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There's a Polar Bear
In our Frigidaire--
He likes it 'cause it's cold in there.
With his seat in the meat
And his face in the fish
And his big hairy paws
In the buttery dish,
He's nibbling the noodles,
He's munching the rice,
He's slurping the soda,
He's licking the ice.
And he lets out a roar
If you open the door.
And it gives me a scare
To know he's in there--
That Polary Bear
In our Fridgitydaire.
of course i wish i could create the words
to send shivers through your body
and rattle you right down to the bones
of course i wish i could pull gasps and cries from the crowd
and force tears down the cheeks
of even the most stubborn of nonbelievers
of course i wish i could make music with the way
i arrange 26 funny little shapes
or splash paint across the walls of every mind in the room
or at the very least, say something
but the truth of the matter remains
that i may never do that
and my words may never be anything more than words
and they may never mean anything
to anyone
but me
but maybe,
if it's not too much to ask,
you could take this little bit of me with you
fold it up small and put it in your pocket
or your wallet
or tuck it behind your ear
and promise me
that when the time is right
you'll unfold it and feel something
here i await
the dawn’s first light
to shrug off the cool caress
of the moonbeams
silver tinged, fingernailish beauty
i am a lustrous
princess of the deep
yet i’m here
on this sandy beach
for you sunbeam
i’d gladly leave
my home, my hearth,
everything that speaks familiarity
to welcome your strangeness
soak myself in it, imbibe it,
as i have loved the brine
now i wish to fly with you
on your gold-tipped wings
redolent of your perfumed warmth

so then sunshine,
shall we elope?

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
  Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
A rewrite of one of my older poems which seems to have been accidentally deleted. I could not find the backup of the poem either, so I had to rewrite it. Hopefully its better than the original (written in on 25th September, 2012).
the first rays
bleed through
our old quartered
window panes
--slightly yellowed with
old age and neglect--
it casts a golden light
across the room
falling on top of the bed
as we once did
young lovers eclipsed in
passion too strong to control
muscles tensed with love
as shadows roar like lions
in back arched ecstasy
across the canvas wall
there's no passion
only the golden
light from
the window
as it falls
on an old man
alone with his shadow
Cup of coffee, a cigarette,
The desire to describe a day;
Over these words, I wince and fret.

A clock chimes it's infinite way
Eroding hours till all lights gray.

Day of leisure, a life well set,
A wish the clock would slow or stay;
This loss of light, I'll soon regret.

The moments quickly slip away
Into the twilights dying splay.

Time spent fishing, from age be let,
And hope that many swim this bay;
Hours levied, against chance I'll bet.

The suns grand retreat seems to say
My stellar prize has gone astray.

Cup of coffee, a cigarette,
The sadness of a wasted day;
Over words, still I wince and fret.

As clocks chime their infinite way
Eroding hours till all lights gray.
I wrote this last summer while in the high Uinta mountains.
I took the trip to observe the Perseids meteor shower.
 Feb 2013 Sean Briere
Ryan Cenzon
Floating like Dandelion,

like lucid dreams, dragged by the wind.

Floating so ecstatically,

painful memories we rescind.

The land once deserted,

now heavily inhabited and teeming.

The stained fabrics of our history,

slowly we are cleaning.

Afternoons so peaceful,

spent in the windy meadows of our mask.

Finally, in the sky, I see the light,

in it, forever shall I bask.
 Feb 2013 Sean Briere
Ryan Cenzon
In the dark, I weep,

as in the air, fumes, I smell.

Alive I may appear to be,

but my soul now burns in Hell.

Memories of happiness in my hands,

memories of watching it swim away,

now, left am I, to wonder,

why I still live to see the day.

The sky has promised joy,

December winds dragged me along,

the leaves had whispered, that you were for me,

and now, I bleed, for they were wrong.
 Feb 2013 Sean Briere
Ryan Cenzon
We walk atop the clouds,

above the oceans, that have swallowed,

the crowns that we had once worn,

wave, after wave, dragging the sands into her tables.

Look upon the sky of black,

where the thousand stars reside,

while in the dark, they harmoniously spin,

the seven brothers of the Alpha and Omega.

Brothers, once united strong,

have grown apart with seas in between,

now look at one another with discrimination and disgust,

eyes now containing anger, and fists clenched with iron.

The comets, they fill my pupils,

my heart now filled with stone,

as we walk the path of good and evil,

and watch Castor and Pollux cut each other's throats.
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