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229 · Mar 2014
What Way Should You Travel
In this day, we are living in, no type of transportation is safe to take.  With all of the disasters that's happening, it may be wise to be late.
No need to sign up for a Cruise, it may be filled with the Noro Virus.  Not being able to get into a bathroom quickly, will do nothing for the people in a rush.
No need to aboard a train, the Conductor may be interested in sending texts.  Before you even know it, you're upside down in a wreck.
No need to ride a bus, especially, when ice is on the ground.  So many have been turned over, and some people are no longer around.
No need to use certain cars, because I hear there is a "Call Back".  People have already lost their loved ones, only to suffer lack.
No need to catch a plane, you may never return home.  You don't want to leave your relatives, to  live all alone.
Maybe, we need a "Time Machine,"  then we can understand why no one has returned.  To choose the right form of transportation, has anything been learned?
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
228 · Feb 2014
Do I Have to Grow Old
/Will you please step aside; better yet, hold my cane?  Please don't be so slow, in fact that's my first name.
I'll be dressed in one moment; I have to find my hair.  I wonder where did I put my glasses; I think I see them over there?
Oh no! my gums are itching; I better find my teeth.  From the expression on your face, I better make it brief.
Why do I have to grow old, perhaps I should be grateful?  After all, we serve the Almighty God who will never forsake us, because, He's  always faithful.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
228 · May 2014
A Troubled World
What's happening to our world, there are trouble everywhere?  When we look around for Peace, why aren't it there?
What's happening to our world, can the fighting finally cease?  Our minds are constantly being bombarded by bad news, we actually need a release.
What's happening to our world, where girls are asked not to learn?  They are taken away in the night, from Nigeria's School, while the leaders are taking terms.
What's happening to our world, once again we have to live with people against our race.  The comments are constantly happening, and going at a rapid pace.
What's happening to our world, lives are sacrificed because of greed?  When well known car companies wrongfully build their cars, failing to take heed?
We live in a troubled world, and someone need to make a change.  Leaders need to come up with a solution, so our lives want be the same.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
228 · Apr 2014
My Good News
For the very first time, I'm about to be a grandmother, from the wife of my youngest son.  We pray that all will go well, the day the baby will come.
I do have good news, concerning the Cancer I had.  God blessed me to be free of the Cancer, since 2011, for this I am very glad.
I have more good news, I still have my job at school.  May they keep me on, so I can be daily used.
I have more good news, I'm still living for the Lord.  I'm still uniting with my Christian sisters and brothers, as we meet in one accord.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
227 · Dec 2014
To those who have children, you can have much joy.  It could be a precious girl, it could be a respectful boy.
To those who have children, enjoy them while you can.  Before you even know it, they'll be a grown woman, and a grown man.
To those who have children, refrain from any abuse.  Once they come of age, then  they'll be of great use.
To those who have children, show love and not hate.  To do this after they are grown, just may be too late.
To those who have children, allow them to reflect you.  Therefore, you have to be careful, in all you say do.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
226 · Feb 2014
Why the Bad Temple
Why the bad temple, is it getting you anywhere?  When you need someone, they may not be there.
Why the bad temple; people flee when you come around?  They feel you are angry, and that you need to tone it down.
Why the bad temple; you seem out of control?  Perhaps, you need to get help, so you want keep being cold.
Why the bad temple, how long do you plan to keep your job?  People can't seem to stay focus, they feel they are being robbed.
Why the bad temple; people hate to come to work?  You are always finding fault, by digging up some kind of dirt.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
226 · Jan 2015
Let's make this year, to travel a brand new road.  Allow yourself to focus on God; He'll help you carry your load.
So many things aim to bring us down.  If we begin to focus, God will come around.
Things all around us should provoke us to pray.  What a relief to have someone, to move articles out of your way.
Let's forget about, the pains and hurts of our past.  God can soothe your mind, so the memories don't have to last.
In order to meditate , God can give you peace.  If there are things troubling you, it takes God to cause them to cease.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
226 · Apr 2014
Never Alone
There is someone I know who's always with me.  In knowing this, I find myself totally free.
In the midst of darkness, I see rays of light.  When I would do wrong, I choose rather the right.
I realize, I reap all the seeds I've sown.  I  also come to grips, that I am never alone.
