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Feb 2014 · 648
Sanni Olalekan Feb 2014
Today I met a gun,
That left my head in spin,
Beautiful,dangerous,her description yet done,
Loaded in such egghead,her write that left me stun,
Scribbled rapports,was more than what ensued,
Potentials I've seen but in few,
Hoping to learn more, she's more than just a girl,
Today I met a gun.

Although up I knew was loaded,
Triger ready for pull,
Little poke in her grey matter,
Watch your amazement helter skelter,
Wait till you meet her,then you'll meet another brand,
Beware of the ******* layed,
Or is she a trap?
Today I met a gun.
Jan 2014 · 542
Sanni Olalekan Jan 2014
Ayomi you've axed my heart,
It bleeds as sea,
No point of start,
The heart of me,

His walls are smashed,
Roofs suddenly rust,
Our love bashed,
You let loose the trust,

The one I strongly fethered,
My wings you've also clipped,
Now only you can bring him fethered,
Hasten as the time ticks right,
So your reappearance kills not the heart with fright!

— The End —