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Sep 2016 · 741
sarah bell Sep 2016
every person you meet is an endangered species.
don't put them in a cage to look at them,
but love them because there is no one else similar
Jun 2015 · 1.6k
for a girl named kendall
sarah bell Jun 2015
last year,
you fell in love with a boy
that only wanted your virginity
and you gave it to him on a silver platter
so you could remember what love feels like
but babygirl,
it's not love
if he only loves you for what's between your legs
it's not love
if the only thing he compliments you on
is the way your hips are formed
it's not love
if every time you said no
he ignored it

that boy is not your lungs
you can breathe without him,
i promise
he is not your atlas
never let someone
that doesn't care about the way
your continents took form
hold your world on their shoulders
*because when they crumble,
you will too
May 2015 · 545
journal entry 4/17
sarah bell May 2015
for the days you feel whole:
you are still broken
for the days you feel broken:
you have the ability to be whole
May 2015 · 681
tell me you remember
sarah bell May 2015
tell me you remember
the day you let me wear your jacket
tell me you remember
the day we drove to where the sun touches the earth
tell me you remember
the day you held my hand for the first time
tell me you remember
because i could never forget
Mar 2015 · 512
explaining my depression
sarah bell Mar 2015
how do you tell someone
no amount of telling me to love myself
will make me find myself beautiful
and how do you tell someone  
getting out of bed in the morning
feels like trying to swim with
stones tied to your ankles
and how do you tell someone
trying makes it worse
and how do you tell someone
everyday is a struggle,
and ode to the man hanging on a cliff with one hand

*a boy that still had someone to confide in
dared to tell me,
"don't bottle up your emotions"
so i looked him in the eyes
as i bought a bigger bottle
Feb 2015 · 587
sarah bell Feb 2015
loving you was the
most beautiful form of
Feb 2015 · 610
sarah bell Feb 2015
i guess i make it too obvious
i don't want to talk about things
because since i turned sixteen
you haven't asked me how i feel
or how my day was
but i guess that's okay
because i was always the one drowning
and you were always the one
yelling at me to "just swim"
sarah bell Jan 2015
for the girls
that will never know the difference
between affection and aggression
for the kids forced to bring
broken arms and black eyes
to show and tell
each bruise a reminder
never to make him mad again
he told you he was nothing
like your father
so you let him leave you bruises
to know what it felt like when he was gone,
tell me what it feels like when he's gone.
they will tell you
boys will be boys,
but that is no excuse
for telling you
that you asked for it
i love you,
i beat you,
I'm sorry,
there is no excuse,
don't ever accept that
boys will be boys.
aggression and affection
are not synonyms
they exist in opposite universes
and i will scream
until my voice in nonexistent
for my eight year old cousin to understand
when he hits you on the playground
it does not mean he likes you
never make the mistake of
thinking he loves you when he leaves you scars
when you see the flames
burning in his eyes
and fear starts in yours
don't you ever
confuse it with love
women will continue
to believe they asked for it
will continue to believe
they wanted it
until we convince them
your clothes do not say
**** me
your alcohol content does not say
**** me
only you have to power to say yes or no
only you have the power to tell yourself
the only cause of **** is rapists
Jan 2015 · 1.6k
sarah bell Jan 2015
i never asked to be emptied
i simply wanted to be *filled
Jan 2015 · 4.2k
sarah bell Jan 2015
i was told i could be anything,
so i chose to be a feminist
when i suggested my father help with the laundry,
my mother told me i was crazy.
meghan tranior's "all about that bass"
is telling bigger girls to be comfortable in their own skin
because skinny girls already do, right?
i'd like to make as much as my male coworkers.
i was laughed at for wanting to be a doctor instead of a housewife.
people look at me strange when i say i don't want kids.
when i gave a speech about feminism in my english class,
i was called a man-hater.
"my shoulders distract the boy's education".
my mom shouldn't have to worry
about what goes in my drink at concerts.

i will be a feminist until
i can tell my boyfriend
"no babe, i'd rather watch the movie"
and i am not told
"you're depriving him of his needs".
my body is my body.
i no longer have to carry pepper spray on a keychain.
women in foreign countries can vote and drive.
woman means human.
we understand **** culture
and feminism isn't just about women,
it's about humans.
sarah bell Jan 2015
he likes neck kisses and being called "sweetheart."
he drinks milk when he eats peanut butter,
offer to pour it for him.
he loves pugs and his dog, ******.
if you're not best friends with ****** by the first month,
you're doing something wrong.
when he tells you you're beautiful,
it is easier to just agree.
when he takes you home,
allow plenty of time to say goodnight (he takes forever).
he hates crunchy peanut butter.  
he'll give you his jackets and hug you until you stop crying.
if you watch lord of the rings with him, bring kleenex.
know and understand star wars references or you're *******.
he is an incredible writer.
he'll buy you lots of things for christmas,
do not try to compensate.

if he isn't the best boyfriend you've ever had,
you're not giving him enough credit.
love him, he deserves it.

