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May 2010 · 760
Sarah-Jane Platt May 2010
Together Forever
Was how it was to be
Forgetting "Us" never
Our futures held the key
So why have we all now
Grown mentally apart?
In such a short time how
Did separation start?
So this is the way that
Our friendships are to end
The silence will crush flat
The fun we had as Friends
May 2010 · 910
The Night of the Soul
Sarah-Jane Platt May 2010
Dark outside, dark inside
Got to wonder "have I died?"
Can't sleep, can't think
Can't rationalise a thing
Remember a time when peace was King
Creativity ****** away
Replaced by emptiness, well hey
You know I've seen this time before
And I can just keep off the floor
Of Life's reject -
That too direct
For you? Don't care,
When exactly were you there
For me? Can I be seen to disagree
With this world's self-satisfied profanity
Called "Normal"? - No
Just let go
Slip away
C'est le passé
May 2010 · 1.4k
Sarah-Jane Platt May 2010
Elegantly tall and slim
The face a cool façade
Of competence; no-one sees in
The world is far too hard

Hair of gold, expertly coiffed
Her nails are manicured
And filed; pretty but not to soft
Her aura: self-assured

She reclines against her chair
Commands of the garçon
A thé-au-lait; a regal stare -
He runs to be her pawn

Dark glasses reveal soft eyes
A smile touches her lips
Her true persona she must hide
From work relationships

Her life may not be easy, but
One pleasure's undenied
To sit on the Champs-Elysées
And watch the world go by
May 2010 · 933
My Heroin*e
Sarah-Jane Platt May 2010
With the sky turning orange
You load up your syringe
And shoot up,  right into the heart
Lying back in surrender
That face, once so tender
Was doomed in this game right from the start

And you'll steal and you'll lie
And you'd **** to get by
And it ain't that much fun anymore
But you're in far too deep
'Caus this game plays for keeps
And you're fighting your own private war

What do I have to do to make you listen?
What do I have to do to make you learn?
What do I have to say to make you realise
That you're just taking your turn
And despite that special buzz
You're not special anymore
'Caus you're dying from the inside
Like so many before
And it still goes on....

When you think Life's a downer
Take an upper to counter
Till you don't know what you really feel
And you're starting to fear it
But Want just won't hear it
Won't admit that your world isn't real

And you've stolen; you've lied
Guess you'd **** to get by
And you've just lost the will to say "No"
How'd it start, one small pill?
Now you're in for the ****
Did you think it would let you let go?

What do I have to do to make you listen?
What do I have to do to make you learn?
What do I have to say to make you realise
That you're just taking your turn
And despite that special buzz
You're not special anymore
'Caus you're dying from the inside
Like so many before
And it still goes on....

And it still goes on
Day after day it still goes on
Nobody can say
How it will end
How will you die?
Alone, without friends?
Have you the strength
To do what it takes?
I know the answer
And my heart breaks
For you

With the sky blue and sunny
The warm scent of honey
Finally bright colour floods your world
Red as strawberries, as roses
Your mind finally closes
You find peace as the death colour pearls

And you've stolen, you've lied
And you've killed to get by
Did you realise you'd died long ago?
Yes, we all tried to save you
Didn't need us, oh brave you
You just turned away, just said "No"

Couldn't do a thing to make you listen
Couldn't say a word to make you learn
Couldn't make the sense to make you realise
You were just taking your turn
And despite that special buzz
You're not special anymore
'Caus you're gone, dead and buried
Like so many before
And it still goes on.
May 2010 · 7.3k
In Pursuit of The Sonnet
Sarah-Jane Platt May 2010
I cannot write a sonnet; it's too hard
To put such barriers around my brain
And thus I find my efforts often marred
Although I rephrase again and again
I cannot write a sonnet though I try
Through day and night; through winter, into spring
And even though I have no reason why
A ten-syllable line my thoughts won't bring
But now I wonder just what is so great
About this iambic pentameter?
And am almost resigned that it's my fate
That from the sonnet form I should defer
Yet, having spent so long in search of one
'Twould be a shame if it should not be done
Written as an "up yours" to an English teacher who said he bet none of us could write a proper sonnet that worked the way a sonnet should.
May 2010 · 914
Sarah-Jane Platt May 2010
My bus pass came today
I got it through the post
I take the bus 'bout every day
More frequently than most.

