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3.8k · Feb 2010
Open Minded
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
I refuse to risk my life for you
Until you swear to open your eyes.
Eternally forbidden
From preventing
The destruction of caverns.
3.5k · Feb 2010
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
I am sure there is more than what it seems.
Frustrated tears and tables pounded
By clenched fists and
Eyes rolled to the heavens
For some kind of patience,
Just so happen to appear whenever
You happen to come near.
Sarah Jystad Jul 2010
SCREAM at the top your lungs
To cure any doubt for deafness
On a bumpy ride in between satin and fog,
Slipping on the white leather smudged
With the day's dirt.

Let's sit and tear
At the rolling and swirling dolphins,
Who swim to hunt to eat to swim,
In no hurry.
2.6k · Feb 2010
Passion Pure
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
free from falsities,
untethered by tragedy,
unhindered by corruption,
untouched by treachery,

Passion pure
free to roam in awe and wonder,
eager to explore in hope and desire,
amazed to discover love for and from,
enveloped by Bliss

Immersed Emerged
Swimming in new renewed
2.2k · Aug 2010
our love together
Sarah Jystad Aug 2010
a mother bird taking care
of her newly hatched fledgling,
raising her with love and regurgitation,
and a gentle, inevitable push out
of familiarity

everything the baby bird knew
shot up-away, as

she was thrown,
she threw herself,
and the earth pulled her
into a world of novelty and insanity
and energetic love of change.

the baby bird flies to
her young fledglings,
ready to love and regurgitate,
and gently push
with love in mind
and flight in sight.
july 24, 2010
2.2k · Feb 2010
The Moth
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
A Moth rests on your nose for your solace,
Disoriented by anxious breaths instead.
Still your lungs.
Postpone your life for another’s,
an insect that lives for an average of three days is worth
more than you of eighty years.
It has less time to live and
So is forced to live each nanosecond as its minute.
Hold your breath for a second and give it thousands of moments
To study the purpose of your pores, the nature of your nostrils, the message of your mouth.
It is a blessing that one who has such a blink of a life should choose you.
Its tentative, exploring antennae acknowledge your existence
For that moment
You are its universe.
Are the mountains, and underwater caves, the forests, the savannah, the tundra, the planets.

Are the suffocating suburbia, the twitchy towns, the neglected neighborhoods, the seductive cities.
Are sighing waterfalls, lighthearted hills, free-spirited skies, heartwarming dreams.
If god was the universe,
Then you’re set for heaven.


The Moth flies away
Leaving you to take its place.
2.1k · Sep 2010
little bird song
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
hey little bird you dive in the ocean's waves to exhilarate your tongue
you swim through the clouds, feathers a-flutter with joy
you hide in the trees and bushes, all winky and coy
i'd love to fall hands-first along your side catching my little bugs and my little birds
i wish i could fly
i wish i could fly
oh ** oh i wish i wish i could fly
no wings, no plane, no parachute
so thanks, bluejay, crane, pelican,
all the birds,
for letting me come along

(what a way to die)
so happy i can fly
so happy i can fly
july 2010
2.1k · Aug 2010
Sarah Jystad Aug 2010
picking flowers along the way

watching the mysterious insect land on my shoulder
feeling the tickle nearly not there

I travel inside myself
rising and falling with the seashore waves

connecting with other travelers
we are all foreigners
smiling knowingly

I travel inside myself
telling stories to myself

we are all swimming in this sea
we are all flying in the sky

I travel inside myself
gathering flowers along the way

gathering along the way
other travelers and other flowers
I love them as they travel to death
as I travel to death inside myself
august 1, 2010
1.9k · Feb 2010
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
We’re in a snow globe without any snow:
Black zebras with white stripes,
Beds without mites, children smoking pipes,
Men are mice wearing plastic vampire teeth.
Cages are cheap, get two for one free.
1.9k · Jun 2010
The Dam has Broken
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
As I sit and feel the warm sun,
as I bend and breathe,
as I hear the avion flirtations
throught the daffodil lament,

I absorb,
like a smiling sponge of incredible size,
like a leaf adrift on the ocean's breath.
I write,
like the searching ponder,
like the probing wonder.
I think,
like the white lotus sighs,
like the rolling hill-fog sunrise.

To explore, I dive, I climb, I lay.
To learn, I rest, I trip, I fumble.
To love, I touch, I kiss, I see.
To live, I do, I am, I be.
To write again,
A flood.
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
A pool with no walls in
An ocean with no souls
Has no choice.
Fate is the tyrant,
The trident even Poseidon controls not.

You cannot drown if you’ve never breathed air.
“Be no one like everyone,”
She laughs, “Equality 7-2521.”
My mouth remains frozen in the frown,
Brows furrowed down.

Disgusted by sheep, I never wear wool.
The fibers stick, ****, suffocate,
Even when dry.
No one else minds it. In fact,
They say “baa” and wear the same masks.

