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723 · Nov 2013
If and Love.
Sasha Mulchin Nov 2013
If I said that I loved your personality,
would that mean I love you?
If I said that I loved the way you laugh with me,
would that mean I love you?
If I said I loved the way that your voice caresses my name,
would that mean I love you?
If I said I loved the way your eyes look into mine,
would that mean I love you?
If I said that you make me happy,
would that mean I love you?
If I keep asking myself whether or not I love you,
does that mean I love you?

If I said that I loved you,
would that change the way I think of you?
If I said I loved you,
would that change the way you laugh with me?
If I said I loved you,
would your voice still as delicately handle my name?
If I said I loved you,
would that change the way you look at me?
If I said I loved you,
would that make you happy?
If I said I love you,
would you know that I love you?
Sasha Mulchin Oct 2013
The Addict:
It was just like opening up a window
Just a peek outside was all I needed-
-at first.
Just barely taking in what was in front of me
Grazing my chin against the windowsill
I was afraid at first
Afraid of what was out there
But that didn't stop me from looking
Each time I would look out that window
I would
poke my
head further
and further
Out of consciousness
     of my humanity
Until, finally,
I fall out the window
     out of my life
            and into oblivion.

The Drug Dealer:
Like a cancer,
I started out small
an outlier to the whole
a single cell.
Consuming your hard work, your resources.
Giving nothing in return but toxins and sorrow.
Increasing my grip on your life
until I consume you.
It will take more than just wishing
to get me to vacate.
426 · Sep 2013
Falling in Love with Words
Sasha Mulchin Sep 2013
Falling in love with words-
How ******* quaint!
How you say exactly what I didn't even
know I wanted to hear.
As if you had a recipe for those words
a map
an address
Embarking on a journey
starting from my ears
and ending up at the
delta hub
that is my heart
Scattering your words
to the tide that originates therein
Unaware that those words
like seeds
taking root
and starting life anew.
393 · Nov 2013
Sasha Mulchin Nov 2013
Your fur
It still litters the banals of my memory
And my house

Not wanting to clean or remove
Your final touch on our lives
Your scent
Our memories
379 · Nov 2013
Sasha Mulchin Nov 2013
Your fur
It still litters the banals of my memory
And my house

Not wanting to clean or remove
Your final touch on our lives
Your scent
Our memories

— The End —