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Nov 2017 · 243
Going Under
Sarah Lichy Nov 2017
I have watched you go under
To the depth of your very soul
Is there a way out for you
Or do all of your memories roll

Into one atom of thinking
I try to red your mind
Work out your thoughts
Are you a part of mankind

Or have you given in?
Just waiting for tomorrow
Thinking through the eons of time
Living through your sorrow
This is about my partner who I have known for nearly 7 years,  he is very hard to decipher and gets tense if I ask him what's up.
Nov 2017 · 297
My Father
Sarah Lichy Nov 2017
It took over
The D word
You were once a doctor
Western medicine left you un-fulfilled
So you branched out into homeopathy
A little old fashioned way of thought these days
You also delivered babies
The first ever to do this at someone's home
Now you do nothing
You sit in an institute with other people who have lost their mind
I doubt you know who I am
You laugh
Not knowing why you are laughing
You dance like there's no tomorrow
Maybe there isn't
But in your world there will be no end
To my wonderful father, Roger Lichy, well known across the internet, no longer with us in mind..
Nov 2017 · 333
Sarah Lichy Nov 2017
What is reality I ask myself
Time and time again
Is it an illusion or matter of fact
I look inside my brain

Google tells us many things
Of life and what we see
Perceivng theories of eons ago
There for you and me

Is reality real or fake?
Is what we see for real?
We touch solid matter and believe it is there
There for us to feel

Illusion, misleading, our minds go astray
Insanity rears it's head
Whirring ideas turn thoughts to dust
Lay them all to bed..
Sep 2017 · 183
The Proposal
Sarah Lichy Sep 2017
As I were looking out to sea
The waves o'er rocks did break
If I closed my eyes and thought a'while
My thoughts, the sea did take
They took me to a place far away
To lands only I can see
In my mind I heard your tender voice
Say 'Will you marry me?'
Written on a beach whilst on a work break to my partner Tony
Sep 2017 · 384
Sarah Lichy Sep 2017
I remember, I remember
A good few years ago
In the quietness of the deep dark night
I saw your image glow

You were stood together side by side
Hand in hand you were
Smiling with amazing clarity
Your spirit was everywhere

Aura's of silver all around you
Shining, glowing, to see
This amazing vision of Heaven's angels
Had come to visit me

The reason why I never knew
'Twas the one and only time
You made a single journey
Returned to Heaven divine

As you have moved to higher plains
Left this earth behind
And the one single journey you both did make
Gave me this vision of silver sublime

And O' how your memories linger on
Every moment is with me, Jean and John
Dedicated to the best grand-parents who went home too soon
Sep 2017 · 2.5k
My Childhood Home
Sarah Lichy Sep 2017
I came to live with you
Around the age of three
Before this I have no memory
Of how life was for me

I loved the life you gave me
Full of fun and laughter and glee
Two holidays each year to enjoy
T'was a happy life for me

Two loving arms to run to
When life did get me down
Always an ear to listen
When I wore my little frown

Music drifted out the room
On week-ends you did play
Your faithful tunes to listen to
To while the time away

Many hours in the day
Time went o' so slow
Time to live our happy lives
A warm, contented glow

And now I sit, reflect awhile
On years so long ago
Thinking back to many times
Playing in the snow

It seems a different life-time ago
When you were on the earth
The many happy memories
The joys of giving birth

The life you left so long ago
To move to higher plains
To join the angels in the sky
You life our Lord did claim

To move you away to better things
Heaven's gain when you claimed your wings...

— The End —