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Savanna Mar 2014
We always know where our towels are so we can help each other out
‘Cause we protect each other without ever a doubt

Even when one swears the other has puddin’ in their head
We still trust each other, both with guiding and being led

Whenever you have a Hat-and-or-Wig Party, I’ll be there
Because while three’s company, us two is a constant pair

I’ll be the first to reward you with five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact
Because always supporting each other is our unwritten contract

I’ll sit and watch a movie with you, even if it’s Sweded
Because just hanging out with you is all that is needed

Even if all we did in a day was roll in ze hay
I know that we would still have fun anyway

Whether anyone says we were brought together by fate, destiny… or a horse
All that matters is that we are forever family on the same course

Even if there’s no meteoroid, severe loss of blood or death,
We’re there to help each other ‘til our last breath

We read one another’s thoughts and understand code words like oi
Which means we ‘get’ each other more than any girl or boy

I hope we both have enough shoes to last us a lifetime
So we have all the time we need to quote movies and rhyme

I’ll only ask you to hold my sweet potato pie; you’ll never have to wear it
We are always each other’s partner and we’ll never have to split

I would cross The Wall anytime if it could help somehow
Because I would do anything for you that possibility could allow

If you were eating junk and watching *******, I wouldn’t come out and pound you
I would sit down and join you, and just claim I had the flu
Movie quote sources in order: Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, Swan Princess, Yes Man, Baby Mama, Be Kind Rewind, Young Frankenstein, Tangled, Two Weeks Notice, The Italian Job, Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium, I Robot, Stardust, Home Alone
12.7k · Mar 2014
Savanna Mar 2014
To each their own form of bravery
For though this life is an individual test
It is not a challenge of rivalry

All have their hardships
Struggles of pain and unfairness
Working to rise again once being tripped

Do not judge another by what is seen
For bravery is often quiet
Keeping hidden where they've been

There are struggles that you
Will never, ever know
That may be very real to those around you

From physical limitations and disabilities
To emotional pain and despair
Life shows us our certain mortality

The goal is to still appreciate the gift of life
And become a better person
Becoming refined through our strife

So at points when you're low
And especially at points when you're high
Never judge someone, for you never know

Someone you see could be fighting
The fight of their lifetime, so think
Before you assume it's weakness you're sighting

Their fight may have just begun
Or maybe it's been going and going
And they can't last, they're done

No one has the right to judge another's bravery
2.7k · Feb 2013
This is Therapy
Savanna Feb 2013
I can tell the truth without speaking
I can admit without looking into saddened eyes
I can dream without sleeping
I can convey a tone with my lips closed in disguise

I can let it all spill out knowing I can hit delete
I can think aloud in silence
I can let out a frantic cry and remain completely discreet
I can interchangeably exercise conformity and defiance

I can turn a wish into a goal with strokes on the keyboard
I can tend to my own wounds
I can create my own articulated rewards
Writing poems keeps my thoughts from swirling into typhoons
2.5k · Feb 2013
Savanna Feb 2013
If you're strong enough
To think
About the damage
That has been done
Rather than
Just wish it away

Does that mean
That you're not
As broken
As you thought?

Or does it mean
That after it all
You can't quite let go
That you are indeed
Very broken...

Is there a balance
To it all
Between dwelling
And remembering,
Forgetting and moving on,
Or no?

Is there a way
To know the best thing
To do?

Or is it all just
Worried "guesstimation"
About how much
Fear and pain
There will be left
Depending on
The approach?
2.0k · Feb 2015
The Sea by the Hanging Tree
Savanna Feb 2015
Come away
Come away with me
Meet me at the hanging tree, down by the sea
Some didn't make it past
Past the hanging tree
But we will be free, sailing into the sea

Come away
Come away with me
I hid a raft in the wood, beyond the hanging tree
Some didn't make it past
Past the hanging tree
But we will be free, sailing into the sea

Come away
Come away with me
Leave it all behind, and start again with me
Some didn't make it past
Past the hanging tree
But we will be free, sailing into the sea

Come away
Come away with me
Sail with me to somewhere new, far beyond the sea
Some didn't make it past
Past the hanging tree
But we will be free, sailing into the sea

