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Nov 2024 · 154
Sawyer Gowans Nov 2024
Another scale has fallen from my dragons armour hide
and seek to find the feelings that get more and more out of reach
Oct 2024 · 55
Sawyer Gowans Oct 2024
The quiet has never been louder booming around me in a cacophony of every way the words used to be safe here

Before I shared them
Oct 2024 · 362
Stone tears
Sawyer Gowans Oct 2024
My heart has learned to cry
While my eyes set like stone
It isn’t seen by passersby for the smile I left alone
It stands there muted on my face
A masquerading scar
Of the last night
before the last night
When the distance didn’t feel far
Oct 2024 · 77
Flirting for Fools
Sawyer Gowans Oct 2024
I can flirt with the best of them
and maybe I have
I can lust and desire
I can move mountains to impress and cross seas to give smiles
I can dance and spin and dip and dazzle
I can wink and smile and buy you a drink
I can get the door walk you home conduct myself with all the chivalry and charm of your favourite rom com

But to love

To love in the way I wish to love and be loved
Both feet deep end too fast too much overwhelming nonsensical hopeless love
I fear it will be a fools errand to search it out again

….but I’m glad I know it exists
….I'm glad you know too
Oct 2021 · 235
Sawyer Gowans Oct 2021
let my love be the shield you wield in the war that goes on when no one is looking
may the battlefield scars you wear on your heart find ease in my morphine kiss
when surrounded and fire rains let me shelter you
let my weathered back soften the blow till the gunshots fall as raindrops  in the shower we shared the night you cried to hide the tears
Sep 2021 · 1.1k
Keeping Time
Sawyer Gowans Sep 2021
She breathes beside me
in the stillness of the night
her heartbeat
the metronome to the whispered sections of our symphony
pounding out it's steady rhythm
keeping time between the sheets
Aug 2021 · 206
It's Been A Month
Sawyer Gowans Aug 2021
Maybe I'm crazy or maybe that's just the way the world sees romantics now
insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over expecting different results
so by definition they're not wrong
cause I've been writing poems singing songs and hoping someday to belong
to you

I've bought the flowers worn the suits tended trees that bore no fruit went to dinner caught a show cared for them when they were low
loved through sickness built through health helped them gain and grow their wealth charmed the mothers met the dads kept pace with each of their new fads went on adventures had calm nights in I put myself out on a limb all this effort to no avail
like a ship at sea

without a sail

but then you
you the effortless change of pace
the peace joy and giddy excitement rolling in gentle waves with insurmountable force hidden in the soft curves losing my nerve this is absurd

its been a month

but then you
you with the guide book to my soul leading tours through with answers to questions I didn't know I had driving me mad with the keys you hold to the secret doors into my very being

its been a month

but then you
you who breaks all the rules and tools carefully constructed out of the heartbreaks soul aches lost fates and burdened weights to keep me safe locked away from the pain and shame of another mistake

its been a month

but then you
you who ignites passions and fires deeper desires call me a liar this girl has me wired I'm not feeling tired


all I wanna do is go to bed
cause I know when I lay my head I'm just one night away from one closer day baby please stay "I love you" ok but I'm not sure I can say

I cant do this again

I am not as strong as the dragon you call me
these cavern walls in my mountain lair are cracked and worn my scales are torn my battered form has one good flight left in me

the last hurray of an ancient soul in a young mans body

so I take flight through the night stars in your eyes and leave behind the safety of my treasures and gold to give all that's left of my heart to hold
so now darlin'
you have me

its been a month
Aug 2021 · 178
Sawyer Gowans Aug 2021
I'm gonna save my suffering
gonna bottle it up inside
cap it like a mason jar and let it sit awhile
put it on the shelf with all the pain and tears I've cried
and wait forever and a day
so all the tears have dried
Aug 2021 · 166
Sawyer Gowans Aug 2021
She wasn’t mine to tarnish
though my touch her skin corrodes
she  pure unblemished
A porcelain unicorn among men
till I wiped the tears from her eyes and brushed streaks of rust across the perfection of her cheek

The sunset shades streaked over the dampened skin that once cried dark circles into shirts I never knew I would miss

For the prettiest rose cannot go on once picked by hardened hands
the lines written on my skin forced in under the gloves that have seen barren cold that can only be felt in lonely places.