“Bah,” I mutter into ripples.
Witness myself in reflection, introspection,
Retrospection: the id is omniscient;
Individuals are conventional, rarely exceptional;
Explanations are like Time,

They wound and heal.
Truth is disposable, honesty opposable.
Disillusionment is discovery,
Disgusting, discarding, disregarding,

Splash the water, pause the thought process.
Steal fate’s trident, bend it
Into a bubble wand.
When dawn dawns,
Daintily dip the stick in.

A big, blue bubble is born
With each breath, with each blow.
I enter the bubble, in peaceful pace,
Gently lay down,
Knees kiss my face.

Sigh with relief, rebirth, rediscovery.
The ultimate revolution ending
In victory,
In magnificent realizations,
In my last gasp.
1.6k · Feb 2010
The Man in the Moon
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
The man in the moon swallowed me whole,
Just as I began to admire his soft glow;
There he was, knowingly smiling over
The scary affairs of my teenage cares.
Apparently, I should mention
My attention was too much,
The perfect remedy for pro-love prevention.
Just in case it was neglected,
I must warn you,
Affection to your reflection sways you
To believe your giggle is perfection.
But when you are presented with rejection,
You’ll step back with a confused expression,
Wondering what happened to his original affection.

Now, I proceed.
I concede
Wooing the moon is harder than
Shaving a true hippie on ecstasy or ***
In the middle of the sea.
Why do I love someone who constantly
Turns around and hides himself
Whenever seconds pass
Only to tease me with peeks of his soul?
Oho what a divine mystery!
He’s a maze with infinite doors,
More complex than hallways,
More intriguing than apple cores, skin pores, folklores, or antique stores.

He wears a different face every day,
Masks of white, amethyst, and grey.
He seduces a variety of personalities,
Of intellectual minds, of our kind.
With his charm that, more than good, does harm
To us; who have put forth increasing
Efforts to make his eyes glitter,
We who pride ourselves on mental capacity, titter
With giggles,
Because we cannot think of a better reaction,
We are so consumed with him.

Freedom from the man in the moon’s
Enticing effect came only when I saw:
His redundant, repetitive cycles of beliefs and views,
Only sometimes were they new;
His aloof disconnection from others,
Even when I carefully showed the best parts of my soul;
The Fact
That so many others found him
Captivation, enchanting, and beautiful
Without the knowledge or understanding
Of his desires, values, or issues,
Of his dreams, sorrows, or needs.
Ignorant, blind, obsessive aspects of infatuation
Sicken me.

Now, for the better, I relay with
Content at this little success that it is
Much easier to tease, to debate,
To befriend the man in the moon
Now that I can resist his effervescent

Still, I acknowledge, anticipate, and dread
The algae, the residue of my ephemeral love,
The waves and cycles of my affection;
Still, I crave a lucid connection to his mind, to his soul,
For I know enough
To embrace his being as consistently
As the sea kisses the sky.

But hardly does he ever show all of himself to one,
But always does he offer smiles and woos to all;
So, patience is my haven.
Empathy is my understanding;
Distraction, my refuge, my remedy.

Eventually, the man in the moon
Might attempt to love me
Who knows with such an
Inconsistently predictable being?
1.5k · Feb 2010
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Black shawls over glass
To prevent staring eyes
From the hatred from inside.
Masks glued, taped, stapled, nailed on the faces.
“Is it true,
Self-mutilation prevents isolation?”

Why must there be pain?
Why must there be pain?

In foggy Tupperware, tinted pink,
Some firm rose jello. She did think
It spoke oddly, like a jack-in-the-box.
Walks, talks, mocks, shocks, paradox-in-the-box,
But no socks.
The jello wasn’t jello.
Jello breaks no hearts.
“He wasn’t the fellow.”

He was mundane,
It was quite in vain.

Lost in clouds of thoughts,
He saw faces in blurs, in purples and slurs.
Hiding in needles and giggles,
His heart is escaping.
He knows well bacteria multiply.
[Quite an education, for your information.]
His infection, anti-biotic resistant.
Willing, the suicide persisted.

He’s stuck in the chain.
“God, he’s in pain!”

So many broken, so many shattered,
Tucking pieces behind painted faces.
Cotton candy-covered black clouds hound
The carnival where everyone’s a clown.
Clown ashes, dolls, and masks scattered,
Behold a grand masquerade.
No kisses for Phantom,
He cut his lips on the glass.
It wasn’t random.