Come away
Come away with me
Even if we die tonight, you'll still be with me
Some didn't make it past
Past the hanging tree
But we will be free, sailing into the sea

Come away
Come away with me
Our story will live on, The Bodies on the Sea
Some didn't make it past
Past the hanging tree
But we will be free, sailing into the sea

Come away
Come away with me
Meet me at the hanging tree, down by the sea
Some didn't make it past
Past the hanging tree
But we will be free, sailing into the sea
I mean no infraction upon Suzanne Collins' "Hanging Tree" lyrics in her "Mockingjay" novel. I was only inspired by the lyrics to write about other citizens of Panem who may have have also tried to escape after the first Panem rebellion.
1.8k · Jun 2013
Why Ruin the Kids?
Savanna Jun 2013
I think there are some things
Of which a child should not be warned

Why place in them a mortal fear
That they need not yet learn

I remember the summer vacations
Spent at the ocean's side

Where I danced, splashed and dove
Never once thinking that it was cold

Now I return to the beach
And long for the good old fun

But I am held back
By the fear of believing it's too cold

I yearn to start over
To learn again in time

To live without fear
Of the small things that ruin me now

I want to run barefoot through the grass
But I can't let myself do so

I know too much
Of the dangers that may hide

These fears I have are often of situations
That probably won't happen

Yet I can't bring myself past
What I've been told that I now know

So don't ruin the kids
Let their wonder take control

Keep the world magical
Keep the fears at bay
1.6k · Nov 2014
Savanna Nov 2014
"We're only human."
It's always said
With doubt and disappointment
Like all it will ever be
Is a limitation

Why is that always so?
It should be said like
It's an opportunity
Meaning that we're only able
To always improve

We are only able
To reach further
And find a way to become
Something better
And something more

Something that pushes on
To improve the quality of life
In any aspect possible
Raising standards and
Changing mindsets

To unite under the idea
Of being citizens of the world
And move away from
Being citizens of
Our own selfishness

So do not doubt
Because we are only human
Yearn and strive for better
Simply because
We are all human
And who better than us
To change the world
1.6k · Feb 2013
What May be Said
Savanna Feb 2013
The benefit of writing a poem of your own
Whether the words are fact or fiction
Will never be known

You can write out your soul
Hidden is the source of eloquence
Admitting you to write upon the scroll

Do the words come from experience
Or just curious, wondering thoughts
That are creating the beautiful cadence

The truth may even be both
Wondering at how things have changed
Through the times of hardship and growth

Of the meanings in each phrase
What is to be perceived?
Maybe that's the point of a transcribed maze
1.4k · Oct 2013
The Accident
Savanna Oct 2013
Laying on the fallen snow
Quiet stillness around me
For I cannot move
Other than wondering glances

A flickering light off to one side
Coming from a crumbled car
Showing me what I can't believe
That there is blood beside me

I do not feel faint
Just very, very still
For I feel no blood leaving me
Though it must be doing so

It's so quiet that it makes me sleepy
I am suddenly so very tired
I am ready to slip away
But then the silence is broken

I open my weary eyes
To see red and blue lights approaching
And hear a siren growing louder
In congruence with the flashing colors

They draw my attention
And then my fear
As I realize why the police are needed
And remember my seeping blood

I try to bring myself fully awake
I know I need to focus
But the desire to sleep is overwhelming
I struggle mightily to remain conscious

My mind slowly gives in
But it's little to my dismay
For I again am failing to realize
The truth behind my situation

The lights stop moving
They are only meters away
Shoes quickly compress the snow
As help now approaches on foot

With every step is a crunch of snow
That's close enough for me to hear
But I don't, not anymore
For I've obeyed slumber's call
It's my hope that when accidents happen, the victims don't feel any pain.
1.3k · Mar 2015
My Motto
Savanna Mar 2015
Life is complex
But the love for it
Should be simple