Crude cursive scratched and scarred over a landscape cursed to provide shelter to hearts fallen short of paradise but to never hold them for fear of damaging that which they seek to save
Aug 2021 · 148
Sawyer Gowans Aug 2021
Do you remember the Fourth of July
you asked “you OK?”
I said “I’m fine”
you didn’t believe me but it wasn’t a lie
I see you question it the fear in your eye
when you catch a glimpse of demons in mine
But I promise you darling it’s really alright
they just come round at night they’re old friends of mine

And you worry the load that I carry and that one day I might just be buried
like atlas the world on his shoulders
An impossible burden this boulder
But the crush of the world can’t compare
to the weight of your eyes on me when you stare
Searching my soul for something to hold
To pull at the gravity
To ease the depravity

But if ever they offered more
I've taken it though I was sore  
Till my muscles and sinews all roar  
At the demons and monsters I’ve bore
For the less fortunate souls
who couldn’t uphold
The trials so bold
If left all alone
So I added their baggage and skeleton bones
To the base of my miserable throne
Aug 2021 · 259
The Moments in between
Sawyer Gowans Aug 2021
In the moments between is when I know I love her

The fraction of a second before she looks up again when her gaze softens and her brow unfurls as the artwork enveloping her soul releases her back into the world and reality fades gently into her periphery

In the moments when she’s singing along and the music finds the breaking point where she lets her voice fall silent and leans into its embrace before joining back in as if to preserve the feeling of the notes like a pressed leaf that was too pure to be piled with the rest and jumped into with careless abandon

In the pause when our lips part and she breathes me in savoring the moment
stirring the hopes and dreams of my younger self back into a frenzy without so much as a word

In this moment
in the break of our nightly conversation to be whisked away to help her family as she often does I find my love only grows as again and again her generosity with her time is out on display and I take my place in the court side seats I so proudly occupy and I silently cheer her on.

And in the long days between our last kiss and our first embrace
like soldiers come home from the battlefield her moonlight skin greets me each time like the arms of long lost love
She melts beneath my touch and all the in betweens culminate and I call it love
Sawyer Gowans Feb 2017
I don't believe in god
but I know you do
and I find myself afraid
that my love is not enough for you
And so I pray again tonight
to a force I cannot see
to a deity I do not feel
from a faith that's not in me
For truth is true to each and every one of us unique
And I'll lie to me a truth to you
if it can grant you peace
For I love you more than my pride
more than honouring my view
I'll help you walk toward pearly gates
Though I can't go in with you
I'll stand beside you every step
If you'll have me on your way
To a heaven known by one of us
Until my dying day
For my views my truths my foolish pride
They aren't worth losing you
For the pain I'd feel to lose my heart
Is what I hold most true
Jul 2016 · 451
Medusa's Match
Sawyer Gowans Jul 2016
In a garden of stone statues
I walked along and traced
My fingers over sculpted forms
Such detail in their face

And slowly as I plod along
I came across an arch
It was rough and worn and smelled of dust
But inside I did March

The air was cool and calm and still
And my footsteps echoed loud
And as I ventured forward
I began to feel quite proud

For I ran my hands along the walls
And covered them in dust
And wondered how this marvellous find
Had gone so long untouched
A few more steps around a bend
And a faint sound I could hear
The sobbing of a maiden
Did fall upon my ear

I hurried forth and and called out loud
Dear miss are you alright
I heard her shriek and sliding feet
And I ran with all my might

I flew round one more corner
And straight into a stone
And fell into a heap
I may have broke a bone

I cringed and moaned and groaned and sighed
As I clambered to my feet
I called dear maiden just once more
And began to feel defeat

As I turned to head back out
A soft voice spoke from near
You are not like the rest of them
Why did you come in here

I turned toward her voice
But she told me look away
I don't want you to see me
Not looking in this way

You look hurt she carried on
Your arm is damaged bad
Stay right there I'll fix a sling
Just don't look back dear lad

I heard her sound drift off
And return a moment later
I felt her soft hands wrap my arm
And to my health she did cater