God, I’m insane!
I am sane.
1.4k · Sep 2010
two beautiful people
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
we become one
rolling down sandy hills,
smoking cigarettes,
tearing giant palm leaves from their roots
running through grassy fields
climbing thorny trees
hopping tall green fences
singing with open hearts and exuberant souls
the balance of heat and cold
yins and yangs around our mouths
oh our lifeguard tower adventures
lifeguard tower adventures
all we have is love for each other
there is no fear, there is no doubt
there is no jealousy, there is no comparison
we're simply two beautiful people frolicking in our freedom
and the black void of ocean night loves us
august 2010
1.4k · Feb 2010
Wood Nymph Poem #1
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
The shy light flickers and flies,
One more leaf dies.
Damp debris, in we reside,
Hiding places that provide
Spontaneous frights
And hilarious sights!
Wafts and wisps,
Wasps and whiffs flirt with stubborn
Stationary stones.
We shall flit upon
The forest floor,
Our home for forever
And more.
10/24/09 I wrote the Wood Nymph poems as an accompaniment to my role as a wood nymph in Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream."
1.4k · Feb 2010
Wood Nymph Poem #3
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Little feet dance upon
Little dreams.
Little hands graze chests that protect
Little hearts.
Little faces
Little minds.
Silly, pointless lives,
You might as well dive,
And hide in a hole,
And conceal your pitiful minds.
1.3k · Feb 2010
Ignore Repulsion, My Dear
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Ignore repulsion, my dear,
Accept compulsion, don't fear.
Don't let mere, bleary tears
Steer you from clear theory.
1.3k · Feb 2010
Le Parfum
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Center pressure on the tip
Of the glassed pleasure,
Release a million particles,
Watch them rest on the air.
Thousands of master dancers twirling, spinning,
Sashaying their paths to refuge.
Inhale, exhale.
The atoms entice, capture.
Pleasuring senses with alluring influences.

Just like a ballerina, trapezed,
Carefully and gracefully
Leaning her swan-like neck
Away from her poor partner,
Afflicted by the contrast of halitosis.
Another focus of pressure:
The last of inconveniences amended.
1.3k · Sep 2010
dainty daisy wish
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
i wish i could grow flower meadows on my body
i wish i could grow flowers in my hair
a symbiotic relationship, human-floral beauty
root my toes beneath me
bound to earth
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Green plastic shields suburbia’s
Golden bubble from tragedy’s barbed wire.
Tinted glass domes painted with fingers.
Two-way mirrors two ways and neither.
Brown grass hills, our walls, blindness is
Our black bleep bar in front of conflicts.
We chain link-fences, omit facts, draw the blinds.
Refuse to recognize:
Conformity is a cockroach.
1.2k · Oct 2010
Hour of freedom
Sarah Jystad Oct 2010
as i was lying in bed last night, my mind raced, as usual.
thoughts zipped in instants - why what who who who why's
mixed with images of imagined images,
images i have experienced or images impossible to experience - words floating in and out of each other, caressing, lingering fingertips

a few words joined at the hips and rested for a long, tremendous instant –
[eliminate connotation]
Reality is a Cage, I am a prisoner of my reality - everyone is trapped in everything - how can i get free! how do i freedom climb jump dive?! FREEDOMFREEDOMCAGEPRISONI I I I I I CAGE I AM NOT THIS BUT ALL I AM IS THIS

i sat up and rolled in my blanket so that i was cacooned AH Waarmth dropped my body sideways and my face hit my pillow
I sit up again
And look around at the black and white
the thoughts SWALLOW ME
everything we do
everything everything
self control moderation ambition
******* money
Reason law health
Children Music Epiphany
love strife religion
every belief
self built cages


If this is all i have made for myself!
why haven't i been more creative!
more colorful
I am THROUGH Dulling My Existence

why have i hid in this pool of peace and wisdom and identity
in hope for understanding and existence
do i wallow in this puddle of thought!

I dont want to be in the room
this black and white stillness

fear of other sways into me
i see it and i see it
dim weak feeble
I Smash it!
out out out
anything but stillness
anything but warmth
anything anything


golden ice
firm underfoot
space all around
icy breath exPAAAAND

I walk so quickly but i cant get away there are people there are things everywhere and i cant get away
there fences around all these planted trees
males playing football in the icy 1 am air
i walk through them and laugh laugh

walk walk i see a bunny and I chase it!
you must run fast when things eat you

I slow down
my whole feels

I keep walking climb a fence
see im in a small enclosure
climb this big green metal box
look to my right theres a bigger brick box
climb the fence with ease step on this other square thing
i look around and scream at the top of my lungs
to HEar it with these ears
i laugh delightedly and lay on my back
looks at the stars
feels the chill in her fingers
allows her body to shiver
not attempt to control

gets up and looks around
climbs down

trees in a row
rusty red baseball dirt
scraggy asphalt rocks
geese waddling away
Vibrant Golden Night!
the lights sphere into the biggest orbs of light rays ive ever seen before!
i sit in a baseball dugout

she lights a wet leaf
smokes spindle away
outline the vague air that i breathe
she holds it up to the moon

casts off her glasses
i see it BLOOM
there is a visible entity
flows into form
clear in the white orb

she sits and stares
ignores her stinging eyes

getting up, she climbs a fence
hops down
landing every time


she walks once more and sees her shadow for the first time
how lovely this absence of form, this evidence of form
how unappreciated
she bows to her

she walks once more and climbs a fence once more
to walk on
she plays with her body
Cartwheels for everyone!

