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Mar 2014 · 657
S E Pope Mar 2014
and i couldnt run away if i tried
my car wouldn't get past the city
everything holds me back
holding me in place
in space
in suspended time

and everyday is exactly the same
with the decision whether to breathe
or hang myself from the ceiling
in suspended space
in weightless time

with the crooked wings
i always wanted
to help me fly far away

but they only came out of my flesh
in my wide awake dreams
where i'm suspended
between the ideas of life and death

because the choice is always in my hands
and rattling my brain
like a rat spinning in a wheel
only mine is made of shame
and memories
and death
Feb 2014 · 398
S E Pope Feb 2014
Like a ghost
I'll pass by the lives
Of all I've ever known
Breathing fire
In your memories
Like a garden that
Will never grow

Like a passerby
I'm passing through
Lifespans of time
Spending years
Drowning in emotions
That are still burning
Still alive

It's so hard
To stay settled
When cursed
With a travelers mind
But my ghost
Will always be there
To comfort
The nostalgic nights

Forever in my heart
If not forever
In my sight
Because we all
Must learn to move
And grow
And leave love
Jan 2014 · 473
January Blues
S E Pope Jan 2014
It's the cool breezy nights
After the warm cloudless days
With our windows left open
And the echo of trains
When the only scent
Is freshly cut grass
And the symphony of crickets
Have begun their dance
So much love fills my heart
And everything is divine
Oh how I long for the touch
Of my sweet summertime
Jan 2014 · 393
Peaks and Faults
S E Pope Jan 2014
I want to climb
The mountains of your mind
Every peak and every fault
All the cracks and steep sides
I want to feel the depths
In your crooked spine
To leave a finger print on
Every part of you that’s alive
And when you think you’ll break
And your thoughts move like an avalanche
I’ll be there to dig you out, every time
Dec 2013 · 766
S E Pope Dec 2013
I'm so sick of looking at your picture
And wishing I could punch you in the face
You left a hole buried so deep
I hope a tumor grows in it's place
The sight of you makes me sick
But I long to hold you for days
The pain I feel is constant
This love will never go away
Nov 2013 · 495
Bloody Love
S E Pope Nov 2013
I want to rip off your skin
Along with your clothes
To tear into your body
Like I'm searching for gold
I'll swim throughout your blood stream
Until I find your soul
Then I'll bury myself
In your heart where I belong

We kick and scream
And try to run away
We set up road blocks
To stay at arms length
We'll lie from the heart
And fight with our brain
Until we realize
There's no hope while afraid

If only we knew
That we are enough
We would come together
Instead of beat each other up
We found the holy grail
But its just an empty cup
It's a ****** mess
Two people so desperate for love
Nov 2013 · 359
Natural Cycle
S E Pope Nov 2013
How sad it is to be me
Stuck in the same old spot
Staring at the same old scene
Birds call me home; but still
They always leave
How terribly sad it is to be
A lonely old tree

How sad it is to fly
Never knowing where is home
No concept of time
The clouds always blocking me
From the rest of the sky
How sad it is to be a bird
Cut off from such heights

How sad it is to be me
The one little cloud
Above the vast Pacific sea
Whose only job
Is simply to weep
Until my existence
Drenches everything under me

How wonderful it is to be
To witness the birds
The clouds and the trees
If only they knew
How much they mean
How we are all naturally
Connected to everything
Nov 2013 · 501
Friendly Fire
S E Pope Nov 2013
I have bullets in my head
Shuffling around causing thoughts of death
Clouding everything in front of me
They are all that I can see
Blood or bullets I cannot tell
The taste of metal won't leave my mouth
If I could feel or even think
These bullets might be the end of me
Instead they linger to breathe and breed
To ravage my body like an infectious disease
They hold me hostage and sing me to sleep
My bullets are always there for me
They cause me pain and bring me peace
Without them I would be alone and empty
The world seems so dark and dreary
But the bullets in my head are always screaming
All they want is to be released
If I let them go I will have nothing
So they patiently wait for me to give in
My bullets know they are my only friends
Jul 2013 · 409
No Where
S E Pope Jul 2013
No where is where
I want to be
All alone
with the birds and the trees
To live  
in a vast space
reliant on nothing
This place
is full of doubt
and I want to be free
No where is where
I want to be
Instead I'm locked in
the chains of potent misery
I've given up faith
in our disease ridden society
Egos cutting throats
and leaving us empty
No where is where
I want to be
Nothing will change when
I'm no where to be seen
Apr 2013 · 2.4k
S E Pope Apr 2013
Like lightning
Your entrance is strong and silent
So full of energy
Your brightness is blinding

