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May 2016 · 1.1k
Cosmogony of My Emotions: Teleological Theosophy of My Personal Theology
Death cannot defined. Being of ultimate consequence it is above causation, yet reigns supreme as an effect. It can only be affined: Aqua, Ignis, Terra, Ventus , Umbra, Lucem/ Hydro, Pyro, Gaia, Aero, Erebus, Aether, all swirl in dead languages spoke a thousand years ago yet they all have been read by our generation in our youth.
The veil of death is a tabernacle in which only the high priest returns from walking, all others are drug back rope around their solar plexus. All paths of death are two fold.
First, from the feet of the Teleologic Cosmos of Emotion we grow towards the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. From the abyss we stare at the knees of the concave exterior of healing. Like the twins of June, hate and pain, are the two closest modes to death, but not the most direct. I feel fear is the ultimate neighbor of death. The flow of Consciousness lies first in the womb. Concealed from the light, darkness sheilds us from the illusion of Illumination. Hate feeds into pain as Pain feeds into hate, like a sibling rivalry. The knees (pain and hate) bend not to cushion the feet (death) but to stop the pelvis (fear) from shattering under the weight of the back bone (Stillness).
Adapted to the new ways of my mother's demon of lust wedding sloth and gluttony. Sin is the seat of unconscious control, or lack there of like a drunk blacked out asleep, already anticipating his next drink. Hate is Ache followed by ate. Pain and hunger are two sides of the same page. What can I say, everything happens for a reason. Even if I feel it was treason yet I'm no regal prince, nor a Mercury lying closest to the Solar, I drenched myself in my own masochism: physically mentally spiritually, and had done so for years. The basis of your emergency alert was quite founded, yet not without ignorance. Yet to me, you felt i was going to rise through fear to descend into pain and find my new year 25th, death. But the beauty is in my birth with one hair on my head I left the manger a man, no wig, feeling for the first time while the police speak to my mother searching like the warriors dispatched of Herod. My blood spirit is free, having saved Adam through the pyramid  I dethrone Satan by the sip of the crown of the feathered serpent. Yet you hate he who fell. I fear the vile nature of the burning fields respecting the ignitor of the flames as the sole cause of err that lead or Savior to accomplish who no one else could. For without the fall of the unholy, wingless, cut from tip to tip, Iesus-Yeshua-Judah would not be your most beloved. Without the pain of Christos (the annointed), Khristos (the enlightened) would not achieve ideology of the cosmos. Pain rises to fear shortly, and shifts into hate in confusion as siblings squabble, as I had done internally for a decade. Yet through the gift of the heart heavenly Saul is able to see the life lesson to use the lower part of our mind to find the Big Blue. Pain ascends into love if and only if death can bounce like glue. If you aim for the Sun and the Moon you can only be a child of astronomy, yet you showed me my dreams to buy you a ring of Saturn and hand it to you on a Sunday. I believed my pain laid plain and bare could convince you of you're convictions. My mission in the deepest recesses of body was for you to give into your fears so we could slip into the underworld of sin sipping red wine until the mounring in my heart rose Rex by the fading starlight. I dream to live a lye, basic as alkaline, I wished to be a battery. I saw myself freed of my woman battering heritage ceasing the cyclic self fear that posited the ferocity of my fore fathers, due to the love of a woman most beloved and true. I felt you could be the instrument to my Burning Lyre, my love Plutonic I felt my crow caw. As I held you in my arms singing with you in harmony, setting the bond between the viscous cycle of Pain, paying dues with Hate, to rise like smoke to face fear starring death in the face like a shadow below. The night sky black with how to Know, twinkling with the star light of Love. Only above the vault of heavens clung Joy, Hope, and Live.
Without poeticizing further, what I term the Basement of Abasment consists of Death at the roots (red inverted triangle) rising into Hate (orange w/ red center) and Pain (tan w/ red center), with the connection of Pain and Hate forming a cross with the direct bond between death and fear (yellow w/ small red center).
Proceeding up the towards the chain of being, leads to what I call the equator of emotions. Cling/stillness/resolve is the grey region connecting all body's of feelings as the Moses, the leader of the Exodus and the appellation of the celestial globe. It binds Love and Know laterally to one another, while connecting the Vault of Virtue to the Basement of Abasement.
May 2016 · 570
Ottoman Reins
To Rayne

