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Nov 2012 · 922
This Bitter Taste
Sarah Jystad Nov 2012
Insanity eats
More souls, your minds crumble weak
As touchless, formless

obsessions with the
Virtual eyes, lazy sighs
Rot facing blind screens

Touching nothing, you
See yourselves wasting away
yet you do nothing!
Nov 2012 · 915
Freeing & Fleeting
Sarah Jystad Nov 2012
Vivid, the memories morph into fantasy.
Stark, become the unreal details.
What seems possible occupies the space in my mind
Flowing like a dropped stone that stirs up the riverbed's dust.
Too short seems the infinite & too long before I'm content.
For which heartache shall I choose: blind or no surprise?

This has been done before, maybe during my lifetime,
But it is surely known that the moment decides itself
In spite of my delusion that I know what's best.
Maybe it's my languid nature.
Maybe biology reveals the deepest tales of our character,
Even though we each contain within ourselves the greatest good & the greatest evil.

The feeling,
when I acknowledge the infinite space within & around me,
Is freeing,
But also fleeting.

So, maybe biology remains a facet,
Revealing though it is,
For what do we know?
Much, but certainly not all at once.
Maybe we know deep inside all there is to know
But we've got to bounce along the surface
Experience the splashes as the come &
Constantly reminding ourselves
That they have also brushed against the fins of angler fish & beings long gone.

This being said,
It becomes amusing to observe & experience my biological impulses.
The expanse to which we are privy is
Simultaneously a curse & a blessing,
For what do we know but all &
What do we forget but all,
& on it flows.

Nov 2012 · 668
Going Into the River
Sarah Jystad Nov 2012
To the Lovers
Who are to enter my life:

It will always vary, but
What we draw from each other
Shall be the same as if
We bathed in each others' rivers &
Emerged glistening,
The gold flakes reflecting on our skin.

No matter what our paths are,
They cross at this time.
May the delight, joy & ecstasy we cultivate & culminate
Pulse through all that is &
Raise ourselves & our fellows into wisdom with pure hearts.

It is my wish that we learn from each other
The most profound information that
We have to make the other's life better
For having experienced one another.

So, Lovers, as we breathe,
So shall we love each other & others.
May we bless one another with exactly what we need.

Nov 2012 · 694
Melting & Forming
Sarah Jystad Nov 2012
It's curious
how hide & seek is a constant game.
The more I find that which was once hidden
Was in & out for any to see
The more fun I see this game can be.

Though I enjoy the changes & what I learn,
Though I delight in the delight of others,
Though I live to be of service & pleasure,
In truth, I live to live.

I wonder why Maya, the illusion,
Is viewed by many as a thing to escape.
Maybe I've missed their idea of its incentive,
The Release while alive.
For my broken heart has healed
In more ways than one, and

Beyond my mind's idea of human capacity.
Inside & outside, the idealism knows
No bounds for my soul, and,
For this reason,
My life is here to be lived, and
I'll melt during it
and when I die.

Nov 2012 · 1.1k
Sarah Jystad Nov 2012
It's coming in,
Into reality. The dreams
Are becoming manifested.

It flows in,
With intention. The magic
Grows & strengthens.

It grows in,
as well as out. The evidence
remains all but hidden.

To keep my word,
To stay true to the path,
While leaving space for play,
Will guide the experience,
Come what may.

I call the subtle forces,
Be you ancestor or creator,
I ask your assistance,
To aid my heart, mind & soul
In opening to wisdom.

I feel a strange, orange
Warmth grow right now
In my chest.

There's something happening
That my conscious mind
Cannot comprehend.

Nov 2012 · 649
Small World
Sarah Jystad Nov 2012
What a small world I live in,
Or, rather, how small it seems.
The motivations & intentions,
The disguises & identities
Seem infinite in their variability.

To fearlessly connect beyond
What is seen,
Is a cinch & a hurdle

Nov 2012 · 1.2k
Open & Receive
Sarah Jystad Nov 2012
To flow
Lost in the mind of unattachment~
Relation floats to the top,
Bubbling in iridescent mounds.
Blood spinning full body,
Taken ancient ritual
To lands unknown,
Abyss flies,
High collapse,
Forms dissolve to absorb.

