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771 · May 2016
Soul enemies in love
Sean Singleton May 2016
We drive each other crazy,
We drive each other mad,
But when we spend a night apart,
We both get really sad.
As hectic as it gets,
as crazy as it seems.
when all our stuff is smashed to bits and it really gets  extreme.
All I have to do,
to lift you from your mood,
is let you squeeze a pimple or two,
and bring you lots of food.
761 · Apr 2016
The selfishness of charity
Sean Singleton Apr 2016
Charity makes money,
Money causes greed,
How many schools,
do they really need.
Is the money given,
seen or even used,
to give these people water,
Happiness and food?
710 · May 2016
Sean Singleton May 2016
The people who have suffered,
The heroes of our past,
Would hate the people loved today,
They'd loose their faith so fast.
They'd never share their values,
Believes or selfish ways,  
The world today ,
would make good men,
turn inside their graves.
662 · Jul 2016
Hopelessly thinking
Sean Singleton Jul 2016
I sometimes think of death.
I wonder what would happen.
Would it end the pain and guilt, or be what I imagine?
But then I think again,
And think of what's to lose,
The things I wouldn't get to see the path I can't now choose.

Life at times can test you,
Make you doubt your worth,
Learn from each encounter,
especially those that hurt.
534 · Jul 2016
Sean Singleton Jul 2016
Imagine the world, without any problems?
If greed wasn't real and religion unheard of.
Image the people who get put in charge,
Did for the people, and not for themselves .
413 · Apr 2016
I cried
Sean Singleton Apr 2016
I cried this morning,
I cried all night,
unusual to me,
it gave me a fright.
I'm usually angry,
aggressive  and loud,
but now I see hope,
lifting this cloud.
I cried because your on the way,
I'm scared to death ,
afraid to stay !!
I cried because Im crying again,
we can't be weak we are men.
The ******* feelings we can't feel them,
wre not allowed,
We won't be real then!!
Crying made me big and strong,
wiser, brave, and most of all,
Crying made me see the good , helped me grow, and opened my world.
404 · May 2016
Sean Singleton May 2016
Passion runs deep,
inside of us all,
Some they embrace it,
others they fall.
Mainly through ignorance,
despear , no believe ,
If your not encouraged, then what's  to achieve?
People will blossom not from with in them,  
It comes from support, the people around them.
391 · May 2016
Sunny day, cloudy life
Sean Singleton May 2016
woke up feeling lonely. It made me kinda sad,
when I saw  I was alone I start getting mad,
As the day went on, it started to depress me,
so I done a thing or two
to make myself feel happy,
But as the day got longer I started feeling guilty,
I didn't wanna end my night without you right here with me.
Feelings came and went, changed with every sway,
no matter if we fight or not I love you everyday.
Sean Singleton May 2016
Confused and hurt alone and afraid,
Nothing to do and no one to blame,
Mad at the world convinced they owe you,
it's not your fault your family disowned you,
You sit and wait angry as hell,
Waiting for help that never came,
So what do you do ,
do you get even angrier?
Or do you be strong and think of your future?
Don't let your past get in your way, start off slow,
you'll get there one day.
367 · May 2016
Forever changing
Sean Singleton May 2016
It's funny the world and how we embrace it,
Remember back when it was cool to be racist?
Then it was gays until they erased it,
Now it's ok , cause they went and changed it,
Opinions will change only when swayed to,
They brainwash the world and then they change it,
Don't be so blind to follow or hate it,
Change of opinion makes you amazing ,  
The world doesn't work how they make it,
The people in power can't even change it.
they banned rap music because of a wake up,
the world would of got when someone related ,
addressed all the issues and problems ahead,
can't you see they're in your head , they want you to war and fight in their stead,
so they can move up, get further ahead.
a president, queen , or thaisoch today isn't the boss they don't have a say,
the only power they have at all, is to follow there orders and to what there told,
the funniest thing Abou it all, they hide it well,
but not at all,
create a few probable ways,
so we  disagree and they'll  be ok,
I wouldn't say I know myself what really happens Or how things went,
one thing I know this is for sure , it's not how it seems there's always more .
363 · May 2016
Hidden blessings
Sean Singleton May 2016
I'm feeling so blessed,
I'm feeling amazing ,
God gave me her and she had my baby .
