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Aug 2014 · 813
A Beautiful World
This is a beautiful world, but what about the people?  Young guys hang out on every corner, proudly using their beeper.  
This is a beautiful world, why can't we all be?  We see people fighting each other, killing for a fee.
This is a beautiful world, why do people act so mean?  We look and dress out best, but ignore those who are not clean.
This is a beautiful world, but man need to take a stand.  They need to take time to pray, so God can heal our troubled land.
This is a beautiful world, it's up to us to be one.  Let us come together, then our work will be done.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Aug 2014 · 552
Bossing Others Around
I notice you enjoy belittling others, especially, in a crowd.  You usurp your authority, giving it very loud.
After being promoted, your head began to swell.  If you posses humility, I'm sure no one could tell.
If someone made you angry, everyone seem to know.  Why not learn from your mistakes, you still have room to go?
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jul 2014 · 221
No Mercy
We live in this day and time that certain people do not care.  You can find those who are eager to harm, just about everywhere.
There are so many people who could care less about human life.  They are so determined in their minds, not to do what's right.
Guns, knives, and drugs are on the rampant, destroying the weak around.  Man feels he is "Big & Bad," and not about to back down.
The heart of man is without mercy, and it has grown so cold.  Instead of slowing down, they became more bold.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jul 2014 · 409
Having Holy Lips
Stop murmuring and complaining, because it displeases the Lord.  Let us all speak life, all in one accord.
God have made provision, for us to live a holy life.  He sent his only Son, to teach us how to live right.
Help us to speak positive words, to encourage those who are down.  Allow your light to shine in us, to cause people to come around.
Let us not heavenly Father, to ever get in your way.  This will come about, as we sacrifice and pray.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jul 2014 · 210
I have three sons, in which I love so much.  They always make me smile, they are gentle in their touch.
These are old pictures of them, in the time that they were young.  There are so many, don't count them one by one.
I taught them at an early age, about the Word of God.  They knew to obey Him, so he wouldn't have to use His rod.
Today, they have grown, to be precious men of integrity.  They now preach the Word of God, and set the captive free.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jul 2014 · 250
When are you going to move, life is passing you by?  People daily need your help; some are about to die.
When are you going to move, you chose to sit so long?  People are being abused, others are causing harm.
When are you going to move, don't just sit there?  Stand up and go out; people need your care.
When are you going to move, you have been sitting for years?  People need your encouragement; why not help wipe their tears?
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jul 2014 · 306
Jul 2014 · 224
There is nothing like peace when entering my home.  I feel like I am about to enter, into another zone.
When I put the lock on the door, I know I shut out the devil.  I am all closed in with my heavenly Father, so he can take me to another level.
The Word of God says, He gives us peace that surpass all understanding.  The enemy does not have a chance, in all that he is demanding.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jul 2014 · 239
There are so many people who really have it hard.  They wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for the Lord.
Some had to go through life with very poor health.  All because of this, they depleted all of their wealth.
There are some people who long to wear a smile.  They just can't find anyone, to go the extra mile.
There are some people who knows nothing but pain.  If only you could help, there will be so much to gain.
We should learn to keep our lips closed, until we walk in someone's shoes.  They need only to be encouraged, and never again abused.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jul 2014 · 309
Behind Church Walls
Jul 2014 · 998
Why Make Things Complicated
Why make things so complicated, when they really are not?  You say things are so big, when they are only a dot.
Why make things so complicated, when you could have easily turned the key?  Yet, you rather put on a show, for everyone to see.
Why make things so complicated, before things got out of hand?  If you followed simple directions, you would be able to stand.
Why make things so complicated, before getting all upset?  You presumed you knew the answer, before the question was asked.
In life, things are not so complicated, as they might seen.  Look very closely,  before starting to act mean.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jul 2014 · 253
Mother And Child
There is nothing like having a child, in which you love so much.  This child receives your love, from your smile, and your precious touch.
There is nothing like having a child, to hold within your arms.  You want your child so well protected, preventing him from all harm.