When I go about life, I am not by myself.  God is ever with me; I will never be left.
I have no need to ever fear; I don't have to roam.  I truly realize that I am never alone.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
226 · Dec 2013
Following the Wrong People
Follow the right people to get ahead in life.  Shun those who fail to do the things that's right.
There are people in life who mean you no good at all.  They will take you down the wrong road, to make sure you are going to fall.  
They will stand back and let you be the one to get caught.  They will make you forget, everything that you were taught.
Refrain from following the wrong people, as if you don't have a mind of your own.  When are you going to take a stand, before you are all alone.
By, Sandra J.Nailing
226 · Dec 2013
No More
No more living in darkness, but finally finding the light.  No more doing wrong, but excited about doing right.
No more sitting around feeling all alone.  I can now get out, even answer my phone.
No more getting even, because of something I have done.  I know now how to love, and become united as one.
No more holding back, instead I'm moving ahead.  I'll travel the right road, as I am cautiously lead.
No more saying "No", when I should say "Yes".  This will give me the opportunity, to do my very best.
By, Sandra J. Nailing
225 · Jan 2015
What can we do, to make a life of Peace?  What part can we play, to allow the violence to cease?
What can we do, to get the guns off the Streets?  Can we arrange a place, for all of us to meet?
What can we do, to turn this world around?  Who will step up to the plate, to pull all prejudice down?
What can we do, to get rid of drugs?  Instead of bringing it to the light, stop sweeping it under a rug.
What can we do, to stop giving our young people strong drinks?  They really need their brain cells, so they can be able to think.
What can we do, to stop people from getting ****?  This should be first on our list, we should quickly make this a date.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
225 · Feb 2014
Your Name
Have you ever wondered, how you got you name?  While traveling through life, you noticed others have the same.
Is your name one you desire to keep, and is your name one that's  pretty neat?
Some have been given a name, that is very fine.  Some think their name is not so kind.
There was a man in the Bible whose name was called Jabez.  His name meant  pain, for this he was sad.
One day he  prayed to God, to change his name.  From his special prayer, a new name was gained.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
224 · Nov 2014
There are so many people, walking around depressed.  The appearance of their countenance, seem to be upset.
There are so many people, who need a great big smile.  They can receive it, if you go that extra mile.
There are so many people, walking about looking sad.  They seem to have an attitude, acting like they're bad.
There are so many people, who hungers to see your beautiful smiling face.  You could be Black or White, or any type of race.
There are so many people, who lives with nothing but gloom.  Just to look at them, if seem  like they are doomed.
Why not display your beautiful smile, to help lift off the depression of man.
Even though you may not have teeth, do the best you can.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
224 · May 2014
Hold to Your Dream to Learn
Hold to your dream to learn, don't let anyone take this away.  When you get a chance to learn, do so, someday it's going to pay.
Hold to your dream to learn, perhaps you can teach each other what you have learned.  No one can take it out of your heart, because it is something you have earned.
Hold to your dream to learn, you can expand your mind.  Be open to listen to those filled with wisdom, and do this just in the length of time.
Hold to your dream to learn, don't let your vision die.  All I ask of you, take the first step and try.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
223 · Mar 2014
Your Feelings
Your feelings are so precious, so guard them everyday.  Don't allow people to abuse them, protect them in every way.
Some people feelings are sensitive, don't offend them, be aware.  You must show the people, that you really care.
Your feelings must never be shattered, the pain may be very hard.  In order for the shattered feelings to return, you must pray to our Lord.
You need to have feelings, to show that you are concerned.  Your feelings need to reach out to people, began to show what you have learned.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
223 · Feb 2014
If Men Could Have Babies
If men could have babies, how would they act?  Would they go to pieces, from having a heavy sac?
If men could have babies, how will they feel?  When  it came time for them to deliver, would they scream for a pill?
If men could have babies, how much weight would they gain?  Will they eat so much, until they go insane?
If men could have babies, will they be sad?  Or, will they walk around, acting like they're bad?
Men, please don't have babies!  Leave it to the ladies.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
222 · Jul 2014
There is nothing like peace when entering my home.  I feel like I am about to enter, into another zone.
When I put the lock on the door, I know I shut out the devil.  I am all closed in with my heavenly Father, so he can take me to another level.
