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May 2014 · 1.1k
"Red Velvet Devil"
Scott shealy May 2014
I’m the Red Velvet Devil camouflaged in a plastic cup
I don’t have you yet, Aah, but the hooks aren’t set
I’m cheaper than “junk” and it’s only thirteen bucks
Just give me a month and I’ll be all you have

Ooh, I got you now; you feel my cold fingers in your back
I’ve only just begun to rip your soul out – intact
It’s been one year and you are my infernal *****
I've eaten your smile, your kids, your girl, money and more

You’re a shadow of your walking skin suit and you’re not aware
That my barbed noose tightens every time you try to care
You no longer laugh as I grin back from my deep dark pit
Why don’t you die, Scott? It’s so much better than what you’ve got

Year number three and all you have is enemies
No one believes you and they certainly don’t care
Your whole life is a lie; your spine is a broken bone
I’m the Red Velvet Devil they call methadone

You’re my pitiful meat puppet and you no longer care
I’m so achingly happy; my cloven hooves click the air
My grip attached at your spine, with my rotting kiss you crumble inside
You don’t have anything, so get the gun or razor; I want to see you die

It’s the fourth and final year, I watch you as my demons near
They writhe and snap their hungry jaws and you cop your nod – insincere
Your pulse beats to my oily black heart inside
You’re a sorry, cheap trick that I’ve ***** many times

I see you stumble and cry as you rot inside- why?
You should be grateful; I’m the reason you dine with swine
“The sow is mine!” I rage to your empty God
The end is near so all you hear is the demons flaying you alive

No breath in your lungs, or blood in your heart
You’re numb as an ice storm as I’m tearing you apart
Your life is a lie; your spine is a broken bone
It’s sooo nice to meet you; I’m the Red Velvet Devil they call methadone
I was on 136 mgs of methadone daily for 4 years and I kicked cold turkey a month ago. I'm so grateful to be alive! Any one who needs to talk or needs help I am here! or Scott Shealy on facebook.....god bless us survivors of this awful drug!
May 2014 · 890
"Red Velvet Devil"
Scott shealy May 2014
I’m the Red Velvet Devil camouflaged in a plastic cup
I don’t have you yet, Aah, but the hooks aren’t set
I’m cheaper than “junk” and it’s only thirteen bucks
Just give me a month and I’ll be all you have

Ooh, I got you now; you feel my cold fingers in your back
I’ve only just begun to rip your soul out – intact
It’s been one year and you are my infernal *****
I've eaten your smile, your kids, your girl, money and more

You’re a shadow of your walking skin suit and you’re not aware
That my barbed noose tightens every time you try to care
You no longer laugh as I grin back from my deep dark pit
Why don’t you die, Scott? It’s so much better than what you’ve got

Year number three and all you have is enemies
No one believes you and they certainly don’t care
Your whole life is a lie; your spine is a broken bone
I’m the Red Velvet Devil they call methadone

You’re my pitiful meat puppet and you no longer care
I’m so achingly happy; my cloven hooves click the air
My grip attached at your spine, with my rotting kiss you crumble inside
You don’t have anything, so get the gun or razor; I want to see you die

It’s the fourth and final year, I watch you as my demons near
They writhe and snap their hungry jaws and you cop your nod – insincere
Your pulse beats to my oily black heart inside
You’re a sorry, cheap trick that I’ve ***** many times

I see you stumble and cry as you rot inside- why?
You should be grateful; I’m the reason you dine with swine
“The sow is mine!” I rage to your empty God
The end is near so all you hear is the demons flaying you alive

No breath in your lungs, or blood in your heart
You’re numb as an ice storm as I’m tearing you apart
Your life is a lie; your spine is a broken bone
It’s sooo nice to meet you; I’m the Red Velvet Devil they call methadone
I was on the methadone clinic for fours years at 136 mgs a day. I quit cold turkey. Almost a month now. If anybody needs help or support I'm here....gothtx74@gmail or Scott Shealy on facebook God bless the survivors of this awful drug!! I love you all!!

— The End —