Wishing, four seasons, with treason, appeal sense to vent dents that Autumn
Rain and a waxing Moon argue Orange, awful
approach 2 tokes at the stroke of this eleven O' one
Guns that shoot Roses are love that flew the coop as hopeless
Proton on Neutron lets be Nucleus, let us feel lettuce fetus lust,
Innocence keeping bass as Anger sustains treble. Trust
A Rebel Angel into, a tribe found blades angled like his name is a Misnomer Homer Simpson
figured Gods found in Nature's Odyssey the Iliad as Sedition of traditions and only begs others to get with him, some jagged some jaded these bladed edges aged like scales cowardice feign frail
Manicure Manure nails on nails hands grasping Kale as livers rot like Soldiers on cots
just a dot, a red headdress on roads surrounded by nights sky star lit. Is now the time to form alder hide, or for flight of the quadrupeds instead tread felt as led to find a bed inside throbbing heads hiding amongst stys pigs tower over rats yet behave just in space a time is known as fright
full of Delight tonight, the bottle shattered, dream scattered the dark chieftain's humor as Oliver Hart
wishing, fours ease on, without reason, apples steal the lay on hands heal. I seek
The Rain fail to fall all in September, I guess I'll wait Axis till Axels turn November.
May 2016 · 1.1k
Synesthesia as a Synthetic
Cynthia recognizes my Synthesis

If I agree to this decree
I will need the silence
For this positivity unseen

in this scene, a black coat
hides its sole in the corner
under a pale, wingless painting.

If I agree, my Conscience
be free, accoutrements as duality
a binary in my triplicity, I
will smack God four times for
Mein Serenity
Mar 2016 · 382
Soul, my soul, reascend over the edge of life, -
Far, far from the din burn into tranquil skies,
Cross bright ranges of mind measureless, visioned, white;
Thoughts sail down as if ships carrying bales of light,
Truth's form-robes by the Seers woven from spirit-threads,
From wide havens where luminous argosies (... line incomplete)
Gold-robed Wisdom's divine traffic and merchandise;

But there pause not but go far beyond
Where thy natural home motionless vast and mute
Waits thy thread; on a throne facing infinity
Thought-****, void of the world, one with the silence be.
Sole, self-poised and unmoved thoou shalt behold below
Hierarchies and domains, godheads and potencies,
Titans, demons and men each in his cosmic role;
Midst all these in the lone centre of forces spun
Fate there under thy feet turning the wheels of Time,
The World Law thou shalt view mapped in its codes sublime,
Yet thyself shalt remain viewless, eternal, free.
~Sri Aurobindo
The inverse of lamba squared is ten thousand to the power of the heist

Your Presence has premiere rhythm; Substitute halving my health

Estuary bearing burden standing true grit

Loaded dice humanity Undertaken uneath

forsaken aether Fluoridated month

Perfect posse palpitating puncture buck shot Higher than an ambush ambassador

Ceasing the sky fills wounded knee high to smokescreen rising Picking golden stunning silence
Mesmerizing Ocean wind wild card crying colour

All I want is form, yew grows always happy
Death defying lateral trial Destiny Timings

Legendary League of Ten thousand feet Emissary Ameliorate Stark inebriety
phantoms fathom cat and mouse Sanctuary in Sensory

Hustle bustle Gravity’s Blasting Muscle Pulses Corpuscles To Alleviate
Spiraling Carcass harness the sieve erase the harvest remove the artist’s grin
Smirk at Graves and hunt their Twisted Fates
Our hour is one, rest is rest
once arrest is rested
ascension is now magic
If insanity tires and fails
is sanity trying without succeeding?
Mar 2015 · 839
I chase the Scarab until the morning glows
With a winged friend I mistreat following a henchman's horse
To the Dunes we ride eyeing the night sky waning
The face of my child entreats for me to be weary.