A simple statement
Carrying all my fears
And all my dreams

My fears of change
That will yet come
At an unknown pace

My dreams of hope
That whatever comes
All will be well

For in the end
It is up to me
To look at life simply
1.3k · Jan 2013
Ferris Wheel
Savanna Jan 2013
First waiting
Anxiously take a seat
Gears turning
Sounds and movement begin
Slowly ascending
Trees leave the line of sight
Thoughts fading
The view stuns and stimulates wonder
Cerebration returning
Inspiration gathers as the moment passes
Still yearning
Anxiously must wait again
Moment approaching
Mentally process, soak it all in
Beautiful showing
Life from the ferris wheel view
1.1k · May 2013
Happy Mother's Day
Savanna May 2013
For the one who held me tight
And told me my freckles were angel kisses

For the one who said she'd always be there
And that she'd never tell my fears

For the one who cried with me
And understood what I was missing

For the one who sets aside time to share
And thinks of me more like a sister

For the one who's always wondering
And keeping me in thoughts and prayers

For the one who gives the quiet, sincere hugs
And doesn't let distance separate our bond

For the one who makes laughing inevitable
And knows it's because I really need it

For the one who helps me keep perspective
And reminds me of how strong I can be

For all of my aunts who have stepped in
And grandmas who have always loved me

Thank you.
1.1k · Sep 2013
My Sis is in the Navy
Savanna Sep 2013
My sis is in the Navy
And I couldn't be more proud
Of the person she's become

She chose her own way
And stuck to it
Never once giving up

She was afraid at times
That she wouldn't be enough
But I always knew better

I'm the older one
But it doesn't matter at all
I still look up to her

She paved her own way
Something I'd be afraid to do
Leaving all for a uniform

I went to college
The more traditional route
She opened my eyes to more

More than the typical life
Though it was right for me
For I'm not as brave as her

She's my hero
My little sis
And I'm proud to say it

Through the tides
High and low
She's been my anchor

She thinks she needs me
I hope she does
For I know I need her more

Sis, I hope someday
When I have kids
That they'll look up to you

When they write their paper
On someone brave
I'll be proud if you're the hero

There's more than one way
To become accomplished
To fill an important role

I'll want my kids to know that
To believe in what they can do
Because of your example

I love you sis
I super do
You're my little Navy Sailor
1.0k · Jul 2013
Please Summer, Never End
Savanna Jul 2013
A summer of cruising
Making my way to the ocean's side

A summer of sunshine
Making the world more vivid

A summer of opportunity
Making me decide what I want to discover

A summer of laughing
Making me remember what it's all about

A summer of memories
Making new reasons to live for more

A summer of feelings
Making me cherish my life for all it is

A summer of blue skies
Making me forget about the old grey days

A summer of adventure
Making me yearn to live while I can

A summer of smiles
Making the difference in a day

A summer of loving you
Making me hope summer never ends
975 · Sep 2013
Someone's Day
Savanna Sep 2013
A soldier finds a way to come home early
To surprise his lonely girlfriend

A neighbor spends an afternoon raking leaves
To serve the elderly man next door

A brother says "You can play with it first"
To his little sister on his birthday

A student stops to hold the door
To aid the girl struggling with crutches

A customer says "You go ahead"
To the mom with an upset child in tow

A stranger does a deed for a stranger
Paying in advance for the next car's gas

These are but few of the examples
Of kindness I've seen still exist

There is good in the world
Little bits all around, if you'll take a look

It comes from those who don't judge
Who instead look at others for a chance

A chance to decipher what they could do
To help someone around them

They believe in the goodness of choice
The power of even the smallest choices

That just might make someone's day
By reminding them that people care

And that they know we all have bad days
But that they won't last forever

Because the kindness of others
Will always be there, somewhere

So work with the believers
And the fragile, hopeful wishers

The ones with the yearning belief inside
That people are meant for good

That people are meant for people
To push forward the human race

In the development of civility
And beyond civility, genuine kindness

Because really, honestly,
What can't kindness solve?

