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349 · Dec 2015
Say Anything Dec 2015
The comfort of darkness envelops me.
The night...still and soothing, quiets my mind while at the same time
blissfully sets it free.

As the harshness of the day yields to the softness of evening,
and the light fades away,
a calmness settles over me.

Days are frenzied, a whirlwind, a blur of activity.
Nights are softer, and thoughts are free to become
unstructured, abstract, happy, pensive, joyful, melancholy.

Under the restful glow of moonlight,
glistening through the pines and oaks, the silence
unleashes thoughts held captive, sparking creativity.

When day's end finally settles in
I feel more vibrant, more authentic, able to fully just be.
The night is my stability.
I love my work, contrary to what this seems to imply, but, I do adore the night, and that stillness.
329 · Dec 2015
Say Anything Dec 2015
I think I have reached the end of reaching
for phantoms that hide from my heart.
The yearning for romantic notions not shared.
The deception of words uttered in broken,
fragmented, half truths ring hollow
when actions never follow.
That lukewarm pain
burns and stings more with each breath taken.
A phone that never rings seems the loudest silence.
When one claims to love you, but easily forgets.

When hours become days become weeks.
Silence, icy coldness, becomes anguish.
And from that anguish comes...a quiet
Nothingness.  Emptiness where once there there was a warm flame, sustaining...a lie.
The soons, the maybes, the I love yous.
Still, you intermittently offer up your aloof affections.
I'm an afterthought,
at best.  The silence.  It's fading.
snippets from a heart, once broken

— The End —