There is nothing like having a child, to put him on the right path.  He will learn he is defined by who is, and not what he hath.
There is nothing like having a child, not giving him everything in sight.  He will also learn, it's important to do what's right.
There is nothing like having a child, to teach him the Word of God.  As this child grows older, he will always know the Lord.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 191
In this world we are living in, everyone is calling.  You rush out quick as you can, to help those who are falling.
There need to be a time, to really take a break.  There need to be a moment, to do something nice, just for your sake.
In this world we are living in, you already produced so much good.  If you failed in any way; you did what you could.
Give your body a vacation, even if it is at home.  There will come a time, you may have to hide the phone.
Remember you are SPECIAL, so cuddle up with a pillow, and quickly rest your head.  You may do this on the floor or couch, better yet, within your bed.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
Don't Waste Your Talent
Don't waste your talent, it's meant to be used.  Don't be guilty of not using it, before God, do not be accused.
Don't waste your talent, remember it can go far.  People may think it's the greatest thing, that they ever saw.
Don't waste your talent, someone may be waiting, for you to bring it out.  You may be surprised how it is received, by those who have no doubt.
Don't waste your talent, when used, it will increase.  Begin to use what you have, and never let it cease.
Don't waste your talent, it's time to give it a chance.  Everything around you, stand back and watch it advance.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 223
You Are Wonderfully Made
The Bible clearly tells us, we are fearfully, and wonderfully made.  If we take good care of our bodies, watch it slowly fade.
We have been created, by such Majestic Hands.  Why abuse our bodies with alcohol, not being able to stand?
We have been created in such a way; we have the ability to be able to cope.  It is an insult before your Creator, to fill our bodies with dope.
We have been created, with a Spirt on the inside.  It is the candle of the Lord, therefore you can never hide.
If you were to study, the anatomy of man, you will be surprised how everything work in tune.  Someday, the Lord will gather us together, and He's about to come soon.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 235
True Children of God
True children of God have one objective in mind.  It's only to do God's Will, at his appointed time.
True children of God, do not get involved, with the cares of this world.  They ask the Lord to change their lives, into His Beautiful Pearl.
True children of God, continue to shine God's Light.  Lord, lead us in the right direction, morning, noon and night.
True children of God, resist the temptation to fear.  They have a close relationship with the Father, as they both draw near.
True children of God, care about the condition of mankind.  They are willing to help those, standing in any kind of line.
True children of God, are willing to share a smile.  They are even willing, to go the extra mile.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 148
Out to Help or Hurt
If you are out to help, I would like to be your friend.  If you are out to hurt, how can you make it in our land?
If you are out to help, please take a seat and sit down.    If you are out to hurt, too much of that is already around.
If you are out to help, show me what you can do.  If you are out to hurt, take notice that you are through.
If you are out to help, I have a place for you to serve.  If you are out to hurt, your voice will not be heard.
In this day we are living in, there is no time to get hurt.  We cannot put up with people around, always digging up dirt.  
We have one goal in mind, and that's to please our God.  We do not want to be around you who are out to hurt, when God begin to use his rod.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 221
Not Without Your Part
We cannot do anything, unless you do your part.  We are meant to work together, so where are we going to start?
We cannot do anything, unless there is unity.  No one should be held in *******, but live a life that's free.
We cannot do anything, unless we are on the same page.  Please don't act one way today, and tomorrow be full of rage.
We cannot do anything, unless the Spirit of Love abound.  Then, we will be able to go far, having our minds all sound.
We cannot do anything, unless we are strong.  We must resist all evil, and everything that's wrong.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 405
Enjoy Life
Life is meant to be enjoyed, and not to be put down.  It's meant to uplift one another, and everyone around.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, and not to push others away.  Happiness should fulfill your desires, each and everyday.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, by those you love the most.  These are people you love being around, and people you always boast.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, so live a life that's free.  Go on and enjoy life, and be what you were called to be.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
I visited the hospital, where my sister was sick in bed.  She was breathing on her own, no cords around her head.  