A diamond in the raw, uncut was never the most valuable.
a board game logic parks upon the boardwalk of Santa Cruz
A friend would never charge for you to stay in a hotel they owned,
a game is a game only if one refrains from believing in consequence
as reality, that time is a space left between motions created by decision
evidenced by interaction precise a dreams manifested sequenced as love ever after.

A price is one custom we have all come to be adapted too, yet how are the best things in life free, if Jewels are the most expensive?
Well the summer bleeds a foreshadow of what's to come and go to waste
It blankets me, braces me, something sweet that I can't taste
You're my mother, I'm your morphine, let's go make a baby out of two guitars
A heavy heart, I'll seem happy when you're looking smoking, singing, eating, *******
One size fits angel coma, you're my favorite stranger
And I won't hate you till I know you
Somewhere between the garden and the grave
I bypassed the machine, I wouldn't have felt its effects anyway
Sentiment is the ***** that bored this special hollow
Cram it in my old cuts, it leaves a whole lot less to swallow
Exercise your right to never buy what you can borrow
Carve my sorrys in the sky and hope the sun hides them tomorrow
Manufactured disaster, it seems I've made my bed
No one sees the burn holes until the sleeper wakes up dead
Take my hands away, I'll pull the moon down with my wrists
Making plans to fake 'safe as possible' is dangerous

Well every once in a blue moon I read your mind
Heaven ended too soon and stole my pride and left me blind
Exercise my morning shakes pretended I was born this way
Wearing my Academy Award-winning performance face
Snake shedding skin, it's all in my head again
Life fetish led me to a dead end
I said when but no one was listening
Obviously cause they filled it to the brim and are spilling it all over me
Crawl, crawl, crawl, crawl, crawl in this hole with me
I'd fall on my face just to make sure that you notice me
Your cold shoulder's always so sobering
I'll be understood as long as I don't overthink
Walking on thin ice, talking in the form of song
Singing in the key of life, I'll lose my voice before too long
Head came loose and they ******* it back together wrong
Fire behind my eyes, desire died all night long
Rest in Piece, My friend
Mar 2015 · 472
4(illuminated you shunned)
And this for, And this is four touching the He A drone old and un-grown the same beat goes unchanged, unknown so old, just eat it to survive and the real test will be in time.
The bathroom never lies whether you look at the bottom or not
the stomach digestion is never forgot.
I will burn for my fetishes as i drive place by as a Passenger Hawthorne Six Wands scary divination a study of sing a king the Unsung hero never learned to believe and Please don't forget How numb the water felt as it convalesced As a Serenity home farmed eons living longer than the leviathan can be beached.
When did Men learn to think, Oh once in a while i randomly stumble upon a little humble bubble before i burst in reason to feel the besseched treason of an exodus of paradise ending as a leasing agreement betewen the understanding of inside-outside upside-down bear in steam bears the whole release of an existential equation, a tranquil season the drop of weather beat to the endless feeling of orange leaving  to say hello to sticks and pine needles I had an idea that you and i sing to each other every time the forest sleeps that the core of the Sun I Am is fused together in a fissure, and i am the monster with the lowest attack.
Not power, not Strength, just a tack on the wall within the sake of arriving with you, I can make this into everything a transcendental feeling an incredible leeching bloodless as a long spear on a chariot pulling the Reins of the Morning rooster's triumphant call to start the shaving of darkness from the last drop of dusk echoing across the Sabbath. I no longer want o jeopardize the love rather I readily swear to keep the hope that the perpetual yellow Sun has promised us, Forever, thank you
the Christened Kris of Hoarse Illusion
Feb 2015 · 595
where did my phone go
where did my phone go

the bonobo doesn't know the only goal is soul.

