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 Oct 2013 Sean
William Dhalgren
To take a trip to the city
He said, I once lost a thought there
No pity, I say
I remember those days
too well
 Oct 2013 Sean
Sophia C
 Oct 2013 Sean
Sophia C
You said, "I'm going to college—I'm not dying",
but you might as well have.
Now you exist to me as the dead do—
As a ghost;
an old photograph;
a sigh.

You haunt me
in old Chet Baker songs;
at four in the morning
when I wonder if you still suffer from insomnia;
when I walk down Broad with sweaty palms;
or even that nickname—I always hated that name—
but I liked the way it sounded when you said it.

And you're alive—
picking your fingernails; breathing—
when I can't stand the lights
and I shut the door to let
darkness settle in my skin; into my pores; in my head.
It's then when I realize:
I've never felt more human—
and my heart has never been so raw.
 Oct 2013 Sean
Madeline Rose
This poem may sound quite silly
Who would ever write about throat drops?
Firey throat
These drops are my antidote
So sore I can hardly speak
This light head is making me weak
Out of breathe
Sore throats with the combination of school is the equivalent of death
(Silly poem)
 Oct 2013 Sean
Madeline Rose
Cool chills
One touch sparks
Nervous smiles
Accidental hand touching
Giddy giggles
Engraved memories
Little moments that will stain your mind
First texts
Sweet conversations
Contemplation between lust or love
 Oct 2013 Sean
Burning Stars
 Oct 2013 Sean
How active the stars
How different the days
We’ve found what’s ours
In a universe ablaze
Basking at ***** of fire
Reveling under auroras
How the heavens inspire
We feel an aura
Wishing on burning rock
Praying to ancient light
Time ticks away on the clock
How glorious the night

— The End —