Like lightning
You come with such vengeance
Claiming your territory
And consuming the horizon

Like lightning
You seem to be all around
Instead of all at once
Only parts of you are reaching out

Like lightning
Teasing the poor trees
With your faraway kisses
And songs in the breeze

Like lightning
You leave as quick as you arrive
Breaking into pieces
And burning up the sky
Apr 2013 · 317
The process
S E Pope Apr 2013
Today I woke up in the future
I was alone and everything, changed
No traces of you anywhere
Still, everything felt the same
Your scent was gone
And the photographs were missing
There are lifetimes between
Where I was and where I’m sitting
But my eyes meet with memories
And they dance in my head all day
Until I fall asleep in the past
And you’re there with me again
Feb 2013 · 537
S E Pope Feb 2013
I want to live somewhere else

Somewhere I’ll enjoy the air I breathe
Not this layer of poison floating over the streets
Somewhere nature flourishes and there’s life in the trees
Not where it’s designated by steel and concrete

I want to thrive somewhere beautiful

Somewhere love is present and brave
Not trampled by greed, resentment, and hate
Somewhere people don’t need to be saved
Not helpless and hopeless and full of dismay

I want to go somewhere far away

Somewhere that is quiet and calm
Not filled with distractions and brainwashing songs
Somewhere there’s no such thing as right or wrong
No fear of life and foolish laws

I just want to go somewhere that feels like home
Somewhere that I’m not so alone
Feb 2013 · 563
S E Pope Feb 2013
How dull it is
To live in real life
Where dreams are limited
And everything dies
The illusion we perceive
Is all black and white
Shades of grey
With numbness intertwined

Life flows through me
But I don't feel a thing
This waking life is wretched
And all I want is to sleep
Sleep until the colors come
Flooding into my dreams
If I saw them with my eyes wide open
Maybe then I would believe
Jun 2011 · 601
Stuck in the Clouds
S E Pope Jun 2011
I opened my eyes and wiped away the sleep
I had just awoke from a terrible dream
I looked around and saw nothing but sky
I found myself on a bed of white
How did I get here? I do not know
But a feeling inside assured me I was home
A bird flew by and looked confused
He asked "What are you doing here? The sky is not for you."
I said I didn't know, I just woke up in this place
And without another word he just flew away
I laid there in wonder unsure of what was next
Am I stuck here forever? Is this my end?
And then a voice spoke, softly but sure
It said "This is where your head's been for what some would call years."
I didn't understand, what could that mean?
Is this real? Am I still in a dream?
I sat straight up on top of this cloud
Where did that voice come from?
I was the only soul around
I heard nothing but wind in the air
Consumed by nothing my mind went bare
Suddenly I felt something was horribly wrong
The cloud that was under me had broken and gone
The sky went dark and the voice spoke again
"Don't worry dear, this is not the end
I am you, you're not going insane."
And slowly I fell along with the rain

I opened my eyes and wiped away the sleep
I finally awoke from all of my dreams
Jan 2011 · 795
S E Pope Jan 2011
Here I lie, wide awake and wasted
Within these walls, dark and secluded
Surrounded by others, undeveloped and close-minded
Comfortable and safe in this timeless space

Drained by always coming and going
The stale air has me choking
Happiness and hatred is what I'm craving
Going insane in this timeless space

Lost and misguided until I enter
Yesterday is something I cannot remember
The tension here could not be thicker
There is no forever in this timeless space
Oct 2010 · 834
S E Pope Oct 2010
It comes so fast, but feels like forever
Almost to the end, so close to December
I feel the death the land is consuming
The cold shattering the bones inside me

My heart breaks at the descending year
A light of hope speaks and my mind is clear
Good intentions and no presence of tears
The thawing of my bones with the warmth of you here

Now I smell of ice in the air
And even the fog of my breath is too much to bare
Your swift absence left me too tired to care
Now along with the trees I fall into despair