Tread lightly on the unknown, the queen bee is dumb as hate

I ate what i ate then the figure eight has been skated a great intimate

lethal pajamas are all plaid laid pink and black alternating

whose laying down and feuding hysterical manic destitute

a lewd groomed spitoonn running out of gas like a dragster of the unconscious mind

The double dark chocolate appears vanilla at the witching hour eleven minutes before

the score shows the trolls no longer know where home or a bridge to go

sticking needles in haystacks, a lit cigarette laid back smoking next to a burnt out filament

A lightbulb incandescence is a recipe heaven sent from ****** addiction

just like ritalin is diagnosed for children prescribe amephatimes for the future

to cling nooseless to sleeping pills for tomorrow comes this morning
How does one Lie?

I lie by the wayside to see the stroked faces of an old friend's dream become vivid before any scene bore witness.

I lie through my teeth to feel my hunger devour disease eager to fill a void caloric as the temperature of my society.

I lie by the bay where the watermelons grow to share a seed with my fellow fish swimming below to see if our earthen food delights their aquatic tastes.

I lie through flames as the my flesh on my feet peel back strapping down with callouses darkened as molasses to manifest the black top as payment for each step I take on the pavement.

Why does one rely on lying for rest? A rested mind is healthy throughout time. To struggle for the blues without a guitar at my waist, would seem to be a waste. I lay down my instrument as the mental space echoes concussion reverberating consciousness in my vertebrae.

I can lay my soul on the lie to define my love, or I can place my faith in defiance willingness sold down the river to stand atop a caste of dirt.
No excuses when the cash need led to hyper dramatic reactions, violent never seems to circle in his bed.

Prosperous never spoken to hold the candle up, I would have to claim Diogenes as I am the hermit yet alit no longer I roam untold of the direction only the destination is paid by temporal loop distorts creation in love in my blood.

Nyx tricks the children from hearing their own voices, encoding the solar in the monitor lizards. A Komodo spits feces as digestion: no **** required. A dragon lingers in the heart of the Chivalrous ready to swallow the maiden whole, what else can he do?

Except Lie down by the morning light grasping onto blue light between ring finger and wrist ache, A jail cell is a warmest in the winter when desperation is at his peak. A streak un-won, however losing wouldn't hold dues.

Regret harbors a Serpent in the ocean, the greatest Artist I never had a chance to hear through electronic transmission placed his being in the Leviathan, swallowing him whole with a smile on his face being the cause of his own because.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Aleph Alpha
Refuse to call her Sensei falsely,
Respect a quality untimed to a technologic beep,
a beat more ancient than the tribal drum flow,
a wind more cold than the the Summit in Winter

flying Panthers as I walk through the door of my dreams, rolling over never a choice a gym dreary, rolling over never a choice a hymn ready no longer, resounding a frequent smile in simile, my two pairs of winds high in might bathe detritus with delight feathers at my finger tips, my eyes see me as my own Polyhedron and geometry, spiraling in a torrent of heart beats, charging my batteries for three years a hundred sixty-six weaknesses feel the eel's surface carry my mind's liquid purpose no knowledge for certain that the folks to my left knew the light of tomorrow hands intertwined homogenized in ****** desire function scarce Scarab singing Jazz music freely the dirt rotates feeling the stampede atop the Earth the near challenge is knowing who's shadow is whose or the ortho- light casts veils of it's own.

