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What happened?
It is obvious
She stood on an ice cube to hang herself
And it- that which granted her release- melted as well
Isn't it appropriate that in order to be free from this world
We have to do it with the aid, permission
Of something solid "real"
Hanging requires rope, and something with which to propel yourself
Jumping, that beautiful suspended moment of free-fall,
Can't finish the job without the impact
In order to escape the unreal
You must find an anchor
Which is what you've been looking for all along
You must hit something real
Isn't that what we are all questing for?
Jun 2013 · 1.9k
Why is the concept of being forgotten so paralyzingly terrifying to me?
Before the expanse of time,
none of us stand a chance of being remembered.
We will be swallowed up,
only be known as a statistic, a point of reference.
The thoughts we think are paramount
Quail before the laughing face of Time.
God will remember me,
so why do I care about what those on earth think?
Why do I care what people think?
What kind of sick ******* are we that we derive pleasure from others' pain?
Schadenfreude is alive and well
Unlike you and I
Why don't I throw up my hands
And succumb to the ravages of an indifferent Time
And an indifferent society
Why not let them win
Who values a game which is purposely weighted to one side
If not those who have waged something dear upon the outcome
The Ender inside me rejects the faulty system.

Why do I persevere for a "humanity"
which will never improve
In fact,
the more we evolve and know and comprehend,
The more apt we are to be heartless
Because why do we need a heart when we have a brain, Tinman?

Why do we care what we look like
Our bodies are merely
borrowed from the earth
And in the blink of eternity's eye
what we call ours
will belong to another

Why do we live in a world overflowing with bodies
And entirely lacking with people

Why can we satisfy any part of ourselves
by draping on borrowed emotions
Why is the false more alluring than the truth?
Show me an honest person
And I will show you an attractive one.

I am not you
you are not me
And we will never be
The same
Despite the pervading effort of our society
I will not be assimilated.

If we let people in,
They wouldn't hate
So why are we terrified of doing that
Is it because,
If everyone is in,
No one is
And in ceases to exist?

Why do we feel the urge to gloat about things we did not earn

Why does 1
Make more money than 2
Because his nose is straighter,
His hair is curly rather than straight,
Because 1 spends an eighth of his time in the gym
While the less attractive 2 spends 7/8 of his time
Screaming inside
At a society which has cut off its own ears that it can't won't hear.

Why are random genes a judge of worth
While character is a word so overplayed
It folded its hand long ago

Why is the face of a beautiful liar
Infinitely preferable
To that of a plain truthteller
Infinite whys
And a world which whispers
     Cradle me with your honeyed lies
     Assurances of past lullabies
     How do I trust what the mockingbird cries
     When even it runs from the skies

Why do so many see ourselves as bound and controlled by manipulated strings
When those strings are nothing but ropes with which we can escape

Why do we live on top of one another
Without deigning to know our prisonmate
Without so much as a spared thought
For the dead flailing beneath us

Why do I hold dearest to my heart
Past injustices
Counting them as the tiny, insidious proofs
That I am a good person
Because good does not exist without the bad
Relativity is the grip keeping us from sliding

Why is it that words spoken can never be taken back?
Simple. We can never reclaim what was never ours.
You think you are original in your menial thoughts
What have you done but regurgitate the thoughts of your predecessors?
Rearranging the same letters
To form the same tiresome conclusions.
We are the worst type of plagiarists.

Why is the only thing propelling you a sense of duty
Why are you devoutly loyal to objects rather than the people who happen to hold them


Why do we invent reasons to hate one another
We take solace in the loopholes which justify our hatred
That we may not be like the "monsters" we condemn

Why are "we" and "they"
Not just markers of distance?
Why must they be very real, ubiquitous mentalities?

Why are somber topics the common stuff of jokes
Because we have grown numb enough to empathy
To shun it in favour of a laugh?

Why is suffering so prevalent
When we have an excess of affluence
Are such extremes what define us as a race?

Why is a white lamb the symbol of pristine innocence
When innocence is slaughtered day after day?
Why are sharks abhorred creatures even though
Our vicious attacks
Far outnumber theirs
Do we idealize them that we may have a reason
An excuse
To assert our dominance over yet one more
To feel the joy of crushing them underfoot
Why do we focus on certain images
When the true image of our society
Is the person who occurs each day,
Who breaks
The answer is because we know
that we
Are at fault.