Human knows, mankind blows its ashes
Into the sea
Where fish nibble surface gifts,
Crawl to form surface, lifts
Familiar exotica,
Erotica basks
In sunshine frays,
Grays may blend broken rays
Off the pleasure. Desire
Bubbles & brews to the top,
Furling into forms to which our touch is born,
Our travels sojourn,
Ever sifting, filtering the moon & the sun.

Feeling joy form & torn,
The reverb sung & proverb born,
Chug on, truck on
Traveling Celestial Mist.
The smoke sends its message to our ancestors,
Thanks & quests, may we rest &
Face our tests &
Jump off the highest crests &
Flow down through the darkest depths.

Fearless, shall we be, tearless, never be.
The taste & the smell, Earth’s story we shall tell & retell to our kin,
Our progeny rebel against the story of sin,
Announce the return to our dance, making sense of the din.
We may collapse the columns, but in deep truth
The cycles form regardless of ruth.

With that knowing smile,
A goddess wraps her finger
Round his golden locks,
Open, as always, they dangle and glisten,
If we would listen,
The fear would instantly disappear,
Jeers against the queer would shift into gear
To endear us to the weird &
We would cheer!

The dampness will burn,
The heartache will churn,
Our souls still yearn for
That moment when we lose it.
The bruised tips healing in the instant,
The shock waves reckon this is it
& the feedback expatiates past the limits.
We already have the wildness,
The bliss of expansiveness,
Still spinning in the Spiral Ever Endless.

Oct 2010 · 1.3k
Hour of freedom
Sarah Jystad Oct 2010
as i was lying in bed last night, my mind raced, as usual.
thoughts zipped in instants - why what who who who why's
mixed with images of imagined images,
images i have experienced or images impossible to experience - words floating in and out of each other, caressing, lingering fingertips

a few words joined at the hips and rested for a long, tremendous instant –
[eliminate connotation]
Reality is a Cage, I am a prisoner of my reality - everyone is trapped in everything - how can i get free! how do i freedom climb jump dive?! FREEDOMFREEDOMCAGEPRISONI I I I I I CAGE I AM NOT THIS BUT ALL I AM IS THIS

i sat up and rolled in my blanket so that i was cacooned AH Waarmth dropped my body sideways and my face hit my pillow
I sit up again
And look around at the black and white
the thoughts SWALLOW ME
everything we do
everything everything
self control moderation ambition
******* money
Reason law health
Children Music Epiphany
love strife religion
every belief
self built cages


If this is all i have made for myself!
why haven't i been more creative!
more colorful
I am THROUGH Dulling My Existence

why have i hid in this pool of peace and wisdom and identity
in hope for understanding and existence
do i wallow in this puddle of thought!

I dont want to be in the room
this black and white stillness

fear of other sways into me
i see it and i see it
dim weak feeble
I Smash it!
out out out
anything but stillness
anything but warmth
anything anything


golden ice
firm underfoot
space all around
icy breath exPAAAAND

I walk so quickly but i cant get away there are people there are things everywhere and i cant get away
there fences around all these planted trees
males playing football in the icy 1 am air
i walk through them and laugh laugh

walk walk i see a bunny and I chase it!
you must run fast when things eat you

I slow down
my whole feels

I keep walking climb a fence
see im in a small enclosure
climb this big green metal box
look to my right theres a bigger brick box
climb the fence with ease step on this other square thing
i look around and scream at the top of my lungs
to HEar it with these ears
i laugh delightedly and lay on my back
looks at the stars
feels the chill in her fingers
allows her body to shiver
not attempt to control

gets up and looks around
climbs down

trees in a row
rusty red baseball dirt
scraggy asphalt rocks
geese waddling away
Vibrant Golden Night!
the lights sphere into the biggest orbs of light rays ive ever seen before!
i sit in a baseball dugout

she lights a wet leaf
smokes spindle away
outline the vague air that i breathe
she holds it up to the moon

casts off her glasses
i see it BLOOM
there is a visible entity
flows into form
clear in the white orb

she sits and stares
ignores her stinging eyes

getting up, she climbs a fence
hops down
landing every time


she walks once more and sees her shadow for the first time
how lovely this absence of form, this evidence of form
how unappreciated
she bows to her

she walks once more and climbs a fence once more
to walk on
she plays with her body
Cartwheels for everyone!

