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May 2015 · 274
Sarah Anton May 2015
When the one you love is 1671 miles away
And you can't bring yourself to stop thinking about him
And you drown yourself in thoughts of him
And you bathe in memories of him
And you swim in his words
When your smile is held up by his arms

THAT is when life means the most
Apr 2015 · 185
Sarah Anton Apr 2015
I could fill albums with his face and never tire of it,
I could listen to his words for years and still sway to his nuances,
I could feel the touch of his skin for the rest of my life and never want to feel anything else,
I could know his heart and forget all else.
He captivates me,
He fills my lungs with air,
He breathes new life into my mouth with every kiss.
Apr 2015 · 206
Sarah Anton Apr 2015
My Head is full of scenarios that will never happen,
my mouth full of words I'll never say,
my eyes full of tears that won't be shed
and my heart full of hurt and pain.

The hardest part, on days like these, is accepting that I am the cause of my own hurt.
The hardest part, in this life of mine, is knowing I choose to stay full

I could be full of love,
I could be full of truth
I could be full of life

The choice I've made leaves me full of self-loathing
I am the only one who can pull me out yet I choose to stay so full that I am sinking.
Dec 2012 · 462
The Calm
Sarah Anton Dec 2012
Just one of those stormy nights that somehow perfectly mirrors my soul.
The air is calm , the lake is peaceful and flat yet the sky is alive with bursts of lightning.
It's an eerie sky that just hints at what is to come; illuminating the cloud packed atmosphere.
Something big is going to happen; it won't be good.
Nature stirs in anxious haphazard form.
Bugs and insects seem desperate in their movements.
Something is going to happen. It won't be good.
The lightning grows more frequent. The silence hangs in the air; limp yet bold.
A dog barks in the distance, fear in every howl.
It dares to break the silence. It's last attempt to bargain with the storm.
Something is going to happen.
It won't be good.

— The End —