Why when confronted about the tiniest aspect of ourselves
We rear our heads in defense
Backing up against the corner of idiocy
The walls built upon the truths we have fabricated
Why are the swirling armor of falsities so comforting
And when pierced
We rebel
With every bit of the person we have built
Lashing out as does a dog chained its entire life
But even a dog
Which is after all "just an animal"
*Is not fool enough to delude itself into loving its chain.
Some of the "why?"'s running through my head. Like most others, this poem of mine came from a place of severe disgust towards humanity. Enjoy!
Jun 2013 · 1.8k
How Pretty
Wind chimes make beautiful music

For their listeners

And if allowed

Would beat themselves to death

For our pleasure.
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
Impossible without the distance of time.
Distance which remembers naught but numbers.
Time cannot help but to dehumanize.
And who are we,
Flecks of dust,
To challenge it?
Jun 2013 · 793
Not Bent, Broken
The lame dog
Paws ****** from the gore of the trail
Keeling over
Ragged breaths chopping up the frozen air
And whines mournfully
At the wolves who have already disappeared
Without a glance back.
Jun 2013 · 538
Noise of Creation

Against the roar of confusion.

Chaos is the base chord

With which everything harmonizes

I cannot help but to think

The observer of our universe

Silently watches and listens

Fighting the urge to cover his eyes

And block his ears.

Tears streaming down an immortal face.
Jun 2013 · 736
Rattled Cages
The thing under the nailed boards rattles its cage

But its keeper beats the floor, demanding silence.

The man had finally found his heart

And having seen what it could do, he locked it up forever

Hoping against hope it would turn cannibal

That he could forget the emotions throbbing in the space where his chest used to be.
Jun 2013 · 581
Never Enough
a tired vehicle driven by career
feels as though every second wasted will ruin her
                                                             ­                                                                 ­                                        *he

                  ­                                                                 ­                                has found in his golden heart: *love

                                                          ­                                                                s­he won't let him bathe her in it
                                                      ­         they just haven't got the *time
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
Beneath Our Feet
The most devastating alien lies beneath our feet
Earth allowing us to mine her in an ingenious divide-and-conquer strategy
She bleeds beauty as a carnivorous flower
Fermented water smacks of sin
Jun 2013 · 801
Caged Bird
The world covers its ears to the song of the caged bird
Secrets fall upon deafened ears
It stopped singing
She decided she'd go through with it
She took her razor blades
And sat on the stairs in front of her New York apartment
Every time a person would walk by
She would cut
In that one day she learned more than she had in all her school years
Wrists ******, vision blurry, eyes pleading
She sat and cut and cut
Until it was sunset and no one had stopped her
She saw averted eyes, children pulled out of the way
Streets crossed, pitying eyes, shudders
But no one helped that teenage girl
So as the last walked by
She cut again
And died, not of blood loss but despair
*(They noticed her then)
Jun 2013 · 1.7k
Beautiful Dreamer
His eyes were galaxies reflected in the vortexes of her heart
Shimmering nothings she loved to be lost and found in
Whenever he gazed upon a horizon or tabletop or cup of tea
She could almost see
What he saw set off the foreshocks in her own soul
Capricorn kaleidoscopes and faerie fliers
Of flaking eternities and sauntering demises
Eyes brimming with the untold fantasy of the pinned butterfly
He could see over the folds of Time
(carpet smothering bodies of resistance)
Second hands writhing from the slither of reversible realities
Eyes dripping smoke from the burning within him
He had a beauty no one could envy
For he was the eighth wonder
That he managed to survive in this world
Jun 2013 · 868
Irresponsibly Beautiful
she apologized with lilies and manufactured notes because her emotions were otherwise engaged
loved the taste of the stamps from letters never sent
made cars swerve to avoid her picking invisible flowers in the street
touched your soft cheek leaving tattoos of her favourite words
she left the candle burning when she left the house because she didn't want the ghosts to be cold
she knitted raincoats of lace and wore shoes of tulips
hosted masquerade ***** by herself,
for the sake of hiding from herself for a while
Jun 2013 · 581
the type of girl who died in a car crash
because she never outgrew going out of her way to go through puddles
the girl who'd always heard she was pretty when she was angry
so she stayed enraged all the time
(there is enough to be angry about)
the girl who always walked like her feet were on fire and she is walking on a tightrope
she saw people she instinctively loved and crossed the street to deliver a compliment
Jun 2013 · 597
Had to End
The gunmen trudged up the dusty path
And saw a terrible black sparrow
bewitching a girl
She was crazy, flapping around
animals will drive people nuts if I let them
He had to end the small creature's life
He took aim
and fired
girl and sparrow fell to the ground
Jun 2013 · 506
Too beautiful
hurry, little birdy! you have to fly away from here*
the girl urgently whispered to the sparrow
but she was too beautiful and the sparrow wanted only her company
the girl cried and urged it to flee
she contorted her face into a scary mask
and made threatening motions
but it would not leave her
and then
the inevitable gunshot
and the girl and her beloved sparrow died
Jun 2013 · 505
Fear is a Faithful Friend
I am frozen
I always have been
Just think with me for a moment
Every moment of every day is so very lucid
I wouldn't imagine I will ever forget the whirlwind inside of me
And yet,
I am empty
I will forget soon
Even this morning is a comparative blur
A few minutes ago
I am a puppet of Time
How can I expect to be remembered *if I have forgotten myself?

