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Sean Yessayan Apr 2012
Last night an estranged man came to my door.
Upon its opening we stared, unsure
of why the other one stood opposite.

"Excuse me, but what do you solicit?
Do you know anyone home at present?"
Besotted by ale, "Yes, for I live here."

Rash in my response, he could not rebut,
I should have helped, yet I slammed the door shut...
Sean Yessayan Apr 2012
I look in the mirror, the subject framed--
A monster-- scarred with decades of conflicts,
But others see a youth perpetually tamed.
The battle fought was all within, only to me explicit.

Strifes with friends all in my mind
Overthought words clog reason. Reserved, but virtuous,
Always expecting the golden rule to apply, though none are kind.
The problem's within me
I am too nice, the other's aren't contemptuous.

I must work to elevate my mind, resent less.
Not my neighbors-- my thought; the catalyst of my growth.
An arduous journey, efforts must remain relentless,
But less rest makes me regress, the ebb and flow,
The didactic struggle of history, in a microcosm so small.

The flight of the mind anchored by the burden of guilt
Each new break through shows a hole in the wall
of yesterday's beliefs towards good,
now a window to a grander one built.

Does every soul struggle with this Hell?
The will to do good not nurtured by nature.
I hope for the best, will good will come? Will time tell?
First my soul must work to mature--
No hatred, love only, for all, no exclusions
For He would do the same, forgive forever.

Each hurtful word said is a soul's laceration.
The ire over, but there's scar tissue--Past's physical identification.
Sean Yessayan Apr 2012
As I watch the sky’s canvas change
I begin to think of the painter.
That one who is watching the same elsewhere,
and what he might think of such a scene.

Sitting, he would be looking out watching the sky’s stage alter,
painting gardens’ clouds, each colored different, span silver through red;
switching-- torn between red roses, white lilies, or orange tulips--
forming the garden's space, quickly. The eve’s sun dips down gently,
giving way as blue hues ascend opposite that orb’s retreat.
Envious, Sun lets Moon's beauty pull lovingly over him.
Nature’s nocturnal chorus singing, lulling its audience.
The bittersweet dark—another day, the painting not quite done,
put to sleep. The silent din engulfing his mind’s empty thought—
darkness switching on that light which calms artists’ creative springs.

“Light Regardless of its source—may it be pure
as the sun’s rays, or some modern substitute—
has some aesthetic quality. I’m not sure,
however, where from the light best contributes.
Is beauty derived by where the light emits?
Or is it enlightened by where the ray hits?”

He began mulling this thought over; turning it over and over—questions born.
A discource of such phenomena will show a thought forming--
nay, a riddle; with answers hiding, not wanting to be known:

“Is it the sunset’s orange and red that awes,
or the blueing clouds opposite that cause pause?”
The dams holding thought buckle; ideas, questions flood the bard’s mind.

“Is a smile’s worth found in its owner’s mouth,
or the ensuing grin, no longer pout?”
Plain idea, now broad. “Because a smile can be contagious…

“Is the eloquence of a speech seen as art,
or inspiration now gained to do one’s part?”
Words, an entity with power, reign over—the poet awakes.

“Is a poem’s verse the beauty of the bard,
Or diction plied with inferred worth— it’s guard?”
That ability permits the ineffable to be explained.

Eyes adjust to the sun’s speed—now energy and courage’s built--
awakes from that swoon. “The slothful lovers stay behind,” thought Sun,
“Neglect not that flight presented, which taken, betters the will:
'Brighten the world.' That dark denizen inspires warmth in me.”
The sun’s rise concludes those thoughts studied the night before-
grabbing his brush, thinks: “En Guarde stubborn canvas, my mind’s at ease.”
Vitality-- flying wild thoughts which emerge--decides
what key his baton should direct them, either the drawn sun’s source
or the face which welcome’s its colors being exemplified.

After a minute of looking I turn my gaze,
happy to leave that place .
Knowing full well in a full day
I’ll have this dream occur once more.
That daily walk, whose length directs my drifting thoughts,
rotates the sets of beauties dreamt, each fresh from a growing list long as time.
Sean Yessayan Apr 2012
I strangely find solace in solitude.
Not isolationism, for people's company suits me.
However, I manage to remove my mind of distractions
that are presented to me by the presence of so many.

For being alone serves no purpose; there, knowledge does not thrive.
A lone soul knows one view, so one of many tales go not told.
By one's self there is no conflict; therefore, no resolution,
No struggle, no calm, no peace, no relief, no love- makes us cold.
Sean Yessayan Apr 2012
Red and white yin-yang,
Angels and Demons pass by,
Highway median.
Sean Yessayan Apr 2012
Your eyes hide your lies.
Your words conceal lies in them.
Your actions are truth.
Sean Yessayan Apr 2012
A simple idea recorded on paper,
a circle in a circle—splendidly taper.
Like an egg in an egg—forever fertile.
Like a phoenix’s birth, emerge from the kindle.
With each welcome to life comes a new lesson;
with the experience of yore as your weapon.
Continue with the task to chisel the tip--
ceasing only to rest-- 'til that spherical disc
announces a new day. We can develop
a new way to refold the envelope’s sealed note.
The poem you have enclosed has your aside--
“Your Attention: ‘A simple idea’ is inside.”
With this poem I recorded a recording of a recording of music I heard in real time. With every song my drawing style changed to encompass the music. Which led me to think of how records were recorded. A physical object that when used properly will play back music; more specifically art. So my poem was my realization that drawing a hole is like life, you work at a certain section until you remember to step back and look at the big picture; which lets you see what needs to be refined. If that makes any sense at all.
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