I want to be loved by a poet
for his words would wash away sorrow
I'd live a life caressed by metaphors
and kissed by imagery
I want to be loved by a poet
Expressions of love would have me flipping through a dictionary
expanding my knowledge of what means
I want to be loved by a poet
to live in a world where eyes and stars
are synonymous
and every spoken line is a riddle of truth
I want to be loved by a realist
for there would be no mystery behind the lines
life would be empty of
guessed meaning
I want to be loved by a realist
to never need to question or decipher what I have
Love expressed in simplicity
and directness
I want to be loved by a realist
for honesty would be what is
and my life would be grounded
I want to be loved by masculinity
for heroics would be part of
the puzzle
life with bar fights for my honor
I want to be loved by masculinity
to live with knowledge that love
was also safety and strength when there
was trouble
I want to be loved by masculinity
to know that my life could be protected
and strong arms would catch me
when I fall
I want to be loved by an adventurer
with new twists and turns behind every corner
Where love is professed on mountain tops
and in exploration
I want to be loved by an adventurer
for surprises would be grand and
would never set in
I want to be loved by an adventurer
because life would be new everyday and
the discovery channel would be viewed through
my eyes
I want to be loved
to be