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awkward hellos
sad goodbyes
is all we have,
at least it's all we have
that people could see,
alone you and i can see each other
actually look into one another's eyes
feel our bodies touch and press together
in an almost never ending embrace,
of passion and desire.
i taste your lips over and over
simply because i am afraid to forget how soft,
how sweet, and how warm they are.
i love to share myself with you,
every inch of my pink flesh.
and when the night is gone and the world awakens
once again the awkward hellos
and sad goodbyes is all we have.
650 · Apr 2013
Where does it all go?
Where does it all go in the end?
who do we become?
a piece of the blue sky?
or perhaps a star in the night?
sailing above the milky way
past the moon
and surely over the sun
we fly
606 · Jul 2013
to hold a hand
to hold a hand
is to hold a soul
is to hold a life
to feel the other person
as your fingers weave
in and out of eachother
a simple action
a simple touch
but oh!
it leaves the strongest impact
i have forgotten what it is like
to hold someones hand
to feel them
to notice all the small
twitches and nudges they do
with their fingers
i have forgotten
when will i remember?
i went for a swim today
in the small pool of water i have in my home
while sitting and watching petite waves crash
aimlessly against the porcelain walls
i think to myself
of how wonderful it is to be cleansed
of all the filth that today has spit upon me,
and yet,
more importantly,
i keep with me the happiness
the sunrise of this morning gave
i keep with me the promise
of not knowing what tomorrow will bring
and best of all i keep with me
the warm embrace of the water that carries me
through the stream of my undying imagination.
500 · Feb 2013
i want you
I want you
and you don't know
I want you
to hold me
I want you
in every way that she has you
I want you
to know
I want you
486 · Feb 2013
Poem #2
she is a happy child
her smile is stained with love and youth
her thoughts bleed freedom and her heart is wild
she takes the world as her playground and searches for truth
along the way she becomes sad and lost
giving into all sins, as humans tend to do
her tears flood her porcelain face and her vision becomes glossed
she cannot see the glories of the universe or the skies that are painted blue
a world she once knew collapses right before her
the pieces scattered infinitely across the floor
the pieces of her life, her dreams and her heart become a blur
she can't remember how to smile or feel the warmth of the place she called home
and it frightens her,
yes, it frightens her.

— The End —