I look to the sky
Stretch out arms and SPIN and SPIN AND SPIN
Truth whirls beyond her
Freedom RIVERS Through Her

No reluctance, she returns to her white walled hallways
Her electronics
Freedom RIVERS Through Her
And Sleep Welcomes Her
She forgets her dreams
she wakes
while i dream
while i paint limitless freedom

Sep 2010 · 486
Few seem real
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
Few seem real to me.
Existence justified by
Soft tongue touch my teeth.
Sep 2010 · 966
as i ask more questions
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
Is existence
Societal farce?
I hope so.
What is everything
Is a farce?
How can I enjoy
Play again?
Splash flailing through the waves
Laugh wild free
Sob wild free
Drizzle away, seep through
The pages, holy farce,
I’ll find my way
To eat you
And burp a lilac’s breath
Sep 2010 · 565
Let’s see…
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
Let’s see…
Placed among wisping green,
Between sea and sky,
Let’s have them swim
In paradoxical ooze
To see
Which see
Their ultimate intimacy
To see themselves
Sep 2010 · 932
I see the foolishness
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
I see the foolishness of trying to live
In the mind-world of will.
This double vision
Dizzies me into standing
Sep 2010 · 602
How I long
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
For which I have yet to experience
How my dreams enchant me!
Half-closed eyes flicker
with transcendent fantasy
Sep 2010 · 518
How is any of this real?
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
How is any of this real?
I see my hand and
I am perplexed!
How am I alive?
How do so many worlds
Ideas minds emotions
Opinions exist at once?
I can’t make sense of it.

Shall I make things
Easier and
Let convention swallow me?
Or shall I expand my understanding
To the waves of play
And see things as a game and
My tender flesh innocence
To sharp pointlessness
And still not make sense of anything?
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
Slept during the day
130 I couldn’t fall asleep
went to a tree
took off my glasses
lit a cigarette and
watched the night lamps
pupils contract and dilate
the yellow lights orb into rays and spheres
pulse with my heartbeat while
I listen to Elizabeth and the catapult,
To breezy cricket songs,
To radiohead’s four minute warning for the first time
And the murmurs of passers by
for the first time
I love being me
And I love being
I love loving
And I love to be
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
Your body’s on fire
Rising up on smoke
Don’t let it choke
You into submission

Your mind’s flowin with sounds
Surrounded by light
Breathe, relax, don’t fight
Your natural reaction
Sep 2010 · 2.1k
little bird song
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
hey little bird you dive in the ocean's waves to exhilarate your tongue
you swim through the clouds, feathers a-flutter with joy
you hide in the trees and bushes, all winky and coy
i'd love to fall hands-first along your side catching my little bugs and my little birds
i wish i could fly
i wish i could fly
oh ** oh i wish i wish i could fly
no wings, no plane, no parachute
so thanks, bluejay, crane, pelican,
all the birds,
for letting me come along

(what a way to die)
so happy i can fly
so happy i can fly
july 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.4k
two beautiful people
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
we become one
rolling down sandy hills,
smoking cigarettes,
tearing giant palm leaves from their roots
running through grassy fields
climbing thorny trees
hopping tall green fences
singing with open hearts and exuberant souls
the balance of heat and cold
yins and yangs around our mouths
oh our lifeguard tower adventures
lifeguard tower adventures
all we have is love for each other
there is no fear, there is no doubt
there is no jealousy, there is no comparison
we're simply two beautiful people frolicking in our freedom
and the black void of ocean night loves us
august 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.3k
dainty daisy wish
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
i wish i could grow flower meadows on my body
i wish i could grow flowers in my hair
a symbiotic relationship, human-floral beauty
root my toes beneath me
bound to earth
Sep 2010 · 486
when someone loves you
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
the top of your hair smells like the fire,
the bottom smells like the ocean
still damp, still damp

'it's all my fault'
that he writes again
maybe that's my purpose for him,
for i cannot be what he would like,
i cannot give what he would like
i can only be
and he happens to love me

we exchange white roses

and all is well between us
august 7, 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.0k
what's it like being a god?
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
What's it like being a god
and tumbling back into humanity?
Whats it like being a god
and all your connections dimming?

