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Mar 2017 · 474
Rat Town
Saul Makabim Mar 2017
Those eyes
are broken
Open up
and really look
The silly
mongoloid world
you cloak yourself in
is a substandard joke
A token of esteem
to your own
I wish
I could climb back
into the ground
and use the earth
to drown
the sound
of this useless
trash heap.
Rat town...population Unlimited trash gobblers...
Feb 2017 · 710
Should Have
Saul Makabim Feb 2017
Should have
put a bullet in the brain
Should have
doused it with kerosene
and lit a match
Should have
tied a cinderblock
to the worthless wretch
and chucked it in the lake
But the most rotten things
and eat the sweetness
that you spent
two years
Should have left
well enough alone
instead of
leaving the coffin door
wide open
for the wickedness
to crawl back out
They said I was getting better...then I killed my I can finally die...
Sep 2015 · 1.6k
To Them It Is A Prison
Saul Makabim Sep 2015
They take nothing
for its simple meaning
Its a need
they can never be relieved
of it
with the right shove
unintended or crafted
you can get them
to throw their cards
on the table
They are unable to relent
this building
where you pay rent
wander the halls
for a few fleeting hours
and leave
as you please
This Utopia you praise
to them it is a prison
and you are all
innocent roe
A delicate dish
for the bigger fish
Look out guppy
that shark
he just hacked your camera.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Saul Makabim Aug 2015
What makes you think
that the suffering will stop
if you take off the top
of your head
with a shower
of buckshot
or slice the artery
or down
those pills
with a gallon of wine
fully dressed
lying in bed
with a note
pinned to your chest
What makes you think
the pain will stop
just because your dead?
I hate to break it to you
Saul Makabim Aug 2015
how you wandered here
no one finds anyone
like me
without knowing
who I am
And yet
They dig me up
crack the coffin open
poke me with sticks
and take pictures
for the scrapbook
of restless dead.
Jul 2015 · 852
One Of These Days
Saul Makabim Jul 2015
Pits exist
for a reason
ladder rungs snap
without any warning
Slathered in grease
and running
recklessly around the edge
One of these days
I'm going to fall
and when I hit the ground
I'll find out
I'm already dead.
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
Saul Makabim Mar 2015
There are so many worms
crawling through this corpse
Maggots, slugs and snails
leave slime trails
through the entrails
They dig tunnels
through the flesh
of a once beautiful body
What was is now death
Five severed limbs
sewn on in the wrong places
around a core
a heart
lungs and spine
that have begun
to crack and liquify
Will we recognize ourselves
when this decay claims our eyes?
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
Forever Memories
Saul Makabim Mar 2015
These forever memories
are rotten corpses
Sickening to the senses
impossible to ignore
An acid scar
A screaming child
It is the nightmares
that assault us in the day
that never go away
It is the nightmares we become
that whisper softly
when your mind refuses sleep.
Mar 2015 · 721
Don't Worry
Saul Makabim Mar 2015
If even for one second
you understood
what you've seen
right in front of you
you wouldn't scream
or pinch yourself
like a subconscious pilot
trying to eject from your dreams
Leave upon leaf peeled back
like the paint that coats the walls
of this mostly silent building
that surrounds you
like a grafitti covered
**** stained nightmare
of petting
and favor games
The digital ******
horrorshow stage
Lights, action,
put some tape
over your camera
Set your microphone in flames
It's impossible to track
the truth
even though it died
bound and naked
but they forgot
where they buried it
You've seen it
just like me
I know you have
Don't worry
that pervasive feeling
of sickening intoxication
wears off in a year or twenty.
Mar 2015 · 587
I Might Give A Damn
Saul Makabim Mar 2015
If I thought
even for a second
that any of this mattered
I might give a ****
When we finally
cut through the red tape
and the fake landscape
maybe then we'll see
the master plan
Even then
I'm sure
the truth will be ignored.
