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Mar 2014 · 508
My first Haiku
Sarah D Mar 2014
I am writing you

A silly but cute Haiku

but how to end it?
Mar 2014 · 660
I am what I am
Sarah D Mar 2014
I am what I am
and I don't care if you hate me.
You can smirk and stare
but you will not change me.
For I may not look strong,
and I may be broken inside,
but I am not like you
I refuse to hide.
You can not win,
You will not win,
You mustn't try.
Destroying me when you're really destroyed on the inside.
When you start to crumble,
and begin to fall,
I'll be here, still standing tall.
Nov 2013 · 453
To him... Love me
Sarah D Nov 2013
I should have saw it coming
I am just a girl
you can manipulate
and you did.

I should have stopped it then
While you played with my heart
listening to the secrets
I never told.

I should have walked away
You are much older than I anyway
but I was in love
with every lie you told.

I should have said no
to those big blue eyes of yours
to those soft lips
but I wanted more.

I should have gave up
you were out of my league
you always were
and always will be.

I should have never done it
but I did,
and I can't
take it back.

I should have never left you
because now you're gone
faded from my world
the world, I needed you most.

I should have never tried to help
I just made it worse.
I destroyed you
and you left.

I should have never
whispered those words
those three words in your ear
I should have never said
I love you.
Oct 2013 · 481
My days
Sarah D Oct 2013
When I grow up
and become old and wrinkly,
I want to sit outside and write.

I will write under a big oak tree
because I love the wind and grass rubbing my knees.
I will write til the day fades to night
and watch the wise old owl fly out of sight.

When I grow up
and become old and wrinkly,
I want to die, just as I lived.
In peace, with my thoughts, my mistakes,
and my world.
Sep 2013 · 362
Sarah D Sep 2013
I fell for you, like a leaf falling in the autumn breeze.
I trusted you, Oh boy, you made my knees go weak.
I feel in love and I craved your arms around me.
At the time you were so snug and sweet,
What a lie you've been feeding me.

I've had enough but I'm not giving up.
We're going down, and you're slipping away.
Maybe if I could get you to stay.
Would love me again and be my friend?
Would you hug me tight and be the light I need to guide me?

I don't know
maybe I should let go
and let you find yourself.

Jun 2013 · 980
My release
Sarah D Jun 2013
I grab my controller...
and it's on.
A release from not only myself
and the torture I endure
but a release from this world
and the pain it inflicts.
Like a lioness, stalking her prey,
I am prepared
and ready...
As the world fades to grey,
and the sweat drips down my face...
I know.. It's game on.
No matter what I play
No matter who I am with
I will be victorious.

**Gamer Legion
May 2013 · 638
Sarah D May 2013
We try to go back in time
to fix our mistakes
but what are we really doing?
We'd be destroying our future
our fate.

We hope that time will eventually slow down
and take a moment for the rest of us to catch up,
but time is selfish
and won't stop going,
and the next thing we're doing is laying in bed
listening to the clock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock

Time seems plentiful
but one moment you're in kindergarten
and the next you're graduating high school.
You'll be on your own
with no hands to guide
but your mistakes
will bite you.

Time is our enemy
and the world works in his favor.
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
The clocks begin toying with us.
Life seems like sand,
slipping through our fingers.

We run on an hourglass
a stationary one, that never resets
and as soon as it's up...
**It's up for good
Apr 2013 · 461
Paint it
Sarah D Apr 2013
The World is my canvas
and I am not the artist.
I am the paint
that streaks across the surface.
My steaks, if I am lucky,
will last forever or...
they will be repainted by someone else
but no matter what
there will still be some spots
of my existence, still here.
It's amazing,
knowing that we are leaving
something on this Earth
no matter what it is...
no matter who does our accomplishes better
no matter if someone tries to paint over us
there will still be some streaks
made by you and me.
So please, try to make them positive.
Mar 2013 · 786
Will you
Sarah D Mar 2013
If I were to die tonight,
    would you be alright?
Karma came back full blast
    and I knew I couldn't last.
All I can do is wait for fate
    to take me away and never let go.
So if I leave you alone
      and never come home
Would you be ok?
           Cause I've gone insane.
                      I've gone insane.
                      I've gone insane.
And the secrets are eating my brain
My final breathe is leaving my chest
I can feel my soul getting ready to go,
        but I really need to know,
             will you be fine once I am gone?
When there is nothing left but
      the thoughts of my past
and there is nothing new of what i will do.
Will you be the same?
Mar 2013 · 543
My first :3
Sarah D Mar 2013
I sat in bed,
breathing softly as dreams filled my head.
I cannot sleep on a night like this
So I decided to take a trip.

I sat up in my yoga pants
and put my hair in a bun.
While wearing all black
I decided to have fun.

I opened my laptop
and looked at my games.
Only upsetting myself
Because they all looked lame.

Still sleepless and bored
I went to my apps.
I clicked on my favorite,
but my favorite is maps.

Now, for a teen like me
on a night like this.
Maps seem boring unless I plan on exploring
but with this app
I explore
I explore what the generations adore
I explore the net.
With that being said,
I ended up here and it's
**my dream come true

— The End —