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Sean Yessayan Jul 2012
feeling alive just isn't what it used to be.
Sean Yessayan Jul 2012
If silence is truly golden,
then why does its presence pain me?
Being without your words creates
a veiled distortion within me.

Throngs of false thought and poor reason
can no longer be neglected.
If only your voice could release
these demons my mind has collected.

If silence is truly golden,
then yours must be cursed like Midas.
Maybe my ramblings are unjust,
Over-thinking is logic’s Judas.
Sean Yessayan Jul 2012
To be truly colorblind,
(and I mean truly blind to color),
I see as a heavenly gift.
To never know complexity,
the world's beauties remain untainted.
The masses would say I am missing out,
but ignorance is bliss.
Simplicity is a heavenly gift to me.
Sean Yessayan Jul 2012
Trivial pursuits
of incorporeal joys
are essential to our existence.
Sean Yessayan Jul 2012
Have you ever felt caught in a trap,
unable to escape,
yet somehow you rest easy,
for this has always been your fate?
Sean Yessayan Jul 2012
Have you ever felt caught in a trap,
unable to escape,
then you calmly accept the truth:
that help takes time-- so you sit and wait?
Sean Yessayan Jul 2012
Have you ever felt caught in a trap,
unable to escape,
and only when it's too late,
you realized you were the bait?
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