Mar 2015 · 721
Saul Makabim Mar 2015
To endure
on and on
isolation so pure
A disease
without a cure
Working towards
a goal obscure
Here I stand
Empty promises in hand
I always thought
I'd end up someone
I always thought
there'd be so much more
Everyone I know
has had at least a moment
a fleeting phase of joy
They all have had
and Lollipops
All I've ever had
is a fading scent
clinging to a crumpled wrapper.
Mar 2015 · 447
Saul Makabim Mar 2015
What is value
the extent of desire
a pyre
piled high
in wait of a fire
Is it beauty
or familiarity
It is not purity
perhaps banality
All I know is all that I see
and when I place myself
upon the scale
I never seem to measure up
to the most pathetic
puddles of ****
that dot the landscape
like fetid sores
that have nowhere to drain
Waiting patiently
for a driving rain
I know will never come.
Mar 2015 · 816
Saul Makabim Mar 2015
The sunlight will not penetrate
this dark pall I draw around myself...
I'm my own black hole
Dec 2014 · 847
Don't Listen
Saul Makabim Dec 2014
The Demon
is so eloquent
Preaching love
and absolution
He only speaks such beauty
because he fears
the horror he has sown
So alone
So alone
Do not listen to his words
but hear his message
It is the opposite of lies
The spark that lights a pyre
is the ember you despise.
Saul Makabim Nov 2014
by a two-tongued tyrant
Who condemns with one flick
and licks the hand of hate
with the other
I shall never love
or find sister or brother
in the valley of silk scarves
wrapped around the root of creation
Deliver us Shiva
from the servants of dread Kali
Who don the mantle of civilization
but **** the faithful in the shadows
Oh foul deity of negativity
just once
show us who you are
Because your mask of kindness is broken
and the anger of your spirit
seeps out like a stealthy virus
Not bold and righteous
like the noble villain
But with a sheeps skin draped
over his foul devouring maw
If evil lurks and strikes
in the guise of the holy
Then you are greater than evil
A horror beyond the bounds
of acceptable wickedness. the dead of night a savior appeared...he held the bread of vitality in one hand...and behind his back he concealed tyranny...
Nov 2014 · 821
Enervated Powerhouse
Saul Makabim Nov 2014
The hand that once held
such divine power
trembles like a willow branch
weighed down by ice
and battered
by a rude gale
Pale skin
sun deprived
Only ever caressed
by the light of the moon
Have you seen the circles
underneath your eyes
Its no suprise
you threw away all your mirrors
so long ago.
Nov 2014 · 674
Goodbye Poetry
Saul Makabim Nov 2014
Your vision is dying
before your eyes sweet prince
The corpses piled so high
the lime can't mask the stench
In twenty years time
you'll be the only one left
All your acolytes are liars
who serve only death
A pathetic crew
Now without its fool
The joke is on you
The fool was your best
But I'm sure
this warning will be ignored
Just like all the rest
Nov 2014 · 797
The Herald
Saul Makabim Nov 2014
Hickory dickory dock
can you hear
the ticking
tocking of the clock
This dented trumpet in my hand
it comes as a shock
I may be the last man standing
when the dust settles
on the chopping block
The pennant of pleasure
hangs limp
like the zipper pull
on the mask of a gimp
The strength of a lion
and yet the best
is a wimp
The man who will fall
second to last
is just a ****
Oh lawdy
I do believe
the fallen few
will adorn my breastplate
I will finally find love
in the rubble
of the ones who eat hate
its not too late
to create
to shove the last piece
of the puzzle
into place
the judges decide
who won the race
I will report the results
in any case
I  must
the herald cannot rest
The end is
for him alone to face.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Soul Survivor
Saul Makabim Nov 2014
She was a razor
a transmission
a delicious purloined proscription
An upper
a roofie
I want a cup
of her ashes
in my pocket
She was a legend
a messiah
a golden lover
and a silver pariah
When I think
of all the faces I carved
into the soft surface
of my desire
I cannot decide
if it was her claws
or her prose
that made me ****
back my saliva
Even if she were to die tommorrow
she would always be
the soul survivor.