I notice my sister was not brought any kind of food.  She was not even given any fluid, something her body could use.
When the Nurse came into the room, I asked why food was not brought in.  She said, while in this room, the body feeds off from what's within.  
I asked if she is going to have something to drink?  She said, Oh No, fluid can fill her lungs, causing her lungs to fill and drown; I did not know what to think.  
So I said, "This room is called the room of death."  The Nurse got very upset.  I asked her if she believe in miracles?  I did not think she liked that.
I knew this would be the last time I would see my sister Roberta Knight again, after she was starving for many days, after coming out of ICU. I figure the Doctors, and Nurses were calling the shots, there were nothing I could do?
On that very next day at 7:15 a.m. my sister lost her life.  I feel the treatment that she got, really was not right.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 4.4k
Bringing People Together
It's time to bring people together, so unity can abound.  It's time to stop fighting, and stop pulling one another down.
It's time to bring people together, so we can walk into the light.  So far, some choose to walk in darkness, not doing what they know is right.
It's time to bring people together, whether they are young or old.  In order to do this, don't be afraid, but bold.
It's time  to bring people together, so we can bring about peace.  We are able to get this done, so never let it cease.
It's time to bring people together, and once again wear a smile.  We are able to get this accomplished, by going the extra mile.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 272
Children of the War
Why do children of the war suffer from day to day?  So many of them are so hungry, and weak, and have nothing to say.  
Why do children of the war, reap from the hatred of other people's past.  They allow war to continue, and don't mind how long it last.
Why do children of the war have to suffer, limp bodies and pain?  They are not even considered, by those who suppose to be sane.
Why do children of the war, find it hard to sleep?  With missiles being shot over their head, and down to their nervous feet.
Something has to be done, to keep War Children safe.  Strong men should stand up, and rightfully take their place.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 294
Just A Vapor
We are just a vapor, in the eyes of God.  Don't ever live so high, if you plan to go above.
We are just a bubble, no need to boast in Pride.  This is something the Lord hates, when presented before his Eyes.
We are just a piece of grass , that's why we fade away.  Remember to stay humble, in all you do and say.
We are only nothing, compared to the Almighty God.  We should never think that we are "All That." Don't make God use his "Rod".
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 438
Prescription Drugs
Why do Doctors prescribe drugs with bad side effects?  When people look to get  better, yet, everything in the body is upset.
Why do people end up, worst off than before?  Death may be next, after walking out the Doctor's door.
Who are behind creating these kinds of drugs?  They try to hide their mistakes, by sweeping it under the rugs.
When people take medicine, it's because they want to live.  Only to find out, that the drugs only kills.
The Food And Drug Administration need a team who do not oppose life.  They need to step up to the plate, and boldly do what's right.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 329
Why Do You Have To Suffer
Why do you have to suffer, for what others have done?  God clearly sees, that you are not the one.
Why do you have to suffer, heartache and pain?  There is one you can call, and it's Jesus Name.
Why do you have to suffer, for the guilt of someone's past?  The Lord will someday bring you through, remember, this will not last.
Why do you have to suffer abuse, from another person's hand?  It will take the help of the Almighty God, to give you strength to stand.
You may have to suffer, but God is watching you.  Men are going to have to reap, everything they do!
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 291
Born To Be Free
You are born to be free and happy, and not to be in *******, by those who wants you to be.
You are born to be free and productive throughout our land.  God chose to create you with precious and unique hands.
You are born to be free, and use what's on your mind.  It's important to move forward, and not be left behind.
You are born to be free, and help uplift those who are down.  Make sure you encourage everyone that may come around.
You are born to be free, and not locked up in a cage.  Something need to be done, about those who constantly go into a rage.
You are born to be free, and not continue to be depressed.  If so, cry out to God, He will give you rest.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Serious Questions
Will people ever see "Peace" in this day and time?  Will the homeless get help, for their troubled minds?
Will the shootings ever stop, in so many neighborhoods?  Will people stop ducking bullets, from those who mean no good?
Will people stop ****** our little boys and girls?  Will they stop slave trafficking, throughout this evil world?