So be a source of hope
Don't think that you're not much

For even a small source of hope
Still proves that it exists

Because you might not know who needs it
Who's desperately looking for the proof
872 · Apr 2015
Lies (10 w)
Savanna Apr 2015
The truth
That doesn't hurt
Is that
Lies hurt more
805 · Oct 2013
Savanna Oct 2013
I believe in magic
That is, what it stands for
That life goes beyond simple logic

Having the hope to believe
Searching the impossible
For something to still achieve

I don't believe in polyjuice potions
Or spell casting wands
But I do believe in notions

The notion to never quit
To maintain optimism and faith
That there's a way to make it

The moment might be hard to see
When through your efforts
Fate changes its decree

But you don't need wizardry
To change your situation
Just a belief in choice, in liberty

Because your choices can go beyond
Mentally processed rationalizations
If you let the hope of possibility respond

For even if the change is just within
That my friends
Can be where the magic begins
773 · Oct 2013
I Do
Savanna Oct 2013
If you asked if I accept you, even your flaws
I would say I do

If you asked if I love your laugh
I would say I do

If you asked if I need you always
I would say I do

If you asked if I love that you're mine
I would say I do

If you asked if I think you are beautiful
I would say I do

If you asked if I love having you by my side
I would say I do

If you asked if I trust you completely
I would say I do

If you asked if I love your good heart
I would say I do

If you asked if I feel like the luckiest person
I would say I do

If you asked if I love your personality
I would say I do

If you asked if I imagine me only with you
I would say I do

If you asked if I love being yours
I would say I do

If you asked if I feel crazy happy with you
I would say I do

If you asked if I love you most ardently
I would say I do

And because of all these things

If I asked you to marry me
I hope you would say I do
Savanna Dec 2013
Twinkling lights have been strung ‘round and ‘round
Making the ornaments reflect a glow
Reminding the warmth of Christmas abounds
Though the temperatures outside are low

Seeing the tree so colorful and bright
Reminding what the season really means
That the real warmth comes from the Light
He, the Savior, who can make all souls clean

His Atonement provides the way home
To where all may forever be with Christ
Take His gift and never from His way roam
For the gift of happiness can’t be priced

Around the tree I hold my loved ones tight
Knowing joy can last more than this one night
741 · Mar 2013
To the Cliff and Off
Savanna Mar 2013
People often crawl when desperate to carry on
I endeavor to keep what I don’t want to have gone
I need help to continue on the right way
For that is the reason I need someone to stay

People often walk when they want to ponder
You can walk with me because it’s in my mind you wander
I can’t not think of those I care about
For I don’t want any aspect of love left out

People often run when they have a destination
But sometimes I don’t have a concrete explanation
I need to wish and not let fear make me say no
For my heart doesn’t always tell me its plans and what it feels I know

People often jump when their hopes are rising
Sometimes I find what I feel when I look at you surprising
My hope is that time moves on without moving us two
For if I fall, I want it to be for and into you

People often fly when they know their potential is real
I smile because I sense possibility in what I feel
I want my happiness to elevate me to new heights
For I love that when in your arms I don’t want to say goodnight
713 · Mar 2013
She Left it There
Savanna Mar 2013
There are some days where knowing what I lack
Rekindles an anger I don't know how to lessen
As I try to reach the knife lodged in my back

The blade sunk deeper and deeper over time
As the stabber kept holding on
Holding me back as I tried to climb

There was no fixing it, no hope
All I could finally do was leave
Believing space and time could help me cope

But bad days still appear suddenly before my face
Where I'm reminded of what I try to ignore
That the role of a mother can't be replaced

It takes so much effort to fake it again and again
To tell myself I don't need a mom, I'm fine
But words can't always hold back the pain

Of the knife she left in my back
698 · Feb 2015
Savanna Feb 2015
Thump, thump, thump
I hear on my front door
Over the sound of pouring rain
Splashing onto the ground

I open the door to see a man
Wearing a hat with a drooping brim
And dark jacket shoulders
Both resulting from the rain

"Can I come in?" he asks
"Just until the rain stops?"
I can't say no to this poor man
But there's something I must admit

"Of course you may" I say
"But there's something you should know"
"It's raining in here too"
"I haven't been able to keep up"

With a small smile he says
"That's okay"
"Still worth it for some company"
"And maybe I can help"

I've placed buckets carefully
Under the steadily streaming leaks
I have just enough buckets
But they keep filling up

The problem is that emptying buckets
Has kept me from fixing the leaks
Before I can get a leak fixed
There's another bucket to empty

I show him the tools and materials
I have for the task at hand
He climbs up on a chair
And I hand him what he needs

As we work together
We get to talking
At first to avoid silence
But then to become acquainted

We finish fixing the leaks
And sit down to continue talking
With warm drinks in our hands
And then suddenly I'm a bit sad

I realize it's stopped raining outside
And he'll want to get on his way
But I've grown fond of talking
And having someone around

I look at him and say
"I suppose you need to be going?"
He too looks a bit remorseful
As he tells me "yes"

"But that doesn't mean"
"That I don't want to see you again"
He then says with a twinkling smile
"How about dinner this weekend?"