and i kinda hope you never exist,
because i'm not done loving him yet
and i don't think i ever will be.
Jan 2015 · 476
sarah bell Jan 2015
i'm sorry for the days when
you will feel as if
you are dating me and my therapist
because i know
you never asked for this
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
ode to 2014
sarah bell Jan 2015
this time last year,
we went to rhema and you kissed me under the gazebo
and asked if i wanted to get back together

now i'm sitting in my room
wondering if you remember
the night i met your dad for the first time
and your sister told me i was adorable
wondering if you remember
holding my heart in your hands
and throwing it on the ground
telling me
*maybe this isn't working out
sarah bell Dec 2014
"hey grandma, how are you this year?"
"how's deer season going, uncle wayne?"
"how many cats do you have now?"
by the way i think i'm depressed
Dec 2014 · 445
sarah bell Dec 2014
a boy in my
math class
asked me if i loved you.
and it was
the first time
my head and my heart agreed.
Dec 2014 · 675
sarah bell Dec 2014
but everyone kisses
the wrong person
once in a while.
mine just so happened to be you
Nov 2014 · 793
sarah bell Nov 2014
and you let him leave bruises
on your skin
so you'd know what it was like
when he was gone
Nov 2014 · 427
sarah bell Nov 2014
and maybe i like
my coffee cold and bitter now
because as much as I hate to admit it,
it reminds me of you.
Nov 2014 · 783
sarah bell Nov 2014
and maybe I just
get attached too easily
and maybe I just
get my hopes up too fast
but I cannot fight this feeling
in the pit of my stomach
that every single atom
of my existence wants to be with you every minute of everyday.
so no,
I cannot help but get my hopes up.
no, I cannot help
getting attached to you.  
because you taught me
I shouldn't turn others into my lungs and rely on them for every breath.
but I should allow things
like sunsets
and the ocean shore
and the way the stars look at 3 am take my breath away.
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
sarah bell Nov 2014
i can't remember to forget you
Nov 2014 · 426
sarah bell Nov 2014
life is just a story and you are the binding of my book**
Nov 2014 · 754
sarah bell Nov 2014
i remember september with you.
it was almost fall and just as the leaves fell, so did i for you. i wrote my first poem in a year about you.

i remember october with you.
your job took up most of your time and i never really got to talk to you that much but i had to pretend to be okay with that. it was the time i almost fell in love with you.

i remember november without you.
i cried for weeks still not over you apparently and never understanding why every time i saw you i was only reminded of the way your blue eyes reflected the moon.

i remember december without you.
deciding to make my own happiness and stop looking for your car every time i drove down a back road (because you never took the highway).

i remember january with you.
you told me you'd made a mistake. and turns out, you were my biggest one.

i lost every poem i'd ever written about you and i hope i never find them.
Nov 2014 · 599
sarah bell Nov 2014
maybe one of these days,
i'll write a poem simply looking at you.
and it will belong on the walls of art museums
because baby,
you are art
and yes, it makes me feel something.
Jul 2014 · 415
but i don't regret it
sarah bell Jul 2014
at first I thought
I knew everything I
wanted in life
until I met you
Jul 2014 · 2.2k
sarah bell Jul 2014
they told me a few drinks
would help me forget you.
but long after my friends have taken my keys,
there's a burning in the back of my throat
that hasn't left since you did.
Jun 2014 · 352
sarah bell Jun 2014
but how can coming home
late be a crime when
there was always
a part of me wondering
what it would be like to wake
up next to you everyday
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
sarah bell Jun 2014
my mother once warned me of
in the form of a bottle
but never told me about
and your pale blue eyes would
drive me to every AA meeting
I've ever been to
Jun 2014 · 345
sarah bell Jun 2014
I wish I could give you the world,
the moon,
and the stars that come too.
but they are not mine to give.
Jun 2014 · 1.0k
sarah bell Jun 2014
a doctor once told me I had a cracked spine
and it all made sense because
I always seemed to fall in your direction.

but maybe I'm not afraid of heights
our falling from them
just the noise my heart makes when it hits the ground.

I need a new endoskeleton
to keep my heart from getting punctured
or maybe my current one is just tired of the bruises.

you want to know how I got these scars?
I ripped every memory of you out of my heart
and out of my mind and sacrificed them
to the part of me every time you
come into my vision screams "move on".

just when I started to get over you
I saw your face again and realized:
I will never be able to be just friends with you.

when the space between us went from
the gap between my fingers
to the distance from here to the MilkyWay
I told myself:
fire and water don't mix,
but when they love, they love passionately.

but unfortunately,
my local supermarket doesn't sell a band aid
able to fix a heart.
and my mother never taught me how to sew.

but tell me I'm not crazy when you were the one
who taught me to be thankful when my lungs filled with air.
how can it be a crime to come home late
from wondering what it would be like to wake up next to you everyday?

and I had a front row seat to watch
you give her everything I once gave you.
and with every syllable,
I swallow yet another piece of my heart.
but I do not complain.
for what good is art if it is not shared?

loving you was self-destruction.
I treated you as if you were the sun
and I were the flowers; I needed you.
But I guess the sun doesn't need the flowers
as much as the flowers need the sun.

but you were always my biggest muse.

May 2014 · 572
sarah bell May 2014
You are more than a bottle,
the scars,
the bruises.
You are more than
unfulfilled promises,
duct-taped hearts,
and broken dreams.
You are more than
the scars used to hide all the
times you swore it would be the last.
You are more than
the judgemental stares,
the constant glares in your direction of people
searching for something they can
tuck into their pocket
only to reveal when a conversation gets boring.
You are more than
your father who spells love L-E-A-V-E
and your brother who thinks the leave will turn into love
at the bottom of another Budweiser
and your mother who still searches for his plot lines within the morning paper.
You are more than
the four walls closing in around you
with the word "succeed" written on them.
You are more than the ropes used to hold you down
With the words "fin in" written on them.
And contrary to popular belief,
you are not defined by a number on a scale
nor by the reflection looking back at you screaming "you'll never be good enough!"
You are more than the homes you have made for yourself
inside of others.
So break down that brick exterior
And do not rely on them for your shelter.
Build your own garden,
plant your own flowers,
and do not rely on others to bring you seeds.


— The End —