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Jun 2015 · 624
Sayira Jun 2015
And she said hello. No real intent, only to create a smile on "his" face. She seemed to him not merely a beautiful face but more like an incandescent bulb on a ravishing chandelier. Hardly up to code but it is of electric current that can glow eternally providing miles of visibility.
Jun 2015 · 253
In the Dark
Sayira Jun 2015
I'm not in mourning but I wear all black,captures my emotions and gets people off my back. My pain incapsulated it must not leak. Present,I am not but forever that woman in black.
For anyone that has ever suffered from depression.
Sep 2014 · 290
Without reason
Sayira Sep 2014
My eyes filled with tears, can't lie,not the news I wanted to hear I won't die. In disbelief I stood,astonished and perplexed at the lies life told me.
Soul of mine do not choose to sink in sorrow and find within the will to survive.
Aug 2014 · 301
Sayira Aug 2014
Crippled by verb,slaughtered by your words. Your vocabulary stung deep and I bled internally. Caught in a whirlwind of emotions as the river of tear drops flowed deep in rage. Victim... I was not,slowly I became your accomplice as I had the best instructor. I knew no other but to make you weep,I had become you and detested me.
Aug 2014 · 358
Sayira Aug 2014
This array of calm is all but usual. The inner chaos has vanished,the storm has passed. Blossoming beautifully right before I'm caught picking up the pieces from travesty not tragedy! The marathon within,unquenchable,sour and debilitating followed by acres of sorrow. Medicated with despair,anguish and memories of deceit. Set on reset but never reprogrammed.
Aug 2014 · 292
Sayira Aug 2014
My power relinquished,a formulaic type of romance. Sick with glee,a joyous rush of goose bumps you see. Never leave me I plead.
Aug 2014 · 318
I won't be
Sayira Aug 2014
Silenced,no words will you erupt. Covered in lava of uncertainties only to be so fearful of what may be. There is no remedy as emotions have spilled,spewed with confidence guided by doubt. The key I won't be,invite me to be the jewelry that is protected by thee.  Reckless you see with affirmations Peeking around the way.

— The End —