The soul's propose it's own flow the ego a serpent hungers forwards slithering towards the greens with flames on it's breath seeing the birds take flight above head a prey uncaught until evolution is now leaning towards radio hearing the frequent tunes as ribs to the cavity of a god's chest emanating the tree as high as Saturn the rings around our hands, the halo above His head, the debris collects the King in his Place. All are racing space to the widest in diameter, the scope of a day only governed by the light's loop around our perspective of "el dia y todo el mundo" as he please he moves as he moves he pleases, the winter cold cries for dusk earlier and earlier whatever takes to be the (one)Tidal a lunar crescent in hand bearing Psyche as a Moon as the key to stand, Hope lives in the dark, I pander a door around the corner lives the Lucy painting her soul's truth daily ignoring the outside chronology and the trigger of social trigger, Quickness to cut through and the jungle of introverted hyper-defensiveness I carry the torch of ages through my genes trenches giving in Lapis Lazuli and the Brew he brews, Pick an arcana and Spit on the text before you read the book backwards and burn the pages on around or atop of aQuirkiness of quarks as I part eyes elementary in school zones ticketed for seeing the invisible truth- daring to run for the North to south soon to dissect into the tree. Self a fear, a fear a self force seeks wrath angelic as Templars Archon for King Jame's Ire. Breed a triplicate not shadow nor shade, a vision neither Light nor Astral but a Visage of the Sane, an Image of the Same, a Nephilim of Samael, an interest of the Identity of Unknown total to the Matrices of the Evils of Man
Nov 2014 · 552
Zen sued from the start
an optimistic mystic puzzle
mist frustrated, visualized

in did I go, enter the smoke
once flown the clocks stop
a clash of whose-whose happens

an individual choice resounds
color dutifully, create playfully
or else Samael takes the blame

a detail baffles are met
Oct 2014 · 527
(at work)
You never shun a losing Fjord Complete in Complexion the wings spread condiments Spicy, Fancy, Crass, abstract, **** Me!
I fathom Ecstasy  she was a red-dressed lady
a triple stack with no increase, a flip flop with no feet a detail is in the deveiled screenings x-rays why oh why is it beyond zebra the white out chugging contest versus the ink quills blotter confess the clock strikes one-one and i'll be waking with the rest of the caffience junkyard laden intestines pushing up green paper weights crying out for I dent these at the top of my lungs until screech my larynx without break pads on my stolen blue bicycle hiking with a false sense of love taxed at cents to the dollar, bills fold and languish close to the pavement later and later I relish of dill pickles thanking Bob as his savior, I'll leave it for the rest of the heaving centurions, the pieces of these ones, I shatter and rattle the matted fish fabric

Oct 2014 · 516
How is it that someone could hurt you so much and you still want nothing more then to have them in your arms?

Wrote know thing but habits, friends, and families.

Carry the box upright, take care with the contents.

Dancing on tables falls on birth dates.

Stop... Don't let doubt drop the Vase.

freed far of freed fear freed fear few from frock
rare reached rifts rot Rin value

A say Nile is the isthmus they claim Nihilism
Nickels and Tins greco-roman viscious in sin

So fragile, white and plain as clouds
evaporate the traffic the classes laststanded
Sep 2014 · 952
Give Away the Stone
Heat the Ring of End
Days Thesis Pseudonym needed

Give Away my Gem
Hope Earth holds under
Feet Jeweled foundation cares

Grip the Unknown, Strangle
A Polished Sleek Gift

Who are we to choose
Breath in Drudgery
four ago hope held little
hands focus, dope knows no locus

leaden shores anchor coast to coast
Broken oh lord, Broken
as John Milton Revels
Gold as Gorillas Glowing Toxic as Glue,
Bright as the Plasma
Screened Skylight artificially

I feed myself death
to encourage

Give away the Metal
circles Bleed in Chalice
Black & Angry
Sep 2014 · 628
Aura Aurora
Azure limelight faded grey by the bewilderment
I am the King of All living, we remember
infested as the bunny and pine tree
weeping as mothers marry off their siblings
why wear white at weddings, why wish to be a innocent
a bottle of gin is a grin tonic for a child to see as an aching smell of visions last saw
as if Calvary was a horseman weilding a Lance
A tree to Long for us, grown in the desert
Already Peace flown in pure reverence Sang real
The Last Great Initiate,
Oh Reign, Reign, Rain, Rain, Reins, Reins

Dye his skin with the empowered wish of will
A well endless to stare through is warp drive
A might so glorious we all must avert our eyes, a New Motion
a **** gorgon, to start the serpentine on the sabbath
to revolve and molt in a revolutionary vulcan grip
to fly to the sky with birds writ uplift
delight, delicious, appeal. zeal, feel