It's nice to have a bus pass
Means I don't have to pay
But there's this other feeling
Knew it would come one day

It's that bus pass lying there
Says to me "You're old!
The government has got you now
In a werewolf's hold

Now everything is regulated
Housing, pension, care
And if there's no bed for you to die in
They'll leave you lying there

They'll sigh in young frustration
As they pass you in the street
They'll laugh because you're old
With unsure, fumbling feet

So take the bus, don't worry!
It'll save your legs a mile. "
But I know the younger ones
Will stand me in the aisle.

Yet I still have my pride
And Youth won't conquer me
That feeling of decrepitude?
For now, I'll leave it be.
Read this in a Yorkshire accent as if you were an elderly man or woman.
May 2010 · 614
Fight as I Die
Sarah-Jane Platt May 2010
Darkness falls and I wait behind the curtain of the Night.
There's an ache in my heart and a chill in my soul
I can't wait to do what's right
I'd cry for you
And I'd die for you
But it isn't really worth it if you die too
Hurting with me every day
No, I can't....
So pick me up in the Union Bar
I'll be drowning my sins tonight
They took my heart and soul
But my Love is one thing they can't fight
Today is over now
And Tomorrow is just for you
Can't really say how it will turn out.
But the sentiment is true
Sarah-Jane Platt May 2010
Get silence in your head
And then set the voices free
Live in permanent despair
Misery is too happy
Submit to solitute
And then listen to your minds
It's a one-way holiday
Sanity is left behind
Death is catching up
With the voices in your head
You'll be sorry when they're gone
Then you'll know you're really dead
They don't like to talk to ghosts...
Sit and wait to be born again.
Sarah-Jane Platt May 2010
Go into the city to hide from the crowds
Escape from the silence; its much much too loud.
Bury your soul in a graveyard of cares
Try not to flinch from the hate in their stares.
You feel you could die, and no-one would know
'Caus you're just an outcast with no place to go.
It's right that you hate that small voice in your brain,
See, that's why you ******* up again and again.
You've ruined your future; what would Mummy say?
It's your mind which they'll judge when it's Judgement Day
Don't wait till then; it's time to die now
Do you think you'll be missed?
You doubt it somehow.
May 2010 · 562
Sarah-Jane Platt May 2010
What if this were my final chance to say goodbye?
Awake one morning to find myself a fugitive,
Feeling bad because this is the end.
Would the words give you peace of mind? Small
And fragile as they run across the page
As if straining towards an invisible goal
They are powerless to change themselves
Lost in themselves, condemned from birth
Here they stand: I LOVE YOU
But as you rush to find me
I am still gone
The room is cold; the curtain, crooked.
May 2010 · 697
Sarah-Jane Platt May 2010
To the tune of "Air" by JS Bach*

Buzz and zoom around all day
In the trees
They make honey and they see
The magic in the clear blue sky
As they fly
Free from all worries and all troubles
Quite unlike you and me

Should learn something from the bees
They are right
They have learnt they shouldn't do
The many things they cannot do
And they fly
Free from all worry and all trouble
Quite unlike you and me

All think that we're alright
Out of spite
For can't you see
The little yellow bumble bee
Though small
Walks tall
His mind is where all of our minds want to be

We won't get there
If we run around all day
If we're blind
It is true
Really true
We'll get through
Me and you
If we're like the bumble bee
Us, you and me
The humble bee
For it is through the need and want of nothing that we truly have it all

— The End —