Will people stop going hungry, constantly without food?  Will they have to go without clothing, and not being able to wear shoes?
Will this world get their act together, and care about mankind?  The way that things are going, we could all stand in some type of line.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Why do mankind choose to hurt, especially, those he says, he love?  They cause people to suffer pain, as he continue to hold a grudge.
Why do mankind choose to hurt, and forgets that he is human, and began to act like a beast?  He beats upon everyone, from the greatest to the least.
Why do mankind choose to hurt, is something missing on his part?  Perhaps, he need to get some help, and this should quickly start.
Where does he get his incentives, could it be from Wrestling Shows?
When will men stop fighting people, this is something nobody knows?
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 255
I'm Not My Own
Someone paid a price for me, and He was from above.  The Lord loved me so much, because He was so full of love.
Someone paid a price for me, therefore, I can't do anything.  I must live a holy life, and keep my mind sound and sane.
Someone paid a price for me, therefore, any kind of words, must not proceed from the lips, the Lord has given me.  I must speak words that will uplifts, and set the captive free.
Someone paid a price for me, therefore, I can't wear whatever I want.  I listen for the Lord's precious voice, incase He says, Don't.
Someone paid a price for me, therefore, I can't go where I want to go.  I must remember to represent God, in all He taught me to know.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 162
The Lives We Touch
There are so many lives we have touched, as we crossed each other's path.  It was only for precious friendships, and not for what we hath.
There are so many lives we have touched, and friends we will never forget.  It may be years, before friends are seen, while searching for others. don't give up yet.
There are so many lives we have touched, they are friends held within our hearts.  Once these friends are found, you hope they will never depart.
There are so many lives we have touched, don't ever take their friendship in vain.  It is friends that really cares, that help keep us alive and sane.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 363
When A Baby Arrive
When a baby arrive, why can't this world be clean?  It has to come into a world, where people are so mean.
When a baby arrive, why does it hear bad words?  Why can't we speak in harmony, so out voices can be heard?
When a baby arrive, why can't the air be pollutant free.  Yet, they have to breathe in all kinds of toxins, causing a lot of allergies.  
When a baby arrive, why do they hear so much noise?  Not just from the adults, but every girl and boy.
When a baby arrive, can things began to change?  Everyone should join together, so this can be arranged.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 473
I Am Delighted
I am delighted, for the color of my skin.  I ignore those who hold a grudge, from deep within.
I am delighted, of the way I talk.  Even though you don't agree, it's certainly not my fault.  
I am delighted, of the way I move.  You feel you are the only one, who has a walk that cool.
I am delighted, of the way I look.  No need to stare at me, as if I am a crook.
I am delighted, of the peaceful life I live.  I truly love the Lord, he makes my life so real.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 247
Don't Bring Shame
Don't do anything that would cause you shame.  Remember, you have a future, don't mess up the family's name.
Don't do anything that's not right at a Party.  Remember to stay humble, and not wild and haughty.
Don't do anything, to cause you to get high.  You are too young, to have to lay down and die.
Don't do anything, to cause you to drink.  You need all of your brain cells, to be able to think.
Don't do anything to cause inappropriate pictures to be seen.  Your body may be beautiful, but should be presented, as something clean.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 175
If You Are A Father
If you are a Father, before your children, live a life that's clean.  Do not beat up on your wife, and expect them not to be mean.
If you are a Father, teach them how to think.  Don't set alcohol before them, inviting them to drink.
If you are a Father, take pride in what you wear.  The children are constantly watching you, even in the way you wear your hair.
If you are a Father, be kind in using your words.  When you are not expecting, your voice is being heard.
If you are a Father, refrain from going to jail.  Too many Fathers are locked  up, feeling that they have failed.
If you are a Father, take your children where they can learn about the Lord.  This will keep your family together, all in one accord.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 365
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day, to all the Fathers around.  Your children depend on you, to help keep their minds strong and sound.
Happy Father's Day, to men who show your children that you care.  I hope you are the Father who are always there.