I look to the sky
Stretch out arms and SPIN and SPIN AND SPIN
Truth whirls beyond her
Freedom RIVERS Through Her

No reluctance, she returns to her white walled hallways
Her electronics
Freedom RIVERS Through Her
And Sleep Welcomes Her
She forgets her dreams
she wakes
while i dream
while i paint limitless freedom

1.2k · Jun 2010
Kimartham Saatva
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
Kimartham Saatva

Slowly essence simplifies
the All Souls curious inquiry
we question and ponder
we dwell and lull our minds to wake,
grasp entreatments to effortlessly and lazily
assist the slow pull from deep in the cave.

We struggle,
our muscles, wring them round
squeezing us into stress and anxiety,
anxiety's merciless choke around your throat,
smashing our hearts between guilt and shame.

Shame, you have no shame!
Good! God Bless the Shameless!

Those who fear God, don't get “it.”
They don't hear its love-filled breath through the trees
they don't feel the truth in a handful of pacific sand
they don't see epiphany in the vast, soft, rolling expanse
of the supple, green morning hills gathering the mist-fog close
to the young glitters of the valley lake,
the peace-keeping mountain peaks.
They don't think of Music of as its own universe.

When we jump off diving boards, or seashore cliffs,
those few short seconds of airborne flight-falling
We need to challenge our mortality.
Climb that mountain, that hill, that jungle gym!
Climb those cliffs, those rooftops, those fences!

Doubt is a sickly, ******* life-leech.
Fear not Doubt, nor its debilitating effects.
Fear not Love, nor the fear love may breed.

Compare nothing and no one and none.
Comparing brings the misconception of the past-you and the now-you
with the misunderstanding of the someone-else.
It's completely countereffective and can put you at a new low.
But if you compare nothing and no one and none,
the result will astound your heart and mind and eyes.
You'll jump, fall, and crash into the water quickly, and be
Enveloped by Enthusiasm Vibrant.
If nothing is compared, there will be nothing different happening than what is exactly happening at this very moment
and nothing to doubt, nothing to disappoint,
Nothing to Fear.

I am grateful for every instance of
Every temporal, circumstantial, emotional, conceptual, verbal, aural, visual change in perspective and understanding
comprehension - “getting it” - is as rare as real.
True truth is simplicity of self and possessions and ties and responsibilities;
The splendor of the Ideal Utopia is
The sacrifice of complexity and adoption of isolation simplicity.
Isolation – separation from the socially dependent on the acceptable.

The closest you could ever reach nirvana quickly:
Sensual ecstasy
Tangible overload
Absolute deprivation in the convulsions of pleasure
because it's the utter absence of the sense of self.

Why else would we welcome our ******* with
Affirmative cries
oh yes yes yes!
That startle our neighbors from their lifeless slumber.
Remember, when they pound on the wall and demand that you cease your path to nirvana,
They are simply blushing in awe at your shameless approach.
They are doubting their capacity,
fearing the possibility of an inability
To Be Free.

Cast Doubt and Fear from your mind,
Maybe you've heard this before,
But in a different context.
Maybe you've been told not to doubt or question or skepticize
the concept of sin or the authority of the Bible.
I heard it all throughout my childhood.
I heard stories that incited fear and shame and guilt and confusion
and I heard lessons of love and morality and sin and authority and exceptionalism and arrogancism and mercilessness
that only made sense if taken in objectionless.
When I Thought, all I could hear in my mind was -
What the **** is all this?
Excessivity – how does the grandeur of cathedrals not nauseate you?
Obvious manipulation of the awe we possesss.

We own nothing of nature yet we insist on state and country lines,
on property, on political parties, on religious beliefs, on ****** orientation,
on wealth and health and age and wage.
Stop the ******* belief in “otherness!”
There is only ONENESS.

We delight in friendship and family and small talk and deep talk and ***
They remind us
There is and is no otherness or oneness
there's only Noneness
there's only Oneness

the title is supposed to mean 'why existence' but I'm no sanskrit expert haha.
1.2k · Feb 2010
The Demise of Men
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
What from his efforts
Do we seek?
An unwanted wink,
Unnecessary hinting,
Increasingly unheeded,
Ceaselessly conceited?
Never fail to pity the male,
For feminine wiles avoid and
1.2k · Feb 2010
Psych Ward
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Breathe, calm down, sit, what happened?
Your eyes are twitching,
Their color, it's switching.
Fear, joy, surprise?
Tell me, what is your demise?

The rays enveloped my eyes,
I drifted down, down into
That tunnel. Gold sparkles and
Poison silver in the air.
Are there goblins waiting, doting on
The scraps of my batted eyelashes?

The monsters, though,
They're bumpy and glow.
Green smiles beckoned and flirted,
Giggled and grinned,
Eyes winked and cheeks pinked.
Spiky hearts of jelly dominated the city.

Offered and given
Blue-brown daises and frogs, small kingdoms and bogs,
Rotted maps, never-ending shoulder taps,
Starched butterflies and broken cats,
Grass blades that cut clouds and dirt mounds,
Drowned fish with no fins, humans without sins.