Iesus covered in Liquid Cheeses
Sweet Fleeces its Christmas Season
Solar Deities yummy as Pizzas
A pie in the Sky is my age divided by the week
A pipe dream plumbed with gooey memories
the weaken ends of my jeans faded blue from seventy
charred black as the temples crystals phase out painted-glass Murals

too light to be mailed, too large to be contained by an envelope
too short to fit in the door way, too effulgent to weigh on the scale
Pi sees Men, laughing as a woman changing clothes on a curbside speaking
seventeen in one hand, zero at the bone in the other
IhavebeenChanced, Iamexceed, Iamtheether, Iamsanctioned
Fletcher Night: folllow your heart
Aug 2014 · 767
Urn of Crimson Bedlam
Yppah seid roirraw yreve, ylivaeh seirc rehtom yreve, yllufedirp sesiarp rehtaf yreve, uoy secarbme tsirhC.

Glad as a traitor. 
Pure as betrayal. 
Glad as a traitor. 
Ruled by cheer as one. 

Glad as a traitor. 
Falls within his war. 
Gather, place, erase so,
Meant to feel this home.

Glad as a traitor. 
Falls within our war. 
Forced to Colosseum.
Willed stranger's bones crushed.

Ruled by cheer alone. 

Will becomes a Way. 
Way becomes a Drive. 
Praise guidance for its lies.
Hear a source of power.

Will becomes a Way. 
Way becomes a Drive. 
Drive a way to will a fire.
Pure as a blade moist with iron.
Moved by cheer alone. 

Glad-hand perpetrator. 

Proximo once spoke,
all we are made of,
is of shadow and of dust.
Stay any soul our hearts' desire.

Willed by cheer as one.

Glad as a traitor. 
Willed by cheer alone. 
Merciful shadows.
Pure as light return to one.

Moved by cheer of throngs;
Willed by cheer as one;
Ruled by cheer as song.
Aug 2014 · 872
The Anti-Monk

Resurrect a tribal passion, when the needle threads the skin after each wince the pain screams that this canvas is art happening. An art so ancient, an art so ancient; nuturing itself like a child alongside ourselves developing traditions that encompass every mountain on ourselves to only just a small patch of grassland on ourselves. The true tattooist's masochism has no bounds, well except maybe brands, a decision about your portrait of self only your choice will imagine. Paint my self reflection upon myself, the aethetics will please me.

Suppress a primal ugre, where the mind threads between the skin after calm the tranquility whispers that this temple is peaceful, still. A practice so ancient, a practice so ancient, festering itself like a ***** alongside ourselves deccelerating rituals that encompass every valley on ourselves to only just  a summit of our plateau on ourselves. The true monk's bounds has no art, well except maybe botany, a decision about your portrait of self only your choice will imagine. Meditate my self reflection upon myself, the anaesthetic will soothe me.

An Anthesis and a Monk
Aug 2014 · 728
effigy sties the silence
of serene solitude.
Once surrounded, hinged on hungers and thirst,
consumable's care tenders gluttony envy lust & ******
devouring each hour inside the flowers.
alien anticipation answers to force.
masses accelerate ; inertia inches inert.
contempt of control contains
Jul 2014 · 682
Violet light Bleaches steaming emptied emus' bladders on time, I want I want I am amongst the Atman at dusk man's lust rises ****** parry as a guardian of the gourd the glory of the gore internal innards languish read the spare change small children inquire currency smell of bleach eases the crucible fixing my easel with ease as all society is, is a trap, a trap lime citrus as sweet as Virginity as **** as a tarp pushing out rain water for a creature's belief in solidarity, soil begs to return sustained by nourishment of the water table and rain shadow, fees lie fallow I am a three field system mid evil as a midwife. aggregate agates gating Gaelic gaiety, fair as faith fairly free as a fairy, pixie sticks mixed well with angel dust I return my receipt as I am an alchemist to Egypt saying 2 sips taste better, who's at a crude joke who explains rude yokes poked by a spear leering silence at the steer awaiting an opacity to light my lantern, forsake advancement for the sun bends gravity as an attitude, who of many resist the power of effulgence, even lycanthropes need hope for the souls as the basis of reflection brings the rains sparked in rainbows.