I have forgotten myself
*I am as good as dead
Jun 2013 · 1.7k
Sunrise, Sunset
You told me why
You are afraid to die
You spoke the words I think at night
and thus we fall even deeper
Awake, my sleeper
You were the dream which didn't let me rise
The enigma in your eyes
I realize now
I will live my life
Looking for someone who shares my thoughts on death
I will be your dead poet
You will cry at my funeral
Not for the death, the parting
You are smarter than to give in thusly
But as you said
Time has won
**Time will always win
Jun 2013 · 632
I love you.
You cut out a chunk of your heart and grafted it onto mine
A patchwork quilt defrosting my confused heart
I can't help but to love you now
I love you
Because you never ask anything from me
Somehow you see me
You told me you see in me someone you want to marry
I told you we have to end
I'm scared
terrified, because
I love you.
You are fighting the same struggle against time
And I'd love to stand there on the frozen battlefield with you
But the cold winds are free from my mind
And blew me away
You blew me away
You said
it's not easy to let you go
It is so very hard
Ripping that beautiful quilt apart
Trying to see from the seams
what is you and what is me
But my eyes are blurry from tears
and I can't see anymore
I love you
And if I knew what emotions to put behind it
if I had any
I would tell you I am sorry
Jun 2013 · 1.8k

n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows is beautiful
Jun 2013 · 526
I whispered
I love you
As I cried hot tears onto my keyboard
But it doesn't matter
we can never **be
Jun 2013 · 644
I Refuse to Title This
Don't you realize*
The label *"cutter"
hurts more than the razor
When you sum all of me, him, her, them in one word
It's as though whips of ice squeeze
Insisting you fit in the confines of that label
And I know
It's hard when that's all we know
Everything is labeled so we understand, but I still hate it
I ask you
What did he look like?
black, brown hair, glasses
If he were a white man, you'd describe his eyes and hair before you'd think of mentioning race
It's not your fault (only)
We name the different to get it under our grasp
A snug bottle in which we can keep the errant genie
But even the words I love are just labels
Jun 2013 · 438
Too Much
I don't know how long we've been kissing
The sun went down long ago, sad to say goodbye
You and I can't remember when we stopped breathing air separately
want can't describe the tsunami in me
Hearts beating so fast until they explode
Hands roaming because we never want to
I scratch you and the pain is insanely alluring
You are the fever I never want to sweat out
Now it's that turning moment
And as we kiss
Finally feeling alive
You tell me you've never tasted anything better
and suddenly I can't stop it
the words I haven't said come pouring out
lies, empty pillbottles, razor blades, desperate letters, so many failed ends
All come pouring into your mouth through mine
make love to me
Jun 2013 · 436
You made me the sweetest bird of paper
Written on it were lovely memories
Of times when you and I didn't feel so alone
We mistook that time for happiness,
For love.
I took it and as it nestled into my palms,
palms which had felt every bit of your skin
As I thought of hot nights and cool lies,
And the moment you realize
Love had long since become a nighttime activity,
The bird caught on fire in my hands
But didn't burn my red palms

