lost! And when i feel directionless! I turn To Mr.Writer and Publishman! hoping that maybe, just maybe when youre done reading this, you will call! So far, there has been absolutly no sound nor vibration from my phone! Look's like i got the"try again next time" piece of the tim horton's coffee cup! And what a ******* it is!
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 587
Utterly loved?
I had no idea how it felt to be utterly loved. I had no idea how it felt to utterly love. But then you came. You slowly opened the door to this abandoned house and let yourself in. You saw the broken windows, heard the floor boards creek from under your every step, smelt the stale air within every air particle, but you didnt run. You stayed. I dont know why you did to this day, but you did. you took this abandonment and made it a home. A home where you and I could live forever. A home where we did live forever. I have an idea how it feels to be utterly loved. I have an idea how to utterly love.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 577
Face to face, we sit here, knowing full well what the future holds for us. We sit here, with both our minds racing, finding it hard to catch thoughts to place on our tounges and roll out as if this is easy. This is the hardest thing ive ever done. With sorrow drowning our eyes and thoughts projecting through mine, I know where we'll end up. I know that no matter what I say or do, I cant fix anything and that leaves me broken down, waving the white flag in defeat as the rain starts pooring down my face. Youre here infront of me, but youre gone. We take eachother into one anothers arms for one last time, detangling our hearts string from string. My arms are empty again. I look down at them, just to make sure my eyes arent deceiving me. But its the truth, youre gone and im see-through. These earthquakes turn to sunamis and these plains crash until the very last one has bursted into flames, causing nothing but a disaster inside of me. You've left your mark on not only my heart, but my skin as well and once these marks are gone, im left with nothing but these memories and an abandoned house for a heart.

(c)SeanaseaWallen 2010
The day you said goodbye to me.
Jun 2011 · 677
Guide me? Please.
Waking up is the hardest part.

Opening my eyes, only to realize that you're not here.
To realize you probably wont be again.

Knowing as I open my eyes, you're opening yours, looking over to your signifigant other.

I lay here, praying that maybe, you just might be here again.

But what is the use of praying to something I dont even know exsists? I lay here, knowing that at some point, I have to get up.
For what?

I have no reasoning anymore.
Infact, I have no reasoning for anything anymore.
I find it quite useless to even breathe.

I dont know what im doing.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 779
Sometimes, I forget.
Sometimes, I forget to let go.
I forget that im alive.
I forget that breathing is important.
I forget everything.

But most importantly, i forget to let go.

