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Apr 2016 · 325
ks Apr 2016
i wish i were dead.
Mar 2016 · 344
ks Mar 2016
they talk to me,
think i'm listening.
but really, i am swallowing
words of self-hatred.

my heart beats but
there is no sound.
my pulse is felt,
but no life.

when i look in
the mirror,
i see a lot of things,
but none of them are me.

i am trapped inside
my own body,
i yearn to get out.

people think i am
breathing, but no,
i choke.
Feb 2016 · 405
ks Feb 2016
if you stripped naked my soul,
you'll find her,
running through my veins,
like my blood, a part of me.

my tongue can't get
those words out,
i can't tell you how
crazy i am in love.

my heart,
it breaks
every single time she
talks about her.

the glitter in her eyes
at the mention of her name,
i wished that shine
belonged to me.

but it doesn't.

there is no remedy
for the madness
i bestow,
they can chain me up
but there is no point.

because it's my heart that needs caging.
Jan 2016 · 385
new year
ks Jan 2016
leave it all behind.

leave it all behind.

leave it all behind.

in your book of life
this year,
begin page 1 of 366,
not with a comma
or with a full stop.

but with a question mark,
preparing yourself
for what is to come.
beauty in nightmares
or nightmares in beauty.
Dec 2015 · 354
best friend
ks Dec 2015
sometimes it engulfed me,
sometimes I lost myself,
but it was my best friend.

sometimes I looked in the mirror,
and it was all I saw,
I wished to sleep in comfort,
but I could never escape its claws.

it followed me when I was happy
it was my shadow when I was sad,
sometimes it hurt me,
but seldom was I mad.
all I dreamt of now
was me at the end of a gun.

but maybe it wasn't a dream,
maybe it was all real,
because I felt dead inside,
not knowing how to feel.

I loved it, my best friend,
with all I could feel,
my blood dripped for it,
but it could never love me.
Dec 2015 · 394
ks Dec 2015
I have felt butterflies in my stomach,
I have found it hard to get my words out,
I have blushed at the smile your red lips flashed.
I have seen you when I gaze into the night sky,
formed constellations with your words.

I've always dreamed of what it'd be like
to love one another, seeing no flaws,
to feel electric every time we touched.

I've always dreamed of seeing the day,
when we stand together,
hand in hand in my balcony,
and you say what an amazing view.
and I look at you and say,
what an amazing view
not just think to myself,
like I usually do.

I've always dreamed of seeing the day,
when I can love you,
and you, I,
without being given ***** looks.

for love is not measured by gender,
a girl can love a girl,
a boy can love a boy.
I always have and will continue to dream
of seeing the day when
love truly triumphs.
Dec 2015 · 558
dreams - haiku
ks Dec 2015
barren lands and
leaves falling down;
a life of broken dreams.
Nov 2015 · 1.3k
poseidon's vice
ks Nov 2015
the ship of her thoughts,
was drifting away,
into the sea of darkness;
but along that way,
it got stuck,
in the whirlpool of sadness
— and it drowned.
Nov 2015 · 347
ks Nov 2015
I walk through fields of grass so green,
my eyes blinded by the sun's golden sheen,
the morning breeze kisses my feet,
the sounds of nature play their own beat.

as I walk through the scene, I spot someone
it is a beautiful woman,
she's there and then she isn't, playing hide and seek,
with radiant eyes and rosy cheeks.

I run around and finally find her,
tears in her eyes and lost are the smiles that once were,
there is blood on her clothes, her once beautiful face
is now mere patches of skin that none can erase.

she cries and cries till she bleeds from her very mouth
then asks me for help, hands stretched out
all my attempts at helping her fail
she is still crying, turning more and more pale.

she cries till her voice starts hurting my ears,
I can feel the blood oozing out of my ears,
her hand is still stretched out, waiting for the warmth of another,
her voice pierces through me, I shudder.

parts of me are now breaking,
the frequency of her voice is taking
away life from inside of me,
but what is that? I see a smile spread across her cheek.

she smiles while I struggle to stand,
she smiles while I feel my body drown in the sand,
my eyes shut and I fall into the whirlpool of sand below me
and then she laughs, humming a sweet melody.
Nov 2015 · 1.2k
ks Nov 2015
feed me poison,
watch me die,
savour while I struggle.

stab me with knives,
hear me cry,
make my screams your favourite song.

cut me up,
bleed me dry,
swim in my tears.

let me go through hell,
in beds of fire, lie
make castles of my ashes.

leave me behind,
and say goodbye,
carry with you a piece of me.

but please.. don't say you love me
only to lie.
Nov 2015 · 644
ks Nov 2015
there was nothing
that stopped her from
ripping her skin and turning it
into a crimson work of art.

when asked, she said
'i am simply following
my love's orders,
to escape my horrific mind.

you can't see him and he can't you
but he takes me to wonderland.
he builds me my paradise
where i can finally feel free.'

some called it madness
some called it a saviour for a misfit
but all i saw was love and hope
between a messiah
and a creature fragile.
Nov 2015 · 370
ks Nov 2015
it looked at me,
through the debris,
it moved swiftly,
its stride oddly pretty;
I saw the places where I was bruised,
the places where it fused
into my skin,
and suddenly, the world began to spin;
faded away had the sadness,
my life was now a see-saw of madness.
Nov 2015 · 419
beyond the horizon
ks Nov 2015
look up to the sky,
till it is nothing but a crowd,
a crowd of misty dreams,
a sky of puffy clouds.

look down to the ground,
till it is nothing but a bed,
a bed of history long forgotten,
a rendition of what lays ahead.

look at the horizon,
the perfection of where they merge,
the love they share with each other,
feel its power surge.

now look in the mirror, at yourself
till it becomes nothing but glass
unite yourself with who you see,
become in your ocean the wrasse.

look at yourself like you look
at nature's wonders,
look at your outer self with love,
not forgetting the beauty of what's under.
Nov 2015 · 820
ks Nov 2015
every time we touched,
sparks didn't fly,
a tempest arose,
its origin the sky,
for I was the wind and
you were the sea,
devastation was meant to be.
Nov 2015 · 302
ks Nov 2015
in him I was,
in me were flaws;
he said he could see
beyond the cracks,
but what is so pretty
about a canvas of blacks?
Nov 2015 · 356
No Remedy for the Broken
ks Nov 2015
Slits on my skin
With the dagger of love,
You infected my insides,
Where once darkness had been.

You stole my heart,
And took it away,
Polluted it with colour,
Turned it into a work of art.

You crawled inside my mind,
Robbed me of thought,
Filled in it some happiness,
With your beauty so kind.

Your soul diffused into mine,
We became one, Your wings
Wrapped around my wounded body,
The angels' voices chimed.

As easily you made me feel,
Was as easily you destroyed me,
I have nothing left,
But scars that won't heal.

I sit here in silence, caressing
My flower of feeling,
With its petals torn,
Where is the angels' blessing?

I glue my petals back but I'm still broken,
They keep falling apart like a storm struck them
I thought what can't be mended would mend itself,
But oh was I wrong... again.

— The End —