I couldn't feel my body
I couldn't feel my skin
what's it like being a god?

without identity
without fears
without certainty

no words
no need to speak

what's it like being a god
and meeting yourself for the first time
and liking yourself for the first time
loving yourself
loving no one
needing no one
and nothing

beautiful creatures
in the sunset
beautiful waves of the ocean sky
lotuses floating in the wind
in the trees
serene smiling faces in the city skyline
the city of clouds offers nothing
we ask nothing but to see
we ask nothing
nothing at all
but to look and absorb the overwhelming
emotion and color and beauty and peace

waves, rippling waves
the tablecloth sky
gentling coming towards me
look what I made for you, you all

what's it like? Being a god?
It's exhausting
it's exuberant
it's joyful
it's sorrowful
to be a god
void of humanity
void of fear and insecurity

I couldn't feel my face
I couldn't feel my fingers
all I could feel was joy
pure emotion, untainted by thought
pure emotion pours down my face
in laughter and tears
a joyful, childish celebration to see such beauty
to be so free

what's it like to be a god
and a human again?
No longer do I fear,
no longer do I want

no longer any self-deception
as far as my human eyes can tell
Sep 2010 · 528
before this summer
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
before this summer
I never knew if I was telling the truth
when I said I love you
now I know I meant it
and even now
I miss you still
I love you still
I tried so hard to never admit it
before this summer
now I know
in my heart
I love you
I miss you
I don't know if I'm okay
I don't care and I do care
before this summer
I never knew if I was honestly being happy
and now I know
at least for a while now
i'm at peace
and now I know
in my heart
I love you
I miss you
i'm at peace
Sep 2010 · 838
summer poem 2
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
I have a lot to do
pack a box
pack a suitcase
record music
make a one last goodbye to the people I will miss
and I have to get up.
Busy busy hummingbird
Sep 2010 · 477
summer poem 1
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
I distinctly remember
wearing mostly white when we were together
and it was clear I didn't want to wear white when we were separarted by 3000 miles
so I didn't
now I wear white happily and I wear pinks and greens and blues and purples all the time
Sep 2010 · 686
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
Grasp the whole rose,
know that you will not be scorned.
If thorns pierce your skin,
you grasp too tightly.
Sep 2010 · 578
why do i miss you?
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
i woke up from a dream with weary, teary eyes
we were kissing and it felt so comfortable
a heavy morning, a passed mourning
i'm sinking in question quicksand

it's almost been a year,
but i don't think i've let go of the hope
that awake, you would kiss me
like you used to, like the dream-you does

i've drifted in the ocean, hoping you would run towards me,
i've put my hand down, exhausted from reaching year
but my fingers still stretch out, fan out to make space for your fingers

i found a folded piece of paper in the small wood box
curious, i started to unfold it and i suddenly realized
it is a love letter from you
i blinked and shook in my surprise
and read it and cried

i am so confused
after all this change,
i still miss you

my only cause of sorrow
my utter confusion

a year ago,
we soared in the wing-filled sky
tasting clouds and
crisp romantic clarity.

i can't ask you to help me figure this out.
can you have peace and sorrow?
I know I can't.

My heart misses yours

there is so much to say
that words cannot possibly do
can i please have some of your time?
i want to know why i miss you
Sep 2010 · 727
Why do we want?
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
Why do we want,
what is the driving force
the compelling, the why?

There is a one who wants nothingness
who doesn't want anything

convention's brow furrows

freedom's light smiles

are you in want?
Sep 2010 · 495
our color theme
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
Our color theme
in each other

we won't use names

it's this and this
and this and this

we'll show you all
with paints and

we'll point
and laugh
and laugh
to make you smile!
Sep 2010 · 676
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
we sit next to one another
and discuss
the pointlessness of everything


what's the point of pointlessness?