I accept the invitation
And thank him graciously again
For fixing the leaks
That I couldn't manage on my own

His response was again a smile
Paired with a kiss upon my cheek
"I was happy to help" he says
As he steps through the front door

I watch him walk away
In the memory of my mind
As I recall happily meeting
My husband lying next to me

The one who came into my life
And without hesitation
Fixed up my heart
And stopped the rain from coming in
The one who really loves you is the one who comes into your life during hard times and chooses to stay.
681 · Jan 2015
Every Day Valentine
Savanna Jan 2015
I'm held together
Not by my own skin
But by the one next to me
The one holding me
Keeping me in my skin

He's the one who stays
When I am sad
And don't know what to do
Because I don't know
How to move forward

But he holds me close
And then I remember
Where I can always go
Back to him
Where I am always home

No matter where
I have fallen again
I can go to him
And then start again
When it all feels better

He's been so patient
Knowing that my struggles
Are hard for me
Even when I don't know
How to explain them to him

What to leave behind
And what to reach for
I have no idea
I want to be happy
But it's all two-sided

Except for him
He makes my past better
My future even more so
I don't have to worry
About any moment with him

Thank you Love
For being my home
Where I always feel safe
Where my heart heals
And where I am happy
673 · Feb 2013
You Are
Savanna Feb 2013
You are not the waves that let me float
You are the boat that cradles me

You are not the path I follow
You are the shoes that comfort my dreary feet

You are not like a friend to me
You are my best companion

You are not there to fill in the nothing
You are there so I find joy in what I have

You are not the lamp that guides the way
You are the hand in mine that leads me

You are not my fish in the sea
You are the fisher that set me free

You are not the sun that warms the day
You are the moon that does all it can to brighten the night

You are not my heart
You are the life that flows through my veins

You are not the rain that cleanses me
You are the warm breeze that helps me to dry

You are not a piece of my life
You are the frame that holds it together

You are the love for me
664 · Mar 2013
A Heart in My Ear
Savanna Mar 2013
Sometimes I fidget with it
I always know it's there
All it took was a little slit
For my ear to not be bare

Funny that to fill a hole in me
I first had to make one
A little silver heart was the key
To call my wish done

I love my little piece of art
A choice I'm glad I made
Up on my ear I wear my heart
Where as a cartilage earring it's stayed
655 · Oct 2013
Falling Asleep
Savanna Oct 2013
Laying still
Feeling cozy
Under bunched
Up blankets

Mind unstill
Thoughts waltzing
Wandering to
And fro

Drifting away
Thoughts return
Giving reminders
And to-dos

Slipping again
Calmness within
Warmness without
Breathing deeply

So relaxed
So comfortable
With him
Beside me

Feeling peaceful
He and
Blankets keep
Me safe

There's love
and warmth
To help
Me sleep

Peacefully, deeply
This slumber
Is like
Nothing else

Then suddenly
It's morning
I hate
Getting up
644 · Jan 2013
What You've Done
Savanna Jan 2013
You’ve stolen my heart
But now I can actually feel it’s there

You’ve made me hurt
But only because I’ve laughed so much

You’ve made my single life seem boring
But it’s because I’ve learned that sharing life is what matters

You’ve captured my gaze
But seeing you is what makes me smile

You’ve taken over my dreams
But now I’m never afraid to fall asleep

You’ve curbed my independence
But now I realize I never really wanted to do it alone

You’ve made me so vulnerable
But now my heart’s open to all that love has to offer

You’ve taken my breath away
But somehow you’ve still given me life

You’ve made me confused
But only because I wonder how I ever lived without you

You’ve infiltrated my thoughts
But now I never feel alone

You’ve altered my plans
But now I know what they were supposed to be
623 · May 2014
My Heart
Savanna May 2014
I gave you my heart
Asked for nothing in return
For I had no choice
It wasn't mine to keep

