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4.3k · Jan 2011
Because It's An Adverb
All you need to say
in seventeen syllables
wrapped up cunningly.
1.1k · Jan 2011
Bird bath
Bathing in the pond
a Jay scatters firework drops
against the sunset.
979 · Jan 2011
Morning Coffee
A waterfall of
finches flowing branch to branch
down the oak to feed.
Me and my sister
aisle dancing in a thrift store
singing with R E M
590 · Jan 2011
The slanting sun gilds
random leaves silver.  Will they
****** in the breeze?
586 · Jan 2011
Internal dialogue
Mad with me this morning.
Time to build a bridge
and get over myself.
517 · Jan 2011
The Way
Following my nose,
going where my feet lead me,
I embrace a world.
395 · Jan 2011
Mad at me this morning.
Time to build a bridge and
get over myself.

— The End —