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 Apr 2013 Sarah
Tyler Brooks
If hell is engulfed in fire
as bright as the sun,
And heaven is lit
by a divine light,
Then I shall die with sunglasses.
 Apr 2013 Sarah
Mystic Eyes
 Apr 2013 Sarah
Across the crowded room I see her there
With bright blue eyes and golden hair.
The light shines on her delicate face.
Gazing at her, my heart quickens its pace.

I plan to ask her out on the town
Hoping my appearance won't let me down.

Turning to the barkeep I order a drink,
Trying to recall that missing link.
I dab on cologne that will make her adore me,
Grabbing a notepad jotting a few lines of poetry.

"Please come with me to my house on the shore
Where we could wine and dine forever more.
To greater heights our lives will ascent,
Loving each other till the end."

I turn around and notice she's not there
But I catch another giving me a wide-eyed stare.

She has hair like Medusa and a drooping face
Coming this way making a feverish chase.
I retreat to my position hoping she'll go away
Sipping my drink my body starts to sway.

I glance in the mirror that hangs on the wall
And see that monster nearly eight feet tall!

There she remains with eyes glowing red.
I wish this was a dream; laying in my bed.
I twist just slightly to see if she's truly that size.
I realize I'm staring into those sparkling blue eyes.

Choking, I wash down the remains of my drink,
Stunned by the beauty of the woman in mink.

I stagger to my feet adjusting my silk-laden tie
Thinking of giving it one more desperate try.
She gives me her hand and I kiss it gently
Hoping this moment will last for eternity.

I stare at her face and something's not right.
I assume it's the room dimmed with the light.

She snatches my hand, whispering, "Let's go for a walk."
I state, "It's too cold, lets stay and talk."
She rambles on that if I come,, she'll give me more.
More of what? I begin to think, following her through the door.

I grab my coat, heading out into the night.
The cool air sending an ice-chilling fright
Throughout my bones with an endless hunger.
This woman's presence forever lingers.

Startled! I hear a hissing noise that sounds familiar
Of snakes that I remember quite particular.

When I first saw that lady monster just before,
It reminded me of some ancient folklore.
Abruptly I stop, thinking it my imagination.
Facing her, she stares with such fascination.

Displaying that face and hell-sheering laughter!
I try evading the gaze, can't escape from her.

Suddenly, I feel an agonizing pain in my feet
And peer down, astonished, they're cemented to the street!
How could this happen to a guy like me?
This is not the night I hoped it would be.

"Unbelievable!", shrieking as the rock forms up my leg.

Looking up at Medusa I start to beg,

Now aware that I could do nothing else

But stand here changing into a statue of myself.
 Apr 2013 Sarah
Quiet Idealist
Mouths are moving, words unheard.
I nod along and play my part.
Elsewhere I’m afloat at sea,
Hushed by waves and boundless stars.

I laugh at jokes and feign surprise,
Each as it’s required.
Elsewhere I’m atop a cliff,
Where land and stars coalesce, conspire.

Exchanging greetings, shaking hands,
I do as do I must.
Elsewhere I’m in front a fire,
Lover near as twigs combust.

I bear the weight of all the words,
From mouths so rarely closed.
Though elsewhere I’m at home, in bed,
Book agape and mind engrossed.

I only came for exercise,
To prove my social health.
And now it seems, the more I talk,
I lose touch with myself.
this poem took shape in my head while I was at a party, biding my time, waiting to go home.
 Apr 2013 Sarah
Sean L
In the car, making your way along the highway,
You catch a glimpse of a deer behind a thicket in the forest.
Without thinking twice, you slow your car to a halt.

As you open the door, you feel the cold air of the mountain pass.
The sound of rushing water isn't far from you.
You go around to the back of your car and pull something out of the trunk.

In the next days, few people drive by your car on that isolated stretch of highway.
The door and trunk were left open, seemingly awaiting your momentary return.
No one is inclined to investigate, though you are nowhere to be found.

After a couple of days, someone reports the abandon car, and an officer arrives.
A quick search through the car reveals a collection of spearheads.
The officer calls the police station for assistance, then proceeds into the forest alone.

Making his way through the thicket, the officer finds the handle of a spear shaft.
Continuing in further, the roar of the river begins filling his ears.
Upon approaching the river's edge, he catches a glimpse of a deer across the river.

— The End —