What I found was that
For me to be whole
I first had to lose
That most precious and fragile
My one and only little

With my heart gone now
I finally feel truly alive
For now I live through
Not just me but you

Everything you find you are
All that you feel inside
I also find within myself
Who I am is intertwined
Now with what I find in

I find that my happiness
Is inseparable from your own
For if you weren't happy
How then, could I feel

So my heart is yours
For you to love, or
To maybe not love back
Regardless, it is a gift
Now I can only hope
You may someday in kind
Want to share your heart with
564 · Jan 2015
One Summer Night
Savanna Jan 2015
One summer night
Many long, warm days ago
We shared a memory
Where nothing mattered
But the shining of the stars
Twinkling in all their reminiscent glory

Where time flowed
Slipping into the infinite darkness
Creating a midnight horizon
Where curious thoughts
Yearned to meet far beyond
At the edge of the vast cosmos

I couldn't quite grasp it all
How the universe worked
All so seemingly perfectly
On a boundless scale
From the universe down
All the way to me and you

I laid there, smiling
Happy that somehow
I knew my life mattered
Because out of all places to be
And times to have been in
I was in that moment with you
552 · Feb 2015
Complete Strangers (10 w)
Savanna Feb 2015
Not really strangers
Others are like us,
Not completely strange
547 · Jul 2013
Sleeping In
Savanna Jul 2013
Sleeping in I never liked
When I was a spirited kid

I was too anxious for the day
For new memories to begin

Now I look back and wonder
How sleep became my solace

When did it all change?
When did I learn to fear?

It used to be the unconsious trap
That I wished I could avoid

Now I yearn daily for it
I'm addicted to its silent comfort

To take a break from it all
Believing morning will bring change

There are chances of new memories
Ones that aren't so happy, that I fear

I don't want them
I don't want them stuck with me

I can handle my life now
But I'm afraid of what may come

When my past catches  up
Fulfilling the possibilities I've denied

Too many thoughts swirling in my head
It's exhausting

Sleep, please come rescue me
Keep me okay for now
547 · Mar 2014
I Will Always Love You
Savanna Mar 2014
If I were to write
It would be for you

It would be for memories
Long gone but not lost

For my little heart beat
Still thumps on and on

Quietly, faintly, but most assuredly
Reminding life continues again today

From what was left yesterday
And in yesterday was you
It was fun to write in five words a line, a new format that I am liking.
519 · Mar 2014
No (10 w)
Savanna Mar 2014
I haven't given up
I've just
repurposed my dream
518 · Feb 2013
Sensing Love
Savanna Feb 2013
It’s funny how love seems to wisp through your fingers
While at the same time seeming to linger
Love’s not tangible in its existence
Yet it can be held and brought in from a distance

Love isn’t something you can plainly see
But the more I’m in love, the more beautiful the world appears to be
Looking at a person in love is looking at happiness
I hope when you look at me, you see the feeling I’m shy to confess

A tender moment should be nothing but savored
For cherishing love keeps it from falling wayward
Love is meant to be appetizing to everyone
As the taste of love is happiness won

A smell can recall a memory of the past
The scent of you brings back the times I want to last
Smelling just-washed sheets makes me want to throw 'em in a pile
And jump onto them with you so we can lay for a while

As I lie on your chest and listen to your heart beat
I become calm because I know finding you was my biggest feat
When I hear your voice, I feel alright
For I know that together we'll get through any plight
502 · Oct 2013
Savanna Oct 2013
The secret written life of me

Not always so secret
But it's always mine to keep yet

I love to write
In the quiet times at night

When thoughts wonder around
But it's just me and four walls around

So I use keyboard clicks and clacks
To say "Hey world" and talk back

It's this secret life
That calms my strife

To write what I want to hear
In a way more to my heart more near

I'm more vulnerable in a way
But not up close, so it's okay

I show all sides of me
Some hurt, some are happy and free

But most of all it's me on the page
Where who I am is hard to gauge

I can talk about life in rhymes
Only revealing a bit of me at a time

Where I can say enough to feel relieved
And make my current thoughts feel eased

There's nothing like it
For me, I must admit

I love typing so very fast
As words keep flying past

Leaving my mind and my fingers
Onto a page where they may linger

For all to see and read
But mostly by those who feel my same need

Not by only those who know me
That's why it's my liberty

I like the sharing
But without all the world caring

A few care and I find that neat
But really it's for my own feat

For each poem is like a new "personal best"
And I love that feeling of triumph best
498 · Oct 2013
Come Away with Me
Savanna Oct 2013
Come away with me
Leave the troubled world be