We play
we play the game

why not care?
Why not enjoy?

We can use a million words
to argue
to debate
to justify


we can smile
we can look in each other's eyes
and hug true hugs
we can climb trees and each other and dreams

it's difficult
it's painful
it's sorrowful


it's so much fun!

I do so enjoy
the pointlessness of pointlessness!
august 26, 2010
Sep 2010 · 621
The Wind
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
Let's go where the wind takes us,
let's stay where it stops

let's listen to each other
say thoughts aloud,
simply speak
and mean the words
let's not waste our breath with judgement and scorn
let us not be swayed by others' molds and casts
we don't have to obey each other or the majority

sunshine sunlight starlight moonlight
sparks fly in between eyes when they meet with attention

are we spectators gawking at the absurdity of our existence?
Or are we alive and being stared at and wondered at?
Our cool living and free laughing smiles foolishly envied
by those who obeyed  and agreed to play by others' rules,
thinking, '**** I wish I hadn't.'

Why shake your head at someone's nature
while you tear at your hair, frustrated and confused?

why do you fight the river, with
hands cracked and blistered
with exhaustion and boredom and anger?

Why, I ask you,
ask yourself why,
and listen
listen, listen

listen to yourself scoff,
hear your sighs,
feel your swollen eyes

listen to yourself scream,
hear your gasps of delight,
feel your body pulled by gravity

sunshine sunlight starlight moonlight
the waving trees and drifting leaves
the ocean ripples and waves
with the glittering lamplight snakes

the subtle introduction

the simple existence of a broken stone
smooth and rough

let's go where the wind takes us
let's unhook these attachments
free free free
the power of no thing
no power

let's remember nothing and dream of nothing
let's hope for nothing and miss nothing
let's fear nothing and anticipate nothing

let's learn what the wind teaches us
let's dive into uncertainty
let's be without
and be

in awe of simplicity
august 1, 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.0k
the lotus song
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
the crazy reason beauty is
is that everytime something repeats,
it becomes a rhythm, a beat
the beat enchants, repeats entreat

there is the ocean in all of us
om mane padme hum
july 2010
Aug 2010 · 2.1k
Sarah Jystad Aug 2010
picking flowers along the way

watching the mysterious insect land on my shoulder
feeling the tickle nearly not there

I travel inside myself
rising and falling with the seashore waves

connecting with other travelers
we are all foreigners
smiling knowingly

I travel inside myself
telling stories to myself

we are all swimming in this sea
we are all flying in the sky

I travel inside myself
gathering flowers along the way

gathering along the way
other travelers and other flowers
I love them as they travel to death
as I travel to death inside myself
august 1, 2010
Aug 2010 · 606
The Wind
Sarah Jystad Aug 2010
Let's go where the wind takes us,
let's stay where it stops

let's listen to each other
say thoughts aloud,
simply speak
and mean the words
let's not waste our breath with judgement and scorn
let us not be swayed by others' molds and casts
we don't have to obey each other or the majority

sunshine sunlight starlight moonlight
sparks fly in between eyes when they meet with attention

are we spectators gawking at the absurdity of our existence?
Or are we alive and being stared at and wondered at?
Our cool living and free laughing smiles foolishly envied
by those who obeyed  and agreed to play by others' rules,
thinking, '**** I wish I hadn't.'

Why shake your head at someone's nature
while you tear at your hair, frustrated and confused?

why do you fight the river, with
hands cracked and blistered
with exhaustion and boredom and anger?