I took her hand and kissed it
And whispered miss you're very sweet
I'd like to thank you properly
May I take you out my treat

She said that would not be wise
For as you'll plainly see
I'm a beast of little beauty
You could never care for me

I laughed for a moment
And pulled her close to me
Sweet maiden I am blind
I'll never plainly see

I turned my gaze toward her
And she looked upon my face
My still eyes gazed unwavering
As she gently held my face

She smiled at me a moment
And then began to cry
You're  the only one not turned to stone
When you look in my eyes

I kissed her once and smiled on back and pulled her close to me
I'll only ever love you for the beauty you can't see
May 2016 · 443
i meant it
Sawyer Gowans May 2016
i love you
i love you too
these words we did recite
which makes falling asleep so ******* hard
when you sleep with him tonight
i miss us
i miss your smile
ill end things with him today
and every time i trust you
every time my heart betrayed
i can't do this
it's ok
you lay
i lie
you sleep
while my heads not touched a pillow and no slumber did i keep
and now i pack a bag to see you
and of course him too
and promise i won't start ****
because i meant my *I Love You
Mar 2016 · 414
What do I do
Sawyer Gowans Mar 2016
What is right
What is wrong
Is there an inbetween
Can I do this
Should I do this
Would it be considered mean
How many times have I asked myself these
Have I asked myself please
Have I asked myself please
Mar 2016 · 325
Will you
Sawyer Gowans Mar 2016
When it's over will you crumble
Will your walls come crashing down
Will you stand there in the rubble
Afraid to make a sound
Will you pull the last stitched thread
And watch the seam be ripped apart
Will you stare blankly at the world as it tears apart your heart
Will you cuss at those around you
Will you yell out words of rage
Or tremble ever silent
Inside your mind your home your cage
Will you accept that this is your life
And you deserve your shame
Or will you stand in all your glory
And call triumphantly your name
Dec 2015 · 369
Glass smiles
Sawyer Gowans Dec 2015
She smiles at me most every day
But the pain behind her eyes paints a picture of despair
She worries I know she does
About the future of us and if we picture the same one
And it always stings a little to see her smile at me that way
To know that in happiness I have left pain.
I want to scream to stop lying, to stop holding it in because it's killing us both
But my lips do little more than quiver before mirroring her smile.
I can't bring myself to tell her that I see it
So I wait till it all comes crashing down.
Dec 2015 · 727
Running towards gunfire
Sawyer Gowans Dec 2015
I'm not sure who first taught me that bullets hurt less than love but I wish they hadn't
I wish they hadn't shown me a darker side of humanity.
I wish they hadn't taught me about envy and greed
I wish they hadn't shown me the second face of a kindly stranger
I wish they hadn't filled my head with the harsh realities of the world I live in
I wish they hadn't
I wish I hadn't
But I did
And so this is my curse, to run towards the sound of gunfire  to escape the words inside my head.
Jul 2015 · 450
Sawyer Gowans Jul 2015
You're so close I almost taste you
That sweet air upon your lips
And feel the gentle curve that runs through
From your neck down past your hips

Your eyes flash hints of mystery
And your hairs sprawled all around
I look forward to our history
When I finally pin you down.
Jun 2015 · 633
Sawyer Gowans Jun 2015
Our love still holds it's old spark
It glows and flickers inside my heart

May oceans distance wind and waves
Do their worst my heart to tame

Come cold come storm come longing days
Our little spark will grow to flame

Then one day perchance we'll meet
And your warm smile my lips will greet

Layed down with me in old desire
Our little flame may grow to fire
In that moment I will see
The ember that you gave to me

So long ago in years gone by
When you still sat right by my side
Our little bench that we once shared
Where friends knew not how much we cared

But worry I most every night
That I'm to late to join your fight

So as I close my eyes to sleep
I pray the image of you to keep

for even as it's hurts me now
to see you with him to myself vow

One day be yours to be your knight
and evermore keep our flames bright
May 2015 · 475
Burnt rubber
Sawyer Gowans May 2015
I have driven many miles in a landscape unchanged
And though the highway signs roled  by no distance was gained
At the end of the trip there was nothing to see
Just some worn out burnt rubber
Wrapped round some lonely tree.
May 2015 · 456
All that I ask
Sawyer Gowans May 2015
Many mistakes have been made in my days
Many tears shed
Many laughs lost
Many hearts broken
And to think I've stayed
never risking the trip
To you
cross the sea
who was right after just that one kiss