Find a way to look at me
And trust I can make you free

Come to my side
Join me where the sand meets the tide

Don't think about what'll be left behind
Think about having your hand in mine

Remember you deserve this
Don't let guilt whisper "tsk, tsk"

You've done your part
So don't let the past tear at your heart

Sometimes it is time to move on
To let it go and what's lost stay gone

Remember all you tried to do
And how you gave your all too

You suffered and let it make you stronger
So come and heal, stay with me longer

You fought the good fight
And fared better than I ever might

So please see you as I do
Come, let me show you a beautiful view
495 · Mar 2013
Clothe Me
Savanna Mar 2013
I have a board on Pinterest
"Clothe Me" it's named
It's there I pin what I wish
I had to call my closet home

I yearn for these thing to make me,
To change how the outside looks
In hopes to find a match
For what I think my soul is

There are clothes of different trends,
Of different wishes and beliefs
Of who I am
But these trends don't correspond

Sometimes I wish how nice it'd be
To always be "glammed"  up,
Looking ready to take it on
And embrace something important

I also have pins of comfy clothes
That might reflect me
Or at least my wish to be someone
Who feels comfortable goin' with the flow

Some say "Why not be both?"
It's harder than it seems
When you want to throw yourself
Into a role and be sure that's who you are
488 · May 2014
Savanna May 2014
To be carried away
On a magic carpet of words
Words weaved together
So intricately
In the most beautiful design

That is what makes a writer
An inspirational creator
For everyone can write
By stringing words together
But how they are strung
Is the magic of eloquence

To wonder at a phrase
Or an alluring description
Sparking within
An awe and desire
To search oneself
For the imagination to create

Because there infinite ways
To write something new
And create something beautiful
And if others have done it
Maybe so can I
I am inspired by many great writers, recently Douglas Adams, Edgar Rice Burroughs and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
479 · Feb 2013
Some or All of Me?
Savanna Feb 2013
I've been with me for so long
What has happened over these passing years?
Have I just adapted to myself?
I am the only me I have known, which is my biggest fear

If the majority of people do something it seems normal
What about in the instances of hidden tears
Where I don't know what's right, wrong, up or down
And I don't understand what it is about me that must be unclear

What do I take as me and what do I take as shouldn't be
How much of me in my weakness did I engineer?
Can I be my own source of strength
I worry the answer that's true is the one I fear
474 · Apr 2013
Open Book
Savanna Apr 2013
I'll fully admit it
I'm not an open book
Even if I wanted to be,
Some of the pages are glued shut

Those stuck pages
With the words forever hidden inside
Contain old secrets
Of the things that I can't share

Some of the pages I slathered with glue myself
Others were spilled on by the hurt of someone else
And I couldn't dry them fast enough
To save that bit of me

Other pages still are unreadable
Simply because they are no longer there
My unconscious ripped them out
In efforts to make my past seem better

Is it better though, to leave out some of the pain?
I can't get back the pages glued together
So should I keep all the rest I can?
Can a lack of painful memories lead to emptiness?

It gets harder to understand yourself
When you're not sure what's been lost,
To know why you are the way you are
When you can't even open you up to yourself
440 · Feb 2013
Love in Death
Savanna Feb 2013
I know someday death will take hold of you
It will take me from you or you from me
It is very sad but indeed it’s true
At some later point we will have to see

I’ll love you ‘til death, and still thereafter
I wonder the days that are left in life
But for now I hope life’s filled with laughter
Even if sometimes we laugh at our strife

I love you even when I think I do not
I love you and need you more than I know
It’s because you’re you, and not all you’ve got
Between you and me, death’s our only foe