Stricken with panic when
Asked for by King Gink,
My hand were misplaced.
My fingers desperate, grasping, crying,
For anything'd be better
That meeting the devil.

King Gink bid his men to **** the Cat. "Pick off all the ants, and
Feed them treats, bits of paper and sweetmeats.
If they succeed, I will take Alice as queen."
But the ants were too fat, too satisfied, and died.

Triumphant and vengeful, the Cat kidnapped me Without panting or pause,
Cat zipped off his skin, revealing
A mask remarkably like yours.
A devilish grin and a snickering sneer,
it was you, it was you!

Stop! Let me go! I swear, I swear,
I swear the umbrellas are birds, and that red burns!
Don't sit on that chair,
A porcupine left his spine there!
It's not as it seems, I'm not who I was.
I'm melting, I'm melting….

Breathe, calm down, Alice, you're safe now.
Mr. King Gink is in jail,
The cat put to sleep.
Not one more frightening thing.
Now, lay still, this won't sting.
1.2k · Nov 2012
Open & Receive
Sarah Jystad Nov 2012
To flow
Lost in the mind of unattachment~
Relation floats to the top,
Bubbling in iridescent mounds.
Blood spinning full body,
Taken ancient ritual
To lands unknown,
Abyss flies,
High collapse,
Forms dissolve to absorb.

Human knows, mankind blows its ashes
Into the sea
Where fish nibble surface gifts,
Crawl to form surface, lifts
Familiar exotica,
Erotica basks
In sunshine frays,
Grays may blend broken rays
Off the pleasure. Desire
Bubbles & brews to the top,
Furling into forms to which our touch is born,
Our travels sojourn,
Ever sifting, filtering the moon & the sun.

Feeling joy form & torn,
The reverb sung & proverb born,
Chug on, truck on
Traveling Celestial Mist.
The smoke sends its message to our ancestors,
Thanks & quests, may we rest &
Face our tests &
Jump off the highest crests &
Flow down through the darkest depths.

Fearless, shall we be, tearless, never be.
The taste & the smell, Earth’s story we shall tell & retell to our kin,
Our progeny rebel against the story of sin,
Announce the return to our dance, making sense of the din.
We may collapse the columns, but in deep truth
The cycles form regardless of ruth.

With that knowing smile,
A goddess wraps her finger
Round his golden locks,
Open, as always, they dangle and glisten,
If we would listen,
The fear would instantly disappear,
Jeers against the queer would shift into gear
To endear us to the weird &
We would cheer!

The dampness will burn,
The heartache will churn,
Our souls still yearn for
That moment when we lose it.
The bruised tips healing in the instant,
The shock waves reckon this is it
& the feedback expatiates past the limits.
We already have the wildness,
The bliss of expansiveness,
Still spinning in the Spiral Ever Endless.

1.2k · Feb 2010
Untitled 2
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Faces outlined in black crayon,
Lonely parking lot trees,
Isolated by concrete, asphalt, and litter,
Mentally vain, narcissistic, futile
Fear of the void
1.1k · Feb 2010
A Warning
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010

You are paralyzed by the hallucinated demise
Stimulated by the distortion of
Your mental reality highlighted with opportunities
To amend your insecurity with your body.

Now is the time to revise your sighs into War Cries.
Recognize. End it. Rebirth your mind.
1.1k · Feb 2010
Anticipating Change
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
a few seconds left
a few minutes
a few hours
a few days

i'm spinning in circles,
twirling the sky,
and the dizziness decreases.

every second hand's tick echoes infinitely
echo echo
a glance, a hand-wring
I pick my nails.

the departure and arrival of the present
Evolution of the future into the past.
          The grass is growing
          The surroundings groan
while i try to open my eyes
    tense with

gas tank almost empty
big capital e's have never looked so attractive

Now, the doors will be unlocked,
And ripped off
And crunched, crushed,
And incinerated, obliterated.
what a refreshing breeze
smells like sunflowers,
and honey.

Let's neglect new barriers.

  I can see
the pores of time.
I'm the future
a crane, an eagle
an equal

The doorknob's key is in my hand,
An axe in the other.

All those years
of inescapable limitation to
the view from a windowsill,
they will soon be the senile, wrinkled remains
of tears, of fears, of jeers.