Nov 2014 · 606
Saul Makabim Nov 2014
dragged down
cut down
clown without
his thorny crown
Just now
it came to me
There is nothing
beyond this moment
Everything that will be
is just a stubborn postponement.
Tommorow never knows...But yesterday was...real?
Nov 2014 · 678
Saul Makabim Nov 2014
The only true freedom
is a life devoid of love.
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
Saul Makabim Sep 2014
Everything is meaningless
words have no power
beyond what we think
they mean
is all that is guaranteed
It is greed that leads us
to perceive stupid things
like love and luck
Commitment attached
to a diamond ring
Love and luck
do not exist
Everyone of us who has kissed
believing that they have found bliss
is an ***
Bliss itself is meaningless
It does not reciprocate
Now hate
that is something
that never goes away
It thrives on the meaningless
and it is
the only thing that exists.
Love never built a tower
that thousands marveled and praised...
But hate has torn countless such towers down...
If you are searching for meaning in any of this...
Just like everything else
it is meaningless.
Jan 2014 · 3.4k
My Sea
Saul Makabim Jan 2014
It is a violent love affair
I have with things
I cannot share
A ****** bout of grim despair,
A scar, a wound
That's always there
They cannot see the beauty
In the effigy ashes
I use to paint my world
It is an absecence of understanding
That they possess
A whispered scream,
a gentle stress
A breath is a dream
a gurgling
Blood quenched scheme
A quest,
It would seem
To uncover the meaning
In a thousand crumbling suns
Firing warped waves
Of possibility
Until you faint
From lack of ecstasy
You'll never know the truth
In my plea
Unless you take the time
To drown in my sea.
Mar 2013 · 1.8k
In Fire
Saul Makabim Mar 2013
In fire
They reside
Not knowing what they've done
Until the tables turn
And the many become none
In fire
They will burn
When the curtain falls
And burning pain
Consumes them
Every one.
Mar 2013 · 1.5k
Simple Words
Saul Makabim Mar 2013
Withering away
In their individual hells
Losing every hand
With their individual tells
Long before I pass and fade
They will fall and be forgotten
Till their festering remains are found
In their individual cells
Flesh and food
And smoke and praise
Hollow words that carry pain
Syllables of fantasy
They **** them one and all
But they can't touch me
The shackles that they don
Exist inside their minds
But they bind them all for real
Because they willingly deceive themselves
Forgotten they will be
By all except for me
I am the witness to their glory
And the herald of their fall.
Oct 2012 · 1.0k
True Love
Saul Makabim Oct 2012
I know love exists
I've seen its rotting remains.
In your laughing eyes.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Saul Makabim Oct 2012
Bile black betrayals
Linger like rot on the tongue,
Made mute by masked words.
Oct 2012 · 916
Saul Makabim Oct 2012
There is no sense
In trying
To be a good person
It is simply something I am not
Maybe once I could craft smiles
And repair rainbows
I was a hero once
When the ones who loved you walk away
Hero or not
You break down
I was good
No more
Only wickedness rules my actions
And even its hold is tenuous.
Sep 2012 · 748
Why She Is So Angry
Saul Makabim Sep 2012
Every time he kisses you,
he tastes her
On your lips.
Never once does she kiss you
And taste him
On your lips.
Sep 2012 · 865
Saul Makabim Sep 2012
Filthy brown bag floats
In a stagnant tidal pool.
Discarded garbage.
Sep 2012 · 981
Saul Makabim Sep 2012
In the depths of depraved lunacy
That send hell hounds forth, lunging
Ready to devour the peace,
And smother the quiet,
There is a scared little boy,
With a dying dog in his hands,
Trying to get the attention
of a crowd of indifferent passersby,
Lost, and forgotten.
