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371 · Dec 2012
Scot Alvey Dec 2012
Sweet dreams my dear, sweet dreams to you
As you lay your head down and await the soft morning dew

Gather up your covers and keep yourself warm
Hold your teddy tight. He'll keep the demons at bay till dawn

And as Lay down think beautiful thoughts
That'll wake the sleeping fairies and send them to work

I'll be thinking of you as the fairies fly down
To lift up your soul to that far away land

Let your dreams be free as you cross the sea
To the oh so familier world of make believe.
Alchera is the name given to dreamtime by Indigenous Australians
351 · Dec 2012
If I could live again
Scot Alvey Dec 2012
If I could live again after I die
If I could come back as a ground loving mammal or a bird in the sky
Then I would be a squirrel and all it entails
So I could wake up, wrapped up, in that big fluffy tail

— The End —