Soon, I will soar
Escape this world of sore
Existence at the core
Of the personalities who tore
At the pained cultivation of my soul,
Who decided it was best to close my doors,
I know, I swear, these shackles, held in the hands of unmuffled cackles,
Will disintegrate in nothing
but dust and flies to blind their eyes,
Keeping them, from once again,
Binding me into void oblivion,
I am blinded by triumphant tears,
They'll evaporate eventually,
Leaving behind puffed and swollen emotional Glory.
1.1k · Feb 2010
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Imagine a twin, a copy, a clone, if you will,
A rendition.
Inclined to think more than talk while you talk a lot.
Eyes blink in sync and blush the same pink.
Take her by the hand, your hand, witness, in reflection.
Paint your desires and preferences on her.
What will ameliorate me?
Me revealing me.
Mirror yourself, then look at the mirror.
Feel, see the differences,
You think you hate yourself,
Original face green, bulging, crinkled,
Spiteful, ugly, over-analytical, unlovable, wrinkled?
Mirrors never show how other people see you.
Adorable, attractive, warm, honest, loving.
What exists of you?
No carbon copies, no pictures could bear
The weight of your beautiful, playful, blue glare.
Clones would collapse, too high a bar to reach,
Astound, heartache, rain-cloud eyes, cherished,
I am your ears, I am your heart, I am you.
With you, for you, because of you,
I love you.
1.1k · Nov 2012
Sarah Jystad Nov 2012
It's coming in,
Into reality. The dreams
Are becoming manifested.

It flows in,
With intention. The magic
Grows & strengthens.

It grows in,
as well as out. The evidence
remains all but hidden.

To keep my word,
To stay true to the path,
While leaving space for play,
Will guide the experience,
Come what may.

I call the subtle forces,
Be you ancestor or creator,
I ask your assistance,
To aid my heart, mind & soul
In opening to wisdom.

I feel a strange, orange
Warmth grow right now
In my chest.

There's something happening
That my conscious mind
Cannot comprehend.

1.1k · Feb 2010
The Willing Tree
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
It's kindly refreshing feeling this unburdened,
This unbridled by self-caused worry or stress.

It's quite wonderful,
I'm in awe.
Finally, I make my worth
Worthwhile for my self.
Where others could only see before,
Now I understand and transcend to the places
Of self-control and self-awareness.

It's oddly welcoming,
This metamorphosis, encouraged and manipulated before,
Now begins with my own will and desire.

For if you can pluck a leaf
Off of a tree before it's ready to descend of its own accord,
The tree would believe it to be, passively deceived.
But your efforts to force the tree to produce
Fresh new green would be in vain;

For every spring is an epiphany.
As it begins to feel the shivers of
A new beginning,
The delight of newfound self-life and self-love
And it chooses to change.
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Here is the situation,
As unfortunate as it is,
You no longer have a significant part of my heart.
Once there used to be a time, twice a time, when thoughts
bombarded my mind and chances were they concerned you.
But now my eyes, as reluctant as they are, can see you,
You unintentional enchanter.
You accidental seducer.
You oblivious snarer of infatuated captivation.
You are the alpha of canker blossoms.
You are the epitome of everything that frustrates me.

I used to live in a house where the
Walls were your voice and your face.
A mental institution in which I was never voluntarily admitted.
A house of mirrors in which I couldn’t see myself or anybody else,
My thirst for your infatuation reflected,
Mocking smiles of every kind.

I cried blackened tears that fell to the
Ground and then flew into the sky like
Bleached ravens, like childhood dreams,
So carefully groomed by the mommies and the daddies,
Collapsing into little liquid drops dripping through the desperate holes of a strainer.

I cried because you seemed to find it
Necessary to seek interests in other girls
And never me.
I am not a bruised apple;
I am not a crushed autumn leaf;
I am not a discarded baby blanket;
And I am not unworthy.
So why in god’s oh so deemed holy name
Have you not seen me?

Or maybe you see it right on my face,
Like I’m a displayed canvas as easy to
See as red blushed from a pale, void surface,
And you are just messing with me.
Playing with me
As I am your spaniel and you can treat me as such?
Like I am a doll whose string you pull
And receive a pathetic voice pleading,
Love me love me.
Am I below your standard of interesting?
What could possibly be so wrong with or about me that repulses you?
Not you really, but more your interest in me.
At this moment I am wound tighter with exasperation
More than any moment before.
You will always be a tug of war in my life.
If only I could simply expel you,
The nuisance you are.
1.1k · Feb 2010
Self-Whistling, Self-Wishing
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Oh, I can't wait until we can paint clashing colors on our neighbors' doors,
leaving love notes in star-shapes, saying ha ha ha ha, We love you!
It's okay because the paint comes off when you kiss your love
and appreciate the sky and nod to your reflections in the night eyes
and fall in love with someone's mind.

But only then, only then does our message enlighten.
It's our life purpose to brighten your slacking eyes and to inspire you
to smile at the trees, to make eye contact with the homeless, to give flowers to strangers.
Blow bubbles, blow kisses, wink, and embrace!

Oh, I can't wait until we bury each other in sand,
Oh, oh, I can't wait until I can smooth all woes walled into your forehead.
To count your freckles and draw my dreams on our bedroom walls.

Oh I can't to wait to put olives on your fingers, put olives on your fingertips,
Because you have silly tendencies.
Don't let jealousy convince desire to worship ice cream cone gravestones.
When you bite your lip, don't eat pennies for at least a while.

Oh, I can't wait to play hide and seek with our identities and fidelities.
Oh, I can't wait to gather basketfuls of hope and lust.
Oh, I can't wait to hunt for honeysuckles and trust.
Are any sapien sexuals willing to step forward and comfort me?