Yet death does help people to see one thing
It’s how much they love the one that’s missing
439 · Oct 2013
Keep Your Dream
Savanna Oct 2013
Don't give up on your dreams
Even if hope is faint
Someone else might need your dream

Your idea could be the source
Of the inspiration necessary
To set a stranger's course

They might not know they need you
Or even know the dream
That could ring their faith anew

What someone needs for inspiration
To bring their dream alive
May come from your work and desperation

Showing them that they can achieve
What they yearn to dream
If they only dare to believe

So don't quit just yet
The future might need your creation
You could help other dreams be met
433 · Jun 2014
A Choice
Savanna Jun 2014
I love you more each day
Because I choose to do so

I choose to believe in you

I choose to be happy with you

Because I choose you
As you are
419 · Dec 2013
Savanna Dec 2013
Going home
To the place most familiar
Where time has been the most spent
And the most friends known

Going home
To where memories have been barred in
Keeping the pain away
Of all that's not normal

Going home
It's all that I have at holidays
I both yearn for it and hate it
The connection to ongoing sadness and joy

Going home
The place of opposition
I am both healed and torn apart
Disappointed in my hopes for a different result

Going home
I wonder, is it worth it anymore?
It's the hub of the good memories I have
But also the place of awkward stress

I want to leave it all
But then what is left?
It's so hard to leave good people
For the pain a few bring

Oh, what to do
What will hurt the least?
416 · Mar 2014
Change the World
Savanna Mar 2014
I once had the notion
That I'd change the world
With hopes, thoughts and ideas
A splendor of new philosophy
That would not build anew
But change what we have
That is already within us
The desire to be human
By redefining what it means
That a human is more
More than what is shallow
About every one of us
It is what we have
The choice to continue on
In the development of all
That's deep inside each person
Core traits that make us
Want to connect to someone
Connecting to be cared for
And maybe, maybe even loved
Because we love what's precious
And beautiful souls are that
We want to be seen
For the traits hidden inside
We know we are fragile
But what if we did...
We put it all out there
We exposed our own fragility
Being so exposed would maybe
Help us remember that others
Are actually the same too
They're too important to break
If we considered all others
How we consider ourselves inside
Maybe we would view life
With a little more appreciation
And just maybe
We would change the world
408 · Jan 2013
Wonders of the Young
Savanna Jan 2013
How have ways become the way they are?
When did they start, from whence have they come?
History tells many tales, though not all by far
There's much to which I have yet to let my thoughts succumb

I feel there's often much time to wonder, but less time to learn
As my thoughts often turn to those tales not written, possibly not known
It's often the small bits of knowledge for which my mind yearns
Those seemingly trivial ideas that were once someone's own

Who first questioned and tried peanut butter and banana sandwiches?
For me, it's a childhood classic combination
Who invented dimming light switches?
I want know to whom I owe my appreciation

I know the human pool of knowledge is always increasing
There are more fields of study than I could ever list
I must strive to learn every day without ceasing
Above all, I owe it to myself to not let truth be missed
401 · Jun 2014
Go to Sleep
Savanna Jun 2014
"Never go to bed angry."

Created to be wise words
To remember
And good advice
To follow

I disagree, and
I think others might too

For sleep is calming
A reset stage for the
Worries and stresses
Of the mind

That helps us begin
Each day anew

And what is better than
Moving on from what
Made us feel downtrodden
The other day?

"Sleep it off."
Now that's a phrase I like
371 · Jul 2013
Looking at Old Photographs
Savanna Jul 2013
Filtered photographs
Edited to please

Creating perfect memories
Showing how life's been timely seized

To remember the good
And put away the bad

Capturing the life we wish
Never had anything sad

These depicted moments
Of a happier time

Save pieces of us inside them
For when it feels too hard to climb

To help us remember
Who we've always been

And why we  keep on living life:
To find good memories again
277 · Sep 2019
Savanna Sep 2019
Hey there
Been missing you lately
My mind wonders
Thinking of what might be

If I could sit down
Just for a minute
Without being exhausted
And keep my eyes open

I know I'd lose myself in you
Looking at you
For as long as I could
Milking every minute I could spend

Oh, new book on my nightstand
You've been waiting too long
I dream of what you'll say to me
If only I could read in my dreams

— The End —