My days were different in the days we lived close
Many adventures taken
Many fires gathered round
Many moments cherished
And now after years we have lived and we've learned
and now the ocean looks smaller and the flight isn't so far
I will make it there
But if I'm too late
All I ask for is your happiness
Jan 2015 · 720
Sawyer Gowans Jan 2015
I love you, I miss you, I want you, I adore you.
What do you do when I love you is I miss you, when I  miss you is I want you, when I want you is I adore you, and when I adore you is I still love you?

I love I love you.
I sometimes miss I miss you.
I have wanted I want you.
I will always adore I adore you.

*life would be so much easier if they were all one
different people. different times. same man?
Apr 2014 · 569
Sawyer Gowans Apr 2014
I am anchored
I am grounded
I have a solid base
I am restrained
I am shackled
I am held in place
Mar 2014 · 397
Sawyer Gowans Mar 2014
Tell me why the feeling dies?
Tell me why after all the longing, all the passion, and all the promise of future, it still leaves just as suddenly as it came.
How does something with such proclaimed importance mean so much one day
and nothing the next.
Tell me why?
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Sawyer Gowans Mar 2014
Four thousand six hundred fifty two miles away
from my small town front door to the bed where you lay.
One thousand one hundred fifty minutes from you,
a long time to travel but I'd do it for you.
Two hundred thirty two days  since you left,
two hundred thirty one nights without rest.
A million statistics but none that I see
that will ever be enough to keep you from me.
missing snugs
Mar 2014 · 582
Dying Youth
Sawyer Gowans Mar 2014
I am happy. But somewhere far off but not so far to go unfelt, something is hollow. Something is dying slowly and I can't stop it.  Something it roting away from the inside out. This thing, I can not see it, though I have tried. It lingers in my blind spot and radiates terror, pain, anguish, and strangely youth. This dying thing radiates youth. A forgotten piece of yesterday's news, gasconading all around about it's lesser years and smoother skin, it's joyous dreams that I can no longer share.
Dec 2013 · 569
Sawyer Gowans Dec 2013
Seven billion people gathered, their names scribed in black and gold above one of four doors. Three billion, six hundred fifty eight million, nine hundred eighty seven thousand, two hundred seven over the first door, two billion, one hundred fifty eight  million, nine hundred forty seven million, five hundred sixty three, above the next, one billion, one hundred eighty two thousand, sixty five thousand, two hundred twenty nine, above the third.
My name was crudely scratched into the rickety shambles of the fourth. My name and my name only.
The people fade away as the door closes behind me, their laughter drifts from my ears, their faces begin to blur in my frail memory and then they are gone.
I am alone.
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
The third rail
Sawyer Gowans Dec 2013
Truth be told, it was over before it started. The flowers bloomed and wilted before ever seeing sunlight, fire turned to ash without a moment as a flame, and the few fleeting moments left, were wasted on the recognition of this time passing. Life had come and gone and no one had lived. We took our first steps too late, missing the last car and fell down on the third rail.
Dec 2013 · 481
Sawyer Gowans Dec 2013
I want to write poems
but the pencil won't move,
ill pick up a pen but that just fails too.
I reach for the old well with ink,
that just stains the page through,
it's not just writers block
it's poets pain too.
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Sawyer Gowans Dec 2013
I am flawed,
I have failed, and I will fail again.
I am flawed in major ways and minor ways and yet the music is as persistently beautiful as the mountains in my dreams and the song can never fail.
Because my failures are mine, they are unique and they are new. My failures are condemned to never have a chance as repetitive falling climbers on those peaks for they will never take the same route twice.
I am free, my failures are free. hence the music is free. The music is pure, the music is blissfully unaware that it's growing beauty is rooted in the ashes of these failures.
And somewhere between the first failure and the last note I fell in love with it all.
Freedom, the beautiful music of mountaintop flowers, planted in the failed attempts of rock climbers ashes.
Freedom, such a beautiful failure.
Nov 2013 · 498
brighter futures
Sawyer Gowans Nov 2013
I am a master of knots who could secure dreams to man and tie the deepest feelings of love round your heart in gentle bands.
But for all of my skill a chance never arose, to do more for this girl than write gentle prose.
If given a chance, I'd tie a noose round your pain and stitch your soul back together to bring you happiness again.
In blissful peace you may continue to roam but know for as long as I live it shall never be alone.
Aug 2013 · 1.5k
Elephants over Tricycles
Sawyer Gowans Aug 2013
A while back I met a girl. No. I met “the girl”.
As the quote goes “To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world.” and that was it, she was my world.
Now before you go thinking that I’m just some love sick, idealistic, hopeless romantic teenager caught up in the beauty and wonder of his first love just think!
Actually don’t. Don’t think, don’t rationalize, don’t mull it over assuming and judging, just listen.
Because that is exactly what I am. I am a love sick, idealistic, hopeless romantic teenager.
I am head over heels for this girl. I am knees over elbows, I am elephants over tricycles!
She drove me crazy, actually I think I walked there all by myself but it was nice to finally have someone to share it with.
She was my friend and then she wasn’t my friend. She was more than my friend.
She was my friend, my teacher, my counselor, my idol, my source of instant joy in a world that had proven itself to be cruel and bitter at the worst of times.
She was that person that I could picture running down the streets in the pouring rain in shorts, a T-shirt and bright yellow gum boots handing out colourful umbrellas to people trying to stay dry. She was that one spark from a campfire that stayed brighter longer than all the others drifting up out of the flames into the dark sky
and just when you thought it was going to go out it joined the stars and became immortalized.
She was my love, my everything, my world.
And I didn’t love her for the big "look at me moments".
Its true what they say about loving someone for the little things.
I loved her for the whispered secrets and the quiet murmurs.
I loved her for the way she held my hand when I had to leave.
She had the softest grip but with all my strength I couldn’t break free.
I loved her for the way she looked at me when we danced around her kitchen in our socks laughing.
I loved her for the way she stood up on her tip toes making our kisses last just one second longer before our lips parted.
I loved her.
It didn't matter that I couldn't think when I was around her because her presence turned my brain to mush
because I was with her and that made everything else okay.

