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The shovel hits the dirt in softened thunks

I hope you come up whole, and not in chunks

You’re buried deep, at six feet down

Was she buried in jeans or in a gown?

I hope to be your Romeo from a thousand romance plays

Nevermind, I think you know what dead girls can’t say

Nilsen gave me some sage advice

Don’t ever go to the same yard twice

And don’t toss the old ones in the sink

That’s one good way to get tossed in the clink

Six feet of dirt now to my side

You’re coming with me, you’re taking a ride

You thought the hearse was the last of your life

Don’t be daft, honey, you’ll soon be my wife!

Your coffin smells, my dear it’s true

It is no matter, I love your blue

Skin, your thinning hair

Into your fading eyes I stare

As I caress

That cold dead spot

Beneath your dress

I hope, my dear, you don’t mind the trunk

My head is swimming; am I in love or just drunk?

Oh, if you look upon my trunk with dread

Would help to think of it as a marital bed?

Maybe some wine to get in the mood, with you by side

Just the moonlight a pint of the Wild I

I know some look upon me strange

And some would call my love deranged

They don’t understand, they’re far too ******

This isn’t a curse, just a hobby

If they saw me like this I know they’d panic

But I’m not crazed, on drugs or manic

I feel peace when I see your lipless smile

I know I’m just a harmless necrophile.
Reach behind
To a place
Where you can
The heart of a word
Before it ever was

Take me into

And now I gently pulse
Against the flesh
Of your language
Nicotine being ****** into my lungs
Polluting my body
Soot; licking my tongue and throat
Stupid brain being tricked, thinking it's getting oxygen
It doesn't know I'm feeding it poison
You don't realize till the nausea kicks in
Ha! Too late now
You're already under my spell

Slipping into euphoria
Suddenly you don't even care
About the damage
Being done
30 seconds in, eight hours out
Poor kidneys and liver working overtime tonight as well
You never give them a break

Ash being successively disposed of
Not much left of ****** white now
One last disgusting drag
You secretely hate the flavour
Feeling relaxed and satisfied

I'll agrressively **** the light
And step on what's left of my
Suicide stick
Before walking right back inside
Smelling like a walking ashtray
My empty heartbeat vs. hers
Close your eyes.  Breathe deeply.
Lying-so-still, delicately yet deliberately
holding each other.
It's a subdued quiet, as if we are both asleep.
I wish-he thought.
I can't-she thought.
Let's just wait. Let's just lay.
but stay surfaced.
I know-he thought
I don't know-she thought.
The smells intrigue both-
The situation intrigues both-
Is this real?-he thought.
Is this real?-she thought.

— The End —