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Sara Hainline Nov 2012
The sounds morph eagerly into adrenaline
You give in to the rushes running through you
Close your eyes
Let the air whisk at your fingers
Everyone searches for their lungs
As your feet bring attention to the beats
Every harsh drop hits everyone's hearts
And you've unknowingly made this seashore have tidal waves
Everyone is surfing on their soul
Spreading energy at the speed of light
Our hearts are flashing brightly at our sleeves now
And everyone knows,
We're making one another feel alive.
Sara Hainline Nov 2011
The fallen leaves
They float to freedom
They know their time is short
But they've lived knowing their destiny
And have shown you life flows
Further than blood

Their last wish is to feel you
To fall on your shoulder
Give you one final
Triumphant farewell kiss
Before transitioning into earth
Sara Hainline Nov 2012
Engraved on my heart you will find
Everlasting love
Always on my mind

This friendship I will treasure
Forever and eternity
Even after our bodies decay
I know our spirits will fly together
Through kingdoms and passionate creation
Through invincible beauty

The Earth is not where our friendship will end
No, this is just the beginning
It will go on forever.

— The End —