Tangling itself like grapevines at the bind of these two hearts brings me home, wrapping along the brick. Overwhelming comfort creeps through the air vents and im there. Im home.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 1.0k
My beautiful girl.
She stood there, across from me. Unable to look into my eyes, she stood there. With her hands in the pockets of her jeans, her shoulder and head leaning against the wall, and gravity trying to **** the tears she was trying to hold back, her head was down but up enough for me to see what was going through her mind. She stood there and she was beautiful. Her face was full of worry, confusion, anger and she was upset. Her hands were in her pockets because she was shaking, she was nervous. My words were realization, the kind that screams at you. She stood there and i stood across from her, looking at her, unable to take my eyes off of her. While i was full of regret, she was lost in her own train of thought. Someone had to make her think though. Silence filled the air for longer then i realized at the time. She looked up but quickly away, avoiding my eyes that were visibly begging for hers, and in that instant her tears played tag along her cheeks, dripping aimlessly down to the floor, giving into gravity. But she was beautiful. Biting her lip out of shame for crying, she looked back down and in that instant, defeat took over her every inch. I stood there, my eyes still begging for hers, and I couldnt move. She was beautiful and I was numb. To check if I was alive, i took a step towards her, being drawn in by her beauty, then i took a few more, until i found myself quickly wrap my arms around her. She went to turn away cause she didnt find herself deserving of this, but i held her, deserving or not. I held her because i wasnt going anywhere, anytime soon and i didnt want to let her slip away from me like i did the rest, because She wasnt the rest, she was her and she was absolutley beautiful where she stood. I didn let her go because, I couldnt, i wouldnt let myself. Her being there, within my arms, was my realization, the kind thats just a whisper in your ear. I pulled away and whiped away her tears. Finally, her eyes met mine. It was then that we both knew. I wasnt going anywhere and she was coming no where with me. She was everything. She was my beautiful girl and she is beautiful where she stands.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 4.1k
Goodmorning, babe.
The second i snap out of my dream and back into the realism of it all, im hoping second by second that your actually here beside me and that i wasn't just dreaming out loud. My body and mind, coming back to the surface of it all, my breathing pick's up and my sense of feel and smell has resurfaced. I smell the sweet and light smell of your hair but im not sure if it's just the after math of my dream. starring at this wall, im afraid to roll over, because if i roll over and your not there i don't know how well i'm going to do or if ill even continue with my day. If I can continue this dream of you, i'll sleep forever, i'll never open my eyes again. I brace myself, cause it's time for me to roll over. Tightening my muscles, stretching my skin, tired bone's cracking, hair moving in all direction's, clothes moving out of place and indenting the bed. I squeeze my eye's tight, causing my pupil's to shrink, hoping that when i open these door's and let my pupil's increase to normal size, there your perfectly shaped body will be. I imagine it before i dare to reveal the truth. The blanket's fall into place where your curves indent, your hair in a wave like the pattern flowing wave's in the ocean, your arm being tucked just under your chin where it meet's your other arm and after a few seconds i can't bare the taunt my imagination is dangling in my face, so i open my eyes and there you are. Exactly how  I imagined it. I take a moment for all this to register, as if i had just won the lottery. In that moment i find myself wrapping my arm's around you and your finger's sliding up my arm and into my hand to lock with mine. This is truely the meaning of "Goodmorning", so goodmorning, babe.
The first morning I spent with you.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2011 · 770
Im going for a walk. A walk to clear my head. Clear it right out. Take away the memories, burn away the knowledge, i don't care. Everything need's to be moved out of my mind and thought's and sold at a garage sale for all i care. This fresh air isnt working. Where's my lighter, come here cancer. I take a deep breath in and take in all the toxin's with it, hopeing maybe a chemical reaction will effect everything going on in my head, melting away everything. Step, inhale, step, exhale. While blowing out the toxin, i blow out my thought's and memory and walk right back into them. Blow by blow, im taking them for you. Puff by puff, im taking these in for sanity. Half way done and block's from home i keep looking over my shoulder hoping maybe you or someone like you will follow quickly after. Oh cigarette, why must the comfort you bring over me disappear once you've left me? But like you, the cigarette did not respond, because the cigarette was gone and out of my hand's. Out of reach. So i stand there, looking at the empty space where the just barely burning end of the cigarette settles into place and i just watch the snow take over. I watch the once visibly lit cigarette turn black and into ash's. Even though the cigarette's burnt out, im still standing here, uncertain as to why im here, but im here and im waiting. I will wait until dusk and if the spark comes back, i will move at the paste the spark moves. Just to make sure i stay with it. But if not, i will go home and i will relight another cigarette, hoping maybe this is the right one.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jul 2010 · 554
"Forever" She said.
She said out of breath, rapidly breathing out the love in her lungs.

I said as I slowly kissed her all over.

"I want to stay here forever with you."
She said as she quickly, yet softly kissed my lips.

"We can."
I said as I leaned my forehead against hers, gently caressing her every inch with my finger tips, finding it harder and harder to breathe by each growing second.

"You promise you'll never leave?"
She said with a deep breath quickly following after

"I'll never want to."
I promised.

"I love you"
She said.

Than she disappeared and I stayed right where I was.

I promised.
© SeanaseaWallen 2010
Jun 2010 · 800
A monologue
William Melchert-Dinkle:

A monster... no. A murderer.. .no. A giver, yes .Sound’s about right. How can anybody judge me after I checked myself in and tell me that I’m sick in the head. I’m aware, it might not have been right, but they were asking for it, all those kid’s needed was a little encouragement, a little push to go after what they wanted. People said it was an addiction.. .a pleasure if you please. No, it wasn’t, I didn’t get off from it, Fein for it, it just made me more comfortable knowing that there’s a little less hate in the world. Sure, I lied but if I didn’t, do you honestly think they’d be fixed? Do you honestly think that anything would be different? No, nothing would, they’d still be the same kid’s hating their lives by each growing second of each and every single day, being miserable and making everyone else miserable around them. Does guilt ride on my back? Of course, I sat there and told kid’s all these sick and twisted way’s to end their lives and I watched them do it. I pretended I was doing it with them so they weren’t alone, I don’t really know what came over me. If I wasn’t feeling some sort of guilt or remorse over this, so called addiction, then I wouldn’t be here, would I? Look, I just came here to geLhelp. I’ll admit it, from the outside looking in, it was wrong to do this. Every single part of it seemed wrong to everyone, the fake pacts, the fake Identity. But I only did this because I wanted to help them. So at thern end of the day, we all got what we wanted. What else can I say other then I’m sorry? But sorry doesn’t fix everything, certainly not these habits and all the opinions. I guess one way to look at it, is that at the end of the day, after I faked being there for these people, faked caring and following through, I’m the one that’s alone, just me and my messed up habit’s. But hey, if I jumped off a cliff, would you do the same?
Did this as a project for m y Drama class. The teacher thoguht I stole it off the internet. BUT I didnt. Based on an actual character I found in the news paper. Let me know if you guys like it.