The Word of God says, He gives us peace that surpass all understanding.  The enemy does not have a chance, in all that he is demanding.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
222 · Sep 2014
222 · Jun 2014
You Are Wonderfully Made
The Bible clearly tells us, we are fearfully, and wonderfully made.  If we take good care of our bodies, watch it slowly fade.
We have been created, by such Majestic Hands.  Why abuse our bodies with alcohol, not being able to stand?
We have been created in such a way; we have the ability to be able to cope.  It is an insult before your Creator, to fill our bodies with dope.
We have been created, with a Spirt on the inside.  It is the candle of the Lord, therefore you can never hide.
If you were to study, the anatomy of man, you will be surprised how everything work in tune.  Someday, the Lord will gather us together, and He's about to come soon.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
222 · Mar 2014
Let's Forget About the Bad
You have been through so much, things that made you mad.  All the news that you've received, made you very sad.
You need to think about the good, and forget about the bad.
You grew up in a neighborhood, where all they did was fight.  You waited around to get into trouble, especially, at night.
Now that you are older, you find ways to make people glad.  You now meditate on the good things, and forget about the bad.
You were involved, in a very mean gang.  You did whatever it took, to run people insane.
Now you are no longer, walking down that road.  You now have an interest, in making people whole.
No longer do you have to remember, about the absence of your Dad.  It's time to move on in life, and forget about the bad.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
222 · Apr 2014
Who's Working In You
There are only two Spirits that can be working inside of you.  It can be the Spirit of God, or the Spirit of the Devil, to allow you, to do the things  you do.
Do you have the Spirit God, leading you to do what's right?  Or, do you have the Spirit of the Devil, constantly provoking you to fight?
Do you have the Spirit of God, encouraging you to make it?  Or, do you have the Spirit of the Devil, using you to give everyone a fit?
Do you have the Spirit of God, teaching you how to pray.  Or, do you have the Spirit of the Devil, telling you to go astray?
Remember, you have to choose who will lead your path.  There will be only one, to inspire your love to last.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
221 · Jun 2014
Not Without Your Part
We cannot do anything, unless you do your part.  We are meant to work together, so where are we going to start?
We cannot do anything, unless there is unity.  No one should be held in *******, but live a life that's free.
We cannot do anything, unless we are on the same page.  Please don't act one way today, and tomorrow be full of rage.
We cannot do anything, unless the Spirit of Love abound.  Then, we will be able to go far, having our minds all sound.
We cannot do anything, unless we are strong.  We must resist all evil, and everything that's wrong.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
221 · Jul 2014
No Mercy
We live in this day and time that certain people do not care.  You can find those who are eager to harm, just about everywhere.
There are so many people who could care less about human life.  They are so determined in their minds, not to do what's right.
Guns, knives, and drugs are on the rampant, destroying the weak around.  Man feels he is "Big & Bad," and not about to back down.
The heart of man is without mercy, and it has grown so cold.  Instead of slowing down, they became more bold.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
220 · Feb 2014
The World We Live In
In the world we are living in, it's hard to bring out your best.  People seem to provoke you, so you can't past the test.
In the world we are living in, we are forced to pay so many bills.  You sit back and wonder, when will they ever yield?
In the world we are living in, within there is a loud scream.  If only someone can listen, if only you can be seen.
In the world we are living in, there is so much stress.  Don't allow it to cause you depression, get rest and try to worry less.
Don't let stress get you down, you are worth more than that.  Somehow, learn to be happy, refrain from becoming upset.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
220 · Mar 2014
Someone Believe In You
Someone believes in you, I'm sure you are not bad.  Continue to build your self esteem, to prevent you from becoming sad.
Someone believes in you, Prove that I'm right. You are not one of those, who are always in trouble, and the first to start fights.
Someone believes in you, because you stay away from bad crowds.  Keep being a good example, before those who are rude and loud.
Someone believes in you, because you return home on time.  You are not one of those, constantly on your parents mind.
Someone believes in you, keep producing good grades.  Someday, your parents may surprise you, by giving you a big raise.  
Someone believes in you, people can't wait for you to graduate.  I want to be the first, just to Congratulate!
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
219 · Mar 2014
Take the Chain Off
We have been bound from words spoken, leaving us captive.  Then we wonder, how can we be loosed, from words we thought were attractive?