Why, I ask you,
ask yourself why,
and listen
listen, listen

listen to yourself scoff,
hear your sighs,
feel your swollen eyes

listen to yourself scream,
hear your gasps of delight,
feel your body pulled by gravity

sunshine sunlight starlight moonlight
the waving trees and drifting leaves
the ocean ripples and waves
with the glittering lamplight snakes

the subtle introduction

the simple existence of a broken stone
smooth and rough

let's go where the wind takes us
let's unhook these attachments
free free free
the power of no thing
no power

let's remember nothing and dream of nothing
let's hope for nothing and miss nothing
let's fear nothing and anticipate nothing

let's learn what the wind teaches us
let's dive into uncertainty
let's be without
and be

in awe of simplicity
august 1, 2010
Aug 2010 · 2.2k
our love together
Sarah Jystad Aug 2010
a mother bird taking care
of her newly hatched fledgling,
raising her with love and regurgitation,
and a gentle, inevitable push out
of familiarity

everything the baby bird knew
shot up-away, as

she was thrown,
she threw herself,
and the earth pulled her
into a world of novelty and insanity
and energetic love of change.

the baby bird flies to
her young fledglings,
ready to love and regurgitate,
and gently push
with love in mind
and flight in sight.
july 24, 2010
Jul 2010 · 591
The Teaching Dream
Sarah Jystad Jul 2010
have you ever dreamed of
a man
with deep ocean eyes
welling with tears
while you are kissing
and you know his tears kiss your cheeks

he loves you so much,
that he is in awe of you
and your love for him?
it makes the heart heavy
and ready to love once again
Sarah Jystad Jul 2010
don't ask the blind girl how you look
it's quite impolite,
assumptions are crazy trolls playing peek-a-boo with reality

whatcha gonna do about your ignorance?
will you read? will you watch? will you listen
to our words,
every strum is a pointing finger,
every sly look a hint.

don't ask the frozen guy to dance,
you'd break him in half!
melt the ice with hot kisses and
exhale finger wiped drawings

there's no use entreating the deaf
to listen to your woes and complaints,
but you should know, there really isn't any reason to be upset at all
what is there to lose?
nothing to lose, nowhere to be lost, no one to lose,
no matter what you experience,
everything is just fine, my dear
everything is just fine, my dear
Jul 2010 · 1.1k
Canyon Magic
Sarah Jystad Jul 2010
driving through the canyon
magic magic
winding and dipping and jolts
playing with the canyon wind and brush
while jazz softly rhymes
with the rushing noise and cricket cries
catching quick wisps of green,
we slowed down and stopped to admire
the night's eyes winking approval,
she has appreciation for our adventures,
lighting the winding dirt road,
even when it disappears into black
we offer each other questions,
would you name your children?
would you care if you died?
et puis, j'ai chante en francais,
les choses simples, mon ami, les choses simples,
oh the simple things are magic, magic
Sarah Jystad Jul 2010
as the hawk stares, sitting on a lamp post,
the white flower shrugs at all our questions,
the wind just rubs my arm,
circling the sun with prisms,
smiling rainbow teeth dance in the heat,
whistling and diving, soaring and gliding,
a hummingbird greeted me this morning,
arm's length from my eyes,
and then left,
tears welling, my embrace.
Sarah Jystad Jul 2010
SCREAM at the top your lungs
To cure any doubt for deafness
On a bumpy ride in between satin and fog,
Slipping on the white leather smudged
With the day's dirt.

Let's sit and tear
At the rolling and swirling dolphins,
Who swim to hunt to eat to swim,
In no hurry.
Jun 2010 · 1.0k
Everything Is
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
Everything is just an act-thing.
A game piece, a character.
Essence of the game,
the play, the poem, the joke
is the ego.

Our genetics together
create consciousness,
The ego.

Every code, every instruction,
every message from the genes
is not in selfishness,
but in selflessness,
in laughter.

Witty humors they possess,
They know you need
an uncertain situation,
to be called attention to,
to be reminded that
it's all just a joke in the end,
and not one has a bad sense of humor.

There is the dark, poor-me, my-life-is-miserable jokes
to the bright
one-day-i-was-tripping jokes

because the Spiral Source Polarity Is.

The yin and yang do not swim after one another,
there is neither tail nor head.
They flow as river-wind.

Fire and water, energy and matter,
Ego and truth are genes'
Set ups
punch lines

Set that to infinity
at 98.6 degrees

now, the questions rise

how do I act after realizing all of this?
How can I keep playing this role?

The point is to understand
the answer is to die
as the world knows death.