All I have now are these bones and this skin
The death of this season stole everything within
It came so fast, but felt like forever
Nothing good ever comes from November
Sep 2010 · 1.5k
Imaginary Masterpiece
S E Pope Sep 2010
I’ve seen this girl before, but only at night in the depths of my subconscious mind. The perfect curls of her long red hair flowing so delicate upon her shoulders. Her skin, blank and pale. No imperfections such as freckles or scars. Her skin, smooth and soft to the touch. The eagerness I feel to talk to this woman is overwhelming, but I can’t muster the confidence. Her movements, so precise. She has complete control over her body and actions. Her Egyptian eyes, bright green, sparkle in the dim light of the room we both share. Her **** lips forming a smile to reveal the straight white teeth behind them. The face I see before me I’ve kissed and touched a thousand times, but I do not know this girls’ name. Even the black dress with satin pleats underneath her bust fit the exact imagining pictured on the curtains of my eyelids. She sits at the bar and does not take notice to the holes my intense staring have burned. I pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming again. Feeling the slight pain, I come to terms. It has been proven to me that angels do exist. Every sip of my drink begins to taste better than the one before. I second guess every move I make and she’s not even looking my way. All the signs are clear and I’ve already fallen in love.

There he is. The picture I envisioned. I didn’t think it was possible. This man is sitting in a folder in the closet of my studio; wasting in the charcoal and paper I created him. Every imperfection and feature matches perfectly. His slightly over grown brown hair that waves at the ends and his ****** hair the very length my hands and creativity mastered in still life. He stands to pull a cigarette out of his pocket and I see his height and slim figure. He looks at me and I smile as I look away to fake a drink. I look up again and he’s sitting, smoking, and running his fingers through his hair. A shiver runs down my spine and I wonder if I became a psychic over night. How could I paint a picture of a person I’ve never seen before and then see them in real life? I guess this could be the man of my dreams. The artist in me pictured exactly the man I would fall in love with and God gave him to me. My stomach ceases to function and my toes can feel my heartbeat. I feel myself falling and if his voice reaches my ears the ground might find me as a burden. This man could be my masterpiece. I get up to take a seat closer. I’ll need another drink if I’m going to initiate any sort of conversation. I sit down and he immediately looks my way. “Hello,”

She came close and I think I said some words out loud. She looked at me and smiled. My brain no longer has any activity, and all I can focus on is her beauty and the fact that she’s real and existing before me. “Hello, I’m Elizabeth.” She spoke, and I heard nothing else. She spoke, and lit the room so bright I could see nothing else. “Hello Elizabeth, I’m Andrew” Panic gripped my heart and the sounds of the public vanished. She had me, all of me. Lost in her words and swimming in her scent. I asked what she did, and she answered with artist. I listened as she spoke of her accomplishments and her soft voice soothed my worry. The stress settled and the determination took over.

He asked me questions. He became interested in what I had to say. The look of his brown eyes locked onto mine gave me the secure feeling that he cared. I asked what he did, and he answered with writer. I listened as he spoke of his stories and his voice took over my mind. I shriveled in his presence and in my sight he was the only man alive. My heart was dead set on what I had to gain. I’ll be you art if you’ll be my tongue. The conversation kept and the evening froze. After hours of laughter and secrets I found the weakness invade. He yawned and touched my hand. Electricity shrieked through my blood veins. He pulled away quickly and I looked him in the face to express that it was okay.

She smiled at me and I heard music begin to play. I took her hand and rose to my feet. She steadily followed my motion and stood close to me. I turned to face her and our eyes locked in sync. I put my arms around her and moved to the symphony. She danced along and wrapped her arms around my neck. I felt as though we connected. Our hearts beating together, our breathing steady, our attention focused only on each other. I’m controlling the steps we take but you’re the one leading the way.
The romance this man beholds is more than I can bear. His hands on my waist, dancing in the middle of a public place. No music is playing, just the tune of our bodies. I must know who he is, inside and out. I want to know his dreams and passions. I need to wake to my creation, my gift from god, my new reason for life, everyday. Feeling his touch is hopeful. Hopeful that tomorrow could feel like today.

I’ve seen this girl before, at this very same bar. She orders the same drink, and sits with the same two girls, every time. She does not know that she plagues my mind. I write all my sorrows and keep my thoughts inside.

I’ll see this girl again tonight. She’ll take me over and my imagination will run wild. My dreams are where she’ll stay, whether at night or during the day. More in love I’ll fall, and perfect in my mind she’ll remain. I rise from my seat, ready for my journey home. Leaving an empty glass and a napkin with a note,

“I’ll be your art if you’ll be my tongue; together a masterpiece is waiting to be born.”
This is obviously a short story, and not a poem.

— The End —