What makes a friend? cogar a creyo una mi Amiga Bonita hace difficl estoy muy triste para la pnta y ala comer mierda.

UV is not a Cavalier, the ultra violet alpha is a royalist
Jul 2014 · 749
Actualized Coffins

Gravity is working energies, Time enlights the two parts
Fathom me patterns bleed as flesh
instills liquid
curbs sin
curves city


Pens Accost forwarding urns
Imbue lightning Deeds, Items,
Manifest Destined Fates Weave Purity


Slander Wisdom Before
Forth Seek the Rest
Pale Black Red White Beasts
Feel the vision of moments here

Felt Wisdom
Gold out of Earth, Metal in
two Flesh crease envelope Ghost, a friend Ship
Jul 2014 · 891
Perpetual Ecstasy laces up the paper weights waiting easily the sleeves slip down the easel ritual by ritual window by window, fear of the unknown beholding the eye of the throne a pupil's pupil is as only as black as the destitute ashes that the charcoal carpools with as carbon.

A loud boom and my room mates with the environment the wind shook the winds croon the chimney like old saints nicking my fingertips with paper cuts dribbling like second graders yet not knowing really how to absolve anything.

Forgive me for my perpetual agony the ridicule of a two thousand year old initiate willing to dare to the caring rusted usuring raw ions fixated chariots blaring dub step as save the thief ****** but like the one who declares himself the backward ******* of the un-gold lawbringer. I am I am terrorist voted to be bring the third world warring down like a moment of courage steals life one fifth at a time.  An empty cup of Rest and relaxation sits as if an Eagle has landed upon the magic carpet beneath my now housed homeless feet, in defeat I stare grimaced at the plasma screen en-livid to the dessert sedition that lingers five hundred glucose lucid pancreas glowing green as bile, run like the Nile the white hawk head is now red.

Eat a lot of greens, the etiology of my disease is a well-borne cyclic machine. The Sun rose out this morning, my son rises like a glory. make babies the kids on the internet tell me today, last evening I didn't know If the twenty-sixth I needed to ask my manager in regards to my independence day behavior. Who knows why the egg cracks, the earth shakes, bowels quake, rainbows aren't strait, oceans consume no lightning, glass stands static at the edge of a liquid precipice...

My mouth grows less hungry every time i beg for poison, every trait i make justifies the lake that satiates it. poised to know no wonder, I lunge and mumble will i ever run outta thoughts to grumble? Or when my quills ink lacks luster the shine of mine metal will surely face the direction of my father. I here that its nice this time of year in the south, the Bronx zoo contains many types of creatures wishing to fend for themselves like an accident we harbor them from the elements they are designed to withstand despite the treason of nature they instill the greater curiosity of of our wits end freeing our passion to travel as nomads and allowing our children to just go down the block and right around the corner to feel the energy of the most fallen predators that ever roamed a far off land.

Like a pen in a century that knows no hand, like the apartment complex i science as my cortex my inhibitions fire like phone calls into my cerebellum, but how are the wires are connected. I **** in and out like limbs upon a Madrona, my internet protocol still sings my old phone number: Rest, Sabbath, human; Human, oh-so-serious, undefined, root. Yet the area code stays the same but the pages keep turning to a knew pain, as the numbers change so do the bills, as the money reigns so does the thrills, as the dew settles down so does the chills, as the root, monad, rest; oh-so-serious, rest, undefined, human sits determining a knew limbic to limbo to as he envisions a **** limo un-abbreviated appearing in his driveway one more time. I am just the house i live in, or am I a beast of happiness?
Jul 2014 · 1.7k
Cold Pizza
"Cold Pizza recconnection electric arrest
old friends left over home alone red rover
flip book puff paint able zippy signing
lightning priced highly sprite-ling shy

