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Second star to the right
And straight on 'til morning:
That's where you told me
I could always find you,
And together we would become
Little lost boys and girls
Not belonging to anyone but ourselves.
Isn't that where you promised
To keep me?
That sacred place where dreams are born
And time is never planned?
"Think happy thoughts"
Is all you said I had to do
To escape this world and fly away with you.

Oh, how I wish I could fly.

But that crocodile had other plans
And caught me in his sinking teeth.
I was stolen by
The treacherous ticks and tocks
I have come to fear the most.

You promised we would never grow old.

So let's go back.
Back to when kisses were thimbles,
And when a tiger lily was more than just a flower.
I'll just clap my hands
And try so hard to believe
That I will always be this young
And you will sprinkle me with dust
So you can take me back,
Back to Neverland.
Disclaimer: Obviously inspired by JM Barrie's "Peter Pan." I have no intention to copy or steal any of Barrie's masterful work.
The lights turn down,
Your touch burns my skin,
Bruises my shoulders.
My lip tastes of copper
from your passionate kiss,
your teeth sinking in mercilessly.
Roughly, gently,
You remind me I am yours,
And command me to say it.
My eyes half shut,
My breath coming in loud gasps.
That is your answer,
And your wicked smile
Only makes me want you more.
Explicit due to what may be implied.
 Mar 2013 Sarah Pitman
There's footsteps all over me..
maybe I should stand up.
It was a year when I met you
It started of with a notification on facebook
I wanted to be your friend reaurdless of your looks

You replied to me and so it began
I woke up everday to begin our endless chatter
When I talked to you, the things around me didn't matter

We saw each other in the hallways everday and waved hi to each other
One day was like no other, we went to the coffee shop,just to study
I knew I liked you more than just a buddy.

We walked together with our arms arond our sholders
The sun was bright and it was a beautiful day
While we were walking, I picked up a flower for you on my way

We steped in the bus and contiued our journey
you liked my hair because it was curly

I saw your lips as you spoke
You said your heart is sad because is broke
I wanted to say something but I chocked

I was told that you liked someone who i knew
I moved slightly and said" What if i said I like you"

I was expecting a slap across the face
Instead I say your lips curl which looked like a smile
I smiled back and the world stopped for a while

Since that day we were close
We played, screamed, and had a few laughs
Oh by the way did I tell you I was jelious of your calfs

One december you drop the weight on me
you said " I feel like our love is gone"
"so because of that its best we move on"

The air suddly got heavy
My eyes started to fill with tears
I thought we would be together for years

I called to apologies to get us back together
You told me " it's not you it's me"
I woundered this is life and we could never be

No this isn't life, I won't sit and watch
I will make my life and it won't be the other way around
I will still stand even when i am beaten to the ground

I went to her place and begged for a second chance
We talked and i said "i really love you but i don't want to be a bug"
"If this is our last can i have a one last hug"

You sobbed and said "i want you back"
that momet the ***** beneath my ribs started to beat
I realize now that you would never cheat

And now look at as us today, its going to be one year since we went out
Sure there are times we don't agree and sometimes we fight
but at the end of the day i know that we will be alright

I promise you I would make you happy
Because I know you would love me even when i look ******

You are my first kiss and my last
Everday our love brings us closer
I know that this feeling would never be over.
 Mar 2013 Sarah Pitman
I don't have thoughts
I have words.
I have phrases
And different combinations of 26 letters.
I have songs and
And words that were once said
My mind is just a pad of paper
But what I don't have are thoughts.
I lie awake in bed so still
Helpless i'm forced to take that pill
I cannot move, my fight is gone
I just listen to my favourite song.

My lips are chapped, cracked and dry
As my hair falls out i say goodbye
To those i love and who love me
Forever in my memory

But time goes on and they'll forget
The way i moved and the scent of my breath
So bury me in my favourite clothes,
My lady bird shoes and big clown nose

Then when Mama looks at me in my box
She remembers me saying
"I'll be an astronaut"

She starts to cry, as she only sees
The innocence that washed over me
So Papa takes her by the hand
And as she sobs she gives the command

My box goes down but i sore high
Me and my spaceship
Drift into the sky
 Mar 2013 Sarah Pitman
M Rose
 Mar 2013 Sarah Pitman
M Rose
i stopped at chinese on the way home from the doctor's
"keep taking your medicine and see me in three weeks."
i ordered my food.

it was impulsive, but i was hungry
the world could wait another day.

i waited, admiring the pictures on the wall.
a cell phone buzzed,  but it was not mine.
the cashier walked towards the door.

"honey, don't cry." i tried not to listen.
"the holidays are hard. just find a hotel."
the holidays are hard. every day is hard.

i picked up my order and walked
past the father and his daughter and the distance
and the heartbreak and time that won't stop
not even for the father and his daughter. not even for me.

i looked away so he wouldn't see my tears.
Her eyes are closed, as the moon drops down, and her superstition starts to bite. That was probably twenty years ago, with a girl I knew once. I can remember I almost cried. She was laying down on the nighttime, with the smell of the train yard creaking through the windows. With only the stroke of her arm, I could feel the softness of her life. We gathered eyelashes like ecstasy for the viewers of the world. We studied the French revolution to teach us how to move like a brown bear. But the silver-lining drew our life's in pieces and like equations on scrap-boards, we never figured our true meaning. Soon, we realized it is easier to hate someone rather than to poke a hole in their hearts. But today, I will feed my sorrow sunflowers, an odd way to make love; I will have trouble living with someone else.
If I had a gun I'd shoot a hole into the sun and love would burn this city down for you.

*Thank you Noel Gallagher
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