©SeanaseaWallen 2010
May 2010 · 742
The winter was our season. While the cold air creep's up upon me, upon you, it send's shiver's down my spine. The kind of shiver's that weaken you, the ones full of loneliness. As the first snow fall come's it just doesnt feel like it should, like it did. A walk in the cold was once filled with warmth, the kind from the inside going out. But now i walk and all i feel is the cold but not just the cold of the air, the cold of how empty everything inside of me now is. The snow fall's a little less this year but i know why, there's no need for logic reasoning.It's awfly uncomfortable to not have you right now. As i walk and acknowledge my surrounding's the wind blows through me, it remind's me of you. I can only hope the ice doesnt slip out from under you, but then again you'd know how it felt when you slipt right from under me:The crash and the rush of losing all control as you knew it. As i walk down this street like we once did hand in hand, i look around and all i see is the bare tree's. There's no need for the tree's to talk, without their leaves theyre self explainitory. When i look up to try and dump the thoughts of you out of my head i see nothing but grey, almost to a point where it doesnt look like there's clouds anymore, look's more like a painting. But what use does an already painted canvas have? When i look ahead and continue to walk i look down, down to the sidewalk where i, at one point, had set eyes on you. When i could've whenever i wanted to. I can only dream about that privledge now. We went together like the winter and a sweater. And like the combination, we couldn't go without one another.  But now i walk on this sidewalk with my jacket, my mittens, and a empty hand and all i can do is just think about how full this hand was. I had the whole world in it. I had you. The winter had us. But now the winter and i are both empty handed. This winter feel's like a different season, a season that doesn't exsist for a reason. The snow flakes fall because they have to, not because they want to. The air blow's with bitter sweet cold because it want's to taunt me. The tree's weep with lonesome and worry because theyre with me on this one. The snow on the ground show's my footstep's, show's that it's only me. no one beside me. And you, you sit at home in your signifigant other's arm's, forgetting the real feeling of winter. Winter, winter was our season. As you stand outside the air that had blown through me creep's it's way to you and as it weep's over you, you feel it, you breathe it in, and you hear it, hear it as it whispers into your ear's the warmth of the memories. That's when you realize that yes, winter, Winter was our season.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
May 2010 · 635
My cat, Pongo
I walked into my apartment to see that I live by myself. To see that I eat by myself. To see I watch tv by myself. To see that I brush my teeth by myself. To see that I go to bed, all by myself. Then my cat hop's on the bed and I realize im not by myself, until I roll over and see the side of the bed that was "your's". I'll just sleep on the couch tonight. Pongo doesn't follow and I thank you pongo cause I don't like crying infront of others.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010
May 2010 · 638
White flag
For days weve been at war. Dodging bullets for your own well-being while taking shots for others.Airplanes crashing all around. The ground shaking from the explosions. Taking pictures with our eyes only to find, no beauty. No purity. No comfort. No home. I look around me and all I see is grey. Smoke filling our lungs and taking us down with the fallen air force that now lays beneath our feet. I stand in the middle of this, looking all around me in disgust. I look across from me and I see you standing there, on enemy lines, pointing the gun right for my heart. "Hit em wear it hurts" they whispered in your ears while you try to keep your hands steady and your gun pointed. Tears stream down your face. I hold the white flag in one hand while my other makes a fist. I'm ready, so shoot. Hit me dead on. Let me fall to my knees like your tears fall down your cheek. Let me lay face down on the dead like a coward. Let the bullet shoot right through to the next guy. But don't let me pass those enemy lines. Don't let me live long enough to wave the white flag.
©SeanaseaWallen 2010

— The End —