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Sarah Feb 2013
it burns,
but it doesn't leave

I wish it would
as I think back to what I could have done
what would have happened if I listened.

it still burns,
I can't understand the pain
I don't see the pain

I saw the smile
I guess that was fake as well.

it burns,
as it fills up my eyes

daring to spill
Sarah Aug 2012
I haven't felt anything for a while

I see the smiles
and feel them spreading across my face

but  haven't felt anything for a while now

Its like im lost in reality

where the world keeps on spinning and times doesn't slow down

but my questions just tumble around, pile high in a mound of why's

I laugh and cry
but really I don't know why

I no what people may want me to feel
but those feeling never get felt

the smiles are just smiles and the tears are only tears

cause i haven't felt in a while
Sarah Aug 2012
he acts like he doesn't remember now
when he burned down and cried
curled up in a ball
and unable to move or
even make a sound

He acts like he doesn't remember now
and as if we weren't there
to watch
as our own world crumbled
and fell
we cried on the inside
behind him
never letting a tear out
but he acts like he doesn't
but for surely he does

now we act like we don't know
and its not hard to

that all has fallen with him
and we are unable to watch
Sarah Aug 2012
there's no gravestone
or funeral to remember
him by
but he is not

for he breathes
and must eat

dead to the world
it seems

"and please
close the door
when you
Sarah Aug 2012
In my dreams or in reality
these ideas or nightmares
are turning up everywhere
no matter where I go
or where I stand
they follow me
in my dreams
and they stare up at me with there big eyes
I can't look away because its me I'm facing
there on ever corner
looking at there faces I see no emotion
there just looking at me
like a blank wall theres nothing to see
but the edge in my voice cuts me deep
and realizing whats inside of me wants out
is to much to breathe
can't let go and can't move on
even though they've been done a long time ago
I still wonder
and the eyes still wander
inside my head they search for something even I can't see
something deep,
a drop of paint gets on the blank wall
and the eyes do see, and not just stare
with those eyes; moving on isn't easy
but who said it was to hard?
like finally waking up
its time to go
so say goodbye now
Sarah Aug 2012
it's like living a dream
to see but never speak
and just watch as the people leave

standing at the corner I look up to see
a person waiting for me
smiling a little to show my teeth
a try to catch up to the person in the big crowd

tripping back on fallen hope
and getting hit by
the pain of the fallen people that have played the game

living so hard and living so free
makes my dreams part of reality

but who cares
when I'm just stuck with the crowd
getting pushed in pulled in the cover of the flow

making my dreams so hard to live out
and making me so hard to stand out

but what if I tould you I had a secret
and that the world will never hear it
but if you keep your mouth shut you will never fear it

and the dreams that will one day become reality
will always be there floating by your head
while I reach down
and take them away

to make a wish on them
some hours later
Sarah Aug 2012
Use your imagination
they whisper
handing me
a pen and paper

I wander through the halls
with paper clutched in hand
sinking down when hearing their
rapidly I come up
with these words:
Imagination is what I have left
Everything gone
The fighting never ends
The yelling
kills me inside
The angry faces
burns me away
Looking up to find the noise has ended
closing the door in my face
My imagination has gone with everything else

crumbled up in the dark
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