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Sara Shaw Jun 2014
No idle verse or lonely pen
Could match my true emotion
Of the soldier resting here,
Of his honor and devotion.

A fateful day in June,
A decade or so ago
My life and love were forever changed,
As I watched you turn to go.

Young and naïve am I, I know
But sacred was your part
Inspiration’s cruel irony,
On an unsuspecting heart.

I knew not from where I came,
I knew not where I should go
But you believed that I could be
The person I now know.

A friend I always knew in you,
A lover couldn’t be,
A wish that maybe “one day”
Would be waiting patiently.

I’ll never know the reason,
Perhaps I never should,
Yet, I’ll never love another,
As we may have loved...if we only could.

I say a nightly prayer for you,
And give a daily smile,
For a soldier and a friend,
For a fight that was worthwhile.

Rest in peace, my dearest love
And know that forget, I couldn’t do.
All of the blessings I’ve known in life,
The greatest of all is to have known you.
Sara Shaw Jun 2014
When your opinion is only given to get a little fame
When your morals are determined by causing another shame
When your methods and your motives lie in placing blame
Well my friend, don't be surprised when all you become is a name.
Sara Shaw Jun 2014
I have yet to read any of the Harry Potter books, 50 Shades of Grey, or Twilight series. Nor have I heard the song from Frozen, watched The Passion of Christ or anything Tyler Perry has created, post-Madea. I am fine with this.

I STILL do not posses the ability to play video games, listen to dub step, hold a conversation with anyone about zombies, or sit through a scary movie without covering my eyes for at least 40% of it. Believe me, I’ve tried. I am fine with this.

I’m notorious for reading the last chapter first in love stories, but wouldn’t dare ruin a good suspense novel. I’m fully aware of my naïveté…and at times, it’s blissful. Others, terrifying. I am fine with this.

I know that there are some things I’ll never understand. Things I’ll never be amused by, interested in or infatuated with. But when I see my adorable, tattooed, army veteran, mans man of a boyfriend in the backyard pulling a line of strings for the cats to play with…I am fine with this.

— The End —