Because I can't wait to see you again.
But, I can wait, I can wait, because
We blow each other kisses.
1.1k · Jul 2010
Canyon Magic
Sarah Jystad Jul 2010
driving through the canyon
magic magic
winding and dipping and jolts
playing with the canyon wind and brush
while jazz softly rhymes
with the rushing noise and cricket cries
catching quick wisps of green,
we slowed down and stopped to admire
the night's eyes winking approval,
she has appreciation for our adventures,
lighting the winding dirt road,
even when it disappears into black
we offer each other questions,
would you name your children?
would you care if you died?
et puis, j'ai chante en francais,
les choses simples, mon ami, les choses simples,
oh the simple things are magic, magic
1.0k · Sep 2010
what's it like being a god?
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
What's it like being a god
and tumbling back into humanity?
Whats it like being a god
and all your connections dimming?

I couldn't feel my body
I couldn't feel my skin
what's it like being a god?

without identity
without fears
without certainty

no words
no need to speak

what's it like being a god
and meeting yourself for the first time
and liking yourself for the first time
loving yourself
loving no one
needing no one
and nothing

beautiful creatures
in the sunset
beautiful waves of the ocean sky
lotuses floating in the wind
in the trees
serene smiling faces in the city skyline
the city of clouds offers nothing
we ask nothing but to see
we ask nothing
nothing at all
but to look and absorb the overwhelming
emotion and color and beauty and peace

waves, rippling waves
the tablecloth sky
gentling coming towards me
look what I made for you, you all

what's it like? Being a god?
It's exhausting
it's exuberant
it's joyful
it's sorrowful
to be a god
void of humanity
void of fear and insecurity

I couldn't feel my face
I couldn't feel my fingers
all I could feel was joy
pure emotion, untainted by thought
pure emotion pours down my face
in laughter and tears
a joyful, childish celebration to see such beauty
to be so free

what's it like to be a god
and a human again?
No longer do I fear,
no longer do I want

no longer any self-deception
as far as my human eyes can tell
1.0k · Jun 2010
Everything Is
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
Everything is just an act-thing.
A game piece, a character.
Essence of the game,
the play, the poem, the joke
is the ego.

Our genetics together
create consciousness,
The ego.

Every code, every instruction,
every message from the genes
is not in selfishness,
but in selflessness,
in laughter.

Witty humors they possess,
They know you need
an uncertain situation,
to be called attention to,
to be reminded that
it's all just a joke in the end,
and not one has a bad sense of humor.

There is the dark, poor-me, my-life-is-miserable jokes
to the bright
one-day-i-was-tripping jokes

because the Spiral Source Polarity Is.

The yin and yang do not swim after one another,
there is neither tail nor head.
They flow as river-wind.

Fire and water, energy and matter,
Ego and truth are genes'
Set ups
punch lines

Set that to infinity
at 98.6 degrees

now, the questions rise

how do I act after realizing all of this?
How can I keep playing this role?

The point is to understand
the answer is to die
as the world knows death.

Your eyes will blink
Your heart will sync with another's beat
Your tongue wil taste
You will die
as the ego knows it.

You will think
You will feel
You will realize
You will die
as You know it.

Why would I waste my time
in a place like this
with people like this

and not

in the warm, bristley buzzing glowing meadow grass
in a tree playing whistling lips to the soaring peer
bubbling out air in the ocean's riptide
treading soft chilled down on montana mountains

being able to meet soaring peer
in source element
and inevitable intimate relations
with earth or sea.
6 25 10
1.0k · Feb 2010
Float Along, Fly Away
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Let's allow our bodies to fall back into the sea of,
of awe in sight blushing fluid leaves
enlighten hibernating trees
serenity, relax on open-faced sunflower centers
exhaling petals and half-crushed leaves for the blue above
Glide, let your body slide with the wind
Dissolve as raindrops dissipate, disintegrate, and absorb
In awe
1.0k · Sep 2010
the lotus song
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
the crazy reason beauty is
is that everytime something repeats,
it becomes a rhythm, a beat
the beat enchants, repeats entreat

there is the ocean in all of us
om mane padme hum
july 2010
970 · Feb 2010
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Laying in the canopy of trees,
Among lush, green branches,
Stretching in quiet addiction.
Offering hundreds of leaves
As an endless sacrifice
Up to the infinite
Ending with a vast void
Full of solace.
Finally, the god sighs.
The offering untaken.
The request recycled.
The plea granted.
961 · Sep 2010
as i ask more questions
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
Is existence
Societal farce?
I hope so.
What is everything
Is a farce?
How can I enjoy
Play again?
Splash flailing through the waves
Laugh wild free
Sob wild free
Drizzle away, seep through
The pages, holy farce,
I’ll find my way
To eat you
And burp a lilac’s breath
960 · Feb 2010
The Swine
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
The swine twists the twine
til the poison tastes like wine.