leaves leap a leaf leavening leaves levers
lionize me syllables and cymbals symptoms and asymptotes
Saigon cinnamon whats gone the difference between Ke$ha cassia
lizard fish ports porter stout with the south border patrol
those tater tots eves since lighting daily lessening fatigue

green bar measure in response to the begging caboose
dim light lemon wedges squint islands honeycomb wide
perfect metaphors touch poem remedy powder doughnuts
a flask a mile width cantina cactus dessert dish lips road slick
female professional tag team tobacco handler interest yields

hey baleful pinky spam vy the guar and the sandwich song is humming a tune
to the sun and the moon and the wayside is wont for supper
a Loom spun round noon grooms an unbridled silver spoon
four ye old won't stop being contractions

contrast only reaps the aura mood in the the conical darkness
event is a horizon a jungle fools chained wrist to ankle
banks full listless investment feel drench razed
shake the way, late too ate tea teal a lit in did go
non-sense sin is a million aeons idle pining growth ignored

**** growth from the root why dragging the gravel lightly
emerging ravenous pushing the sun with the scalp singed minded
ogre bleeding decked and gripped dreams idealized eyes delete
sounds sold summoners atones in limitless feeding frenzy

cells flinched echo dissonance opening i um ma ni pad may hummmmm?
why do I mumble sometimes humbly others sacred offerings yet
qualify the quality of cells fishing to be men in community
ruthlessly scrutiny is mutiny suppose to be loud to leave
pew pew ill losing hung lung fungus molding heaving epi not pen but the helium
the healing them believing can propane proverbs pains aim profane fans
breathing wind fillet of sky blue as the ocean beyond the waves
lines thickening tears of god embolden as rainbows streaks marking

pens pencils stencils window sills rest acquitted gloves stylize
notebook dropping concrete break dancing drunk down stairs stars stare
clean the shadow rise to the top rise out of the base meant to trace the blueprint
croon dining a line red as rare as charred dark as an assassin man dares to draw"
Jul 2014 · 1.8k
Shepard Leopard
Shepard Leopard print not calligraphy double "L's" lively as llamas lily roll roots lull underwater dreams felt from the events of hypnotized by the words of the orator, an ores rating is the basis of the all purpose flowering behind the veil, human as satiated, red as sunsets lewd as an anagram of wed rings marry Saturn on this mourning of the death of time, rocks felt sediment may ties tan in the Sun pelts peeled layered in the wind steaming serpentine smokes coils in the sky Clouds the equipment of the buster Organs play louder than church hymns reigns power blood men straighten in their pews at the sound of the root of all evil the mouth of the whale begging for the message more "S's" in saliva drool without one of Oh now bow before the bow arc in the Know a Self flooded urge elevated surfaced by the pit of the concrete, open your abstract the path leopard prints in the mud escape the boar snarling winters Solar is the limit speed time for the Scarab dry enough for the role of matter being dense as ******. In no sense cures us from our aged protractor, human after all is how I robot rock.

I am earth breathing fire hearing wind moving water beneath my meat eating feet. I stare through the ghost riding I am Equine the warship of the Poised den at landings end I devour funnel cakes within the three circles, I merge the warmth and cool blending the reflections with its shadow commanding paddle cyclical backstroke the Frog's moment chosen amp powered transition form and fathom an alternate realm, I dropped a meteor on a puddle world displacing half of all livin; Lanced a Wasp's nest as a Dragoon steals an egg as a test.
Jun 2014 · 661
what a waste of my energy, I urge my ability
utilize the sun light opening
the lewd claims echo hollow lanes
fastening ribbons accessories: posions, frog, silence
renders colors of hatred convalescence heart beat
Looking around police search light swarming bees flew
done to the beast Sea Bearing Crest domesticates blue
throat push pull **** grow push pull killed growth

— The End —