Happy Father's Day, to the men who proudly steps up to the plate.  They are a real Father, and not one who is fake.
Happy Father's Day, may you receive your best.  Sit back and relax, and get plenty of rest.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 282
A Break for the Summer
When you get time out for the Summer, why not take that break?  Your body will certainly thank you, and you're going to feel great!
When you get a break for the Summer, enjoy having clean fun.  You may even get in the mood, to take time out to run.
When you get a break for the Summer, get plenty of rest.  When you do return to work, you're going to look your best.
When you get a break for the Summer, try not to over eat.  Take into consideration, the weight upon your feet.
Enjoy Your Break!
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 485
Why In A Hurry
Why are you in a hurry, to get pregnant and have a child?  You are only a teenager, at time acting wild.
Why are you in a hurry, to get out on your own?  You are still a teenager, who need to remain at home.
Why are you in a hurry, to go out and run the Streets?  You are still a teenager, who still need to get your sleep.
Why are you in a hurry, to go out to discover the world?  You are still a teenager, a young boy or girl.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 306
There is nothing like a close family that sticks together.  They will be there, in any type of weather.  
Your family may be large, or it may be small.  At the end of the day, they will give you their all.
Family can bring out laughter, in the best of us.  They will try their all, just not to fuss.
They make it their goal, to live in harmony.  By doing this, they are allowed to be free.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 195
Are You Thinking
Are you thinking, when you bring trouble around?  You stretch out your hand, to knock people down.
Are you thinking, when you take away things from others.  You fail to even care about the feelings of your brothers.
Are you thinking, when you fail to go to School?  And when you do; you break all the rules.
Are you thinking, when you sign up to a gang?  Not even realizing, you can lose your brain.
Are you thinking, when you do things your own way?  Because of not thinking, you can end up alone someday.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 202
Living for Today
Don't think about tomorrow, and focus on today.  Thinking about tomorrow, may cause you to lose your way.
Don't think about tomorrow, there are things that have to get done.  In order to relieve yourself of so much stress, take time to have some fun.
Don't think about tomorrow, assist someone who need your care.  There are those who may call on you, it's up to you to be there.
Don't think about tomorrow, today do something brand new.  Make sure you  find yourself happy, in all you say and do.
Don't think about tomorrow, lay down and enjoy your rest.  Just think when tomorrow arrive, you will be at your best.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 648
Be Wise Like the 5 Virgins
Be wise like the 5 Virgins, who kept oil in their lamps.  When the Bridegroom came, they had the Holy Spirit's Stamp.
Be wise like the 5 Virgins that lived a Holy Life.  Holy Ghost please guide us, to always do what's right.
Be wise like the 5 Virgins who had a desire to shine.  Thank you Holy Spirit for keeping us on your mind.
Be wise like the 5 Virgins, not to make the Lord ashamed.  May we continue to uplift you, and bring Glory to Jesus Name.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Get Serious
We need to get serious about the killings in our Schools.  Too many are dying, while others are breaking the rules.
We need to  get serious about the mental ill.  When they began to act out, then you are ready to ****.
We need to get serious about the time you are living in.  People are still holding prejudice in their heart, we need to realize it is real.
We need to get serious about young children selling drugs.  This is not a situation, to hide under our rugs.
We need to get serious about children imported from other Countries.  They live in very poor conditions, in ******* and not free.
We need to get serious about slave trafficking, by those who are full of greed.  Once you find these people, they need to be brought to their knees
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 353
Are You the Cause
Are you the cause for the killings of teachers and students in our Schools?  Are you the cause of people buying guns, aiming to break every rule?
Are you the cause of teaching very small children how to shoot guns?  Can they really understand that this is serious, and not a time for fun?
Are you the cause to provoke a student to anger?  Just because he is mad, he uses a gun, putting everyone's life in danger.
Are you the cause to allow people to purchase guns?  And when they are used, you send out a Search Team, while they are on the run.
