Rock star jacket -
You know the one.
Cowhide in thirteen shades of black.
The fur on an orange collar -
Memories in multi-colored stains.
Back in the "Stardust" days
It was all over your face,
In thirteen letters and hues.
F was for father.
A runaway train from society's desires,
Given only your cowhide
And your Stardust make-up.
F was the battle
Cause and effect,
I suppose.
Life in the doghouse
Never fared well for the adolescent,
Though it always had the best in mind.
M was for myopic.
You screamed.
Echoing in the empty cells
Of like minded believers.
M was the enemy.
Vowels are but a collection
Of open-mouthed vibrations,
Stirring the vocal chords
With minimal importance.
Show me a meaning
That began with you.
Consonants give
That sound
Of importance
To everything.
Rock Star.