One day she stopped holding my hand when I had to go, we didn't dance in our socks anymore, she didn't stand on her tiptoes for kisses.
When she left me I told myself I would get over her and move on, that was over a year ago.
For a long time I wondered how I was going to live in a world where everything reminded me of her.
I  tried to date other people and failed miserably when my thoughts were filled with pictures of her. I struggled, my love for her tore me apart.
Eventually I began to live again, functioning with an acceptance that I may never be over her.

Today I met a girl.
No. I met "the girl", the same girl, the girl I had met over two years ago and today, she's my friend and I am still elephants over tricycles for her.
Sawyer Gowans Aug 2013
Shakespeares words once beauty were,
through thought and speech they spoke to her.

Though in translations time was lost,
at dire end the beauty cost.

For only few still do perceive,
the words wrote down as he would need.

A scholar wise will still read on,
pursuing beauty long since gone.

Dead set in ways that harbor pain,
when sleepless nights is all you gain.

For trust of past is love soaked daggers,
each will stab and you will stagger,
and only now must I believe
it is not Shakespeare,
it is me.
Jul 2013 · 1.9k
Sawyer Gowans Jul 2013
Young, strong, And eager. The stallion drinks of the blue green waters. Ripples of tranquility lapping over him. He drinks in this new place, so fond of feelings that coarse through him. So fond of the peace that encircles this land.

Young, beautiful, And pure. The rider slides from atop her stallion. She lands softly, her feet sticking, catching her as they have countless times before. She ties her stallion to the old post and kneels drinking of the mesmerizing waters herself. She stands and fades off, exploring the beauty of the place.

Old, tired, And lonesome. A dusty scene materializes. A dried up waterhole left battered by the prying hands of time. Buzzards sit picking apart the final remains of a frail skeleton, still shackled to the old post he once knew well. The last drop of murky grey water sits beside a pair of one way tracks, laid down years ago.

Beauty comes and beauty grows but in time the dust will always blow.

— The End —