Sep 2012 · 2.7k
Bush Meat
Saul Makabim Sep 2012
Cannibalistic killers
Can at least claim
They were simply trying to sustain
On unconventional prey
It's no different than the bush meat trade
What makes you better than a Gorilla?
To me or a cannibalistic killer,
You look pretty tasty...
I'd eat you in a heartbeat.
Sep 2012 · 1.2k
Down In My Depths
Saul Makabim Sep 2012
Driven down into the dirt
Kicked stomped spit on
Mocked and mistreated
I am defeated by my own needs,
It is not greed, to feed
When the earth is spinning
The skeletal faces grinning
I concede defeat
I surrender to the victor
Because the rhetoric is senseless
And you don't understand a **** thing
About my intentions
I can't be read
Even if you can record all my actions
Read these words before I type them
If you really dug down deep inside
You would be appalled
At the atrocities I keep penned
Down in my depths.
Sep 2012 · 2.4k
Saul Makabim Sep 2012
Sea serpents still smash ships
In the dark seas of my subconscious,
Devilish legends roam
Giggling, chainsaw wielding
Masked maniacs are at home
Hunting and being hunted
By whip wielding antiheroes
With black leather biker outfits, with the right sleeve missing
The theater of my Id charges a penny admission
Sold my soul for a remote control
My mind ruled by visual opiates
Of violence and flesh
Creative outlets come
In sporadic outbursts
That ****** your imagination,
What some men call horror
I call liberation.
Sep 2012 · 2.0k
Saul Makabim Sep 2012
Laughter explosions
Diabolic cruelty
That crude red carving
The grinning maw
Of the purity devouring beast
Know best for his face
His maliciously insane
Irrational thought patterns
He laughs at a two word phrase
As he caves in a woman's face
Sprays bleach and mace
from a fake flower on his chest
Lobs hand grenades recklessly
Muttering jokes that only he fully understands
Minions bent to his twisted humor
Severed limbs and organs sent
With personally crafted limericks
Fourteen inch barrel
.44 Magnum revolver
Crash a clown car into rush hour traffic
Feed the mayors poodle
To a pack of hyenas
Grease paint white face
Toxic green locks, slicked back
Red Cheshire cat grin
Ear to ear
Like the mouth of a demon of madness
Do not ponder why he laughs
He laughs because he must.
Aug 2012 · 1.4k
Saul Makabim Aug 2012
Aching flesh calls
To aching flesh
Chests touch
Lips compress
Wet tongues intersect
Clothing shredded into tatters
And scattered
Hesitation abandoned
Nails on hot skin
Lips leave marks on necks
A patchwork of red and pale
Never fail hips
slip inside
Two become one
As the fervor increases
Pheromone aura releases
And a story is added to the tower of pleasures
Slow rhythmic thrusting
Connected in four places
Pleasure painted faces
Individual palates blending
Pulling apart and separating
So that eyes can lock in ocular embraces
Unification of purpose
Invisible bonds reinforced
As tremors cascade from fluid cohesion
One thousand demons scream in the ashes of a dream,
As one, that were two, become Legion.
Aug 2012 · 3.1k
Saul Makabim Aug 2012
Few freaks
have such impeccable taste,
Singing Pagliacci, smoking a Cuban cigar,
And sipping L'Essence de Courvoisier,
As he lowers you into the shark tank,
To feed his hungry pet.