If you feel you are part of the cause, how will you turn things around?  People need to stop falling like flies, constantly on the ground.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 258
Now That You Are Gone
Now that you are gone, you'll be missed very much.  We will miss your love, your smile, and even your touch.
Now that you are gone, we'll miss the family's dinners.  Even the games we played, we were all the winners.
Now that you are gone, I'll miss how you reached out to others,  Not just to the world, but all your sisters and brothers.
Now that you are gone, you'll never be seen again.  You now have a stronger ARM, upon which you can lean.
Now you are enjoying yourself, in a fantastic place.  You have left us behind, to run this Christian Race.
By, Sandra Juanita Knight Nailing

Jun 2014 · 278
Who Has the Final Say
My sister lay in the Hospital bed, breathing on her own.  I don't see any tubes around, from the Doctor, bad seeds are sown.
They have stopped feeding her solid food, and no food into her veins.  What about this picture I see, to me it is insane.
The Doctor has taken off his white jacket, and put on the robe of God.  I believe he better be very careful, before God decide to use His Rod.  As long as there is breath in a person's body, do you realize there is still hope?  During your moments of waiting, God gives you strength to cope.
Lazarus lay in the tomb, for three long days, in that smelly grave.  There was still hope for even him, because the Life Giver stood by him, Mighty and Powerful to save.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Jun 2014 · 687
The Loud Talker
There is the loud talker, so please protect your ears.  She may go on, and on, and may never yield.
There is the loud talker, who may love to show-off.  She may continue to speak, even if she have to cough.
There is the loud talker, who love to dramatize.  She will give you a great performance, right before your eyes.
There is the loud talker, who is always using her tongue.  Around this type of person, you just cannot have fun.
There may be hope for this loud mouth person, politely slip away.  Find a nice quiet corner, so you can bow and pray.  
Ask God to heal her deep down, especially, her inner ears.  She does not have a clue, that she cannot properly hear.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
You can find joy in the midst of sadness, because you know where a person has gone.  After living a life sold out to God, Heaven is bound to be a person's home.
You can find joy in the midst of sadness, knowing you'll see them again.
This will come only as a result, living a life free of sin.
You can find joy in the midst of sadness, knowing the person carried God's light.  They sacrificed the things of this world, for an opportunity to live a holy life.
You can find joy in the midst of sadness, just know it was worth it all.  When it's your time to stand before God, you can proudly stand tall.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
May 2014 · 281
Are You Really Sorry
Are you really sorry, for the hurts of the past?  Then, why are our black men, at the hands of white Police Officers, still getting blast?
Are you really sorry, concerning the days of old?  Why do we still see the homeless sleeping in boxes, in the freezing cold?
Are you really sorry, concerning having a racial balance in our Schools?  Why don't we have an even balance, why not make it a Rule?    
Are you really sorry, why aren't we equally the same?  When applying for a job, you choose only certain names.
Are you really sorry, to speak out against the "Black Man?"  They have come from such a long way, and they are determined to "Stand."
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
May 2014 · 361
All In The Name Of Greed
I think about the VA Hospitals, throughout the United States.  People had to lay down their lives, because of those in command produced  information that's fake.
So many people rob our banks, from those who sowed many seeds.  They had to take what did not belong to them, all because of "GREED."
Over in Africa, the horns are ripped from the elephants heads.  People make a profit off the ivory, while the elephants lay stretched out dead.
Greed has taken over this Country, right before our eyes.  When those who are in leadership are confronted, they stutter, as they spit out nothing but lies.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
May 2014 · 255
Who Are You Going To Call
When you find yourself in trouble, and you're filled with doubt, who are you going to call, to quickly bring you out?
When your life is turned upside down, and you're bouncing off the wall, in order to find relief, who are you going to call?
When you are trying to past a test, all because it's hard, who are you going to call, please say, "The Lord?"
When you have lost everything, because of a very bad fire, or a mud slide, who are you going to call, to grant your heart's desires?
When you have so many bills to pay, and the collectors want leave you alone, who are you going to call, so you can stay in your home?
There is only one person to call, and that's "The Lord!"
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
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