Your eyes will blink
Your heart will sync with another's beat
Your tongue wil taste
You will die
as the ego knows it.

You will think
You will feel
You will realize
You will die
as You know it.

Why would I waste my time
in a place like this
with people like this

and not

in the warm, bristley buzzing glowing meadow grass
in a tree playing whistling lips to the soaring peer
bubbling out air in the ocean's riptide
treading soft chilled down on montana mountains

being able to meet soaring peer
in source element
and inevitable intimate relations
with earth or sea.
6 25 10
Jun 2010 · 500
You I Ask Me
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
You I ask me, “Do you have the time?”
You I ask me, “Is it mine?”
You I ask me, “Do you mind?”
You I tell me, “Give me a sign!”
Jun 2010 · 647
Little Fly
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
The concrete bench demystifies the city landscape
The planted trees satisfy the war denied
Little fly, little fly, why do you try?
Little fly, little fly, why do you sigh?
Little fly, little fly, why do you die?
Jun 2010 · 682
The Ocean Sky
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
The ocean sky chaperones me home
Where joy, embraces, and love await.

The waves of clouds shelter invisible life.
Our farmlands, kelp;
Our cities, coral.

Ignorant are we of the evanescent, fragile,
Temperamental passions of the Wind.

I wish with all my heart that
We could see, hear, and speak with the Wind People.
5/25/10- From Summer of Love
Jun 2010 · 937
I'm coming home to you
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
I'm coming home to you.
Do I embrace your with a kiss, a hug, or not at all?
How do we act?

Love and passion tempered by distance and time,
I've fallen out of habit.
Doubtless, all has changed.
But what into?

I'm learning to observe natural fearlessness,
To be the fluid Ever-change.

The night blossom welcomes the moon effortlessly.
The river does not veer from the ocean.
The wind is the freest lover.

When my eyes finally find your face,
I know I'll smile,
and Together our lips will connect
In fervent osculation.
5/25/10- From Summer of Love
Jun 2010 · 542
The Ocean's Waves
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
I'm standing in the ocean's waves,
Feeling the infinite encourage my serenity.
But the fisherking offers bitter acidity
To the deep realm,
Crippled by barren immobility.
But you and me, we move on.
We press on.
We cast off our shackles.
6/03/10- From Summer of Love
Jun 2010 · 803
Earthly Embraces
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
Let's share hands and fall,
fall back into this flowerbed
Let's watch the petals fly
drift downward again

earthly embraces clarify

let's traverse this tree
and the clinging sap
let's sit on this crumbling cliff
and watch the dirt tumble

earthly embraces clarify

let's hold each other close
and dance to this night rhythm
let's escape into the stars
and each other's life-sparks

earthly embraces clarify
Jun 2010 · 1.2k
Kimartham Saatva
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
Kimartham Saatva

Slowly essence simplifies
the All Souls curious inquiry
we question and ponder
we dwell and lull our minds to wake,
grasp entreatments to effortlessly and lazily
assist the slow pull from deep in the cave.

We struggle,
our muscles, wring them round
squeezing us into stress and anxiety,
anxiety's merciless choke around your throat,
smashing our hearts between guilt and shame.

Shame, you have no shame!
Good! God Bless the Shameless!

Those who fear God, don't get “it.”
They don't hear its love-filled breath through the trees
they don't feel the truth in a handful of pacific sand
they don't see epiphany in the vast, soft, rolling expanse
of the supple, green morning hills gathering the mist-fog close
to the young glitters of the valley lake,
the peace-keeping mountain peaks.
They don't think of Music of as its own universe.

When we jump off diving boards, or seashore cliffs,
those few short seconds of airborne flight-falling
We need to challenge our mortality.
Climb that mountain, that hill, that jungle gym!
Climb those cliffs, those rooftops, those fences!

Doubt is a sickly, ******* life-leech.
Fear not Doubt, nor its debilitating effects.
Fear not Love, nor the fear love may breed.