Everyone raised their glasses and cheered
For all that they had had to fear
Sat defeated and hopeless
Behind glass walls.

There lie imprisoned
Our reflections, the demons, the insecurities.
Power only dies when it thinks it's invincible.

The swine sighs as it dines,
As the shrine entwines demise.
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
Half-shut eyes shying away,
Lids fluttering from flat lines to fear.
Heaviness with
Every inhalation of this acid,
Poisoned air stippled with pollution,
Hatred and despair.
Envision trembling voids that yearn
For the pull of a black hole's infinite birth.
948 · Feb 2010
The Light was Unexpected
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
The light was unexpected
Its debut was never foreseen
Arbitrary fear
She is unable to open her eyes without
Fear of the light’s departure,
What is the dove never flies again?
Or the wind ceases to soothe?
Of the bars of her rotting cage
But her eyes don’t understand that
She is free?
The cage remains
Indefinitely defining immobility,
Hands frozen around her face
And all she is able to see is
Her broken reflection
And him, unidentified and without identity,
Abandoning her
To a ceaseless cycle
931 · Jun 2010
I'm coming home to you
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
I'm coming home to you.
Do I embrace your with a kiss, a hug, or not at all?
How do we act?

Love and passion tempered by distance and time,
I've fallen out of habit.
Doubtless, all has changed.
But what into?

I'm learning to observe natural fearlessness,
To be the fluid Ever-change.

The night blossom welcomes the moon effortlessly.
The river does not veer from the ocean.
The wind is the freest lover.

When my eyes finally find your face,
I know I'll smile,
and Together our lips will connect
In fervent osculation.
5/25/10- From Summer of Love
Sarah Jystad Feb 2010
You might as well have no fence
since you're just going to jump from side to side,
rolling from side to side and in circles and in zigzags,
Throwing your body like a flailing fish,
Bending your pointer and just
It to the other lawn.
You'll just desecrate one side's bushes
only to give the other your excrement as a
sort of Mad Hatter's pagan offering.
You'll relieve yourself on the lawn,
upset the owner of said lawn,
who complains excessively about how tediously he cared for each blade,
how furious he was at your insensitivity and indecency,
how his heart is now as crinkled and dry as the result of your relief,
who then suddenly realizes yellow is his favorite color
pays you
to ***
on the rest of the green.
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
I live my life in defiance.
I defy you with every preference, every decision, every passion.
I refuse to think like you, to dress like you, or to eat like you.
I don't believe in a religion.
I reject modern western values,
I refuse to care for money or for power.
I listen to indie music an electronica.
I read Nietzsche, Walt Whitman, and Diane Ackerman.
I dance to the sitar.
I'm politically liberal.
I ingest psychedelics.
I frolick buck-naked in the woods.
I make love.
I thrive on love,
I rejoice in novelty,
I exalt in sensation in
My defiant existence,
But I eat unorignality.
918 · Sep 2010
I see the foolishness
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
I see the foolishness of trying to live
In the mind-world of will.
This double vision
Dizzies me into standing
916 · Nov 2012
This Bitter Taste
Sarah Jystad Nov 2012
Insanity eats
More souls, your minds crumble weak
As touchless, formless

obsessions with the
Virtual eyes, lazy sighs
Rot facing blind screens

Touching nothing, you
See yourselves wasting away
yet you do nothing!
911 · Nov 2012
Freeing & Fleeting
Sarah Jystad Nov 2012
Vivid, the memories morph into fantasy.
Stark, become the unreal details.
What seems possible occupies the space in my mind
Flowing like a dropped stone that stirs up the riverbed's dust.
Too short seems the infinite & too long before I'm content.
For which heartache shall I choose: blind or no surprise?

This has been done before, maybe during my lifetime,
But it is surely known that the moment decides itself
In spite of my delusion that I know what's best.
Maybe it's my languid nature.
Maybe biology reveals the deepest tales of our character,
Even though we each contain within ourselves the greatest good & the greatest evil.

The feeling,
when I acknowledge the infinite space within & around me,
Is freeing,
But also fleeting.

So, maybe biology remains a facet,
Revealing though it is,
For what do we know?
Much, but certainly not all at once.
Maybe we know deep inside all there is to know
But we've got to bounce along the surface
Experience the splashes as the come &
Constantly reminding ourselves
That they have also brushed against the fins of angler fish & beings long gone.

This being said,
It becomes amusing to observe & experience my biological impulses.
The expanse to which we are privy is
Simultaneously a curse & a blessing,
For what do we know but all &
What do we forget but all,
& on it flows.

Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
Slept during the day
130 I couldn’t fall asleep
went to a tree
took off my glasses
lit a cigarette and
watched the night lamps
pupils contract and dilate
the yellow lights orb into rays and spheres
pulse with my heartbeat while
I listen to Elizabeth and the catapult,
To breezy cricket songs,
To radiohead’s four minute warning for the first time
And the murmurs of passers by
for the first time
I love being me
And I love being
I love loving
And I love to be
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