When will we learn to speak life, in this lies the key?  If you desire a way out of *******, speak life, this will set you free.
Look around you; tell me what do you hear?  Do you hear words of defeat?  Why not instruct, to speak words that are positive, so we can be complete?
Take the chain off, and begin to speak words filled with life.  We must encourage each other, to speak words that are right.
Now that the chain is off, tell me how do you feel?  When you have the opportunity to speak words that are positive, make sure those words are real.
Never again get into *******, seeing that you are free.  Share with those who are bound, allowing them to clearly see.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
218 · Apr 2014
Are You Ready
Are you ready, for a clean neighborhood?  In order to bring this about, are you doing what you should?
Are you ready, to have a peaceful street?  Have you started a campaign, by walking with your feet?
Are you ready, to stop the shootings all around?  What good advice have you given, is it good advice that's sound?
Are you ready, to stop seeing little children dying?  What are one of the things you are doing, to prevent their parents from crying?
Are you ready, to stop the dangerous gangs?  Have you come up with a solution, to keep parents from going insane?
Are you ready, to let your voice be heard?  Have you prepared a meaningful speech, have you prepared an interesting word?
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
218 · Nov 2014
We will never understand, what our soldiers have to go through, when fighting to save our land.  They put their heart into what they are doing, they can't hardly stand.
Our soldiers are in battle everyday, to protect our Country from harm.  While fighting the enemy, they're not weak, but strong.
War can be a nightmare, one that will never end.  It is filled with darkness, it's filled with so much sin.
After our soldiers return back home, they should see love upon each face.  They should be highly honored, for protecting the human race.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
218 · Feb 2014
The Strange Woman
Be aware of the strange woman that flatters with her lips.  She may whisper softly, causing you to flip.
Her words will only entice you, to turn and to do wrong.  In  the end this will bring you grief, even your loved ones harm.
Be aware of the strange woman, she's now out on her own.  She has one objective, it's to break up your lovely home.
Be aware of the strange woman, she has a tendency to flirt with who she can.  Remember, she has her eyes, especially, on your man.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
218 · May 2014
Remembering When
Remember when there was a time of war, where our fathers had to go  out to fight?  When they returned back, they looked to us, out of sight!
Remember when there was a time of war, and we were left all alone?  There was a day of jubilee, once they returned back home!
Remember when there was a time of war, and things cost very cheap?  Compared to the prices today, we can only weep.
Remember when there was a time of war, people seemed to come together?  They seemed to get along, in all types of weather.
Remember when there was a time of war, back home we had no fear?  We knew our land was being protected, by those we held so dear.
Remember when there was a time of war, there finally came a day of Peace?  We were glad everything was over, and the war at last had ceased.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
217 · Sep 2014
I don't want to be rich, and forget about the Lord.  I prefer to stick close to God, always on one accord.
I don't want to be rich, and turn against my friends.  Finding myself all alone, in the very end.
I don't want to be rich, never getting any sleep.  This will wear me down, causing me to get weak.
I don't want to be rich, changing my attitude.  Instead of being kind and nice, I'll end up evil and rude.
I don't want to be rich, not caring about others.  Forgetting that you have siblings, called your sisters and brothers.
I don't want to be rich, if it's going to change who I am.  The time to make this confession known, I rather that it would be now.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
217 · Dec 2014
Just one day, to share the gifts you bought.  What about the 364 days, you only constantly fought?
Just one day, to say, "I Love You."  What about the days, you allowed hate to come through?
Just one day, to volunteer to clean every room?  What about the days, you hated to pick up the broom?
Just one day, you cooked the family's meal.  What about the days, you asked, "Are You For Real?"
Just one day, you looked your very best.  What about the other days, you put me through a hard test?
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
217 · Oct 2014
Why do you hang around that person, he treats other people mean?  He always put them down, saying, they are not clean
Why do you hang around that person, he use profanity, especially, around out youth?  He enjoys telling lies; he refuse to tell the truth.
Why do you hang around that person, he's constantly in the streets?  He love to see people get into a fight, and watch everyone get beat.
Why do you hang around that person, he has such a negative attitude?  You cannot out talk him, because he's loud and rude.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
217 · Dec 2014
Some people are so mean, they don't mind hurting the ones they suppose to love.  They really need much help, from our God above.