So why do I still go mad,
act crazy ,
I thought I'd be fixed,
a family would save me,
I'm slowly learning and growing each day,
I hope it's before, I scare them away ..
354 · May 2016
Wise hate
Sean Singleton May 2016
Hate becomes knowledge.
Knowledge becomes power,
Learn to shape and use your wisdom, Or else it will devour ,
your hunger and your drive,
eating you alive.
So focus on what's best for you,
and leave the hate behind.
333 · May 2016
Deep distant dreams
Sean Singleton May 2016
Last night I woke for no even reason,
jumped from the bed to check was I bleeding,
dizzy distraught confused and afraid , "why am I up and what is this pain" ?
Something I felt, dreamed or imagined,
don't know what for,
the memory it vanished.
one thing I know and this is for sure ,
it Won't be the last,
I'm sure there'll be more.
328 · Apr 2016
Sean Singleton Apr 2016
I feel you now, you feel me too,  
I feel as if your bursting through ,
it's real at last, your really there,
I feel your touch, you know I'm here.
Feelings coming all out together, worried you'd want differnt or better,
I feel so strong, I struggle daily, waiting for you, my beautiful baby,
it feels so close, it feels so near,
not long to go till your finally here.
328 · May 2016
Unborn child
Sean Singleton May 2016
I think i can, I'm able,
I'm right and I sure could,
ill spend my life regretting,
mad at the whole world.
My mind is warped with sadness,
fear and lonely words,
But now I have a reason to smile,
The pain no longer hurts.
You've swapped it with this feeling, that makes me kind and warm,
A special kind of love and bond,
now all that hate is gone.
327 · Apr 2016
Sean Singleton Apr 2016
I wish I wasn't stupid,
this lazy and this dumb,
I'm sick of always thinking ,
everyone else is wrong,
i tell myself I'm better, I can and I sure will,
and then I go do nothing, I'm sure I never will.
322 · Apr 2016
Misplaced hope
Sean Singleton Apr 2016
Life can be cruel, for no even reason, it fills you with hope but then leaves you bleeding.
Damaged and hurt when it takes away, The one bit of luck that stumbled your way.
311 · May 2016
Mental state
Sean Singleton May 2016
No matter how much I try to be sane,
my mind gets confused and changes each day,
I know how to act ,
and just what to do,
then all of a sudden,
a whole different mood,
changes my thoughts and causes me problems,
an hour ago I thought I controlled this,
angry about what I think is happening,
knowing I'm wrong but can't help snapping,
Your mood will never stay one way,
it try's to test you day to day.
311 · May 2016
Sean Singleton May 2016
I'm sorry again for being this dumb, Getting too lazy and being so wrong,
Not that I wasn't sorry before,
My problem is always expecting  there's more ,
Never enjoying the moment I'm in, Wondering about, what could of been.
I'm sorry for being stuck in my ways, but glad that I change, a little each day.
298 · May 2016
Knowledge is key
Sean Singleton May 2016
Begin to learn, Learn to start.
Waiting to know will empty your heart ,
The deeper the passion the greater the gift,
Learn it today, or wonder what if.
294 · May 2016
From another point of view
Sean Singleton May 2016
Opinions are high, values are low, the racist can't be wrong,
he just doesn't know ,
ignorant for sure but how can you blame him,
it's all that he knows, it's the life god has gave him.
If he strongly believes , the ******* they have thought him,
Is he really wrong or do you not understand him?
289 · May 2016
Sean Singleton May 2016
The choices we make,
The things we get wrong,
Hurt us at first ,
But then they make us strong,
Shaping your life, everyday,
Helping you grow,
And guiding your way.
255 · Apr 2016
Sean Singleton Apr 2016
I feel I am , or am trying to be,
A different man, than I'm destined to be.
Though not my fault ,
the way I was built,  a scared and hurt child alone in the filth.
Quickly it grew the hate inside me , for long it was there, for all to see.
My anger my pain on show for the world,  thinking I'm bad,
when really I'm hurt.
Inside of my stomach it ripped me with fear,
leaving me blind to the good that was  there,
The things I saw they molded and shaped me,
the stuff I endured it helped create me.
It's never about what happened before ,
carrying hate will hurt you more.

— The End —