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Sarah Locklin Oct 2022
You have tasked me with writing a letter but the words escape me.
I know not how to write the way your eyes look into my soul.
I fear that I will never know to describe how your embrace feels.
Words on paper that will be folded into an envelope.
They seem not to do your love justice.
We speak of the future and marriage and children.
Yet I know nothing about how to please you like a wife.
I am learning with you.
My love.
My teacher.
My future.
Sarah Locklin Sep 2022
Soft. He is so soft
Not to the touch. I have not yet felt his skin.
Sweet. He is so sweet.
His words are so kind and keep me happy.
His. I am his.
For some reason I feel drawn to him.
Ambitious. He has ambitions.
He sees a future to be had with me.
Precious. He is precious.
Father of a daughter and a good one it seems.
Green. He is green.
Clean and pure and everything I need.
Frank. He is Frank.
Frankly I think this man is a good thing.
I get nervous when we talk. He makes me blush alot.
Sarah Locklin Sep 2022
He makes me blush and I get nervous
He talks sweet like honey and caramel
A white guy that gets me red and shy
I really like talking to this
Sarah Locklin Jun 2022
Finally an escape from routine and I can finally breathe
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