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938 · Jul 2014
unconditional love
All That Is
All That Was
All That Ever Will Be

what defines now?
- Oneness
681 · Jul 2014
ode to lifeguardians
Desperation breeds uncouth
The silhouette of which feigns repose
You'd be remissed to unveil the pain

A moment Dire
Wrought in Desire
Never Lies
and will never Die

Oh i never want to lose you
ambivalent to unrest
this perfect Truth

The philosopher and his quivering lips
Darest thou speaketh a truth?
Dadelus knew, the persisent illusion so useless
where gateless gate lie
wouldst thou tempt fate?

Whether or not you do is Mu
Oh not to be me
but to see
541 · Aug 2014
I can imagine Paris
and You
Bathed in decadence

Overwrought like a sad beacon
with the end in sight
specialized and faceted to its end
time and again
Forever is piercing Never

Brilliance obtained
but does the sun know its reach?
and is that all it knows time and again?
a sad beacon with the end ever in sight
part and parcel of a greater work
515 · Aug 2014
the song of slavery
you reap what you sow
at a certain point there's just nothing left to do but grow
oh the gifted and the melancholy rich - linked in to the newest primal dance
savage elegant and natural
tell me are we apes or angels?
or something in between like a transitioning back
whence we came
a purity unperturbed
yet do we understand time
or the soul
we do not need God for that which we have but for that which we lack
so God is that toward which we seek to evolve
Natures most well kept secret
latent in repose
Du Bist Einen Tod Shuldig
515 · Jul 2014
For the sake of the Past
The half expectant gaze of ignorance
A furtive silhouette of a man, diffident
composure - recumbant
feigning order and respect
as in an occasional outward glance

I must look away for your beauty burns too brightly and i must look away
Tragic contortions of a knowing mind
How my world seems to beckon me care
and how desperate i am to oblige
shrouded though I am in cigarette smoke and dissonance The Outsider can perceive a perfect harmony

My capacity for Love terrifies me.  
Decidedly I feign in a recumbant comparisons of her shining beauty, a thousand suns or more
i am blind
so I imagine a perfect world and I draw mindstuff in the sky

These moments rebuffed
Resounding for their failure to Resound

Oh this sordid worldly affair
where there's so much beauty in dirt
and the magnificence of the Earth
a poem is ever in progress
488 · Jul 2014
I Understand Somewhat
I understand somewhat
like a dream i had about a train
i was in the caboose
but the train was going backward
and later, when the etheric had dissolved into vague reality and even my dust had settled
everything seemed clear because nothing was
So Sprang Abundance
So Sprang walls from our reluctance
to capture eternity in one perfect moment
by sitting still so still

I understand somewhat
like when my roommate called his cancer stricken father for help
Cancer that evolutionary menace, prodding us evolve
but he couldn't hear his sons problem
which was a dead car battery
because the passing whistle of a train was too loud

the light seemed forever then
475 · Jul 2014
Knowledge is mans neurosis to cover the pain of existence.
All knowledge is false because all pain is interpreted by the mind,
which is made of nothing.
Human beings as conductors of consciousness, interprete pain only as a mechanism to evolve toward a more idealic state.  
We do not need God for that which we have, but for that which we lack
So God is That toward which we seek to Evolve.
Therefor God lives in us as our future selves. (In regard to quantum evolution)
Relinquishing resistence (inner) is conducive to the Highest Self or
Jesus the Christ
Yet do we understand Time.
Men percieving with keyhole eyes
remember Love sees not with the eyes but with the Mind
Free your jailed Mind
this is more of a philosophical stanza
450 · Jul 2014
Its simply an imperative I make it to Paris, The city of Light. She holds my thirsty gaze unquenched.  She beckons me in dreams and leaves subtle hints of her beauty scattered throughout my not-so-busy days.  She is singing me to her.  A siren of allure unparalleled.  How soon can I reach you my love?  How soon can I comb your unkempt maze of alleyways holding infinite potential under the dim orange mad city flame.
Paris, city of Light
I can imagine our decadence so great.
The drunken fervor,
the sad revelry of Freedom without meaning.
the practical absurdity of a subject in a world wide with subjects
not ever separate in nothing but Forever amidst Never

— The End —