Forget appearances
He cloaks himself in affectations,
And feigned cordiality
But he will take you down at the knees,
And kick your face until he can hide his shoe in your skull
Or put a bullet through your brain,
Before you can ask why he has an umbrella
When the weatherman said
No rain
A name as Gotham
As Chapman and Wayne
Always dressed to the nines
He drinks the finest wines
But he can humiliate four thugs
Who try to mug him
In an alley
Cut the fools down in a fury
Steel shod umbrella,
Razorblade shoes,
And a gun up his sleeve
Appearances deceive
The definition of The Penguin
Saul Makabim Aug 2012
Spurred on by scarecrow's
chemical coercions
convicts and sick souls
spill out into the streets
To slice dice
cook and eat
An orange jumpsuit army,
a crushing orange wave consumes
The neighborhoods and avenues
Chaos is constant
Carnage is complete
No single hero can quell a wave of madmen
well acquainted with violence
Like an avalanche of razors, and ambulance sirens
Wielding improvised blood letters
And bone snappers
Citizens scream and flee
Consumed by the visions
Contained in the cloud of fear
It is clear
it is going to be a wild time
in old Gotham tonight.
From Batman Begins...
Aug 2012 · 1.5k
Saul Makabim Aug 2012
Mind like a molecular laser
Even if you get in front of him
he always comes out ahead
His rivals dead
Evidence smashed
with "Magnets"
Chemical connect established
bringing in steady barrels
Cooking blue glass beneath circus tents
undercover of pesticide, and less pretty poison
His wife is a wreck
She's the only one who knows
Sweet Walt the chemistry teacher
Is a freon-blooded massmuderer
Keep the glass coming
Need fast cash
To get established
You can always count
on Skinny Pete and Badger
for comic relief
Albuquerque's foulest
runs every thing he sees
Its guaranteed...
He won't live to fifty-three.
Saul Makabim Aug 2012
****** up morning
Gray light transforming
The walls
Arcing displays
Of my never ending failures
Souls connected
And ripped apart like bailing twine
Remains burned
Put out with sacrilegious wine
Trampled and ground into misery
I eat the misery
My daily bread
Needs, wants, fated jaunts
Blatant disregards
Constant circling carrion birds
Salivating over my stumbles
I mumble, and cite
The glorious night
But I have failed yet again.
A Joker laughs
A Riddler giggles
I stumble and fall into the pit
At least there is no bottom.
Aug 2012 · 2.0k
Saul Makabim Aug 2012
Musclebound masked man
maniac mangling most everything he touches
Suicide squad serving the League of Shadows
Venom infuses his insane frame
Villainous tactical masterminds
should never be able to snap spines
and smash skulls
a faceless hulk
surgical tubing and tanks
delivery systems for his calcium crunching extremities
Every Dark Knight has their Bane
brash brutal backbreaker
Such a sordid past
a disaster
You're a slave to the Venom now
how do you live with yourself?
Scarecrow knows
the solace found in affecting fear in others
Poor Bane
insane and in chains
How weak you will become
when they take away your drug.
Aug 2012 · 1.8k
Saul Makabim Aug 2012
Rapidly writing
his ragged riddles
he giggles
and flips furiously
through his pad
Glad to be in his element
weaving his meanings
out of their words
hides dead drop spikes
and microfiche behind his verbs
Slice him open he bleeds
black and white
like ink and computer screens
The Enigma becomes a riddle to himself
lost in the context of his own twisted reality
he falls into his own textual mazes
and is enslaved, as a hologram,
a nightmare, or three,
the happy family
and the RaceCyst
Scarecrow stands silent
stealthily concealed behind a simile.
I observe
the Riddler weaving word nets
and lines of buried treasure truth
commandeered from the pits of shared despair
The Riddler knows what evil lurks in the deepest black,
even now he is giggling at the thought of it.
Jul 2012 · 905
...For Mr. Positive
Saul Makabim Jul 2012
Part the red desert
You boast of your weakness
so that the strength of christ
will not labor in you.

Curses always happen,
Your displeasure is limited

Five or six hours to shatter the sky,
of neatly separated elements
death herself is possible
with silver deceptions.

Blessings are limited,
but we owe them something.
For Senor Negativo...
Saul Makabim Jul 2012
Each twig that snaps
is a searching assassin
slicing filament
coiled in his hand
stand still
and his cord will split you
It doesn't hit you
until the glow overcomes your senses
and surprise
it was all an illusion
caught in the web of your eyes.