There are people; you don't care to be around.  You just get so tired of them, always putting you down.
Deep in your heart; you are screaming out for peace.  You can't wait to the day, all of this will cease.
We have only a short time, to live within our land.  We need to show our love ones, all the peace we can.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
216 · May 2014
A Changed School
What would happen, if you started your job, at the beginning of the School year?  What if all the children were acting sincere, and being truly real?
What would happen, if they continued in this mode?  Would you get things accomplished, would you reach your goal?
What would happen, if everything were kept in line?  Now, you are not pulling out your hair, and you have a peaceful mind.
What would happen if your school were No.1, in passing the SOL scores? What would happen, if the students were so eager, to come to school and learn, as they walked through the doors?
What would happen, if you noticed your school has changed?  Would you think about, giving it a new name?
What if the parents came into the building, thinking something is wrong, and clearly not right?  They feel the children in the building are acting strange, because they are too nice.
What If?
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
216 · Mar 2014
How Long Do We Have To Cry
When will we stop crying, because someone got shot?  Not just today, but this is done a lot.
When will we stop crying, because people break in and steal?  Yet, when they are caught, they are ready to ****.
When will we stop crying, because a fight once again broke out?  Now, if they are caught by the police, off to jail they'll go, and this is without a doubt.
When will we stop crying, because people are still using drugs?  When they are confronted, they try to hide it under the rug.
When will we stop crying, because our loved ones have died?  Are you tired of attending funerals, wiping tears from your eyes?
When will we stop crying, because a plane is nowhere to be found?  Loved ones are left to suffer grief, while they are trying to keep their minds sound.
When will we stop crying, because tornados have destroyed hundreds of homes?
Now you are without anything, and you're feeling all alone.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
How far do you think you're going to get, following a bad crowd?  You can expect one thing, from this group, those who will be acting wild.
How far do you think you're going to get, from people who do not care?  To find those who are really nice, is something that is very rare.
How far do you think you're going to get, when hanging out with nothing but trouble?  For all of your pain and suffering, it's a fact that you're going to get double.
How far do you think you're going to get, following a well known gang?  To follow this type of people, will get you killed, or you just might go insane.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
214 · May 2014
Mr.Yates the P. E. Teacher
We have a P. E. teacher so kind as he can be.  He love working with children, allowing them to be free.
You will always find a pleasant smile upon his face.  He shows great respect to  people, no matter what race.
Each day he makes sure, I sit in a comfortable chair.  When anyone need him, Mr. Yates is there.
He will go far in life, with the personality to help everyone.  He encourage the students to exercise, as well as having fun.  
Mr. Yates we celebrate you, for being a man with a heart.  Let this continue, and never let it depart.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
212 · Apr 2014
Did You Know
Did you know that you are very special, and that someone really care?  Anytime you call on God, believe He will be there.
Did you know when things are wild, and they are beginning to get rough, remember you can depend on God to help, all because He's tough?
Did you know that you can excel, in all that you say and do?  There is someone right by your side, to make sure that you make it through.
Did you know that people eagerly follow your light?  They rely on your guidance, to know how to do what's right.
Did you know that you can choose the good, and no longer get involved in the bad?  Do you truly know you have the ability, to go around making people glad?
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
212 · Feb 2014
God Didn't Make Any Junk
I'm so satisfied with the way God made me, for this I am very glad.  He put me together wonderfully, I'm happy, and refuse to be sad.
He placed my eyes within it's sockets, knowing they would fit well.  Even my pupils are uniquely made, and the color of my iris are swell.
He made me a set of hands, to be used as a masterpiece.  Along with this a set of ears, to hear lovely music with a beat.
He made me a distinct nose, to breathe in his fresh air.  He made a pair of feet to walk, so I can assist those who need my care.
I'm satisfied with the mouth he made, so I can speak, in a pleasant tone.  It was God who created me, in a body of 206 bones.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
212 · Mar 2014
Keep Your Hands Clean
Keep your hands clean, in the work you do.  Keep them free from corruption, when people call on you.
Keep your hands clean, keep them in the light.  Don't hide them in the dark, aim to do what's right.
Keep your hands clean, washed from all the filth.  For all those who are fallen, remember to give a lift.
