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3.5k · Nov 2014
SB-JC Nov 2014
Conceited, arrogant, rude, ignorant, narcissistic, gall.
In order to care for another,
you must first want what they want,
Feel what they feel,
and know what they need.

True caring,
can only be found when two souls
become intertwined,
tied in an inseparable knot.

Once you can feel what someone else feels,
when you can see what they see,
how they see it,
when they see it.

When you are able to know a person
so well that you know what they want,
when they want it,
and how they want it.

How they will react to something,

When you know what a person wants
and you do everything in your power to
aid them,
help them,
guide them to their goal.

Then you know what true caring is.

So don't tell me you care,
because you bought me some shoes.
Don't tell me you care,
because you took me home,
when that's the last place I wanted to be.
Don't tell me you care,
because when I cried out for help,
Spilled my guts in hopes you could find a way to save me,
you told me to clean up the mess and get over it.

You don't care.
Not about me.
Not about anyone.
Anyone but yourself.
1.7k · Apr 2015
Change (spoken word)
SB-JC Apr 2015
Have you ever had a pocket full of change?
so much change you need a belt just to keep your pants up?
so much change you could pay the mortgage in pennies, bury the twenties and pay them in coins.
because you dont need fat stacks to cover the cracks in your imperfections let them show,
like coins in your wallet.
if i had a penny for every petty penny thrown to the curb for its worth i'd melt them down and show the world that everyone can be part of something bigger.
So next time you see a procumbent penny lying face down on the ground remember.
every penny needs a pocket in which to preside,
every nickle has a name if only you'd ask remove the ask of class and realize that
no matter whether you're a penny, a nickle, if something more.
we are all just change.
So next time you find yourself in the club, don't make it rain, Make it hail!
788 · Nov 2014
Shut up
SB-JC Nov 2014
Materialistic egotistical narcissistic *****.
All you do is talk big
but you are just small.
you try to impress others
but just hurt them in the process.

Just shut your mouth
don't say another word
you say you want to help
you claim that what you say does good.

All you do is ruin friendships,
spoil relationships.
Say the wrong things,
Then regret it later.

You try to change,
you tell yourself you will.
But you do the same thing
over and over. hurt people then hurt yourself.

just shut up.
never talk again.
be quiet.
615 · Jan 2015
SB-JC Jan 2015
The sky Teasrs, revealing the heavans
Angelic light pours down upon me
The light is bright, but not blinding
A silhouette begins it's long decent

Even as she falls I am left speechless
unable to move, stunned by beauty
The closer she gets, the further I fall
Falling for her as she falls toward me.

She floats toward me like a feather in the breeze
her delicate feet meet the ground
her eyes meet mine and I freeze
eyes like pools of water, telling me everything

Her soft lips silently fall apart
she utters the words
"You're a cute-cumber"
that's all she said
that's all she needed to say
587 · Nov 2014
But not I
SB-JC Nov 2014
People write poetry,
to clear their guilty souls.
To try and find hope,
in a world that's so cold.

They spill out their heart.
They spill out their soul,
in hopes that they find
some glistening gold.

Some form of release,
to put their worries to bed.
find the light in the tunnel
through all the crap they've been fed.

But not I.

The reason I write,
is all but too clear.
I write because I live,
and ill write until I disappear.
540 · May 2015
SB-JC May 2015
they said i built walls
and maybe they're right
i'm scared of the world
and the people it hides
these mountains of brick
stretch up to the clouds
and i'm all alone
but i can't get out
I hear them outside
they try to get through
these walls like a foretress
are holding so true
im alone and afraid
of the people out there
im afraid of myself
im afraid of myself
if lying's a sin
then i am no priest
i tell them i love them
to give them some peace
but i don't really care
if they stay or they go
they're outside my walls
lost in the flow
you came to the wall
like everyone else
another lost soul
outside of my cell
i stared at the ground
without lifting an eye
your hand on my face... were inside

you broke through my cage
like it wasn't there
and all in one instant
i wasn't so scared
you sat down beside me
your story you told
with you beside me
i wasn't so cold
you've lifted me up
so I can stand tall
you showed me true love
here in these four walls.

539 · Nov 2014
Six Word
SB-JC Nov 2014
my soul burns
my mind flourishes
Hey guys, my good friend and fellow poet Sarah Bell did a six word. So I decided I would give it a try :) Tell me what you think.
509 · Nov 2014
Eleven Word
SB-JC Nov 2014
Scar my body,
Scar my soul,
but you'll never hurt me.
458 · Nov 2014
An ode to Starscream
SB-JC Nov 2014
Though you were just small
our love for you was vast,
we caught you in a shoe
but that home did not last.

We moved you to a box
outside of our friends home,
we poked you with some grass
you just wanted to be alone.

But deep down in your heart
covered with dark brown scales,
we knew you really cared
from your head down to your tail.

we had to let you go
it made us really sad,
the way you slithered away
was really rather rad.

we miss you dearly
little buddy,
we'll see you some day
When it's bright and sunny.
454 · Nov 2014
I'm sorry
SB-JC Nov 2014
I can do no wrong
I am perfect
No one can compare
I am perfect
I am an angel
I am perfect
I am almighty
I am perfect

True perfection cannot be achieved,
Because everyone is different.
No one wants the same thing
as the next in line.

All I ask
is you accept me,
for me.
Even though I don't match your description of perfect.

Despite the fact I can do no right
I am imperfect
Don't compare me to others
I am imperfect
I may be a demon
I am imperfect
I have no strength or might
I am imperfect.

At this point it means very little,
If not nothing at all.

I'm sorry
429 · Jan 2015
I am falling
SB-JC Jan 2015
I am falling
down I go, unable to do anything
When I started is unclear
where I will land, I do not know

I am falling
I don't recall when I began
but I do recall how
after all these weeks of falling

I am falling
for what feels like forever
I wish it was forever
I hope it will be forever

I am falling
but it is nice
it was you who pushed me
who began my fall

I am falling
you pushed me
but i like it
the idea of falling for you.
406 · Nov 2014
Pachel Rarachute
SB-JC Nov 2014
If only you knew,
How much I cared.
Undying affection.

— The End —