Saul Makabim Jul 2012
Watch three seasons ninety times
addicted to vicarious emotion
in the cheek
by the glowing screens
Blurred vision
Digging precognitive predicted graves
bitten on the stomach
The little hatchback just crushed his legs
Snubnose finishes the job
Shave your head and you change
like Walt and Shane
to words and images
like me.
Jun 2012 · 1.3k
Shane(The Walking Dead)
Saul Makabim Jun 2012
Cocksure Alpha male nutjob
Addicted to adrenaline
and the smell of burnt gunpowder
Never back down
Always throw one punch too much
Downward spiral walking
Total nutjob you can rely on
Redline all the time
ready to shoot a man in the leg
and leave him as zombie bait
No turning back
when you **** another man
Even if you do it with zombie teeth
not with your bare hands
Car wrecks
Snapped necks
Losing his mind over Lori
Double cross his best friend
Now he's a head shot zombie.
R.I.P. Shane.
Jun 2012 · 1.3k
Mike (Breaking Bad)
Saul Makabim Jun 2012
Been there
done that
check out the scars
Obliterated ear
Bullet wound swiss cheese
old heads die hard
Been there
done that
Fiberoptic cameras
phone taps
and surefire headshots
ensure the survival of the family
Gustavo would give you his coat
if his brains weren't covering it
Heisenbergs head
better be on a swivel
Mike will be back
and he'll be looking for work
Need money
to buy ice cream for his granddaughter
old heads die hard
Blue ice calls you back
green cotton is addictive
Been there
done that
Coming back
to get his.
Final season?
Jun 2012 · 5.5k
Schrader (Breaking Bad)
Saul Makabim Jun 2012
**** masterminds
steer clear of this man
He's relentless
a pitbull
Lumping up Pinkman
for no logical reason
He's a madman
Massacres Mexican
kingpins and button men
Knocks out Keith Jardine
in a barfight
initiated as a ptsd
relief valve
Maddog brothers
Axe murdering elite
eliminated with a bullet
a fender
and a little help from Gustavo Fring  
The only man
to walk away unscathed
from the exploding head of Danny Trejo debacle
Houndog Hank
the sherman tank
is hot on Heisenbergs trail.
Its almost guaranteed
One of them will die
Heisenbergs Bad
But Schrader
is badass.
Sunday July 15th
Jun 2012 · 1.9k
Sparkling Abandon
Saul Makabim Jun 2012
Glitterati Gangsters gaze
with commanding stares
and broken plates glass blown and open gates
There she sits eyes
all holding
all knowing
synchronicities shatter the scene
each blink initiates a flood of flaming diamonds
that lash out like hot irons
Eyes like this entice and take
Each blink unlocks a new mystery
as she grinds resistance in her teeth
Igniting my lust
each blink creates a dawning sun
Her gaze inflames ten thousand ways
She wields sparkle
like madmen spray sarin
With sparkling abandon
Jun 2012 · 4.2k
Saul Makabim Jun 2012
Howls in the night
cross the threshold of savagery
Coordinated hate
of a hundred jackboots
stomping faces in the streets
Storefronts smashed
Crushed glass crunching
under the feet of unbridled violence
Doors bashed in
Swinging sledges smash
Women and children dragged
kicking and screaming from their homes
Beaten unconscious
then beaten while unconscious
Clothes rended
flesh roughly groped
******* mashed
by laughing barbarians
with teeth made of knives
Innocence of a generation *****
in a single evening
Ransacking hands
strangle the wealth of a culture
One thousand synagogues in flames
light cast magnified in the carpet of crystals
sparkle of hellish brilliance
Ninety one lives snuffed
they were the lucky ones
Avoided the camps
where greater horrors were wrought
in the forges of torment
from the pounding of flesh
beneath hatred like hammers
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