Compare nothing and no one and none.
Comparing brings the misconception of the past-you and the now-you
with the misunderstanding of the someone-else.
It's completely countereffective and can put you at a new low.
But if you compare nothing and no one and none,
the result will astound your heart and mind and eyes.
You'll jump, fall, and crash into the water quickly, and be
Enveloped by Enthusiasm Vibrant.
If nothing is compared, there will be nothing different happening than what is exactly happening at this very moment
and nothing to doubt, nothing to disappoint,
Nothing to Fear.

I am grateful for every instance of
Every temporal, circumstantial, emotional, conceptual, verbal, aural, visual change in perspective and understanding
comprehension - “getting it” - is as rare as real.
True truth is simplicity of self and possessions and ties and responsibilities;
The splendor of the Ideal Utopia is
The sacrifice of complexity and adoption of isolation simplicity.
Isolation – separation from the socially dependent on the acceptable.

The closest you could ever reach nirvana quickly:
Sensual ecstasy
Tangible overload
Absolute deprivation in the convulsions of pleasure
because it's the utter absence of the sense of self.

Why else would we welcome our ******* with
Affirmative cries
oh yes yes yes!
That startle our neighbors from their lifeless slumber.
Remember, when they pound on the wall and demand that you cease your path to nirvana,
They are simply blushing in awe at your shameless approach.
They are doubting their capacity,
fearing the possibility of an inability
To Be Free.

Cast Doubt and Fear from your mind,
Maybe you've heard this before,
But in a different context.
Maybe you've been told not to doubt or question or skepticize
the concept of sin or the authority of the Bible.
I heard it all throughout my childhood.
I heard stories that incited fear and shame and guilt and confusion
and I heard lessons of love and morality and sin and authority and exceptionalism and arrogancism and mercilessness
that only made sense if taken in objectionless.
When I Thought, all I could hear in my mind was -
What the **** is all this?
Excessivity – how does the grandeur of cathedrals not nauseate you?
Obvious manipulation of the awe we possesss.

We own nothing of nature yet we insist on state and country lines,
on property, on political parties, on religious beliefs, on ****** orientation,
on wealth and health and age and wage.
Stop the ******* belief in “otherness!”
There is only ONENESS.

We delight in friendship and family and small talk and deep talk and ***
They remind us
There is and is no otherness or oneness
there's only Noneness
there's only Oneness

the title is supposed to mean 'why existence' but I'm no sanskrit expert haha.
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
I live my life in defiance.
I defy you with every preference, every decision, every passion.
I refuse to think like you, to dress like you, or to eat like you.
I don't believe in a religion.
I reject modern western values,
I refuse to care for money or for power.
I listen to indie music an electronica.
I read Nietzsche, Walt Whitman, and Diane Ackerman.
I dance to the sitar.
I'm politically liberal.
I ingest psychedelics.
I frolick buck-naked in the woods.
I make love.
I thrive on love,
I rejoice in novelty,
I exalt in sensation in
My defiant existence,
But I eat unorignality.
Jun 2010 · 758
Said the Poet-Wanderer
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
Said the poet-wanderer,
'Hear the bee inquire its complexity,
Hear the mountains yearn for their mother-star,
Hear the human heartbeat sync earthly rhythm,
Hear the lovers defeat the ego's aloneness,
Hear the aging, hear the ignorant,
Hear the sight of the infant blind,
Hear the charcoal moan into shade and image,
Hear the flowers revel in their beauty,
Hear the exquisite childish laughter,
Hear the dying, hear the born.'

Said the poet-wanderer,
'Hear your self whole, nothing torn.”
Jun 2010 · 1.9k
The Dam has Broken
Sarah Jystad Jun 2010
As I sit and feel the warm sun,
as I bend and breathe,
as I hear the avion flirtations
throught the daffodil lament,

I absorb,
like a smiling sponge of incredible size,
like a leaf adrift on the ocean's breath.
I write,
like the searching ponder,
like the probing wonder.
I think,
like the white lotus sighs,
like the rolling hill-fog sunrise.

To explore, I dive, I climb, I lay.
To learn, I rest, I trip, I fumble.
To love, I touch, I kiss, I see.
To live, I do, I am, I be.
To write again,
A flood.
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