(we didn't know it was a phoenix)
Jun 2013 · 722
Grateful Funeral
stars* crisscrossed paths to destruction
for the observant
                                                                   the body of Hu m a n i t y
                                                                     and millions of glittering stars
destined to rot in the tomb of Time
Jun 2013 · 662
Worse than the Devil
The desperate line traced a design only to space
The occupants: a motley array of the same humanity
Some bled crimson that fell forever
Some held the vital limbs in their hands causing their limp
Some depended upon the charitable kick of another to propel them forward
All ghastly sights
But the worst
The worst were the unmarred, unscarred
Who'd travelled so very far
To buy what was sold
The vender: an unsettling figure free of gender
Invisible to the customers
The haze surrounding the vender's face
Was made of suppressed memories
Each customer approached, stinking of need
And laid something valuable upon the stained table:
A dripping *****, a wisp of soul, a carefully folded memory
The vender's tip bucket contained halves of human hearts
Bleeding out regret
A face of money not concealing the truth of the transaction
Endless bodies in line to buy
Stolen from the grateful dead
Jun 2013 · 3.6k
The Cyclist
The cyclist on his bike, fueled by sweat of curiosity,
Wondered why it was that he could not fly
He thought therefore he became and on that bike of gold
He soared, the heavens a freeway for the blind
Finally seeing :
Earth is merely an elephant graveyard for the angels
The knowledge was a toxic pinball, corroding his insides as dust
He felt despair creeping like smog
(knowledge spoils)
Without thought or command his flesh imploded
Snapping like a boomerang at the end, the beginning
Of the universe.
And then he was a fiery star,
His bike of human mold cast down
(and sweetens)
Without restrictive ears he could comprehend
The slow mellotones of his fellow Fliers, Travellers, Stars
They hummed a warning to the man who was not
Of the hazards of thought
And the universe was silent again.
Jun 2013 · 518
Each galaxy is home to someone, each star the sun of someone
Flowers cannot see their own beauty and heat rises
So all they feel is cold, cold
Dust is the bits of ourselves which gave up first
And is the sheen of mortality over all
Time gets time off when we close our eyes
And if we all did at once, it wouldn't have to exist
Petals are as fateful as coins in tender hands
But not near as faithful
And onions sweat tears
As their layers are laid bare
Jun 2013 · 3.6k
Time's Prostitute
She wears dresses of calendar papers
Makeup of cremated ashes
Stilettoes of assassins' accurate daggers
Diamonds, tears of angels
Heart a ticking time bomb
Each swell of emotion, increased heart rate
Acceleration of expiration
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Heart of Knives
The knives were an inviting buffet of loathing
Their mirrored edges filing away at her inhibition
Until with a savage yell of fear
She picked each instrument up
stabbing and stabbing
Forming a heart of knives, heart of pain, in the wooden countertop
Jun 2013 · 811
Water Cycle
I was crystalline, a lacelike floe of ice
And you in your inferno-storm melted me
But we both know what comes next
Evaporation will be the death of you and I
Jun 2013 · 447
The Other Name of Fear
She no longer remembered how their numbered calendar worked
And in her darkness measured time by hairs lost
She engraved crucial thoughts into her skin
But by the end of the night they no longer made sense
She was eyeless- not sightless- and they ran from her
But she'd played their games long enough
Jun 2013 · 914
The End
The moment when time coalesces
When every futile aspiration succumbs
And fragility becomes the armour of the arrogant
When scars are beautiful without a lens
And angels are able to stop crying themselves to sleep
Jun 2013 · 2.8k
A tall, strong man
Voice harsh from unheeded, unheard, words
****** and bruised
Wounded by the clubs he himself handed out
Her feet were filed shards of glass
tip-toeing across a beach of RETURN TO SENDER letters
Each puncture a stab in the hearts of the loveless
Her eyes of palest nothing loved
Loved without reason or name or words to explain
But on this beach without
Played the children of failed abortions
Opened doors revealing only mirrors
Jun 2013 · 579
She Thought (She Knew)
She knew without a why
That the end had surrendered to shuddering consequence long ago
Light carried upon fragile wind
Devastates the civilization of paper
The elements play cards
With flushes of human hearts
A baby crawling across a desert
Can name the nature of contentment,
Hunger an embarrassing ugliness
Yet her biting world told her she was wrong
In the singular way of maturity
Jun 2013 · 493
Broken Record
beauty in the hand of the clock
which tick-tocks and remains at the same second
a suspended moment in time
I look at that hand, rewinding and replaying,
wondering what happened at that moment
to make even the instruments of time take a repeat
Jun 2013 · 398
the moment
we fell in love
was like the moment when the darkness rushes to your eyes
after midnight goodbyes
Jun 2013 · 502
I wonder
But am too bound to think why
I wander
But my feet know only routines
But you
You were the music I never knew I was singing
The poetry I bled out nightly
The dance of my tired heart
The crescents of my palm
You were beauty
Because you let yourself be
Jun 2013 · 884
Misunderstood Cacophany
the birds sing songs of sweet agony
begging, crying
for the end of expectations
end of the madness
the intolerable weight
they bartered with hell for flight,
air the illusion of weightlessness,
wings in exchange for terrible visions
laments cursed to sound like shallow song
they too are mute here
Jun 2013 · 541
Catch Me
the enemies
aren't memories
don't you see
they were born in you and me
goodness snapped with that umbilical cord
now I am dying for a cord
to hold as I fall
fall without awareness of even the sensation because I am numb
we are but numb bears in the winter
without hope for a blizzard to take us *away
Jun 2013 · 1.6k
Dilated Pupils
The "i"'s of this keyboard know me better than the eyes of anyone I know
This aloof computer has seen me ***** ugly thoughts while "in real life" I don't bat an eye
I am a wounded owl in the night
fearing- free of reason- the sudden dawn
You might be able to help me, but the scars reappear when you leave,
the only magic trick I believe in anymore
(knowledge spoils and sweetens)
don't pity me when I say I can never be loved
You only love one shell of many
Jun 2013 · 480
the tears we don't cry are also the sweet lullaby of the misunderstood
those muffled wails the anthem of the struggling
but that's what we do
we find something to struggle against
and time after time we find a reason
for fingers splayed hoping to feel light
for notes made but never sent
for all the holes you've rent
in my willing heart

— The End —