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I am lost
in my exploration
of the notion
of relationships

Everybody says
true love is necessary
but nobody knows
yet what it is.

The collision of
human beings
is undeniable
but I can't seem to crash.
Dad finally built
the treehouse
I've wanted
all my life.

Up high in the sky
we climbed,
my brother and I.

Binoculars around
my neck.
Ready to see
from up above.

Up high in the sky
we climbed,
my brother and I.

Up we went
into the trees.
Giggling like
little children.

Up high in the sky
we sighed,
my brother and I.

In the trees
we couldn't
see much
of anything.

Up high in the sky
we sighed,
my brother and I.

Our respective children called
from below.
"Mommy!" "Daddy!"
But we ignored them.

Up high in the sky
we cried,
my brother and I.

Dad finally built
the treehouse
I've wanted
all my life.

Up high in the sky
we cried, "Climb!",
my brother and I.

They rushed to
join us.
In the treehouse
Dad finally built.

6:32 p.m.
I was up there
so I looked for you.
The sun lit up the clouds;
it was a bird's eye view...
I looked for you.

I thought I caught a glimpse
of you in the sky.
The sun lit up the clouds
and I pictured your blue eyes.
I looked for you in the sky.

I know you saw me.
I felt you were there, too.
I looked everywhere and
knew we shared a view.

When I was up in the clouds with you.

10/28/11 8:50 p.m.
I dreamt
that I was wrestling
and octopus underwater.

Its tentacles found
my face
in that dank place.

I stopped breathing.
One tentacle around
my throat.
Preventing breath.
Close to death.

I fought
and pulled
and screamed

Before I became a shipwreck,
I woke up with my lamp cord
around my neck.

12:56 a.m.
“We want to feel free,” cried the congregation.
“And what is your prison?” came the response.

“Your prison is the walls you build.
The bricks, you lay with disbelief;
The constraints, you place upon yourself,
When you listen to those who tell you what you cannot do.
You want to feel free, you say?
First, you must free yourself from the shackles of impossibility.
If you can do this -
If you can begin to believe in your own potential again -
Then you can feel free.”

“We want to feel alive,” was the plea.
“And where is your coffin?” he replied.

“Your coffin is buried deep inside yourself.
The nails, you hammer with self-regard;
The dirt, you shovel with pride,
When you worry about what others will think.
You want to feel alive, you say?
First, you must awaken yourself to the insignificance of opinion.
If you can do this -
If you can act without worrying for your reputation -
Then you can feel alive.”

“We want to feel happy,” the masses begged.
“And where is your sorrow?” was the swift retort.

“Your sorrow is tethered to your past.
The pain, you cause with obsession;
The grief, you plant with scrutiny,
When you replay your unpleasant memories over and again.
You want to feel happy, you say?
First, you must cease to torment yourself with what has been done.
If you can do this -
If you can live in the present and appreciate the here-and-now -
Then you can feel happy.”

“We want to feel loved,” echoed their entreaty.
“And who is your loneliness?” the instant query.

“Your loneliness is none other than yourself.
The solitude, you cast with fear;
The exile, you order with your cowardice,
When you shy away from getting close for dread of being hurt.
You want to feel loved, you say?
First, you must make yourself vulnerable.
If you can do this -
If you can throw yourself on the mercy of another’s heart -
Then you can feel loved.”
 Jul 2012 Sarah Ramsay
I've always been unsure of you,
never knowing whether  
you're a psycopath or if you just
care too much about people
who don't deserve to be loved,
people like me, who
just take and take and take,
who abuse every one for their stupidity
and poeple like me who never love.
You've always been to clingy
asking how I am
too many times in the short span
of one day, if I could really be bothered
to count, I'd say you'd say hello
at least 10 times before midday.
And it's scary.
Don't get me wrong,
admiration is cute,
but it transforms into stalking
very, very quickly.
In the summer
I stretch out on the shore
And think of you
Had I told the sea
What I felt for you,
It would have left its shores,
Its shells,
Its fish,
And followed me
 Jul 2012 Sarah Ramsay
Ahmad Cox
The greatest illusion
Of the world
Is the idea
That we are separate
We convince ourselves
We our separate
From nature
Separate from God
Separate from each other
Even separate
And even higher than
All the plants
And animals
And the universe all around us
We are all together
We are just different expressions
Of the same flame
That burns inside us all
We are all one
We are all connected
We just have to see it
Once you do
You will never see things
The same way again
 Jul 2012 Sarah Ramsay
Ahmad Cox
The ephemeral
Is all around us
That inner spark
That inner flame
Is all around us
The spiritual
The little life
Flowing in
The healing
The miraculous
The wholeness
The filling
Of joy
In everything

— The End —