Keep your hands clean, so you can raise them high.  Then, you can voice your opinion, concerning those who are about to die.
Keep your hands clean, to point the right way.  People really need your help, to prevent them from going astray.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
211 · Feb 2014
Strange Pain
From out of nowhere, here comes a strange pain.  This pain hit you so hard; you think you're going insane.
You are walking down the street; you suddenly have to stop.  A strange pain hit you with a bang; you can't do but drop.
When you are lying down resting, trying to get some sleep, from out of nowhere, it's a pain that's very deep.
While you are traveling, as you are being lead, suddenly a strange hit, right upon your head.
While you are getting dressed, trying to look neat, here comes a very sharp pain, right down to your feet.
Strange Pain!
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
210 · Jul 2014
I have three sons, in which I love so much.  They always make me smile, they are gentle in their touch.
These are old pictures of them, in the time that they were young.  There are so many, don't count them one by one.
I taught them at an early age, about the Word of God.  They knew to obey Him, so he wouldn't have to use His rod.
Today, they have grown, to be precious men of integrity.  They now preach the Word of God, and set the captive free.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
210 · Mar 2014
What Can We Eat
When I shop for fruits and vegetables, tell me what can I buy?  They announce they are loaded with bacteria, "If you eat them, you just may die."
When I go to the Meat Department, I'm looking for different kinds of meats.  Then I remember I heard on the News, to be careful, there are some you don't need to eat.
When I walk down the aisles, I look for something to drink.  Some of them have been tampered with, to choose, I just cannot think.
With all the pollutants, and contamination we contributed, in destroying our land; we need to join in together to work, and be willing to lend a hand.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
210 · Apr 2014
Not Living In Fear
If your steps are truly ordered by the Lord, there  is no need for fear.  His angels are all around you, because you are so dear.
If your steps are truly ordered by the Lord, He'll guide you, this is what I know.  No devil can touch you, because they know where to go.
If your steps are truly ordered by the Lord, you'll be surrounded by peace.  This peace will always continue, the Lord will not let it cease.
If your steps are truly ordered by the Lord,  He'll always lead the way.  The Bible says," Safety is of the Lord," how much more when you pray.  
If your steps are truly ordered by the Lord, once again do not fear.  He is standing by your side, the Lord is always near.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
210 · Oct 2014
Why do the sick have to pay a co payment that is very high?  They are already out of work, hoping they will not die.
Your doctor constantly send you to other Doctors, to find out what is really wrong.  By this time you are truly broke, your bills are about to cause harm.
What are a person to do, when you do not have any help?  You need someone to rescue you and tell where the money is kept.
We need to do away with co payments, so we can have money to pay our bills.  With this peace on our minds, we will be able to heal.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
210 · May 2014
What's Your Role
What's your role, in playing a part, not to make this world a better place?  Do you sit back and make nasty comments, about a particular race?
What's your role, in playing a part, to make sure certain people don't get
ahead?  Do you have so much evil, controlling your heart, you make sure people are dead?
What's your role, in playing a part as a Producer, for a Television Show?  Will our children act out what you have produced, from things they did not know?
What's your role, in playing a part, in helping feed the homeless?  If you stopped to do your part, believe me they will be blessed.
What's Your Role?
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
208 · Nov 2014
When things are not going your way, tell me, how are you going to act?  Will you open your mouth wide, and give people a lot of flack?
When someone accidentally, steps on your brand new shoes, will you put on a big scene, and began to act like a fool?
When someone forgets to pay you, will the entire neighborhood know?  Will the person be so humiliated, not knowing which way to go?
When you are called to the stage, to receive a precious reward, will you give a very long speech, until the audience gets bored?
Would you know how to act, in a room filled with special banners?  While at the table with International Guest, will you use good manners?
Life is filled with all types of things that will get in the way.  To determine how you are going to act, please get up early to pray.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
There are children, who love to talk back.  They constantly run off their lips, giving you a lot of flack.
There are children, who love to talk back. They are the ones to show-off, and make a wise crack.
There are children, who love to run their lips.  They are the very ones, to cause you to flip.
There are children, who yell when they speak.  Not an inch in them are humble, not an inch in them are meek.
There are children; you don't care to be around.  Instead of uplifting your Spirit, they only drag you down.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
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